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50 Proven Email Scripts – Ramit Sethi

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Use my private email techniques and get the actual emails that have built relationships, generated millions of dollars, and saved me thousands of hours. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Don’t wonder what words to say. Know for sure using tested email scripts for your business and personal life.

From the “personal email laboratory” of Ramit Sethi, New York Times bestselling author

I was sitting at my computer, waiting to push “Send,” but I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

It was yet another college scholarship application I was sending in, but I knew they wouldn’t see all my hard work…my sense of humor…my ambition. All they would see was this email.

IF they liked the email…they might read my application.

IF they liked the application, they might invite me in for an interview.

And IF they liked me in person…they might give me the scholarship — money I needed for college, since I came from a middle-class family.

But it all started with that email.

How many emails do we send every year? THOUSANDS?

But what do we do? We simply write what we think. That’s like walking into an interview and simply “answering their questions.” If that’s your plan, you’ve already lost.

Top performers know that 80% of the work in an interview is done before you ever set foot in the room. The same is true of email: 80% of the work is done before you ever write the first sentence.

To be truly EFFECTIVE, we must learn how to see inside people’s heads and write emails that move them. To truly understand what motivates a busy person to open your email, respond to it, and stay in touch with you.

By the way, this is becoming increasingly important as we receive more and more emails. If you master these skills, you’ll always be able to break through overflowing inboxes and avoid the barriers that people put up to keep out time-wasters and inexperienced salespeople.

I’m talking about emails that are considerate of busy people…

that deeply understand what they want and fear…

and cut through the clutter (even the clutter of a Fortune 500 CEO) to get a response.

And honestly, how many of us just write whatever email we want, then complain when people don’t respond?

Instead of learning how to write world-class emails, we do…THIS

What do we do instead of learning how to write world-class emails that get results?

We search for the latest productivity app! We believe that if we can somehow “manage” our inbox, everything will be OK.

Here’s the truth: You can spend the rest of your life trying to wrangle your inbox under your control…and you might be EFFICIENT, but you will not be EFFECTIVE.

That means you can be at “inbox zero” and still get nothing meaningful done!

To be truly EFFECTIVE, we must learn how to read people’s minds and write emails that move them. To truly comprehend what motivates a busy person to open your email, respond to it, and stay in touch with you.

By the way, this is becoming increasingly important as we receive an increasing number of emails. If you master these skills, you’ll always be able to break through overflowing inboxes and avoid the barriers that people put up to keep time-wasters and inexperienced salespeople out.

I’m referring to emails that are considerate of busy people…

that are acutely aware of what they desire and fear…

and cut through the clutter (even that of a Fortune 500 CEO) to get a response.

I’ve been testing emails since 1998. Subject lines…copy…length…the number of questions to ask…and virtually every permutation you can imagine.

I started because (1) I’m a testing nutcase and (2) I realized we send THOUSANDS of emails every year. If I could improve my emails by even 10%, that’s a savings of thousands of hours over my lifetime — time I can spend traveling, going out with friends, or doing whatever I want to live a Rich Life.

And with a large email list, I’ve been able to explode the number of tests I run — running sophisticated email analytics — and develop even deeper techniques of reaching people.

You know this — you read my emails!

What if you could take the years of learning I’ve done and apply them to your OWN emails? Not just your business emails, but your personal ones?

How I learned to write emails that get results

I was struck by how many of us write emails every day, but never take even a few hours to systematically deconstruct how to write a winning email.

These emails are important.

  • These emails help us connect with mentors, hiring managers, even friends
  • They help us get promotions
  • They let us invite people to parties…and actually have them show up!
  • They build our professional reputation
  • They affect our time — either presenting us as efficient, likeable professionals, or time-wasting ramblers who require multiple back-and-forths to get anything done

So, knowing I’d likely spend the rest of my life writing emails, I decided to start testing a new way of sending emails.

