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Anti Niche Marketing Blueprint – Stuart Walker

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“Discover how this simple, time-tested, step by step ‘anti-niche marketing’ blueprint could let you trade in your 9 to 5 hamster wheel for the laptop lifestyle you’ve always wanted faster and easier”

Hi there,

My name is Stuart Walker.

In the next three minutes, I’m going to show you a potentially life-changing new way to make real money in any niche, even if you’ve never made a penny selling online before…

One that anyone could use to win back their time and freedom.

Whether you’ve been marketing online for a while and you’re not having the success you’d like or…

…You’re thinking about dipping your toes in the water for the first time and you don’t know how to get started, either way this is for you.

I call it my ‘anti-niche marketing’ method because as you will discover, it’s different from anything you’ve ever seen before.

It’s a fresh approach with new techniques that work with today’s market instead of the same tired, outdated strategies most niche marketers use.

With this new business model, you could leap lightyears ahead of other niche marketers and achieve your financial goals faster, easier and without wasting your hard-earned cash on things that don’t work.

And the best part is…

  • You don’t need a degree in marketing or business.
  • You don’t need a ‘guru’.
  • You don’t need deep pockets to get started.
  • You don’t need to spend months on expensive courses or training.

If you’re struggling to figure out how to market online, I totally ‘get’ it…

When I first started out, I made a ton of mistakes, blew tens of thousands of dollars and wasted time doing things that didn’t work.

I didn’t know who to trust and there was no shortage of so-called ‘gurus’ who were happy to empty my wallet and leave me without any real solution to my problems.

I bought expensive courses, attended webinars, watched tutorials and read dozens of info-products that just left me more confused than I was before.

The information was complicated and none of the so-called experts seemed to agree on a how to do it, which only left me broke and frustrated.

If you’re suffering from ‘information overload’ and you’re confused about where to start, you’re going to love this, so please keep reading…

What I needed back then, was a way to help me put together all the critical information into a step-by-step, logical plan that I could easily understand and follow.

And as you will see in a minute, that’s exactly what my Niche Marketing Blueprint could do for you…

Anyway, back to my story…

When I finally did have my first taste of success, there wasn’t nearly as much competition in some niches as there is now.

All you had to do was put up a ten-page website, write a bunch of content, add some affiliate links, wait until Google ranked you #1 and watch the money roll in.

The bad news is…

It’s old. It’s outdated and much of it no longer works.

Many of the strategies that worked back then no longer do and that’s just the way it is.

The trouble is, people are still using these same, small-minded strategies today.

As a marketer, you need to be able to adapt to the rapidly changing online marketing climate.

And, if you’ve bought products in the past and you’re having trouble making money with them, that’s likely the reason.

They worked then. They don’t work now.

In the past decade, more and more people have begun shopping online, causing competition to explode.

Big players like Amazon, Ebay and Wal-Mart got into the game, shifting millions in advertising dollars into the online market, making it tough for the ‘little guy’ to compete.

Google got stricter about how it ranked web pages. And, content became ‘king’, which created a whole new set of problems for everyone.

You can’t do a Google search for any retail product now without seeing Amazon or another brand come up first with a list of their deals.

How do you compete with these billion-dollar a year, advertising giants?

I’ll tell you a secret…you don’t! More on this later.

Anyway, I could have quit when my business began to fail, but I was determined to find a way to make it work.

So, I went back to the drawing board and spent another year or so refining, testing and perfecting my niche marketing business using new strategies.

And eventually, I created a proven ‘blueprint’ that worked…one that anyone could use successfully in today’s changing business climate.

One that can be easily scaled and replicated as many times as you like across virtually any niche no matter what the market does…

And more importantly, a strategy that doesn’t rely on just one revenue stream…so it could continue to make you money no matter how the market changes.

This is a key part of my niche marketing strategy…

Using this approach, your business could continue to thrive and grow no matter how online marketing changes.

Because when you have multiple revenue streams, if one strategy stops working, you could continue to make money from other sources while you look for one to replace it.

Anyway, as I became more successful I was privileged enough to be able to help a lot of other niche marketers along the way.

Nichehacks.com has helped thousands of marketers over the years and I’m pretty dam proud of it.

I want you to understand that what I’m going to share with you today is the exact same strategy I use to build my business every day.

