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Financial Freedom Through Blogging – Lidiya

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Financial Freedom Through Blogging – Lidiya Download. How to Start & Grow a Blog That Gets 100K Monthly Page Views and Makes $5,000/Month (Without Being a…

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Financial Freedom Through Blogging

How to Start & Grow a Blog That Gets 100K Monthly Page Views and Makes $5,000/Month (Without Being an Internet Guru) and Use That Income to Live Your Best Life

Hey, I’m Lidiya.

It took me 5 years to start earning 5 figures from my blog.

I once started a self-improvement blog called Let’s Reach Success. It’s now earning nearly $50K, gets over 100K views per month, and is the foundation of my brand, allowing me to help people start a business and transform their life.

It’s also what has allowed me to travel, leave my home country (Bulgaria) and relocate to my ideal destination (Amsterdam, Netherlands), wake up whenever I want to every day and work from home.

The first years were about research, making mistakes, understanding the whole idea behind setting up a WordPress site, blogging, publishing content, providing value, monetizing a site, building traffic to a blog, working with sponsors, designing a website, etc.

I wasted a ton of time, but all this has now allowed me to help others cut the learning curve in half and make money blogging much sooner.

Most People Don’t Start a Blog or Make Money Online. Here’s Why

There’s just too much info out there. 

While it’s good that we live in the era of so much free information at the tip of our fingers, that also creates the issue with information overload.

I’ve heard from plenty of people who started reading about how to launch a blog and make money online, but who soon gave up as it only showed them how much they don’t know and how much there is to learn.

It doesn’t need to be like that.

There are things that work every time. The problem is that every expert you learn from is trying to help you achieve a different goal and sharing their unique experience with you.

Buying many books or following many bloggers might be overwhelming and can lead to never taking action and setting up a site.

It’s hard to know who to trust. 

That’s why when I was learning from others over the years, I followed their journey from day one and knew exactly how they earned their money and grew their online business.

I too try to be transparent and believe that heading to the Archives of Let’s Reach Success and checking out the first articles shows you I had a completely different approach to content creation and blogging back in the days.

I also updated my About page and shared my whole story. Occasionally, I write articles where I talk about my experiences that led to moving to another country, doubling my income, becoming a freelancer and then a full-time blogger.

I also publish my income reports, which means I calculate my blog earnings and expenses and share them with anyone interested to learn how I make money blogging from home.

In addition, I put a ton of free content out there for anyone wanting to start a business on the side, change their habits, become productive, learn about digital marketing and money management, etc. I have free articles, eBooks, courses, and more.

That builds enough trust. Now, I’ve gathered MY BEST knowledge and experience and bundled it into this epic course you’re about to check out.

The technical side of blogging turns most people off. 

Do you often hear about WordPress, hosting, domain, SSL, and SEO and decide blogging is not for you simply because you aren’t familiar with these?

Or maybe you’ve started a blog in the past but then had to understand Google Analytics, email automation, permalinks, domain authority, GDPR, and ad networks?

I’ve got you covered. All that is something you need no experience with. I will show you what you need to know and organize the information so you get the exact steps to follow to set these up and start implementing the necessary strategies once your blog is launched so you can optimize it, make it fast and secure, and turn it into a money-making machine.

You won’t need any code, design knowledge or understanding of how the digital world works for that matter.

WordPress – the free open-source content management system that powers most of the blogs on the Web – is at your disposal and I will show you how to master it in no time.

I started with zero experience but was able to grow Let’s Reach Success to over 100K monthly page views.

Here’s a screenshot of my traffic from Google Analytics for July 2019:


They don’t know how to sell online. 

Another reason why most people don’t become bloggers is that they don’t know how to sell…

Neither did I. When I was just starting out with blogging, I didn’t want to send emails to my audience as that was annoying. I didn’t want to promote the products I created and ask for people’s money. I didn’t want to charge a lot for sponsored posts even though brands were contacting me to ask for my rates and were interested in Let’s Reach Success.