Here’s what I did.

First, I “stress-tested” all the email advice everyone gives us. For example, “send short emails! Just the facts! Nobody reads long emails!”

It’s funny, because I know a very sophisticated marketer who wrote emails that are 10-20 pages long. People scoffed at them, saying “These are ridiculous. Who reads these things?”

He smiled and said, “Only the buyers.”

I quickly discovered how much of the “advice” out there is totally wrong. In fact, some of my very long emails have generated millions of dollars.

Second, I started to try to reach busier and busier people. I discovered the different way that busy people treat email from everyone else. And knowing these differences is critical if you ever want to reach them.

For example, when I was in college, I would email VERY busy people (CEO-level) and feel bad if they never replied…or if they sent a 1-line reply. I would blame them, saying, “Ugh, it would only take a minute to reply.” But over time, I learned that it was MY fault — and if I had written a more engaging email, I probably would have gotten a response.

Learning how to write to VIPs — including the key phrases and psychological triggers to use — was how I secured jobs consulting at multiple venture-capital firms as a college student…and met bestselling authors…and got invited to speak in Hawaii and Japan and all over the world.

Finally, I tested these in my personal life. I didn’t want to come off as a weird robotic emailer…so I tested new ways of inviting people to parties and getting flaky friends to respond.

And now I want to reveal the actual emails I’ve used to build relationships with CEOs…generate millions of dollars…and save thousands of hours — all from my inbox.

REAL EXAMPLES: How others have used my email scripts

“Ramit, I used your networking email script and it worked! All of it felt completely natural and honest. People seem relieved that I am up front, have no angles, and understand that they are busy. And they seem to enjoy being useful, so we all benefit!”Andrea P.

“I used one of your Closing the Loop email scripts during the chat and had an answer with an invitation in my inbox by morning.”Laura M.

“I wanted to thank you for the networking scripts. I used it (with some modifications) to secure an informational phone call with an employee that works at a firm I’m currently interviewing with.”Eric S.

Your script around asking for flexibility worked, the hiring manager totally got it and even encouraged me to apply at other accounting firms.”Kevin S.

“I emailed three people within my network and by the course’s end had THREE informational interviews set for THIS WEEK and set 6 more today… all thanks to your tactic and email scripts.”Chris Vetrano

“Hi Ramit, your email scripts couldn’t have come at a better time. In a few weeks of moving to San Francisco, I was able to secure meetings with 3 YC founders, and since then, have met a bunch of CEOs.”Jay Patankar

“I decided to send one of my contacts (a potential employer) an email to “keep the contact warm”. I tweaked your email script a little and look at the response below! (actual email script)

Happy New Year and thank you for your email. We may have an opportunity that be suitable, however can you please update me with your current CV?

Man, scary….this stuff works!”Vidya Raman


How to Reach the Unreachable, Get the Ungettable,
and Send the Perfect Message…Every Time

For the first time, I’m opening up my private vault to show you the actual emails I’ve sent and received that have made winning impacts.

But not just the emails. I want to share my personal feedback on WHY these emails work. In fact, I’ll share my actual analysis for every email, showing you where the email works and where it fails. You’ll also get inside techniques I’ve never revealed publicly — ones I developed myself and tested with millions of emails.

There is no other way to access this material. You cannot hire me to write emails for you, even at my hourly rate of $3,000/hour (not a typo). I only write emails for myself.

But you CAN get access to the actual psychology of how I developed my emails over years and years of testing. Then you can see the word-for-word emails, including my analysis of each one.

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Use my years of testing to copy and paste these emails — and watch the results roll in.

Don’t ever feel “stuck” at not knowing what to write. You’ll get actual scripts that help you build instant rapport, but also get down to business — all respectfully and ethically.

And don’t worry about your emails being ignored. Since these subject lines have been tested, you’ll be confident your email will be seen AND responded to.

