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Copywriting Rush – Chris Elliott

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Copywriting Rush – Chris Elliott Download. Just 49 Of My 2,924 Proprietary Trade Secrets To Writing High Grade, Massively Converting Copy Will Change Your …

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Master The Art Of Persuasive Writing For The Sale & Learn To Craft Sales Copy That Sells Like Crazy. Write Profitable Headlines, Bullets, Body Copy, Order Forms, Opt-In Pages, Sub-Headlines, Sales Letters & So Much More And Collect Massive Project Fees…

Just 49 Of My 2,924 Proprietary Trade Secrets To Writing High Grade, Massively Converting Copy Will Change Your Writing Forever…

You’re going to learn every last tidbit I know about creating copy that sells. In fact, before I got tired of counting, I was at 2,924 tested and proven copywriting trade secrets.

Here are just 49 of the most coveted and prized copywriting gems you’re going to learn…

  1. Writing headlines that suck in people just quickly glancing at your page, that get massive attention and turn those browsers into buyers.
  2. The secret of flow in copy that makes your copy smooth and barely allows your reader to breath until they finish reading your sales message and make a purchase.
  3. How to write bullet copy that energizes your sales message and sucks in readers just scanning your copy so that scanners become engaged and want to buy.
  4. Creating trust in your writing so your reader not only wants to buy but trusts in his or her purchase decision and acts quicker than you ever could have imagined.
  5. Order form secrets that seal the deal and get people to pull out their credit card, enter their details and click buy as fast as possible.
  6. How to use testimonials in your copy effectively so that they compliment & reinforce your sales message, not distract from it. This is a very important thing to get right.
  7. How to write riveting sub-headlines that intrigue your audience, inspire them to read the body copy, and digest every word of your sales message.
  8. The art of the close and how to sub-consciously command people to take the action in their best interest – making a purchase from you.
  9. Using a swipe file (included) to eliminate writers block completely and to “punch up” all of the copy you write so that your clients are always amazed.
  10. Defeating objections so that your reader has zero reason to say no and every reason to say yes to taking the action you want them to take.
  11. The art of reverse selling that climbs inside the mind of your potential customer and makes them feel like they need you and your product much more than you need them.
  12. Creating stories that are riveting, persuasive, and conducive to creating the “purchasing” mindset in your reader that entice them to make a purchase and remain happy about it.
  13. Squeeze pages, lead generation pages, and lead capture pages – How to write pages that generate subscribers and prospects like wildfire.
  14. How to persuade your reader in writing like a master hypnotist so that you can guide your prospect to clicking buy and giving you money.
  15. Using hype proportionately so that you create massive excitement without seeming “hypey” and risking turning off your reader and running them off.
  16. Risk reversal through guarantees. How to write a guarantee that makes your reader feel all warm and fuzzy inside which also makes them feel like they are taking advantage of YOU.
  17. Calling for action – How to command your reader to take the action you desire without seeming like a drill sergeant or scaring your reader off.
  18. Long form versus short form copy and what works – How to make sure your sales message is the perfect length for the market your writing to so that you pull in the maximum number of buyers.
  19. The two tools that I use that have nothing to do with writing that guarantee I don’t experience writers block or lack motivation for creating compelling copy.
  20. Creating body copy that stays interesting and exciting and how to avoid slipping into a boring copy tone & how to tell the different between the two.
  21. Post scripts that convert prospects who are “on the fence” into buyers. This is your last chance for making the sale and raking those last few buyers.
  22. The psychology of the potential buyer and exactly what he or she is thinking that needs to be addressed in every sales piece you write if you hope to turn them into a customer.
  23. The art of developing a voice in your writing so that your reader resonates with your sales message and connects with the points you’re making.
  24. How to ask questions in your copy that inspire your reader to eat up the rest of your sale message and buy the solution to their problems, your product.
  25. Nine tricks that I use on every sales piece I create that boosts the effectiveness of the sales letter and generates a better response, every time.
  26. My formula for using emotion in your writing in a way that attaches your reader to your sales message. Don’t over do it through because if you get this wrong, you risk losing your reader.
  27. How to dissect the most successful headlines of all time in order to understand their framework and use that to build your own highly converting headlines.
  28. Comparisons in copy – This one trick will allow you to make any amount you’re charging for your product seem so small and trivial that your potential customers will feel silly for not ordering!
  29. Creating compelling bonus copy that makes your extras more valuable than your main offer. This is an easy way to convert more people into customers.
  30. Copy structure secrets that give you an easily identifiable foundation for creating any type of sales message while remaining flexible enough to be unique every time.
  31. Getting inside the mind of your prospect so that you can understand their objections and what’s holding them back from making a purchase – Then defeating those concerns once and for all!
  32. Pain versus pleasure – How to connect with the inner desires of your reader so that you can help him avoid the pain he’s afraid of and gain the pleasure he desires.
  33. The difference between a copywriter that creates highly responsive sales messages and one that struggles to create limp, lifeless copy – Plus how to make sure your copy is always the highly responsive type!
  34. Copy tweaks that may be small in scope but that also have a dramatic effect on response rates and pull in tons more extra business.
  35. The number one roadblock that copywriters encounter when it comes to writing copy that sells and how to blast through that barrier for good.
  36. My proprietary direct response technology which has been adapted for the Internet that leaves writing for entertainment in the dust and forces you to write for conversion.
  37. The science of using takeaway’s in copy to create desire, fear of loss, and an undying will in your customer that makes them shell out their cash for whatever you’re selling.
  38. The simple tactic of restating your offer – Why you absolutely MUST restate your offer and how to do so in a way that hammers home the most compelling parts of your offer and pulls in the sale.
  39. How to create exclusivity and inner circles that your potential customer wants so badly to be a part of, that they have no choice but to buy.
  40. Rapid fire bullets that feed your prospect your sales message one hard hitting benefit at a time until they can’t take anymore and whip out their credit card.
  41. Injecting the glamour of Hollywood into your headlines in a way that adds more excitement to your headlines and more credibility to your offer.
  42. Conversion secrets that I’ve only shared with clients who have paid me five figures and up and how you can use them to make more money per visitor.
  43. Shortcuts for creating just about every part of a sales piece so that even if you’re having a hard time writing, your sales message is an out of the park home run.
  44. High converting copy ideas for e-mails that get past the delete button and into the mind of the receiver so that you can generate that coveted “click.”
  45. Power buzz words that catch the eye of any human and that create an inner excitement about your product, service, or offer.
  46. Mental triggers that catch your potential customer off guard and shock them into a buying state so that they can only feel comfortable if they buy.
  47. How to analyze existing sales copy and create a plan of action for going through it, boosting up weak elements, and making it a winner.
  48. Long form sales letter mastery and how to create long form copy that informs, excites, inspires, and sells to the heart of your potential customer.
  49. The secret of connecting with one single person rather than “the masses” and how to create an intimate, personal relationship within your sales message.

