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Betfair Scalper Trading Course – Stuart, Robert and Pete

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Original price was: $112.00.Current price is: $21.00.


Betfair Scalper Trading Course – Stuart, Robert and Pete Download. Disclaimer: This is not a ‘get rich quick’ product, or anything similar, Betfair trading…

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We have now trained ?Thousands of Members to make profits from Betfair? – With many having since ?progressed to becoming ?Full-Time Betfair traders.?? The video below will explain how £128 profit was made in 30 minutes using the strategies we will teach you on our Award Winning ?Betfair Course:

??A Full Explanation of The Betfair ???Trading Course:

Disclaimer: This is not a ‘get rich quick’ product, or anything similar, Betfair trading takes time, effort, and dedication to produce results.

Content Update 2019: The HD video tutorials now contain well over 15 Hours of detailed, professional Betfair Scalping & Pre Race Trading (now with well over 100+ Training Videos – All in High Definition)

?As you can see on the above video, £128 profit was made on just three races tonight, which gives you a indication of what this Betfair course can teach you.

Allow Me To Start With a Recent (2019) Member Screenshot Sent in:

Before I start to explain how this Betfair Scalping, and Pre-Race trading ?Course can benefit you, and generate potential profits, I just want to show you an example of the type of gains some our members are making. The following is one day’s profit for one member, and was made (at the time of writing this) just ?7 days ago.

As you will see from the member’s Betfair Profit and Loss account, by following the principles outlined in the course, and using the strategies we teach, this member made £?3408.?08 from trading ?horses on Betfair – ?which is what we teach – in just one day:

?Oliver also sent the following profit screenshot attached to his email above:

The above member, ?Oliver, is now a full time Betfair trader, and joined our Betfair Trading Course ?when we first launched and has since built his profits up to the point you can see above, and although it will take time and dedication to build up to such profits, many members send us in their screenshots and emails on an almost daily basis; which is great to see?. 

We also share ?many more of the? Profit & Loss screenshots, and the ?emails in the members area.

Or ?another ?member who is now making £100 per day after 4 months on the course – Please watch the following video in HD and full screen:

The above member, ?Lewis, joined the course 4 months ?before sending the above screenshot, and sent in the above ?email to show how satisfied he is with the training, and the profits he is now making on a regular basis.

?And an actual email that came in recently:

Now please allow me to explain what this is all about; why so many members are sending us such emails; how the course has managed to maintain 2000+ members, and how thi?s ?trading course can help you to make profits yourself. I will start right at the beginning, so you fully understand this offer:

What is Betfair Scalping, and Trading?

Betfair ?trading is not a new concept, and many people try to do it, but what is not readily available, is a step by step instruction on how it is completed by those who know exactly what they are doing.

Betfair ?Trading is a systematic approach to skimming a certain profit from the Betfair markets, and taking advantage of price movements that happen on almost every race.

?Is This Betfair Course Just About Scalping?

??We teach you about Pre-Race trading. ?How to analyse the markets, how to seek out opportunities, and exactly what to look for – and then make a profit.

If you are taking profits from the market before the races start (which is called Pre-Race trading), then you are scalping a profit – no matter what anybody else may call the strategies – Any other meanings given are just ‘Buzz’ words.

?We teach you how to look for ?Pre-Race opportunities, and then how to act on them to generate a consistent profit.

We do this before the racing even starts, so that by the time the action has started, we are already out of the event with a profit being made. In the UK there are approximately 20 horse races per day, and we will teach you how to use BetAngel software to scalp a profit from almost every race on a daily basis.

Do I Need Bookmaker Accounts?

No, all the ?trading activities are completed on Betfair’s own website, which is 100% safe, and you do not need to open any bookmakers accounts for this.

One of the main problems many people have had over recent years, is that when they start making profits, their respective bookmaker accounts have been closed, because bookmakers are a ‘business’, and they don’t like losing money (bless them).

Betfair is different, as they actually enjoy people winning, and making profits. 

100% Safe From Bookmaker Restrictions

No More Banned Accounts??

?Last Saturday afternoon, one of the UK’s top Betfair traders compiled a video course that is probably one of the most comprehensive guides to scalping Betfair available on the internet. The videos show you how the trader went from race, by race, all filmed live (before the races had even started) and how he used particular scalping methods to ensure a profit every time.

And since that time, the same professional trader has compiled no less than ??100+ detailed videos, spanning over ?15 hours in length, demonstrating how his scalping, and Betfair trading techniques can be replicated by anybody.