You’ll learn:

  • How to set up phone calls with “higher-status” people so they make time in their busy schedule to talk to you. (Page 49)
  • Impress an interviewer before you walk in the room with this simple script for confirming a meeting. (Page 53)
  • Why a pre-meeting email can set you up for success with a busy executive and my go-to template. (Page 54)
  • Why you MUST email a busy person before you send them something unexpected (like an invitation to an online app) — and how to make them look forward to the invite. (Page 55)
  • How to get VIPs to take time out of their busy schedule to meet with you and answer your questions. (Page 57)
  • How to double the size and value of your network by asking for recommendations of people to talk to. This script is a lifesaver for people uncomfortable with networking. (Page 58)
  • Just because someone is a stranger doesn’t mean you can’t connect via email. Use this proven script for asking advice from a stranger via a cold email. (Page 59)
  • Want to connect with a VIP who doesn’t know you exist? Reach the unreachable by asking one of your mutual contacts to introduce you. (Page 63)
  • How to get a VIP to respond to you — THE SAME DAY. (Page 70)
  • Don’t you hate it when you ask several questions in an email and the person only answers one? It drives me nuts. That’s why I tested and refined this script to get multiple questions answered in an email. (Page 67)
  • How do you ask someone to be a reference for you if you haven’t spoken in a while, even years? Not a problem with my killer reference request email. (Page 71)
  • If you’re focused on building relationships, you better get good at introducing two people over email. I introduce 10-15 pairs of people per week, so I know what works, what doesn’t, and what mistakes aggravate VIPs. (Page 76)
  • Get your foot in the door at a top company with this proven script for landing a competitive internship. (This is a two-page master class in positioning, even if you’re not looking for an internship.) (Page 86)
  • The thank you email is crucial and often botched. Here’s the best way to seal a great impression. (Page 89)
  • How do you keep a relationship warm after the initial meeting? With the Closing the Loop Technique. I’ve personally used this technique (and these scripts) to build lasting relationships with VIPs, land jobs, and secure national press. The three scripts in the Closing the Loop Technique are quite possibly the most powerful scripts in this ebook and worth the price alone. (Page 90)
  • Don’t let gatekeepers keep you from connecting with VIPs. Use my script for emailing a busy person’s assistant so he goes out of his way to get your message to the VIP. (Page 95)
  • How do you reconnect with an old contact that’s gone cold? Learn how to remind them of your connection and use the wide/narrow technique to ensure you reconnect. (Page 103)
  • Turn email rejections into positive relationships with this proven script. (Page 105)
  • Need to send an email reprimanding someone? Read this first. (Page 113)
  • How to ask your boss for vacation time so he’s happy to sign off on the request. (Page 115)
  • Email is a terrible time suck if you’re not 100% clear and strategic about your messages. You can easily save HOURS a month with my scripts for reducing back-and-forth emails. (Page 131)
  • While you’re saving time…don’t waste your time at pointless meetings by asking for an agenda first — politely. (Page 136)
  • Save even more time by declining meetings (without burning any bridges). (Page 139)
  • Email also drives your personal life. That’s why I’ve included a bunch of scripts to help you boost your social life. Like my script for inviting friends out that actually gets more of them to RSVP and attend. (Page 143)
  • And lots more!

Get instant access to these word-for-word email scripts now

I’ve collected all these scripts — and more — into a new mini-course for you.

I included a detailed analysis of every script, so you understand WHY each one works.

I also went a step further for you.

One thing are scripts. They are extremely valuable, and you will rarely come across someone offering you tested scripts (because testing is hard). But I want to prepare you to write ANY email you come across.

So, in addition to the scripts, I included the actual private framework I’ve developed to know HOW to write powerful emails that get results. You’ll learn the techniques I use to create and test these scripts. Using this “framework” approach, you’ll be able to do more than just copy and paste my scripts…you’ll be able to create your own emails for any situation you come across.