A few years went by and I learned this:

  • It’s okay to ask people for money but only after you’ve offered them enough value for free.
  • People will gladly pay you if you can truly help them with your product.
  • With a great blog and the right monetization method, you don’t need to sell actively.

Instead, you can have a system that brings you money passively each day, week or month (thanks to having ads on your site, a sales funnel to sell your products, or by creating epic content and recommending other people’s products in it, which is the foundation of affiliate marketing).

You don’t need to appear salesy even when you write a review of a product or service. Once you learn more about affiliate marketing within this course, you will see how to choose products you believe in, include the links naturally, tell people why it’s worth buying this and how it has helped you, and write content that sells but without pushing the reader to do anything they don’t want to. This can bring you hundreds or thousands of dollars in passive income each month in just a year.

Here’s a screenshot (from PayPal) of my earnings from January till September 2019.


So, selling as a blogger isn’t hard or wrong or unprofessional. Once you build your site, gain traffic and get to know your audience a bit better, you can simply monetize their attention by giving them what they want and helping them solve their problems (while still providing a ton of content for free).

I now wanna present to you the ultimate course on how to make money blogging where I share anything you need to know so you can become financially free thanks to this (through all that I’ve learned from growing my blog over the years).


Financial Freedom Through Blogging

How to Start a Blog That Gets 100K Monthly Page Views and Makes $5,000/Month (Without Being an Internet Guru) and Use That Income to Live Your Best Life

7 Modules with over 80 lectures, tech tutorials, video lessons,step-by-step guides, and a whole bunch of bonus materials included.

This Course Will Teach You 4 Key Things

1. How to Start a Blog The Right Way, Fast and on a Budget 

It’s okay if you aren’t tech-savvy, don’t have experience, aren’t sure how blogging works, don’t know what platform to use to create a website or how to run it once it’s live.

Don’t worry. I will walk you through this step by step (with video lessons) and give you only the information you need to actually create a blogging strategy, find your niche, set goals, find the right hosting provider and install WordPress on it so you can launch your blog.

Together with that, I’ll show you how to design it professionally with a few clicks, what pages to add first, what steps to take to have a great platform ready to welcome your first visitors and earn you money down the road.

In fact, I’ll even build a whole new blog myself so you can see how the process works and simply follow my steps.


2. How to Make Your First Money Blogging 

During the first years of my blogging career, I was earning through freelance writing. While that itself is what helped me get started and become location independent, it still meant doing work for others and having to follow their rules.

But I knew there was a better way to use my skills. I also knew I wanted to do what I’m passionate about – personal development and online business – and help others with it.

Over time, I began making money from my blog Let’s Reach Success. It started as a personal blog but now earns me nearly $50K per year.

I know so many people who are confused about the possible ways to monetize a website. There are some who don’t start a blog because they don’t believe it can earn them money. And there are the ones who have been blogging for a while but can’t monetize strategically and so they are leaving money on the table.

With the next modules in Financial Freedom through Blogging, I aim at clarifying the best ways to make money from your blog and turn that into a recurring income.

Once your site is set up and you’ve included the main elements, you can think about the most practical way for you to earn your first dollars blogging.

Here’s a screenshot of my ad revenue from Mediavine in July 2019:

Keep in mind that’s passive income and it’s directly related to the traffic of your blog. But it’s absolutely possible to earn $1000/month solely from ads. Add to that the income you will begin earning from affiliate marketing and sponsored posts, and that’s your blogging business right there.


3. Turn Your Blog into a 5-Figure Business 

Many newbie bloggers start a blog only to give up a few months after that. They lack consistency and discipline because they never had a strategy in mind and weren’t really sure about the ‘why’ behind all this.

I will help you define these before you even start your blog. Once you do make some money each month, it’s time to get to the next level.

That means understanding how to write content that drives visitors but also sales, how to encourage Google to rank your site higher, how to negotiate prices with sponsors and earn hundreds of dollars for one article on your blog, how to register a company and turn your blog into your brand, and much more.