What Do I Need To Be Able to ?Trade?

The following requirements are what are required in order for you to start the scalping/trading course successfully:

?1) An internet connection.
2) A windows computer, or laptop (?For Apple Macs, ?Boot Camp Assistant is required).
3) Bet Angel software, which is a desktop application with a 14 day trial.
4) A Betfair account.

?Please note: that the BetAngel software will NOT run ?on a tablet, phone, or similar device. This is professional trading, and therefore a proper Windows computer/laptop is required.

?The BetAngel trading software is designed to be run on a Windows PC/Laptop, but you can also run this software on an Apple Mac, providing you install the Boot Camp Assistant, which acts as an emulator so that Windows applications can be installed on Apple Macs – we have many members who do this.

????Can Anybody Do This?

Providing you can adhere to the above requirements, then anybody can do this providing they know how to use a computer and can follow simple instructions, as well as being prepared to practice. The ?trading methods work, and have worked for years. Although as with any activity, you will need to learn how it works, study the materials?, video training, and then practice yourself.

?Our Course is 100% Newbie Friendly

?No Prior Experience Needed

?This course is 100% ‘newbie friendly’ – We take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know. How to use the software, right through to making profits – all in baby steps that anybody could understand. If you have watched tutorials in the past (or even tried other Betfair trading courses) and still been ‘left wondering’, then ?I guarantee that our course will leave you with no doubt on which actions you need to take to make this work for you.

?We teach you to ?anticipate ‘when’ ?a profitable situation happens; we teach you ‘wh?y’ ?these profitable situations happen, and then we teach you exactly ‘how’ to profit from these ?profitable situations.

?Since the course launched, what we teach has created many full time traders, and we also have experienced traders in their own right trying the course, increasing profits and gaining value from what we teach.

?The following member was already a full time Betfair trader?, and wanted to learn, and add Scalping the markets to his ?toolbox of trading skills, and this was his recent comment on the course:

As you can see, our course has glowing endorsements from full time traders as well, because what we teach simpy works – whether you are brand new, or experienced to trading?! We don’t just teach scalping, but Betfair trading in general and how to make consistent profits from a variety of different situations.

How Much Money Do I Need as a Bank?

This is one of the main benefits of ?pre race trading, in that you can start with any bank size, so if you only have £100 to start with, then you can use that, and build up your profits?, and then increase your betting bank with profits you have made. As the money is never at risk, the bank size is up to you.

In reality you could even start with a £50 bank size but obviously the profits would be smaller initially, but you are effectively making around 10% per day, which when compounded? adds up VERY quickly – which can then be used to increase your bank, and thus increase your daily profits.

?We have members who have ?been able to retract their initial betting bank from Betfair after only a month, and are then making daily profits using other people’s money (profit) – which is a truly fantastic position to be in.

Can I Not Just Learn This From YouTube?

?Absolutely not, many vendors produce endless amounts of useless YouTube videos just to entice you to purchase their main products – it is a marketing ploy to make viewers believe they are being helpful, when in reality it is all about the?m making a profit.

?YouTube is now used by marketers from all over the globe as an ’email list builder’, in order words “Look at what I am giving you for free, ain’t I great, now buy my product…”.

?If you could learn to trade by watching videos on YouTube, then don’t you think everybody would already be ?successful traders? We teach you definitive Pre-Race strategies that actually make our members profit (read the feedback for proof), with no gimmicks attached. You will never learn that from free YouTube videos.

?Is Your Course Better Than Well Known Betfair Traders?

?You have probably read about some relatively well known traders, some of which may have been ‘endorsed’ by Betfair themselves; but the reality is, there are many traders who make fantastic profits trading the exchanges, most of whom were just not ‘lucky’ enough at the time when Betfair were looking for ‘faces’ to promote their business.

??Certain traders have then gone onto ‘milk’ the ?endorsement for all it’s worth, which we referenced to above regarding the endless YouTube promo videos; but does that mean they know how to teach you to trade?

Absolutely not.

?You will also read on some of the member feedback emails, that many of our members had tried all the courses out there, and only found out how to really trade, and make a consistent profit through our course content – something we are very proud of.

One thing we would say, is that we are the ONLY trading course that offers a 100% money back guarantee, and we also have a 99% retention of membership. You would need to ask yourself why other Betfair course vendors do not offer such a guarantee, if they feel so confident that what they are offering works.