I’ve held nothing back. There’s no tricks up my sleeve here.

If we both started from ‘zero’ and used my Niche Marketing Blueprint, you could expect to get similar results.

And, if you’re wondering whether there is enough money to go around or why I would share this information, consider this…

According to the National Retail Federation (NRF) online sales will grow 8%-12% this year alone.

This suggests e-commerce sales are poised to run between $427 billion and $443 billion, based on Census Bureau data.

Why is this data important to you?

Because a report by leading affiliate network Rakuten, which manages the affiliate program for brands including Walmart, Lacoste, Virgin Holiays, Papa Johns and Macy’s, state that…

…84% of online retailers have an affiliate program.

Which means you can sign up as an affiliate, promote their products and services, and get a cut of that $427 billion to $443 billion in e-commerce sales for yourself.

Rakuten also report that the affiliate marketing industry is set to soar to $6.8 billion by 2020 meaning there’s going to be more and more affiliate commissions for you to pocket.

The National Retail Federation also state that the top-rated strategy for driving affiliate sales is content marketing.

And content marketing just means creating content such as product reviews which is something you can easily create especially when you have access to the “Anti-niche marketing blueprints” I’m offering here.

And that’s not all…

Wired Magazine stated that Amazon made over $10 billion in sales in 2016 and CNBC report that Amazon’s sales are growing by 25% every year.

Why does this matter to you?

Well, Amazon themselves have said that over 40% of their total sales come from affiliates.

Meaning the pie just keeps getting bigger and bigger for affiliate marketers like yourself.

And check this stats out…

According to a study by the BBC the internet has over 3.2 billion people online and is growing by around 30 million people every month.

Which means more and more potential customers are coming online every day.

The facts say there’s plenty of money for all of us to share.

So, if you’re worried about competition or you think I’m worried about it, think again.

More people are shopping online than ever and online sales are soaring.

Anyway, back to my story…

One night I was putting the finishing touches on one of my niche marketing products and I realized there was still a critical piece of the puzzle missing.

As I said earlier, all the information you need to build a successful niche marketing business is up on my site for anyone to use – that’s 100% true.


What was missing was a step by step niche marketing plan.

One that could let you achieve the results you want faster by guiding you through the entire process in small, bite-sized chunks, so you’re not overwhelmed and you don’t miss anything important.

If you’ve ever put one of those DIY desks together, you know exactly why this is important…

They give you a box of lumber, a five-pound bag of screws, bolts, nuts and washers and a set of instructions that only an engineer could decipher.

It’s all there…everything you need…

But without a clear understanding of what to do first, second, third etc., you might as well use it for firewood.

And that revelation led to the creation of my Niche Marketing Blueprint.

It’s a bundle of 15 of my flagship niche marketing products – 11 of which have NEVER been fully-released to the public before.

They are not on my website or in the paid members area.

Look all you like…you won’t find this information being offered for free anywhere online.

If you’re still in the ‘research’ phase, you’re going to love this because I’ve already done all that for you, so you don’t need to spend months searching for solutions that work.

In this Niche Marketing Blueprint, you’ll find everything you need to create a generous second income stream in any niche.

It’s a complete, step by step plan that anyone could easily understand and follow.

There’s modules packed with all the information you need to achieve optimal results and start making money quickly with zero fluff or filler.

And, all the information is up to date, so there’s no need to worry about whether it could help you earn an income in today’s market.

If you work through each module one at a time in the order I‘ve laid them out, you could create a successful business that puts money in your account today, tomorrow and ten years down the road.

And the ‘evergreen, anti-niche marketing’ business model I’ve shared is designed to help you create multiple revenue streams.

So, even if the market changes you could continue to enjoy an income with your business.

 Here’s a taste of what’s inside…

Module 1 – Offers a brief overview of the entire Niche Marketing Blueprint.

I also share six critical things you must have to get started off on the right foot, along with details for the best place to get each one.

These are all things designed to save you time and get you up and running quickly.

Module 2 – Features an introduction to the ‘big picture’.

In it I explain how all the components of the Niche Marketing Blueprint fit seamlessly together to create the ultimate business model.

If you truly want the ‘laptop lifestyle’, you’ll learn why this is the ONLY business model you should build.

