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Being an Exponential Coach – Rich Litvin

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Being an Exponential Coach – Rich Litvin Download. World-renowned and highly sought-after performance coach Rich Litvin invites you to deeply develop your …

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REVEALED: High-performance coaching secrets developed from over a decade of researching, learning, and deep coaching…

Discover 8 Principles of Exponential Coaching Which Transform Lives & Leave your Legacy as a Coach

World-renowned and highly sought-after performance coach Rich Litvin invites you to deeply develop your highest coaching ability, so you can exponentially grow your income, impact, freedom and legacy as a coach.

That’s the question screaming inside Rich Litvin’s head when he peered into his bank account one early morning.

He had almost no money left in his account.

For the past year, Rich had worked hard to build his skills as a coach. He had done training after training. He knew his coaching was powerful. Yet, the cold hard facts were hard to deny: he no money to show for it.

So… why isn’t this working?

Rich soon found the answer and solution to break out of that pattern. Before you find out what helped him turn the tables around, let’s turn the focus on you.

Are YOU silently screaming inside?


  • You’re fairly new to coaching. You’ve done tons of training and you know you’re an excellent coach. But you struggle to market yourself and sign up clients; or
  • You have been coaching successfully for a while, but you’ve hit a plateau and you’re burning out in a vicious “dollars for hours cycle”; or
  • You might even have a 6-figure coaching practice, but you feel like you’re stagnating, no longer feel fulfilled, and wondering how to get back that spark

Wherever you are in your coaching journey, whatever you’re struggling with, know that just by being here, a brighter future lies before you.

For you’ll soon have the solution to get past your blocks and propel your coaching business to exponential levels of success, impact, freedom and fulfillment.

So how did Rich Litvin go from a struggling coach to one of the world’s most sought-after coaches?

Rich Litvin was struggling as a coach on the brink of being broke. What happened next?

Well, Rich found a way to get unstuck. But not only did he get unstuck — he continued to advance from strength to strength as a coach, always upleveling himself to the next stage of growth and success.

Rich went on to coach high-performing individuals, including influential leaders, Olympic athletes, Presidential candidates, Hollywood film directors, Special Forces operatives, serial entrepreneurs, and more. He also co-wrote a bestselling book on coaching, and founded and continues to lead several coaching communities with extraordinary consultants and coaches.

What exactly did Rich Litvin discover to put him on the path of exponential growth as a coach? And how did he do it without stagnating, plateauing, or hitting an income glass ceiling — and most importantly — without burning out or compromising his freedom and desired lifestyle?

The answer is quite simple.

Rich helped his clients lead an exponential LIFE. His own life and coaching business then grew exponentially as a natural result.

Help your clients achieve the 4 components of an exponential LIFE, and they’ll be lining up to work with you again and again

An exponential LIFE is not just about achieving any goal. It’s going for that moonshot, that game changer. It’s achieving the impossible goal and dream.

And when you can help your clients achieve THAT, they will want to work with you again and again.

So what is an exponential LIFE? Well, it is made up of 4 components which are:

When you lead your clients to discover their legacy, create an impact, experience freedom and align their life with what energizes them, then you’ve helped them create and live an exponential LIFE.

Do you want to know exactly how you can do this for your clients?

Well, you’re in luck because you’re about to discover the 8 Principles of Exponential Coaching which Rich uses to draw out the best performance out of anyone, so they’ll quickly experience the 4 components of an exponential LIFE.

See how people from all walks of life achieved the impossible goal and created an exponential LIFE

Just by applying these 8 Principles of Exponential Coaching, Rich has led his clients to perform at extraordinary levels and create miracles. Here’s a glimpse:

  • An Olympic athlete Rich worked with was struggling with her blocks around money. Within 24 hours of their first session together, she raised $40,000 of corporate sponsorship.>
  • A mother of three came to Rich with a ‘crazy’ dream of convincing Sir Richard Branson to write the foreword to her book and become President of her organization. After he coached her, she managed to get Sir Richard Branson to agree to do both. And now she runs one of his companies, too.
  • Rich’s client in the aerospace industry made a $1,000,000 as a result of a single coaching conversation with him.
  • An author Rich coached was asked to speak at Google about his initiative around Corporate Social Responsibility. After this speech, one of the senior directors of Google joined his Board and he was invited to fly to Bangladesh for a private meeting with Muhammad Yunus, the Nobel Prize winner and developer of micro-financing.
  • A fundraiser for a nonprofit, after being coached by Rich, just received his first backing from a Hollywood star and is now in conversation with one of the wealthiest philanthropists in the world about her becoming a million dollar donor.
  • A mother of two boys and the founder of a UK charity is one of Rich’s clients. She has the backing of a host of famous and powerful people and was awarded ‘Campaigner of the Year’ by the British Prime Minister. She has worked with Rich to build massive confidence and take her vision to a worldwide audience.