We are 100% confident that when you see ?our training, that asking for your money back will be the last thing on your mind, because what we teach works – as you can quickly see by the member feedback we receive daily, plus all the profit screenshots you will see that members send in, in the members area.

??What Profits Can Be Made With ?Betfair Trading?

This will depend on the time you have to spare, as well as the ability to learn and practice a new skill. Although it is highly possible to make as much as £30-£40-£50+ per day initially. Anybody with a windows PC/Laptop can do this, and pick up the method behind it very quickly.

Then, when you have gained the experience and are confident in the techniques you can scale up to make even bigger daily profits, and all this is shown on the course in high definition video. We have customers who have made as much as £415 in 3 hours ?trading the principles we teach, ?and here is the screenshot sent in by ?one excited member showing those profits:

All made by following the principles of the course, and practising!

?Plus as you have seen on the very first video on this page, where £128 profit was made in 30 minutes, and on just 3 horse races. These are the kind of profits that are possible once you have fully absorbed, and practiced the strategies we teach.

Put simply, ?when you have spare time and can sit down at a computer, you can use these scalping methods to positive effect. As already mentioned, there are approximately 20+ horse races per day in the UK and Ireland, and that is 7 days per week these days, so you really do have the freedom to use the scalping methods whenever you need to.

??What The ???Betfair Course Contains:

100+ High definition (HD) videos ?

???- Full explanations, containing all the information you need – in detail, totalling well over ?15 hours of professional training

??Live video ?trading examples

???Taking you step-by-step – newbie friendly. We start at the very beginning, ex?plaining why, how, and when to make profits.

????Setting up the software

???How to set up the BetAngel software exactly how it is needed, including all the settings required to trade profitably. 

?How to use the ?Course?

???Explains exactly how to get the best out of the course for maximum potential. This is more important than most people realise!

???Trading psychology?

???The mentality side of trading is explained in detail, and it’s importance. Many people are not prepared mentaly to trade – we show you what to do.

??Explaining the basics?

???Different types of ?trades, and uses. Get the basics right, and the rest follows naturally, with practice of course. 

????How trading profits are made

???Endless detailed explanations on how to profit using live video footage, showing real life examples of many profitable situations. 

?Betting banks ?/ staking

???How to set up your betting bank for success. Staking, protection, as well as how to filter your trading based on your actual bank.

????Trading Price movements

???Predicting when price movements are about to happen, how to deal with them, and actually profit from them.

???How to use Stop Losses

???How to control your Betfair trading w?ith safety mechanisms that not only save you from losses, but increase profits, too!

?Losses into Profits

???Every Betfair trader will make losses at some stage, we teach you how to turn those same losses into actual profits.

??Proof of Profits Shown

???We actually show you Betfair Profit & Loss on the trades we demonstrate so you can see that real profits are being made.

???Email Video Responses

???We show you live responses to questions sent in from other members so that you can gather all the support you require.

??Advanced ??Betfair Trading?

???Once you have learned the ba?sic concepts of scalping, we then show you more detailed methods of profit in the advanced section.

???Filtering Races for Profit

???We teach you how to filter the days races for maximum profit potential, this not only saves you time, but ?increases return on investment. 

?Pre Race Betfair Trading?

????We show you all aspects of making a profit using Pre-Race Betfair trading techniques to ensure you are fully experienced to take advantage of the Betfair markets.

???Risk Free Betfair Trading ?

???We teach you how to effectively gain a free bet which can triple your profits. This strategy alone gets members very excited indeed! 

??Higher Stakes ?/ ?Profits

???Once you are making a profit, we teach you how to increase your stakes for no additional risk, this again, maximises profit returns for all trades.

???Compounding Profits

???On the course we show you that even starting with the smallest of betting banks can return exponential profits over short periods of time.

??Member Feedback Section

???This is a relatively new section where we show you the results of other members, for inspiration and validity the strategies work! This helps a lot of members.

Since we have a lot of courses in stock, if you cannot find your favorite course, please let us know. To search for other courses and discounts available, let's have a conversation! What are you waiting for?

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All the courses on WSOlib are led by top authors and experts in their respective fields. Rest assured that the knowledge and skills you acquire are reliable and highly applicable.

Specification: Betfair Scalper Trading Course – Stuart, Robert and Pete




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Original price was: $112.00.Current price is: $21.00.


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Betfair Scalper Trading Course – Stuart, Robert and Pete
Betfair Scalper Trading Course – Stuart, Robert and Pete

Original price was: $112.00.Current price is: $21.00.

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