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How to Become a Wind Alchemist – Renee Baribeau

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How to Become a Wind Alchemist – Renee Baribeau Download. Activate the energies of the protective Wind Goddess, Cardea, and others — to navigate any situat…

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Activate the energies of the protective Wind Goddess, Cardea, and others — to navigate any situation and connect with your true essence.

Create a new map for your life… guided by the wind’s transformative energies.

Discover ‘timebending’ and experience the ease and wonder of nature’s healing rhythms.

Do you find it’s easy to get swept up in the day-to-day chaos and uncertainty in our world… causing you to lose your mooring?

You may even forget that you have a destiny… a life plan, which was set in motion long ago.

Perhaps to reground yourself, you’ve learned to invoke the wisdom of animals, trees, and other helping spirits to guide you through shamanic journeying.

There’s another equally powerful source of guidance you can turn to: the Wind.

The wind can provide you with an inner compass for navigating life — in tune with your innate wisdom and soul’s calling.

Like helping spirits accessed by shamans, and the archetypal energies in nighttime dream images, the wind is an alchemical force and ally you can align with whenever you need guidance.

The wind will connect you with the cyclical ways of nature, inviting you to “bend time” by stepping out of your linear, calendared life and into the rhythms of the seasons and natural world…

It inspires us to let go of the “shoulds” and open to a life that flows more easily around obstacles and into new possibilities.

To harness the wind’s profound healing power and wisdom for your life, though, you must be in full alignment with it.

When you become aligned with the wind, you’ll naturally stand strong through any storm that comes your way, clearing the path for your true purpose and creativity…

For Thousands of Years, the Wind Has Been a Guide
for Safe Passage During Challenging Times

The energies and wisdom of the wind have been revered for thousands of years — passed down in creation myths about Wind Gods and Goddesses and magical Wind Spirits — and honored as a source of fertility and rejuvenation, a guide for safe passage during challenging times, and more.

And the four cardinal winds hold specific wisdom and transformative energies: the East tells of new beginnings; the West relates to your physical body; the South reveals your emotional needs and desires; and the North tells the tale of your spiritual Self.

In Become a Wind Alchemist, Nautilus Gold Award-winning author, soul coach, and wind whistler Renee Baribeau will show you how to become present with the winds blowing through YOUR life.

As you journey through this new program, you’ll learn how to use the transformative energies of the wind to create a new map for your life — while also drawing from its power and wisdom to restore balance, guide your creativity, and help you heal your body and mind…

Activating the Energies of the Wind Gods & Goddesses

The ancient Wind Gods and Goddesses hold wisdom, archetypal strength, and magical powers we can draw from to live more authentic and fulfilling lives. They remind us of our deep connection to nature — to our humanity. 

They show us how to live through nature’s fluctuating climates as well as through the everyday struggles of being human. 

They also reveal the secrets of energetic harmony — the balance of our physical, spiritual, and energetic selves — necessary to help us bring a “better” us into the world.

The Wind Gods and Goddesses you’ll “meet” on this 7-week journey hold the primordial energies inherent in us all…

… energies awaiting your recognition so they can constellate the power and wisdom within to help you shift your perception, personal timing, and soul rhythm to live a more creative, authentic, and happy life.

Receive Guidance and Mentorship From a Renowned Wind Whistler & Soul Coach

Renee is a celebrated teacher, known for bringing ancient shamanic lineages to life and guiding her students to work with the wind in a way that illuminates their paths and creates deep healing…

Renee shows you through direct experience how to summon what she calls the Wind of Your Specific Intention to make it your ally and harness its transformative energies.

In this new Shift Network program, she’ll reveal the secrets to cooperating with your own “wind” — with the help of a wind whistle — and how to align with the archetypal potency of the Wind Gods and Goddesses.

As you begin to hear your wind’s calling, you start to clear negative thoughts, heal old beliefs, and tap into your true nature — your Magnetic North — the place where you can weather whatever comes your way and stay the course as you manifest your purpose in the world.