  • You’ll learn how and why smart online marketers build their business from BACK to FRONT, instead of the other way around. Most marketers get this all wrong and knowing how to do it will save you a ton of headaches down the road.
  • You’ll also learn about the six key components every niche marketing business must include in order to be truly successful.
  • And, I’ll walk you through a real-world example, so you can see this business model in action and understand clearly how these six critical components could be used to generate a steady income stream.

 Module 3 – Module 3 is all about setting goals, getting stuff done, adopting the correct mindset and understanding marketing.

Inside you’ll learn:

  • Tips for staying motivated and productive, how to plan effectively, set goals and fine-tune them using the S.M.A.R.T. formula.
  • A powerful technique that wealthy, successful people use to achieve their goals and dreams faster and easier.
  • A ton of tips to help you get organize, stay on point and complete tasks on time consistently.
  • How to free your mind from unnecessary clutter and eliminate distractions so you can focus clearly on the tasks at hand.
  • A little-known ‘syndrome’ that inflicts many entrepreneurs, how it is one of the main reasons why people who want to build an online business never do, and how to cure yourself of it immediately if you have it.
  • How to free up hours of your time by outsourcing many of the mundane tasks involved with running your day to day business, so you can focus on things that are important.
  • The 80/20 rule and how it can help shift your focus onto the things that have a direct impact on your life and your business so you can grow your income even faster.
  • One fatal mistake almost every new marketer makes and how once you get this right, you’ll finally be able to sell products online.
  • The two factors that will always make people want to buy from you over anyone else – learn these and you’ll be light years ahead of the competition.
  • Why selling when done properly, is not a bad thing and how you’d actually be doing your audience a disservice by NOT selling to them.
  • Why you don’t need to be an expert or a ‘gooroo’ to sell and be successful online.

Module 4 – Module 4 takes a closer look at the optimal business model more in-depth.

Here you’ll learn:

  • The difference between a niche site and an authority site and why one is better suited to your goals.
  • How ‘drilling down’ into a big niche can reveal a smaller sub-niche with excellent opportunities to earn big profits from a raving group of fans.
  • How to make your niche site into an ‘evergreen’ business – one that will make you money now, 10 years from now and beyond.
  • 10 powerful reasons why this business model is the one to choose over any other.
  • A brief overview of the different revenue streams you can set up so you could create a reliable, and consistent second income with your site.
  • Why you need multiple traffic sources to build your niche business, a summary of where you’ll get that traffic from and why niche marketers who rely on just one source, invariably fail.

Module 5 – In this module, you’ll choose the perfect niche market in seven easy steps.

It walks you step by step through the entire process allowing you to choose a profitable niche with plenty of raving fans to market to.

Inside you’ll learn:

  • What a niche is.
  • How to brainstorm niche ideas effectively using a fool-proof 7 step system.
  • Why ‘passion’ or ‘problem’ niches are the best ones to get into and how to decide which one is perfect for you.
  • How to decide what you know about the niche.
  • How to evaluate any niche for profitability.
  • How to find your unique angle and compete.
  • How to properly test and evaluate your niche to ensure it has every chance of success BEFORE you decide to invest your time and money

You also get a handy niche brainstorming worksheet and checklist you can print out and use to help you decide which niche to pick!

Module 6 – In module six I cover everything no one will ever tell you about content.

  • And you’ll discover what the REAL goal of having that content should be (it’s not what you think).
  • I also share how to update that content on a regular basis, how often to do it and how to do the research to find content your visitors are going to love (most niche marketers get this all wrong too).
  • Plus, I’ve included a copy of my wildly popular ‘Viral Content Hacks’ – a 77-page report that covers everything from getting started writing to how to make your content go viral.

This one report alone is worth at least the entire cost of the entire Niche Marketing Blueprint.

Module 7 – Module 7 is all about getting traffic and it includes copies of several reports I’ve previously written and update.

  • You’ll learn the “3 W’s of traffic” system to get targeted traffic to your site on near auto-pilot.
  • In these five detailed reports, there are hundreds of traffic hacks I’ve used successfully for email traffic, SEO and paid traffic.
  • If you use these powerful hacks, you could save yourself a ton of time and money avoiding things that don’t work and get more targeted traffic than you could ever need.