I’ll cover all this because it’s what I’ve personally been through. I’ll make sure to share all this information with details but also in an easy to digest way.

You won’t just become a full-time blogger after completing this course. Follow all the steps and you will earn enough and be able to call yourself a business owner.

4. Use Your Blog to Design Your Life The Way You Want to 

There’s something important that many blogging experts fail to teach you. Even if you learn how to set up a blog and begin earning money, then grow your platform and double your income, you might still end up feeling like you have a job.

But the point of blogging and making money from it is to provide value and get paid in return, to do meaningful work and set your own working hours, to know how to create systems that work for you so you can be away from the laptop and still make thousands of dollars on a monthly basis.

That’s where lifestyle design comes. For example, I waited till I was making enough money online and had some savings, so I could move to another city in a different country – Amsterdam, Netherlands (where I still live happily 2 years later and am planning to buy my first home soon) and travel Asia for a few weeks.

I learned how to manage my money smart, be productive and work 10 or fewer hours per week, prioritize, take my blog and brand seriously and treat it like a real business, and create the daily life that I was once dreaming about.

In the last modules of Financial Freedom through Blogging, I’ll show you how you can do the same.

I don’t want you to start earning from your blog and get to $50K/year just to stay at home all day and feel stuck in life.

No, you need to be out there, leave your comfort zone, experience life, travel and use online business as a way to meet people, develop personally and spiritually, and take better care of yourself so you can also serve your readers better.

You’ll learn more about the life of a full-time blogger, how to have energy all day when you work from home, and much more.

So that’s what Financial Freedom through Blogging is all about.

Please take a second to imagine this…

 You are finally ready to build something on your own and put effort into winning your time and freedom back.

A side project like blogging will make you feel in charge of your life again. You’re doing something to build the necessary skills to provide value and earn profits in the digital world.

That’s a big thing and it will pay off in many ways.

You will feel good about yourself knowing you’re dedicated. You’ll have more energy than ever while setting your blog goals and creating a strategy as you’ll begin visualizing your blogging success.

Your confidence will increase the more steps you follow from this course as each next one will be getting you closer to the financial freedom you crave so much.

You will do work that matters, on a subject that you’re passionate about, and no one else will be telling you what to do. You can find your voice and use your unique skillset to turn your blog into your brand and stand out in your chosen field.

 Making your first money online is the proof you need to never give up.

Stay consistent till that happens and then nothing will be able to talk you out of your goal to be a full-time blogger.

It always sounds unbelievable that money can easily be made online but the moment it happens you know you can do that again and again and find even more ways to increase your revenue.

I’ll never forget the first few dollars I made and then the first $100. That showed me that getting to $1000 is just a matter of time and focused work!

I want you to experience that yourself. I can’t earn your money on your behalf. You need to first create your blog, see how it works, learn about the different ways to monetize it and then choose the one you believe will work best for you.

Your first payments will bring you the kind of satisfaction that the salary from your job never will.

That’s when you’ll believe you can be like those bloggers who earn a few thousand per month and maybe even like those who got to $50K/month. They too started with just a few dollars and weren’t sure if all this blogging thing was gonna work for them 🙂

Your blog side hustle turns into a 5-figure business.

Having a blog where you publish a lot of quality content, build your brand and make some money on the side with ads, sponsored posts, your own products and affiliate marketing is just the beginning.

You shouldn’t stop until you see more of the site’s earning potential.

Every blog and audience are different. But almost any platform these days that’s created with a strategy in mind and is run by a passionate and determined individual can get to making $5,000/month.

That should be enough to help you take it more seriously and start doing it full-time. Even if you have a good salary and make much more than $50K per year, it’s still worth quitting your 9 to 5 to work for yourself.

Self-employment made me happier than ever and is one of the best lifestyle changes I’ve made.

You are your own boss and nothing compares to that. You can finally work on things you believe in and manage your time the way you want.