Think you can’t create results like this for your clients? Think again

Maybe you’re thinking there’s just something special about Rich. That only Rich has some kind of talent to get this kind of results for his clients.Well, let us assure you this exponential coaching ability is not something only Rich Litvin has.

You see, Rich has taught these 8 Principles of Exponential Coaching to other coaches. Time and time again, the coaches who apply the 8 Principles of Exponential Coaching create exponential results for their clients, which results in growing their coaching business exponentially too!

Here’s proof.

  • A woman Rich helped transition from the corporate world to becoming a consultant was offered her first ever contract with a top Hollywood studio at $350,000 for 6 months of consulting – it was her very first gig after leaving the corporate world.
  • One of Rich’s clients is a coach who signed her second ever paying client for $160,000. Her client paid in full and in advance.
  • Terrance created $250,000 in the first five months working together with Rich. He has had signed on clients paying him $100,000 and his practice is full. He achieved this with no website, email list or business card!
  • Christina went from making $50,000 in her first 2 years as a coach, to making $449,000 in her first 2 years working with Rich.
  • Tony now coaches just 2 days a week and makes $250,000 a year.

YES — you too can create powerful results for extraordinary clients.

YES — you too can escalate your impact, income and freedom.

YES — you too can become an exponential coach.

All you need to start on the path of exponential coaching are these 8 Principles of Exponential Coaching. Are you ready? Then let’s get to know a little bit more about the coach who will bring out the exponential coach in you.

Author Profile

Meet the high-performing coach who will bring out the exponential coach in YOU

Rich Litvin runs a leadership consultancy for world leaders, based in Los Angeles and London. The methodology is deep coaching. Bespoke. Not time-based. Ultra-successful people – people you would assume don’t need a coach – are the ones who call Rich. His clients include Olympic athletes, Presidential candidates, Hollywood film directors, Special Forces operatives and serial entrepreneurs.

He is an expert at taking high-achievers to the greatest levels of success. A lifelong student of human behavior, he has extensively researched the question of how tiny changes can account for radical differences in performance.

A thought leader in the coaching world, Rich is the founder of 4PC – The Four Percent Club – a private club for the top 4% of the world’s most extraordinary consultants and coaches.

Rich is also the founder of The Confident Woman’s Salon and The High-Achieving Introvert Project. He is a member of the Association of Transformational Leaders.

His forthcoming book is The Problem with Millionaires: A Book of Provocative Questions for Top Performers. You see, the challenge facing high achievers is that their game is so much bigger than that of anyone around them. They play at a level at which most people cannot even see how much they are holding back from what is possible. And what helped you get to your current level of success is precisely what will hold you back from your next level of success.

A scientist by training, he has a background in Behavioral Physiology and Psychology. He trained to teach at the University of Oxford and he has a master’s degree in Educational Effectiveness.

Rich has lived and worked in eight countries and on four continents. His wife, Monique, is an award-winning singer/songwriter. They are the proud parents of two little boys. And he still gets nervous walking into a party.

What You’ll Learn

Introducing “Being an Exponential Coach”

“Being an Exponential Coach” is a powerful home-study program developed from over a decade of researching, learning, and deep coaching. Here are 6 powerful breakthroughs you’ll experience in this course:

01You’ll become an Exponential Coach and deeply transform lives.

These 8 Principles of Exponential Coaching are proven to consistently create transformational results for the world’s top performers. You’ll learn exactly how to use each one of these 8 Principles:

  • Principle 1: Mastery & Mindset
  • Principle 2: Deep Inner Work
  • Principle 3: Exponential Coaching
  • Principle 4: Exponential Thinking
  • Principle 5: Exponential Community
  • Principle 6: Selling the Invisible
  • Principle 7: Serving the Incredible
  • Principle 8: Exponential Impact

02You’ll experience deep, lasting, natural confidence — from the inside out.

This course is not just informational. It’s transformational. After applying everything you’ve learned in this course, you’ll develop a deep, natural confidence in yourself from the inside out. You’ll move past self-doubt, fears and insecurities holding you back from the next level of success.

03You’ll achieve powerful shifts for your clients in less time.

You’ll learn how to go beyond surface coaching and into deep coaching. This is where the magic really happens. This is where you help your clients see the world differently, and when they do, they world transforms. That’s when powerful shifts happen, and they happen quickly.

04You can create a thriving practice with high-end clients.

You’re not just the average coach. You’ll be the coach that top performing leaders, entrepreneurs and extraordinary people line up to work with again and again. Why? Because when you consistently draw out the best performance from your clients to achieve the impossible goal, they’ll keep coming back to you and they’ll recommend you to the people they know.

