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Bad Boy Formula – Carlos Xuma Download. If you’re a guy who’s sick and tired of letting the Bad Boys steal all the beautiful women and leave you with nothi…

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“Discover The Bad Boy Secrets That Will Turn Women Into Instant Love Junkies – Begging To Possess You…”

Put Your Love Life On Steroids Without Any Shady Tricks Or Manipulation…

If you’re a guy who’s sick and tired of letting the Bad Boys steal all the beautiful women and leave you with nothing, what you’re about to read will amaze you…

I’ve also been the unwitting victim of the “Bad Boy” when he stole my girlfriends and fleeced me of women I should have been able to get with.

It SUCKS to watch these guys at work on women, getting the attention and sex you deserve. I always felt like I was a low status man, pushed around by guys who were loud, obnoxious, and inconsiderate.

Sometimes you don’t know who to be more pissed off at – the Bad Boy for his “evil” ways, or the women who seem to ignore you and then jump at the chance to be mistreated by one of those guys…

Have you ever thought something like this: “I’m sick and tired of being alone. Why does this jerk get women when I clearly have so much more to offer to her? Why can’t I attract the women I want when I am obviously a better catch?”

The KEY To Success With Women – And The Success Of Every Guy I’ve Coached – As Easy As These TWO SIMPLE STEPS…

1) Get rid of the “Nice Guy” behaviors that make women run away from you – or push you in the “just friends” bucket.


2) Get a little more of the “edge” that women want (Because a little goes a LONG way…)

That’s a FACT. Whether we want to admit it or not.

What about you? If you’re like a lot of other frustrated guys out there…

  • You see women telling you they want a “nice” sensitive guy, but when you try to be nice, she runs away – right into the arms of some jerk…
  • You see other guys out there that act like complete jerks, but they never have a problem meeting women or getting a girlfriend – and you still feel like you’re pushing a boulder uphill to get a second date with a woman…
  • You don’t want to have to act like a JERK to get a date, but you know they’ve got some game that you wished you could use…
  • You might have a woman in your life that you want to get, who is hopelessly addicted to the jerks and dogs out there…
  • You see these “Bad Boys” out there, not playing by the rules – doing what he wants – but getting to win the game anyway…

Look, it’s okay…

It’s not your fault.

You did the best you could with the information you had.

Now I’m going to help you go even further with your game than you ever thought imaginable, all by using some principles that most guys will never understand how to use in an ethical and responsible way.

In fact, I’ve got some insights for you that will clear up a lot of your confusion about this whole “Bad Boy” myth. I’m even going to share something about these “bad boys” that most guys never realize – and as a result you may be handicapping yourself in your dating.

I would go to bars, parties, hang out with friends, and no matter what happened I would always run into a “bad boy” type. You know, the guy that was a little obnoxious, but always seemed to charm the women right out from under me…

I Hated The Bad Boy Because Of What He Could Do, BUT…

But the fact is that as much as I hated him (or said I hated him) the truth is that I was JEALOUS as hell of him.

He was getting the women that I should have been getting, and I knew I was a better catch than him. *I* deserved those women! You ever feel like that?

You know what the WORST trait of the “Bad Boy” is, though?

The Bad Boy doesn’t care what you or me – or ANYONE thinks, because he’s out there gaming up all the women for himself…

And he doesn’t give a crap if you don’t like him or his methods,because they WORK for him!

Some guys might think this sucks – and a lot of guys might think it sounds awesome.

The Bad Boy doesn’t even consider “average” guys like us to be a threat to him because he just hustles and games and wins women over.

But he’s not invincible, and you’re going to learn how you can beat him at his own game… You’ll have the best of BOTH worlds!

Look, women won’t admit they bang the Bad Boy all the time to other guys. In fact, she usually won’t even admit it to herself! But we know the truth, and it’s time to start using the truth to set you free…

What’s The Hidden Pattern In Your Nightmare Of Dating Failure?

I think I know what one part of this pattern is: When a Jerk comes along and screws it up for you, but you were too nice to beat him at his own game.

I had one girlfriend that met a guy on the bus on the way home one night. Apparently he “sweet-talked” her into letting him “stay overnight.” She said they “just cuddled,” but I know she was full of it.

I was such a “nice guy” that I didn’t even break up with her when she told me.

She dumped me the next day.

(GET THIS: She called me a month later, crying her eyes out about how this guy hurt her, and how he was a “jerk.” While we’re on the phone talking, she got another call. She clicked over and said she had to go – it was HIM on the other line. Incredible. )

wanted to blame women for this, but it’s really not their fault. These guys are so good at their game, I had NO chance.

It was because I had no idea how to KICKSTART attraction like they did so that these women would be interested in me for more than just a meal-ticket. (You know, sometimes we teach people how to treat us. I was being TOO much of a nice guy, plain and simple.)