Also, you can never get rich by working for someone else. But you sure can if you hustle on your blog as there are no limits to how much you can earn online.


Yes, blogging can change your life in multiple ways and all this is possible!

It begins with launching your own platform, publishing content and optimizing it like crazy until you find the right monetization method that works for you and your audience.

Once you get the money and freedom you should use them wisely. You can manage your time and blog like a boss and spend minimum hours behind the laptop and invest the rest of the time to be with your family, travel the world, or do things you enjoy and find new hobbies.

Now, let’s see what’s inside Financial Freedom Through Blogging:

Get Financial Freedom Through Blogging – Anonymous, Only Price $47

Course Curriculum


  • What to Expect from This Course
  • How Becoming a Blogger Can Change Your Life

Module 1: Your Blogging Strategy

  • The Obstacles Preventing You from Making Money Online
  • Building Discipline as a Blogger
  • Find What You’re Born to Blog About
  • How to Choose Your Domain Name
  • Set Goals for Your Blog
  • What ‘Laying The Foundation’ Really Means
  • Create a Blogging Strategy

Module 2: Launch Your Blog

  • The Tech Side of Blogging Made Easy
  • Choosing Your Hosting Provider
  • Register Your Domain Name and Set Up Hosting in 2 Minutes (1:54)
  • Installing WordPress (0:30)
  • Install Your Free SSL Certificate to Make Your Site Secure
  • An Introduction to The WordPress Dashboard (1:18)
  • Installing Your Theme (1:42)
  • Basic WordPress Settings to Configure ASAP (8:59)
  • WordPress Updates (1:08)

Module 3: Create Your Brand

  • Your Blog is Your Brand
  • WordPress Customization 101 (5:38)
  • Set Up Your Navigation Menu (2:48)
  • How to Publish Your First Blog Post (8:40)
  • Setting Up Yoast SEO and Verifying Site Ownership (3:43)
  • Activating The Most Important Plugins
  • Design Your Site (3:32)
  • Write a Killer About Me Page (1:41)
  • Join These Social Media Networks to Build Your Brand

Module 4: Build Your Email List

  • Email Marketing 101
  • How to Launch an Email Newsletter (11:57)
  • How to Add Opt-in Forms to Your Blog (4:23)
  • Using a Lead Magnet to Collect Emails (+ 10 Effective Lead Magnet Ideas) (6:58)
  • Why and How to Get Started with ConvertKit
  • Switching from MailChimp (or Another Provider) to ConvertKit
  • How to Create a ConvertKit Form
  • How to Set Up a Welcome Email Sequence + Sell Your Product to Your Email List
  • Connecting Your Form to Your Sequence (+ Setting Up Automation Rules in ConvertKit)
  • Getting Your First Email Subscribers

Module 5: Optimize Your Blog

  • Get Google to Index Your New WordPress Site Quickly (1:00)
  • How to Set Up Google Analytics
  • Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly
  • On-Page SEO: How to Write Content That Ranks
  • How to Interlink Your Blog Posts to Boost SEO and Increase Traffic (0:52)
  • 8 Bad SEO Practices You’d Better Avoid
  • Why Site Speed Matters and How to Make Your Blog Super Fast
  • Pinterest SEO

Module 6: Make Your Site Popular

  • Growing Your Website: Overview
  • The 6 Types of Website Traffic
  • 6 Proven Ways to Bring Organic Traffic to Your Blog
  • What is Domain Authority and How to Increase Yours
  • Finding Popular Topics for Your First 20 Blog Posts and Beyond
  • Making Your Content Unique: 7 Tips for Writing Epic Articles
  • Your Guide to Cornerstone Content: How to Create Popular Blog Posts
  • How to Write Lists and How-tos People Actually Read
  • 17 Things to Do After You Write a Blog Post to Make It Go Viral
  • How to Update Old Blog Posts to Increase The Earning Potential of Your Blog
  • Growing Your Business by Forming Relationships
  • How to Guest Post Successfully
  • How to Find Guest Bloggers and Get Free Content