05You’ll enjoy greater income without burning out.

When you grow your business through more re-enrollments and recommendations, you’ll spend less time and money on marketing. This means greater income without needing to spend more time hustling for clients, and without getting caught in the vicious cycle of exchanging hours for dollars.

06Unlock the freedom to live an exponential life.

When you create greater impact and income from your coaching practice, you gift yourself the freedom to live an exponential life. Spend more time with your loved ones. Strike off your bucket list. Create more impact through philanthropic works. And passionately pursue every other way your heart and soul want to soar..

Course Information

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn and experience in the transformational video course, “Being an Exponential Coach”

Module 1: Mastery & Mindset

Mindset is the real secret behind success. Success can be challenging because it’s not linear. So the very mindsets that have made you successful in life and business can be precisely what’s holding you back from the next level of success. This module includes:

  • What does it take to become a master at what you do? Discover the essential 3 elements of mastery
  • Unearth the secret sauce of coaching at the level of mastery
  • Discover the mindset that can change everything and shift you to the next level of success
  • “The Perfect System” tool to break free from patterns that keep you stuck
  • Insights and exercises which shape your mindset to prepare for mastery

Module 2: Deep Inner Work

This program is called BEING an Exponential Coach. Your being, your presence, the deep inner work you do counts at this level, because you can’t take a client any deeper than you’ve gone yourself. This module includes:

  • 5 exercises which will create change at a deep level for lasting impact
  • Understand the power of leadership and how to use language that impacts your clients
  • Discover how to unlock your “Zone of Genius”
  • Dive into deep inner work to become more present with you clients and take them deeper than ever before
  • Building a powerful foundation so you’re ready to work with any high-profile or high-achieving client without feeling scared or intimidated

Module 3: Exponential Coaching

What skills do you need to coach top performing leaders and entrepreneurs? You’ll find out in this module, which includes:

  • The 5 elements of Exponential Coaching
  • Unlocking the secret art of deep listening
  • How to take your clients deeper than they’ve ever gone before and play at the inner game of results
  • How to use experiments and games to draw out your client’s greatness
  • The 18 components of Fearless Coaching you need to know

Module 4: Exponential Thinking

In a world where people focus on 10% incremental growth around their life and business, we want to play in a world where we are looking at 10 times exponential growth. Creating that exponential curve for yourself and for your clients requires exponential thinking. This module includes:

  • How exponential thinking leads you into creating exponential impact
  • The 4 elements of exponential thinking and how it can deeply shift motivation and open the doors to high performance
  • The art of bringing clients to the very edge of their discomfort without overwhelming them to create an exponential life
  • Understand the distinction between ‘simple’, ‘complicated’ and ‘complex’ problems, which can help your clients unlock the exponential game
  • 9 pitfalls of top performers and the limiting beliefs of high performers

Module 5: Exponential Community

There’s real power in seeking out a community of peers who stretch, challenge and push you. Here, you’ll learn how to surround yourself by the best peers, clients and team so you can take your practice to the next level. This module includes:

  • Why creating an exponential community is crucial to reach your next level of success
  • Learn how to design an environment of being with the right people who understands you and raises the bar for you.
  • The 3 elements of building an exponential community
  • One powerful question to ask yourself to attract and build an exponential team
  • How to create a high-performing community and extraordinary business

Module 6: Selling the Invisible

Selling the invisible. How do you sell this “invisible” thing called Coaching? In this section, we’ll explore how to really sell this thing that we do which transforms lives, but it’s so hard to put into words. This module includes:

  • How to sell the invisible: The 5 Sales System
  • The truth about the competition and why it’s not where you think it is
  • The 4-step process to sign up a client that feels natural and fun
  • A 90-Day Money Game to accelerate your business growth
  • Creating Clients: The 6 Boxes Tool

Module 7: Serving the Incredible

How do you enroll and influence top performing leaders and entrepreneurs? How do you coach people who have done more amazing things than you have done? We’ll dive into that. This module includes:

  • Addressing the 3 common fears around coaching people who play an even bigger game than you
  • How to coach people who are more successful, wealthier or smarter than you
  • How to lead powerful people to see what they cannot see and overcome their blind spots
  • Powerful insights on how to coach a client with a huge vision
  • Tools to create exponential success for yourself and your clients

Module 8: Exponential Impact

How do you 10X your impact? What does it take to have a real impact in the person sitting across from you? What does it take to have an impact out there in the world? This final principle will set you on the path of exponential impact. This module includes

  • How you can jump past incremental progress and start creating exponential impact
  • A 5-part tool to 10X your impact and bring powerful shifts for you and your clients
  • The real story behind visible success and invisible failure
  • How to powerfully move past a “Vulnerability Hangover”
  • Bonus: An impact booster worksheet to quickly multiply your impact

Module 9: Closing Thoughts & Next Steps

As you reach the completion of the program, you’ll look into how you can apply the insights into action so you can build an exponential coaching practice.

