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Barter Arbitrage – Vegas Vince

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Original price was: $294.00.Current price is: $29.00.


Barter Arbitrage – Vegas Vince Download. Note: Since it’s release in 2010, Barter Arbitrage has become the top selling, most critically acclaimed product o…

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Note: Since it’s release in 2010, Barter Arbitrage has become the top selling, most critically acclaimed product of ALL TIME in regards to exploiting the secret trillion dollar trade industry.

It has NEVER sold for less then $294.00. But this is the final product I will ever release…..so read on.. because this is truly one of the most epic WSO’s ever presented at a price that is truly insane.

Barter Arbitrage 2.0 has been completely updated with even more awesome strategies

See for yourself exactly how my partner and I have turned a billion dollar industry completely on its head… and how you can take full advantage of our breakthroughs immediately!

  • Discover the trick for getting nearly anything your heart desires… at up to 85% off – luxury vacationshigh-end jewelrysporting eventsprofessional and personal servicescarsboats… you get them all for pennies on the dollar!
  • Leverage the most simple, proven strategy for generating easy consistent cash… without building websites… without setting up blogs… without creating autoresponders… or worrying about what Google is gonna do next. Google CAN’T SLAP THE BARTER INDUSTRY!

Trade is truly EVERGREEN.

  • This has NOTHING to do with any of the typical Internet Marketing “formulas” – forget all the same old junk everybody pitches you everyday… this is DIFFERENT!
  • Experience for yourself how easy it is to get involved in a low-risk, high-profit cash-cow business – one that only gets bigger and better year after year…
  • Scoop up my most highly-prized and insanely profitable secrets for ethically exploiting an ancient currency loophole and business strategy that very few people know anything about…

As you may have guessed by now… I’m describing the massive profit potential that’s waiting for you inside my secret goldmine – the Barter & Trade industry…

Specifically, I’m talking about my under-the-radar tactical money-making strategies that I call, “Barter Arbitrage“…

Now, I wouldn’t blame you one bit if the idea of “bartering” sounds about as exciting to you as watching paint dry…

It’s not your fault…

Most folks have absolutely NO CLUE about the utterly OBSCENE amount of profit sitting out there in the barter and trade business, just waiting for you to pick it up…

Forget Everything You THINK You Know About Barter…

It’s easy to be fooled by the mistaken notion that bartering is only about trading like value for like value… the fat cats running the show want you to believe that barter only works that way…

For example, “I give you A, in exchange for you giving me B…”

That type of direct barter transaction is what I less-than-affectionately call Trading Chickens For Goats

And it’s the lamest, most unimaginative, unprofitable form of barter!

That’s not what I do… not even close…

Modern barter and trade is a totally different animal…

 You’re about to discover how to make SERIOUS MONEY

 …in a secretive and totally overlooked marketplace.

In fact, by the time read every word of this letter, you will know MORE than 95% of the “experts” in this business will ever know!

Barter is now a trillion dollar business that is growing exponentially year after year…and each year it seems to get more “secret”.

Bartering & Trade as a form of commerce is actually older than money

But the business of trade has changed with the times and grown more and more advanced… right on pace with the way technology has advanced.

In fact, with the advent of the Internet, a whole world of new opportunities for profitably exploiting barter opened up – and it only gets better each year for those smart enough to take advantage…

Exploiting barter for easy cash profits may just be the last, great money making opportunity on Earth…

After all, there’s only so many ways you can slice a pie…

The Only Three Ways To Make More Money In Business

  1. You increase your number of customer
  2. You increase the frequency you sell to your customers
  3. You increase the dollar amount you sell to your customers

That’s the whole ball game in terms of sales and marketing, really…

If you increase how many customers you sell to… increase how many times they buy from you… or get more money from each transaction… you’ve done pretty much everything you can do to extract the most value out of your business.

But get this…

With the secrets of leveraging barter and trade that you’re going discover today… you’ll be able to add a new, FOURTH option to that list:

  • Sell OTHER people’s stuff… to OTHER people’s customers… …and bank 5X, 7x, even 10X profit in the process!

Most folks have never even considered that possibility – including the so-called experts in the business…

It’s a wide open market… one that only you and a small handful of people in the entire WORLD will ever have the first clue about!