In this magical training with Renee, you’ll discover:

  • Which Wind Spirits to call on for regeneration, renewal, and creativity
  • Shamanic qualities of the wind that will guide you to your spiritual Magnetic North
  • How to shift from doing to being
  • How to move with the moon, shifting your understanding of time
  • How the cardinal winds of the sky help you bend time and create a map for your life that is true to your essence
  • The 5 dynamic winds of creativity — chaos, gestation, oppositional forces, partnership with nature, and process order
  • How to take part in an experiential practice in which you’ll deconstruct your own word journey — and reveal the stories you’ve been telling yourself, perhaps without even realizing it
  • How to bend linear time to evoke your own natural rhythms and the healing energies of cyclical time
  • How to create a powerful wind altar — strong enough to bend, yet never break
  • Why moving between time requires both self-knowledge AND diligent inventory
  • How to create your own Life Map
  • mythical harvest journey — in which you’ll call upon the moon to create a sacred space
  • The many myths of the Wind Gods and Goddesses — and the truths you need to know
  • How to recognize the physical, spiritual, and energetic adjustments you’ll need to make to manifest your goal for 2020
  • How to access strength and strategy to conquer every enemy that stands in the way of your goals and visions for your life

In Become a Wind Alchemist, you’ll learn to connect with the wind’s powerful energies in many ways. One way is through the use of a beautiful, handcrafted Wind Whistle, which can provide a rich experience of the sound-healing qualities of wind alchemy. (A Wind Whistler Tool Kit — complete with Wind Whistle and 34 Wind Spirit cards — is available at a discounted price to those who register for this course, but is NOT required for your participation or enjoyment of the program.)

According to Renee, who’s known as The Practical Shaman, you’ll notice swift changes in your life just by sending your intentions to and working in harmony with the wind.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

In this 7-week transformational intensive, Renee will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills you’ll need to create a new map for your life that’s true to your essence — using the cardinal winds as your guide.

The Power of Live Streaming Video

You’ll connect with Renee and experience her teachings through live streaming video. This connection will be easy to use and will enhance the impact of Renee’s body of work. You can easily connect via audio only if you choose — through your phone, tablet, laptop, or computer.

Course Sessions Wednesdays at 5:00pm Pacific

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, and experiential practices with Renee. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to find your Magnetic North with timebending practices and Wind Spirits.

Renee will be available for LIVE Q&A following every class session to engage with your emerging inquiries about becoming a wind alchemist.

Module 1: Creating a Life Map With the Help of Wind Spirits to Bend Time (December 11)

You’ll begin this first class on the full cold moon of December, with Renee’s Life Map as your starting point…

This powerful tool will help you establish your bearings, with a central goal in mind: timebending.

This foundational class session is about preparation for the sacred journey inward, and moving between parallel timelines.

While you cannot control the wind, Renee teaches, you can learn simple tools to navigate any storm.

Renee will walk you through a thorough inventory of several areas of your life to see where — on the space-time continuum — your major life events have taken place.

As every sailor and shaman knows, it’s essential to first know where you are in THIS timescape so you don’t lose your way. Renee can show you how to move between parallel timelines.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Use your Life Map to prepare for the sacred journey inward
  • Align to your inner awakening compass and discover how to whistle up a Wind Spirit
  • Use these powerful tools to prepare your sacred wind space, including the light of December’s full moon
  • Draw down the Four Winds Guardian and create sacred space
  • Take part in a mythical harvest journey… calling upon the moon to create a sacred space as you draw down the Cold North Wind for the Full Moon
  • Receive guidance to complete your Life Map over the next week as you gather the tools for your wind altar

Module 2: The Wild Winds — Preparing to Enter the Dream Cave of Divine Possibilities (December 18)

This week, you’ll discover the art of dreaming divine possibilities — and you’ll re-learn what you thought you knew about the time-space continuum.

With Renee’s guidance, you’ll discover how to ask the challenging, open-ended questions that a full shift demands — unlocking valuable information about your emotional intelligence along the way.

As you’ll discover, for spiritual alchemy to occur, you must look at the questions you’re asking of yourself and the wind — and decide whether you’re stuck on the same question in your life.