There is so much covered in The CopywritingRush.com Copywriting Course that you will never, and I mean never, need another copywriting training product.

Here’s What’s Included In The CopywritingRush.com Copywriting Course…

Here’s what you get in precise detail. Please note that the class content page for each week is shown but not active. The class content will become instantly active once you register…

Copywriting Class #1

Copywriting Mechanics, Beginning Persuasion & Copywriting Mastery…

Exhibit 1 – The Copywriting Mechanics Manual – This manual covers all of the basics of copywriting so that you have a birds eye view of how to write for maximum impact. This manual gives you the *correct* view of how to approach and visualize copywriting so that you aren’t confused or mixed up.

Exhibit 2 – Beginning Copywriting Persuasion For The Internet Parts 1 & 2 – This audio course introduces you to written persuasion so you can start programming yourself to sell to the subconscious of your readers. This is the heart of making your writing enticing.

Exhibit 3 – 99 Minutes To Copywriting Mastery – In this interview with copywriting legend Ted Nicholas, you will learn everything Ted knows about copywriting in 99 short minutes. An excellent overview that really ties the mechanics of copywriting together well with the other week 1 content.

Exhibit 4 – Writing Drive – This audio is a subliminal track I had custom made which includes binaural beats, subliminal messages, and relaxing audio. Need motivation to write? Play this track, preferably through stereo headphones and you’ll have no choice but to knock out a smoking hot sales piece, every time.

Copywriting Class #2

All My Copywriting Secrets, More Persuasion & Writing Web Copy That Wins…

Exhibit 1 – All My Copywriting Secrets  Here you learn everything that I know about creating copy that grabs reader attention, guides them through the sales message, and entices them to make the coveted purchase. Hundreds of my secrets culled from thousands of tested sales pieces make this a true gem. This is a thick 184 pages of copywriting instruction that dissects every element of copywriting from the inside out.

Exhibit 2 – Beginning Copywriting Persuasion For The Internet Parts 3 & 4 – Here you learn extended techniques for beginning persuasion through copywriting. These additional strategies will empower you to pluck the heart strings of your potential customer in a way that makes them not only want to buy, but need to buy.

Exhibit 3 – Writing Web Copy That Wins – Michel Fortin teaches how to write web copy that gets visitors to pull out their credit card and make a purchase. You’ll learn Michel’s secrets that propelled some of the biggest launches in Internet history to success with the use of his sales copy. There are so many gold nuggets hidden in this interview that you’ll want to make sure you have your notepad out.

Copywriting Class #3

My Personal Swipe File, Creating High Perceived

Value & Digging Into Headlines…

Exhibit 1 – The Ultimate Copywriting Swipe File – Here you get 248 pages of the best copywriting words and phrases ever known which you can refer to anytime you need a creative boost. You never have to worry about writers block again because these copy starters will get your mind running in seconds. Simply flip to a random page, read a phrase from the swipe file, and use it as a springboard to continue writing compelling copy!