“I’ve known Vinnie for years, starting on the Warrior Forum. And even though I won’t make a cent from this recommendation (because there isn’t an affiliate program for it!), I’m telling you about it coz Vinnie’s a straight shooter – and you’ll get a FANTASTIC value for your money from this deal. – Dr. Mani

, www.drmani.net

As a comparison…

Let’s take a quick look at the current reality of the marketplace for Internet Marketers, online entrepreneurs, as well as traditional small business owners:

Internet Marketing as we currently know it is DYING…

What used to work great in the past just doesn’t get the same results anymore. The market is over saturated… The web and people’s email are overrun with the results of spammy, automated software tools and push-button “autopilot” systems.

And you know what? People are getting completely fed-up with that…

 Customers are more skeptical and more cautious…

Buyers are demanding more from you now as a merchant than they ever have in the past…

More transparency… More results…. More VALUE.

Competition in the marketplace is ferocious nowadays… and when that happens, the seller with the most value wins. Period…

 Financial losses & a rotten economy have left folks hurting…

Despite whatever the marketing guru of the month has been telling you… average, everyday consumers, the normal folks living in the real world, are really feeling the pinch of tighter credit, mounting job losses, and watching their life savings disappear right before their own eyes…

People are WORRIED out there… Even the lucky ones who haven’t yet lost their job, their house, or their life savings are now holding onto their wallets with a death grip these days…

Because nobody knows what’s around the corner anymore!

Finally – Something DIFFERENT… Something UNIQUE… Something that actually WORKS For Putting Money In Your Pocket Over & Over Again…

Here’s the flat out truth of the matter…

If you’re looking for the next shiny, push-button, fully-automated, get-rich-quick overnight scheme… what I teach is definitely NOT for you…IF U ARE A A REFUND ARTIST AND TRUST ME I KNOW WHO U ARE….PLEASE DON’T BOTHER ORDERING!

There’s a few million other places online you can go for that…

But if you’re truly seeking an honest and completely legitimate way to earn serious money

…in a totally untapped and overlooked marketplace…

…in an “alternate business reality” that is unlike anything else you’ve ever tried…

…in an obscenely profitable business that can put a steady stream of income in your pocket on an ongoing basis…

…with a new skill-set that will allow you to KEEP much more of what you earn…

If that sounds like something for you… then please read on!

Barter & Trade Is The Most Overlooked, Untapped Opportunity On Earth – Online or Offline…

Making money with Barter is all about LEVERAGE…

And making money with Joint Ventures is all about leveraging other peoples resources…

I’m going to teach you my revolutionary methods of marrying the two concepts into one money making bonanza!

  • How to score big ticket, luxury items like cars, boats, and high end cosmetic surgery… for pennies on the dollar…
  • Learn my dead-simple techniques to go out tomorrow… and swipe high end products and services dirt cheap… using the power of barter!

This is probably the coolest and most fun part of the course… because it’s so easy… it’s so logical… and it works!

  • How to pluck the perfect “bribe” from the barter world and use it to score brand new luxury items for yourself or to sell for profit!

In many cases… you can pull this off without investing a dime of cash!

  • Learn how to walk into a luxury sports car dealership, hand the owner a sheet of paper printed off your computer, and walk out with a deal that pays you $1,000 cash every time someone buys! And the dealers will love you for this! No cash, no credit, or bank account required to use this explosive barter technique!

Barter Arbitrage works for just about anything!

  • Discover how I helped a well known Florida model obtain over $6000 in cosmetic dental work on barter… for what amounted to a few hundred dollars in “real money!”

You can do it too!

  • Learn how to use barter to score luxury boats that people in Florida are literally desperate to sell… and you can scoop them up for as little as 10 cents on the dollar!

Once you Know how to create barter dollars out of thin air… you can use those dollars to buy and sell the world… Along With everything in it!

  • Experience rent free living… in some of the most beautiful, million dollar vacation homes in the world… for less then it would cost you to rent a chintzy room at a Motel 6!
  • Vacation like a ROCK STAR in amazing exotic locations… for pennies on the dollar…

How about this…

There’s this exclusive, private island in Belize.. a luxury resort that golf legend Tiger Woods and Hollywood star Harrison Ford pay THOUSANDS of cash dollars to book.

This private celebrity resort is WAY too expensive for the average Joe to afford…

And YOU could be there sipping fruity drinks while soaking up the sun and swimming in that refreshing crystal blue water…

…just like an A-List movie star or a world-wide sports legend… for a few HUNDRED bucks – once you know how Barter Leverage works.

You can book an entire WEEK on an exclusive island paradise… for the same money it would cost you to stay at an average, run of the mill hotel in any major city!

Travel like a celebrity… stay in some of the most beautiful vacation homes in the world… on a college student’s budget… through the power of barter!