Now. A month from now. 10 years from now.

50 Proven Email Scripts comes with my 60-day guarantee. I offer this because I know these scripts work, and you’ll be able to see they work by sending just one email. In fact, I continue to use these scripts myself every week!


After reading through your productivity pack offer, I literally caught myself thinking, “how could I NOT do this for $57/month for 4-months?” – followed by, “holy shit… he just SOLD me.” I don’t EVER read copy and feel so compelled by it that I’m left feeling like it’s describing an opportunity that’s too good to pass up. I will be buying your productivity pack as soon as I finish this email, but as a small-business owner, I wanted to let you know that I learn as much from HOW you deliver your products and messages as I do from the actual product and message.

Thanks for being such a great example of “pursuing better” in all you do.


In fact…let me show you some other examples of how these emails have helped my students live a Rich Life.

MORE PROOF: These email scripts can help you write better emails

I got my dream internship! It was pretty incredible, as I didn’t fit into the usual criteria or requirements of the job description but was able to sell myself as the perfect candidate. Honestly, I got the most utility out of the networking scripts and questions.”Laura Yu

“I reached out to a prior boss I haven’t seen in 4 to 5 years about a position I heard about at that company. All I had asked for was if I could still use him as a reference and his up-to-date contact info. He responded in less than a half hour. By following up and offering to keep him in the loop, he then responded with an offer for a letter of recommendation and an offer to send a personal email to the hiring manager on my behalf. Holy Crap! It really works…”Greg H.

“Used your e-mail script to reach out to someone I consider relatively famous in his line of work because I am interested in picking his brain about what he does. Doubted myself a long time but eventually pressed the send button. He responded a few hours later saying he would love to take the time to speak with me. I’ll be talking to them on Wednesday. Super excited about this opportunity. Thanks Ramit.”Keith Graham

EVEN MORE PROOF: These email scripts can help you write better emails

“Two years after taking the course I’m still using your scripts. I call them my “fun money scripts” because whenever I want something random like to go on an extra vacation or buy furniture or take a class, I can use them a get some clients right away.”Melani W.

@ramit I tried & tested ur email transcripts to reach out to people and so far all have replied back 🙂 #way2goSamia Love (@samialove)

“…I wanted to show you this. This was only the fourth person I emailed on my list of leads. She just accepted my rate at $100 an hour for their event. Booyah! See how I pretty much just copied your “qualify leads” email? Worked like a charm :)”Julia Kelly

“[Your course] was going great until I hit the e-mail scripts. I thought they were bullshit. Dogshit. Some kind of off-smelling substance you don’t want to find your foot in, nevermind send electronically to people you are hoping to meet. Then it worked. In fact, I had people responding to politely tell me they weren’t a good fit and why (instant market research – narrow it down) while I lined up my first meetings. I was able to charge $80/hour to my first client, a nice jump from the $40/hour I had gotten…“Jonathan V.

Get instant access to 50 tested, word-for-word email scripts to change your life

Learning how to reach people and get them to respond to my emails was one of my biggest breakthroughs. It’s not just about crafting a fancy subject line. If you can understand how your recipient thinks, you can instantly penetrate an overflowing inbox and get the answer you want.

You can build relationships with VIPs that others have to go to business school to develop.

You can become more interesting and funny over email.

And you can do this all authentically and honestly — EVEN if you’re not a great writer.

You have a choice to make today. For years, you’ve been writing tens of thousands of emails. What if you could access 50 tested scripts — and the psychology behind them — to improve your emails even a little?

What kind of difference would that make to you in the next month? The next year? 10 years?

Imagine knowing exactly WHAT to say…HOW to say it…and being confidently backed by thousands and thousands of tests.

You’ve been reading my emails…now you can learn to write them.

Writing the right email can change your life.

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50 Proven Email Scripts – Ramit Sethi
50 Proven Email Scripts – Ramit Sethi

Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $42.00.

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