I’ve got a happy ending to this story though.

First off, I want to give you a couple tips.

You probably already know this: Women secretly crave the secret sexual fantasy of the “Bad Boy” who whisks her away or seduces her.

And if you don’t believe me, just go look at the covers of 90% of the romance novels on the bookstore shelves. Actually, I’ll save you the time and effort on this one… They all show a woman being ravished by some “Fabio” looking guy.

You may not like the Bad Boy, but you respect that he’s got something you wished you could use on women.

WARNING: What I’m about to tell you could give you nightmares.
I’m not kidding. You may want to skip this next section…

I don’t like to be the bearer of bad news, but there’s a good chance a woman you’ve desired – maybe even dated – has messed around once – or more – with one of these guys. If she hasn’t actually slept with him, she’s probably fantasized about him – while she probably only thought of you like a brother.

Deep down, that’s a fear I knew that I couldn’t keep feeling over and over, and I knew I had to cure it for good.

This situation will never happen to you if you arm yourself with the secret formula of the Bad Boy.

Here Is Every Guy’s Worst Nightmare…

This is going to be difficult to read, and I almost considered not telling you this. But I want you to know that it’s something that every nice guy fears the most:

EVERY GUY’S WORST NIGHTMARE: Finding out that your girl got gamed by an enchanting rogue of a Bad Boy – that she totally surrendered herself to hot multi-orgasmic sex with him…

…while you were out buying her a nice diamond bracelet.

Think it doesn’t happen? It happened to ME, my friend, and I vowed that I’d help other recovering nice guys out there get their balls back and never have it happen to them.

You don’t want her thinking about HIM – you want her fantasizing about YOU. And that’s what using the “Bad Boy” techniques will help you to do.

Never EVER Try To Be THIS Guy…

The one thing I know is that I never want to have to change who I am or become a manipulative rat to be a success with women. It just wouldn’t be worth it.

There is a certain kind of guy out there who makes it tough for guys like you and me to get the women we want.

This is the profile of a Dating Criminal. He’s dangerous – and DESIRED by most women he comes into contact with. (Even MARRIED women… shhhh!)

Have you ever run into this guy?

  • Gets drunk and obnoxious wherever he goes…
  • Says the most inappropriate things – totally politically INcorrect…
  • Constantly running out of money and mooching off his girlfriend…
  • Seems to mistreat his girlfriend(s) at every turn, yet they are hopelessly addicted to him…
  • Talks about sex explicitly… almost embarrassingly
  • Quick with a put down – usually for YOU
  • If he has a girlfriend, he mocks her and makes criticizes her…
  • Never makes any promises, and gets away with murder…
  • If he doesn’t have a girlfriend, he’s always dating women all over the place – maybe even using women for sex

The worst part of this is, he seems to get away with it.

And the DOUBLE worst part of this is that women seem to get in line to spend time with him.

Or just to sleep with him!

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to figure out what parts worked, and throw all that Jerk behavior in the trash?

Wouldn’t it be nice to walk into a place and know that you can attract any woman you want, even if there are bad boys on the prowl, because you’ve got the heart of the nice guy AND the irresistible charm of the jerk that women can’t stop masturbating over?

This will actually make you MORE appealing than any one-dimensional bad boy that only knows how to look good by making other guys look bad.

So Real, It’s Scary…

Have you ever seen the 1982 movie “The Last American Virgin“? It’s kind of a classic, but at the same time, it’s one of the most painful movies for a guy to watch.


Well, if you haven’t seen it, let me tell you why it’s so agonizing:

The Last American Virgin is a teen coming-of-age film in the same vein as “Better Off Dead” and “Fast Times at Ridgemont High.”

Most of the plot involves a group of kids – including Gary, the protagonist – and their numerous failed attempts to have sex for the first time.

Well, Gary is completely in love with this girl at his school named Karen, who has no idea he’s interested in her. She’s dating a jerk by the name of Rick.

Now, eventually, Rick – the jerk – gets Karen pregnant and dumps her. Gary – being the sweet Nice Guy – decides to help Karen – get this – pay for her abortion by selling most of his possessions and borrowing money from his boss.

After the abortion, Gary and Karen spend the remainder of the weekend alone together in Gary’s grandmother’s house. They seem to hit it off and Karen invites Gary to her birthday party the following week. Gary scrapes up a few more dollars and buys Karen a gold bracelet for her birthday. (And he hasn’t even slept with her yet.)

However, when Gary arrives at the party, his dreams are shattered when he sees Karen making out with Rick in the kitchen. Yes, the same guy that got her pregnant. She’s back together with him again.

The film ends with the credits rolling over a close-up of tears streaming down Gary’s face as he drives home.

Wow, what a downer, huh?