The current real estate depression has created an influx of gorgeous, luxurious homes and vacation getaways…
now being offered on the barter exchange

Multi-million dollar vacation properties that rent for thousands of dollars a month… are now being offered for barter dollars… which I show you how to create for next to nothing!

Here’s your chance to take advantage of the “bad economy” – enjoy these ultimate vacation experiences… for a fraction of what the rich and famous pay!

Build Your Brand And Grow Your Business Faster, Easier & Less expensively With Barter

Use the power and leverage of barter to position yourself or your business… you can look and operate like a Fortune 500 company… even if you’re dead broke.We’ve all heard the old saying, “image is everything…”

Well, you don’t have to BE a million dollar company… to LOOK like one….

Discover a devastatingly effective technique I teach that will obliterate your competition… and make you look like you have more money than Microsoft… even if you’re facing bankruptcy!

This knowledge can save your hide in troubled economic times… when it feels like everyone is pulling the rug out from under your feet!

Here’s An AMAZING Opportunity You Won’t Get Any Other Way!

I show you secret, one-stop source for obtaining advertising in the world’s most prestigious publications… like Entrepreneur MagazineThe Wall Street JournalUSA TodayThe Robb Report… for below dirt cheap prices!

And believe me… this is the one “source” the advertising and barter world pray I don’t reveal!

The fat cats have made millions of dollars with this “guy” in Las Vegas… and now you’re going to have direct access to him too! Oh yeah, he can get you tv and radio and anything else media related as well!

But it’s not just the access that important… I teach you how to take this secret source… all the way to the bank!

Consider this

A half-page 4-color advertisement in Entrepreneur Magazine costs over $50,000 cash!

I show you how to get that exact same ad… for a tenth of that price…

You get exposure that everyone else is simply priced out of… but you’ll have access!

“Anyone With A Will To Succeed Can Do This…”

“Trusting Vince’s reputation from the Internet Marketing world, I took a chance just to see what this “Barter” thing was all about, and…

Man, was I shocked!

If you are looking for a recession proof business that can put cash in your pocket from both ends of the deal, then barter is for you.

Always on the lookout for new business opportunities, this was the best new approach of 2009 I have seen and trust me when I say I see them all.

You don’t need a website, you don’t need to know how to drive traffic, heck, you don’t need to know a thing about barter, it’s all delivered on a silver platter in this course.

Anyone, and I mean anyone with a will to succeed, can do this business and make a great deal of money in the process.

Vince and Sylvia lay out a paint by numbers system that allows you to barter almost anything, they even show you numerous places to find deals you cannot find elsewhere and then turn that barter cash into the green kind all without breaking a sweat.

If you are looking for a lifetime business, then you seriously owe it to yourself to check this out.”

 “Better still…”

I’m going to show you how to “flip it” to someone else… at a dirt cheap price… but enough to put thousands of cash dollars in your pocket!

And it wont cost you a dime out of pocket!

I’ve got your attention NOW, don’t I?

Grab a full page advertisement in the prestigious Washington Times daily newspaper… for a FRACTION of the $14,000 everyone else is paying!

How about… $1500? That’s what I pay…

It’s absolutely true… I show you how!

Take advantage of this legal loophole and generate thousands of dollars… using big time media on the “cheap” to generate massive profits faster then you could ever imagine…

By now… you’re starting to see the possibilities for saving a ton of money and being able to get access to the world for pennies on the dollar…

But there’s that’s only half of it…

Take It From Somebody Who Knows…

“I trust in Vince and I love the topic. So the purchase was a no brainer. Again, non-affiliate link! P.S. This is my first info product purchase in at least 3 years. Let’s say I’m selecting which “pilots” I let give me flying instructions and even more selective on the topics.” – www.RobToth.com

Just in case we don’t know each other yet, it’s the one and only Vegas Vince here talking to you today…

For the past 4 years My Blog Talk Radio show, Sales & Marketing Behind The 8-Ball, has been one of the highest rated and most popular on the whole network… not bragging, just sayin’…

Over the years, my straight-shooting style and love of making money in unconventional ways has given me a reputation as somewhat of a renegade. And honestly, I’m damn proud of that…

First and foremost, I’m a restaurant owner. My family and I run an insanely popular local seafood joint here in sunny Central Florida…

I was also a professional promoter and booking agent for pro wrestlers, sports celebrities, adult film starlets, and other “colorful characters” for many years.

In other words, I’m what you might call a “marketing maverick”… somebody who’s been around the block more than a few times in business… and ain’t afraid to buck the system when necessary.