Module 8 – Module eight is all about email list-building.

Your email list is one of your most important assets in building your business and making sales.

  • I cover how to build a rock-solid relationship with your audience and gain their trust, so they’ll be happy to buy your products.
  • You’ll learn how to attract subscribers like magnets and the four types of content to send them.
  • I’ve also included a special report with the 50 emails I used to generate $34,626.12 over 7 promotions, that you could use as inspiration to craft your own emails.
  • Plus, you’ll get an in-depth analysis of the email sequence I wrote to earn a $6,750.11 in profits and race to the #1 slot on the Leaderboard during an affiliate contest I entered.
  • You’ll see each email I wrote so you can get a feel for how to craft winning emails that you could send to your subscribers.
  • And to make it super easy for you, I’ve also included several of ‘fill in the blank’ email templates you can use to write virtually any subscriber email.

Module 9 – This module is all about making money.

In it I reveal the “stacked” revenue model I use and why it’s the best one for you to use too.

You’ll learn about different types of recurring monthly offers you can offer your subscribers, this means your income literally grows month on month without any additional work.

And I’ll give some of the niches that are perfect for each type of revenue model.

I’ve also included a pile of information on creating your own stupidly simple digital products that anyone with a Word Processor and Google can create.

You’ll learn:

  • Why it’s important to eventually “stack” your income options so you aren’t just reliant on Amazon or other affiliate networks commission payouts.
  • The different types of stupidly simple digital products you can create (if you choose to, it’s optional) just with a Word Processor and access to Google.
  • How to brainstorm ideas for your product using Google and popular market places.
  • I even included information on how to write a high-converting sales letter to sell your digital products if you choose to create them (optional).
  • I’ve also included a copy of my ‘Hands Up’ method for generating $1,000’s in commissions from your affiliate marketing campaigns.

You’ll see the exact results I got using this method. Plus, I’ll show you the anatomy of a winning affiliate campaign, so you understand clearly how I did it.

Module 10 – In this final module I’ll show you how to outsource and automate 90% of your business so you can create a niche site that runs on virtual ‘auto-pilot’.

I believe you should work on your business, not in it. And not recognizing this distinction is one major reason why many businesses fail.

Because what’s the point of having a thriving business if you’re killing yourself working 16 or 18 hours per day, right?

No one is proficient at every aspect of running a business.

Automation and outsourcing, lets you focus on those aspects of your business you’re good at, while someone else handles the ‘grunt’ work.

I’ll give you examples of which tasks you should automate or outsource and tell you where to find affordable resources to get the work done right.

This is just a brief introduction to everything I cover in this step by step Niche Marketing Blueprint.

However, the plain truth is…

If you treat it like a hobby, you’ll likely fail.

You need to treat it like any other business and invest some time and money in it.

The good news is…

If you work through all the steps in my Niche Marketing Blueprint, you could avoid the mistakes I made, slash the time you need to work on your business to just an hour or two a day and spend a lot less money in the process.

It’s everything you need to start a profitable business marketing online from scratch. No fluff. No filler.

It took me more than a decade to learn how to be a successful niche marketer. I spent hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars acquiring this knowledge.

And today, I’m giving you a chance to bypass all of that so you could become a profitable niche marketer in a fraction of the time it took me.

Imagine…being able to easily create a niche marketing business that you could use to generate a comfortable five or six-figure income.

Imagine… if you could earn what you want to, rather than the limit imposed by your pay schedule.

It could take you years to do it on your own, but now you don’t have to.

Now, you may be asking yourself: “Why should I trust this guy?”

I don’t blame you. There’s plenty of posers who’ve never had a lick of success who peddle lies all the time. And even more who leave out the important bits.

So, here’s a few quick facts about me…

As of right now I’ve sold tens of thousands of affiliate products and my own digital products and made upwards of $300,000 in revenue in the past few years from this.

Including selling more than 6,100 products and making $122,340.28 in commissions just on JVZOO alone as you’ll see from the screenshot below…

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All the courses on WSOlib are led by top authors and experts in their respective fields. Rest assured that the knowledge and skills you acquire are reliable and highly applicable.

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Anti Niche Marketing Blueprint – Stuart Walker
Anti Niche Marketing Blueprint – Stuart Walker

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