Here’s the thing, though:

I’ll Bet Every Guy Out There Has Had Something Like This Happen To Him…

Maybe not as extreme as that situation, but I’ll bet you’ve had a woman you desired, who you did everything for, and in the end you didn’t get her. Some other “bad boy” or jerk got her instead.

Have you ever been in or heard of a situation like this:

  • You’ve had a sweet, hot girlfriend that you’ve been with for a few months, and she goes to hang out with a group of her friends. You tried to call her on her cell phone, but you keep getting her voicemail. What’s she up to – and who is she with? It’s 3:30 in the morning, and now you can’t sleep – wondering
  • You’re in a bar, talking to an attractive woman. Suddenly a guy comes up, starts chatting both of you up, and then she waves goodbye and walks away with him a few minutes later. The incredible part? You could swear that guy was her boyfriend, but it turns out that was the first time she’d ever met him…
  • You’ve been friends with Gina for over a year now. She calls you to talk about her boyfriend, Dave, who “is such a jerk.” You stay on the phone for hours and hours when she “breaks up” with him for the thirty-fifth time. The next time you see her, they’re back together again – and all you can feel is a boiling jealousy in your gut…
  • You’re hanging out with some guys at a bar, and one of them is telling stories of his sexual adventures – about how he slept with three hot women over the last weekend, and said he only wanted to “bang them and move on.” You feel a mixture of anger – how could this guy treat women like this? – and then jealousy – wishing you could do what he could – and then you feel guilty about that wish…

What Is It That These Guys Have?

Is It Some Kind Of Secret Power?

You probably don’t want to actually BE this guy – well, not the jerk parts or the manipulative side or the way they’re so inconsiderate of women – but we would give anything to figure out what it is that they’re doing – and have a strategy for how to NOT be the kid that’s crying while he’s driving home from another lost girlfriend.

  • How to NOT be the guy that gets “played” by a woman who’s under the spell of the “Jerk…”
  • How to NOT be the guy that sits on the phone for 3 hours listening to the woman he wants as she complains and complains about her boyfriend – but she’s back with him in just a few days – or hours!
  • How to NOT be the guy that finally gets in bed with a woman, and all she wants to do is “cuddle…”
  • How to NOT be the guy that hears “I just don’t think of you in that way” when you ask a woman out…
  • How to NOT be the guy that misses the signals and gets dumped because his girlfriend got lured into the clutches of a Bad-Boy-Jerk…
  • How to NOT be the guy that gets cheated on by his girlfriend with some guy she met last night…
  • How to NOT play by the rules – and get away with it – and beat the Bad Boy at his own game!

You’re probably asking one thing right now:

“How Do I Get That Kind Of Success With Women Without Turning To The Dark Side?”

It’s actually really easy…

And, like I said, you don’t want to BE a jerk. You just want to use his formula to get his kind of success with women.

If you can’t beat ’em, you don’t have to join ’em. You can learn HOW they’re playing the game, and then have your own counter-tactics that get the same results – but without ever having to hurt women in the process.

What you need is your own Bad-Boy “Central Intelligence Agency” feeding you “intel” and insider information from the other side.

You see, the reality is that women are not turned on by the Bad Boy’s anti-social and selfish behavior. She doesn’t really enjoy being mistreated, either. What the Bad Boy is doing is creating a set of emotional experiences for her that are wild and volatile – and unique.

It’s not the ABUSE that women are seeking from the Bad Boy – but the emotional responses these guys give them that women are so addicted to. It is literally like being a “junkie.”

Do You Know A Woman You’d Like To Win Over…?

There’s a BIG side benefit to everything I’m talking about here, too.

I’d be willing to bet that there’s a woman out there you’re interested in, but you’re intimidated to approach or talk to. OR you may have accidentally fallen into “friends only” territory with her. Maybe you’re just sick and tired of watching a wonderful woman that you have really strong feelings for get mistreated over and over.

You can rescue her and make her yours.

Here’s a secret to winning her over: You have to JUMP START her emotions and attraction for you to get out of the Friends-Only zone. It’s like throwing a lit match in a gas tank.

That’s right – the only thing that’s going to get her interested in you is to show her your “edgy” side so that she thinks “Whoah, there’s more to him than I saw before.”

And guess what?

The Bad Boy behaviors are that match to ignite her interest in you over the rest of the guys out there.

Here’s The Secret To Dominating The Dating Game Like A Bad Boy…

IMPORTANT FACT: Bad Boys have a fatal flaw in their game that you can exploit…

The reality is that most Bad Boys don’t know when to “turn it off” – or HOW. That means that they attract women quickly and powerfully at the start, but they also burn women out just as fast – and he finds it difficult to keep things going with her.

Also, the “natural” bad boy doesn’t even understand what it is he’s doing. And as a result – he eventually loses his powers after a while.