As you’ll soon see for yourself… no matter what, old Vinnie here calls ’em like he sees ’em! That’s earned me the trust and loyalty of a lot of friends in the marketing community…

But my “bottom line first” approach has also pissed off more than few people…

And I don’t apologize for that, either…

Like Jack Nicholson said, some people just can’t handle the truth. Others don’t like it much when somebody like me actually speaks up and calls “B.S.” on their nonsense.

Any way you cut it… I don’t pull any punches and even those who disagree with me can usually respect that.

The fact is…

If you’re willing to think a bit “outside of the box”… and look at things a little “differently” than everyone else does… this could be the most important letter you’ll ever read!

And whether or not you ever do any business with me…

I’m going to make sure that the five or six minutes it takes for you to read every word of this letter teaches you something valuable…

Let me prove to you why My Barter Secrets Represent Such A KILLER Opportunity For You…

Anybody who knows me will tell you… I’m clever… but I ain’t exactly a rocket scientist…

I don’t know how to build websites or do all that techy Internet Marketing stuff that everybody else is so into… Hell, I can barely get my computer to work half the time.

But one thing I DO know how to do is make serious money in a way that NOBODY ELSE has ever taught…

Today, I’m sharing with you every last one of my secrets for exploiting the barter and trade system and raking in massive profits of 5X, 7X, even 20X multiples!

Unlike too many of the “experts” who hype whatever they think people will buy… I actually DO what I TEACH.

I’m not a Internet Marketer… I’m not an information product creator… This is the one and only product I’ve ever released (and probably the only product I will EVER release!) Check that: THIS IS THE FINAL PRODUCT I WILL EVER RELEASE.

I’m no genius, but I DO know how to make money…

Barter Has Given Me Over $258,730 In Spendable Income The Last Two Years Alone…

For the past couple of years, I’ve quietly pulled down over a quarter of a million dollars by exploiting a few gaping loopholes in the barter system…

The sales report shown below represents just one of the trading accounts that my partner and I use – but let’s be clear about something…

The reason we’re showing this report to you is not to dazzle you with splashy sales numbers… or promise that this is the kind of results you’ll achieve…

What we’re doing here is giving you REAL LIVE EXAMPLES of the things we’re actually selling on barter – day in and day out – to generate tens of thousands of real, spendable trade dollars…

…that we use to buy other goods and services…

…or cash convert for big profits!

We generated over $67,725 in super-profitable purchasing power selling a wildly varied mish-mash of products and services on trade.

And most of what you see came from other people… which we turned around and sold on trade for massive mark ups!

 $67,725 in spendable income which cost pennies on the dollar to create!

The profit potential in Barter is truly LIMITLESS…AND YES…I still trade today. It’s one of my major sources of income and will remain that way and…

…once somebody shows you the real “tricks of the trade”…YOU can do it too!

So let’s do that now…

Let Me Clue You Into A HUGE Secret…The WORSE The Economy Gets…The BETTER Barter Works!

While everyone else freaks out about the sagging and dragging economy… I’ve been quietly making a KILLING with Barter Arbitrage…

I’ve devised a few wicked-smart twists of the Barter system that allow me to:

buy goods and services on trade at full retail value for pennies on the dollar (buy high)…

sell them in the cash market far below wholesale pricing (sell low)…

and STILL pocket a ton of cash

My methods allow me to create money out of thin air, over and over again!

…and I am going to show you EXACTLY how you can do the same!

Even if you’ve got absolutely ZERO experience with the Barter… you CAN do what I teach.

The truth of the matter is…

…it might even be BETTER if you comes into this training as a total newbie to Barter and Trade.

The folks that have come to me as total newbies always do better because they don’t have any baggage about how things are “usually done”.

These secrets Of Barter & Trade are completely Untapped And virtually unknown…

I’m just like you... I’ve bought a truckload of different training courses, information products, ebooks, seminars, videos, DVD’s…

WAY too many of them are just the same old crap, rehashed and regurgitated into a new form with a fancy cover and some slick packaging…

 I promise you this – the methods I teach are like NOTHING you’ve ever heard of before. What I do and what I show YOU how to do are 100% NEW…

I’ve personally bought every single course, book, training program and product on the market about barter… and NOTHING touches on what I teach…

“This product will change the way you think about business…”

The secrets in this product will change the way you think about business. And the techni

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Specification: Barter Arbitrage – Vegas Vince


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Barter Arbitrage – Vegas Vince
Barter Arbitrage – Vegas Vince

Original price was: $294.00.Current price is: $29.00.

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