Module 7: Make Money Blogging

  • How Blogs Make Money: An Overview of The 4 Best Monetization Methods
  • Examples of Bloggers Earning More Than $100K/Month
  • The Importance of Getting Started with 1 Monetization Strategy
  • 1. An Introduction to Affiliate Marketing
  • 1.2 The Secret to Being a Successful Affiliate Marketer
  • 1.3 Choosing Your Top Products
  • 1.4 Join Your First Affiliate Program
  • 1.5 Top 13 Ways to Promote Affiliate Products Without Being Salesy
  • 1.6 Avoid These 12 Affiliate Marketing Mistakes (0:51)
  • 1.7 How to Write Content for Affiliate Marketing
  • 2. How to Earn Money with Ads
  • 2.1 Optimizing Your Site to Increase Ad Revenue
  • 3. What Are Sponsored Blog Posts and How Do They Work
  • 3.1 How Much Can You Make with Sponsorships
  • 3.2 The Challenges of Earning from Blog Sponsorships
  • 3.3 21 Places Online to Find Sponsored Post Opportunities
  • 3.4 How to Find and Pitch Brands The Right Way: 4 Strategies for Success
  • 3.5 Creating A Media Kit and Page for Sponsors That Sell
  • 3.6 How to Make Your Site Attractive to Charge More for Sponsored Posts
  • 4. Why You Should Create and Sell Your Own Products
  • 4.1 How to Remove The Barriers to Building Your First Product & Validate Your Idea
  • 4.2 Top 21 Platforms to Sell Digital Products Online
  • 4.3 Things to Consider Before Creating Your First Product
  • 4.4 11 Digital Product Ideas That Have High Earning Potential
  • 4.5 How to Write Your First eBook in Less Than 30 Days
  • 4.6 Ready to Publish: The Exact Formula for Editing and Formatting Your Book
  • 4.7 The 6 Elements of a Successful Paid Online Course
  • 4.8 How to Create and Sell a Course with Teachable: Step-by-Step Tutorial
  • 4.9 Strategies for Making Thousands of Dollars with Your Products
  • 4.10 Ways to Promote Your Products on Your Blog
  • Writing Blog Posts That Generate Money: A Step-by-Step Guide
  • Bonus Blog Monetization Method: Using Your Blog to Start and Grow a Freelance Business

Become an Affiliate for Financial Freedom through Blogging

  • Getting Your Affiliate Link
  • Affiliate Promotion Ideas
  • Promo Material

Bonus Material

  • Blog Goals Cheatsheet
  • Ideal Blog Reader Profile
  • How to Launch Your Blog in The Next 7 Days
  • 10 Powerful Yet Simple Strategies to Grow Your Email List
  • How to Build Quality Backlinks to Your Blog
  • Keyword Research Checklist
  • WP Blogger Toolkit
  • What Google Wants: Your Guide to Creating a Google-Friendly Web Page
  • How to Never Run Out of Blog Post Ideas: 39 Awesome Types of Blog Posts
  • 10 Tips for Landing Your First Sponsored Post Even with a Small Blog
  • eBook Promotion Checklist: How to Promote Your New Book to Maximize Revenue
  • Product Launch Checklist

Modules to Be Added

Module 8: Turn Your Blog into a Real Business

  • Taking Your Brand Seriously
  • The 6 Critical Elements of Every Good Business Model
  • GDPR for Bloggers
  • Setting Up a Business Email
  • Securing Your Website
  • Keeping Your Blog Updated
  • Registering Your Online Business
  • Tax Tips for Bloggers/Tracking Your Income and Expenses
  • How to Create a Privacy Policy and Disclaimer for Your Blog

Module 9: The Life of a Blogger

  • Providing Value
  • Tricks to Help You Save Time and Get More Done
  • Here’s What Helps Me Be My Most Productive Self
  • Your Most Important Task

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Financial Freedom Through Blogging – Lidiya

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