The “Alpha” Bad Boy – which you will be when you learn his formula – NEVER loses his ability. And you learn how and when to turn it down so that you don’t wear out your welcome.

So learning the hidden methods of the Bad Boy Formula will not only help you ignite the passionate fire at the start, but this method will also give you the part he doesn’t have: The ability to keep things hot and heavy for as long as you want to keep her!

Now, here are some tips you can use right away…

3 Reasons Why The Bad Boy Gets Success With Women – And Nice Guys DON’T….

1. Bad Boys Are Self-Centered…

Let’s be very clear about this: Bad Boys never really seem to care that much about getting women. They’re always absorbed in their own life, focused on their own fun and enjoyment.

They also command respect.

Bad Boys never let anyone “walk all over them.” Ever!

Their self-respect overrides everything else in the world. They will walk away from women that demonstrate any hint that they might disrespect him. (And Bad Boys have special techniques of showing self-respect so that they never have to SAY it, either.)

The fact is that people disrespect us all the time, by wasting our time, energy, and resources – or just injecting DULLNESS into our lives – without even realizing it. The Bad Boy does not let this happen, and is quick to eject out of a boring situation so that he can get his needs met.

This self-centered behavior is a symptom of extreme independence and confidence.

Another trait of the Bad Boy is this…

2. Bad Boys Are Like “Crack”…

Bad Boys are concentrated FUN to a woman.

Yes, they’re like a drug, in a lot of ways. And for women, sometimes addicting.

One Bad Boy is enough to ignite a dull party into something much more fun than it was before. And it’s not because the Bad Boy is drunk and enabled with alcohol – it’s just his ‘way.’ He has fun for himself *first* and then other people enjoy hanging out with him because of that.

The influence this guy has on a woman’s nervous system is just like “crack” cocaine. Here’s how the effects are described:

“Crack-cocaine delivers an intensity of pleasure completely outside the normal range of human experience. It offers the most wonderful state of consciousness, and the most intense sense of being alive, the user will ever enjoy.

“She will access heightened states of being… Groping for adequate words, crack-takers sometimes speak of the rush in terms of a ‘whole-body orgasm.'”

Not only do Bad Boys have this effect on women, but…

3. Bad Boys Are LOOSE CANNONS…

He’s a rebel.

And he’s spontaneous.

It’s this “risky” side to the bad boy that gives him a mystique that other guys just do NOT have.

Slightly un-predictable, but always interesting because you never know what you’re going to get.

The problem is that a true Bad Boy can be erratic and over-the-top, and that can be scary to be around after a while. But again, he’s creating an emotional response in a woman that she cannot control.

The good news is that there are ways to show a woman these qualities and get the same emotional responses from her without the exploiting and mistreatment. Which means that…

A Guy Who Uses These Strategies Correctly Will Demolish The “Bad Boy’s” Game Any Day Of The Week.

Now, if you read those descriptions above and thought to yourself, “But Carlos, that’s just not ME. I mean, I’d like to be able to be that kind of guy, but I’d feel fake and weird doing it. That’s way too uncomfortable.”

I totally agree with you!

When I started hanging out with some of my “jerk” friends, I thought to myself:

“Is THIS what I have to do to attract women? If so, then I’ll pass. Thanks anyways.”

But as time goes by, you start to reconsider that when you realize that your Nice Guy act isn’t getting you squat, and there HAS to be something to the whole Bad Boy thing, right?

I went back and forth on this for MONTHS when I was learning how The Bad Boy Formula worked.

You see, I finally figured out what I was doing wrong – the one big thing that was holding me back…

“This Is Where 90% Of Guys Go Wrong And Why We REALLY Get Bitter And Angry At Women…”

You’re probably like me – you get angry at these “bad boys” out there that get women and even STEAL them sometimes.

The unknown truth is that these guys that we call “Bad Boys” are actually right on the money!

That’s right…

“Bad Boys” and “Jerks” are NOT the same type of guy.

The guys that we think of as JERKS are the ones doing all the damage – the BAD stuff…

  • Making her cry and upset
  • Mistreating her
  • Taking her for granted/Disrespectful to her
  • Cheating on her
  • Lying to her

On the other hand, the Bad Boy is the guy that looks like he’s hurting her feelings, but he’s really the guy who knows how to make sure HIS life comes first.

He’s the guy that is being unapologetically MASCULINE. (He’s the guy you probably hear me talk about as the “Alpha Man.”)

Using “The Bad Boy Formula” Actually Creates A True Win-Win Situation

You see, what most guys have been calling a “Bad Boy” is really the “Jerk.” He’s the guy that’s out of control, and hurts more people than he attracts. The problem is that the Jerk’s strong sense of independence and “take no crap” attitude are attractive to people who are looking for a leader.

  • …the Jerk is arrogant – strutting his stuff – e
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