Exhibit 2 – Intermediate Copywriting Persuasion For The Internet Parts 1 & 2 – This audio course picks up where the beginning course left off. You’ll learn intermediate persuasion tactics that get inside the mind of your reader that gently moves them toward the action you want them to take, placing an order! Focus is given to strategies that shift the mindset of your reader into that of a purchasing state.

Exhibit 3 – Copywriting Secrets Of The High End Product King – In this interview with copywriting legend Yanik Silver you learn the copywriting secrets that Yanik has used to sell millions of dollars worth of high priced products. If you want to know how to write copy for products that sell for thousands of dollars and make selling them effortless, this is what you need to hear.

Exhibit 4 – Headline Classics Workshop Parts 1,2,3 – These videos dissect some of the most successful headlines of all time so that you can understand the psychology hiding behind them. These videos are essential in learning how to craft the most important part of any sales piece – the headline.

Copywriting Class #4

Burning Questions, Intermediate Persuasion & Big Idea Mastery…

Exhibit 1 – The Ultimate Burning Question Collection – This is one of my most coveted and proprietary trade documents. Here you get 15 pages of burning questions you can use in creating copy that strums the heart strings of your reader. These questions emotionally attach to your reader and what you’re writing which makes selling to them much easier.

Exhibit 2 – Intermediate Copywriting Persuasion For The Internet Parts 3 & 4 – Here you will learn even more persuasion tactics that hit those mental *triggers* that cause people to buy as we wrap up the intermediate persuasion course. You now have the equivalent of a black belt in persuasion.

Exhibit 3 – Mastering The Bid Idea – In this interview with the late, great copywriting legend Gary Halbert, you learn how to master the “big idea.” This is something that no one else teaches but that is vital to the success of any sales letter. While this call isn’t exactly on copywriting, the portion on the big idea and Gary’s secret service style perfume launch, is nothing short of incredible and inspiring.

Exhibit 4 – Headline Workshop Parts 4,5,6 – Three more installments of the headline workshop cover a new set of classic headlines that you can learn from as a framework for creating your own high converting headlines. These headlines were responsible for tons of business and will teach you how to craft similar headlines that get results.

Copywriting Class #5

Copy Boosters, Advanced Persuasion & Irresistible Offers…

Exhibit 1 – 9 Copy Boosters Book – This book is an excellent reference to use in adding that much needed flare to a sales piece after you’ve crated it. Go through this book one booster at a time and implement each and you’re letter will be 100 times more powerful. This is great for adding that fire to a just finished sales piece or for re-writing an existing sales piece for a client.

Exhibit 2 – Advanced Copywriting Persuasion For The Internet Parts 1 & 2 – In this audio we dig into the cutting edge of persuasion and learn techniques for really tweaking your readers into buying. These are my closely guarded and most up to the minute persuasion tactics.

Exhibit 3 – Going Past The Irresistible Offer – In this interview with marketing legend Mark Joyner you will learn how to create an offer that any person would be insane to turn down. It’s this system and concept that will really put you in the mindset of the customer and teach you how to sell to the inner desires of your reader.

Exhibit 4 – Headline Classics Workshop Part 7,8,9 – In these final headline workshops you will uncover the best headlines ever written and learn how you can use the concept of modeling to effortlessly create headlines that suck in readers.

Copywriting Class #6

Connecting The Dots & Writing Winning Sales Pieces…

Exhibit 1 – Before You EVER Write A Letter – This video reveals the one thing that any copywriter needs to do first when it comes to creating ANY sales piece. Most copywriters forget this and fail as a result. Believe it or not, it has zero to do with any actual writing!

Exhibit 2 – Writing Creativity – This audio is a subliminal track I had custom made which includes binaural beats, subliminal messages, and relaxing audio. This audio will boost your creativity subconsciously so all you have to do is let the ideas pour onto your keyboard. You should listen to this audio through stereo headphone.

Exhibit 3 – Advanced Copywriting Persuasion For The Internet Parts 3 & 4 – This is the final and most advanced segment in the Advanced Copywriting Persuasion course. You’ll learn several ways to connect with your potential customer in an intimate, personal way that eliminates purchasing objections once and for all.

Exhibit 4 – Anatomy Of A Sales Letter Video Seminar – In this six part video series you will actually go over the anatomy of a sales letter so that you can see what a successful letter looks like and get a feel for how to craft your sales messages using this foundation. This makes approaching a new letter much easier.

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All the courses on WSOlib are led by top authors and experts in their respective fields. Rest assured that the knowledge and skills you acquire are reliable and highly applicable.

Specification: Copywriting Rush – Chris Elliott




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Copywriting Rush – Chris Elliott
Copywriting Rush – Chris Elliott

Original price was: $1,297.00.Current price is: $101.00.

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