What is the value of a legacy?

The world is full of extraordinary people with the potential to be exponential. They are craving to reach their full performance, to get to the next level, to create more impact.

As a coach, you are the missing link they need to get them from where they are to where they want to be. In fact, you’ve got what it takes to bring them even further than where they want to be. You can help them get to where they never even dreamt they could be.

You can help them achieve the impossible dream.

And when you can do this for each and every one of your clients, when you can work with extraordinary people, leaders and entrepreneurs and lead them into exponential lives where they greatly influence the world and create massive impact…

Then you’ve built a powerful legacy.

What is the value of a leaving behind such an important legacy? What is the value of fulfilling your higher purpose? What is the value of the freedom and income which you can create for yourself by building this legacy?

Thousands of dollars? Hundreds of thousands? Perhaps even more.

You and I both know in actuality how priceless this is, but we still need to put some figure to it. So let’s get to business and start talking numbers.

To get one-on-one Deep Coaching from Rich Litvin requires a minimum investment of $10,000. That’s the minimum. Many clients have paid him $200,000 or more.

Today, you have the chance to learn the 8 Principles of Exponential Coaching which Rich has developed over 10 years of research, learning and deep coaching. Principles he has used to coach extraordinary clients, charge premium rates, and create powerful results.

You can have these 8 Principles of Exponential Coaching to build your legacy right now…

At the same time, you’ll increase your capacity to work deeply with extraordinary clients who are ready to hit the next level of success and excited to pay you premium prices. What this means for you is…

More impact. More income. More freedom.

The best part? You don’t need to invest $200,000 which many clients have paid Rich for. You don’t even pay the Rich’s minimum fee of $10,000. In fact, not even $1,000.

“Being an Exponential Coach” is packaged at an insanely low price of $695. But if you commit today, you can learn to become an exponential coach with Rich at a deeply discounted price of just $695 $445.

And as if that’s not enough value, check out these priceless bonuses you’re getting with “Being and Exponential Coach”.

How is “Being an Exponential Coach” different to other coaching programs?

01 It’s transformational, not informational.

To powerfully coach extraordinary people, leaders and entrepreneurs, you need to help them go deeper than ever before. And you can only help them go as deep as you’ve gone yourself. That’s why this course is designed to be transformational, not just informational. When you go through the videos and reflect upon the lessons, you’ll open the doors to where deep transformation happens.

02 Learn 8 Exponential Coaching Principles and 26 Deep Coaching Secrets proven to create powerful results for the world’s top performers

When you learn these principles and secrets, you’ll unleash your highest ability as a coach to create high-quality powerful results and impact for your clients. And they will want to work with you again and again. And they will recommend you to others.

03 Elevate your own life so you can create an exponential coaching practice.

This course is different because it focuses on giving you insights which elevate your own life, so you can develop the skills to transform others in the same way. We already know, if we develop ourselves, we develop as coaches. We develop as business owners. Get ready to become exponential!

Evercoach’s Triple Guarantee

3 irresistible promises to give you peace of mind:

Guarantee 1: Quality

You will be blown away by the sheer quality and wisdom packed into every lesson which guides you through the 8 Principles of Exponential Coaching to become an Exponential Coach. Even the packaging and online membership area have been designed with the greatest care.

Guarantee 2: Results

Upon implementing the exercises and insights packed into “Being an Exponential Coach” in your practice, you’ll notice an instant result in your mindshift, confidence, and ability to coach to create powerful results with more ease and joy. You will have the skills and confidence to coach anyone at any stage of life to achieve significant breakthroughs and lasting impact. Remember you can also write to us anytime for personal guidance and tips.

Guarantee 3: Impact

“Being an Exponential Coach” will empower you to become a phenomenal coach with the ability to create deep and lasting impact. Becoming a better coach will also elevate YOUR life forever because your business will grow naturally as a consequence. You’ll enjoy the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of, have more time for your other personal goals, and enjoy more happiness and impact in all areas of your life.

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Technology and Coding: Learn about artificial intelligence, data analytics, programming, and blockchain technology from thought leaders like Neil deGrasse Tyson, Amy Cuddy, and Malcolm Gladwell.

Lifestyle and Wellness: Discover courses on holistic health, yoga, and healthy living from authors like Elizabeth Gilbert, Bill Nye, and Tracy Anderson.

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All the courses on WSOlib are led by top authors and experts in their respective fields. Rest assured that the knowledge and skills you acquire are reliable and highly applicable.

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Being an Exponential Coach – Rich Litvin
Being an Exponential Coach – Rich Litvin

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