You’ll also embark on a layered cave journey through your mind — discovering the emotional, spiritual, and physical shifts needed to drop your anchor where you need to be…

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to create a powerful wind altar — strong enough to bend, yet never break
  • Why moving between time requires both self-knowledge AND diligent inventory
  • Renee’s signature Mirror-Mirror practice, in which she takes you through the reflective pool… to journey into the timeless chamber of creation, experiencing the altar in time, and in bended time
  • The importance of cultivating a sense of awe and wonder — and an open-heartedness to the wind
  • The non-ordinary altar place — and leave a marker there so you can return between class sessions, whenever you need to
  • How to hold an altar in two worlds — the middle world and the underworld
  • Renee’s guidance for working with altars over the holiday break (the work you’ll be doing with your altar involves everything from seeing family to letting go)

Module 3: Timebending Epiphany — Shifting Perception From Linear to Cyclical Time (January 8)

This week you’ll reunite with Renee and your new global community of seekers after the holiday break, continuing the shift in your perception of timelines — and strengthening the Sacred Circle.

You’ll replot the Life Map you created in Week One, transferring the information from the vertical timeline to the seasonal compass map…

Renee will guide you to move your Life Map milestones onto a new round compass, using powerful new principles that impact your personal timing and soul rhythm…

In this module, you’ll:

  • Name the gift of each season (for example, spring is the time of new beginning)
  • Reconnect with your fellow participants and share about your altar over the break and how it supported you through your holiday experience
  • How to move with the moon, shifting your understanding of time
  • Work with more powerful tools… including compass and color-code dots to represent life events and placement in your cave and layers
  • Participate in experiential practices to close out 2019 — including a technique featuring Cardea, the Roman goddess of door hinges and handles who prevented evil spirits from crossing thresholds
  • Embark on a journey with wind whistle, rattle, or drum
  • Discover the wind’s qualities of beingness
  • Prepare for your homework assignment — moving from the linear map and working with the Awakening Compass to organize your experience and spot your spiritual patterns
  • Make a Vision Compass with the information you uncovered in the first class

Module 4: Learning to Navigate Life With the 5 Dynamic Winds of Creativity (January 15)

How you create anything is how you create everything, affirms Renee.

And in this week’s class, you’ll use your recent experience of moving your linear map to the cyclical compass to evaluate how YOU create.

Just as the day resets itself and starts again, so can you reset your life. As you envision your life’s next steps, you’ll discover how to draw upon what you’ve already created for inspiration…

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The 5 dynamic winds of creativity — chaos, gestation, oppositional forces, partnership with nature, and process order
  • The cycle of Creativity — and the Creative Void
  • How to use these 5 dynamic winds as a lens for viewing your new map — a powerful process to help you create more successfully
  • Renee’s Light Returns journey
  • How to make a Vision Compass for 2020, recreating and considering how you want the next cycle of life to unfold
  • How to shift from doing to being
  • A powerful homework assignment in which you’ll examine the Vision Compass to learn about your primary pattern of creating form in your life

Module 5: Exploring the Alchemy of Wind Power & Creativity to Build Spiritual Resilience (January 22)

Especially when you’re jumping timelines, you’ll need something concrete you can assess at the end of your journey…

And in this pivotal week of class, you’ll boldly choose one goal you want to achieve in 2020 — and create your plan for spiritual resiliency.

Once you’ve chosen your goal, Renee will guide you to utilize your own compass in navigating your experience…

In this module, you’ll:

  • Use your compass to navigate the seasons ahead, determining which internal beliefs to empower
  • Inventory which beliefs, emotions, needs, and desires need your attention so you can achieve your goal for 2020
  • Discover how to make, store, and jump timelines
  • Explore the power of wind knots
  • Participate in an experiential practice to unwind in a counterclockwise position… observing the places where your emotions are dictating the agenda and, perhaps, holding you back
  • Determine the physical, spiritual, and energetic adjustments you’ll need to make so your 2020 goal becomes reality

Module 6: Turning Energy Into Form & Navigating From Where You’re Planted (January 29)

At this point in your journey, you’ve created an altar, set your intention and goal for 2020, and examined how you’ve engaged with your creative dreams in the past…

This week, you’ll picture your goals as reality as you take part in a grain-oriented festival, celebrating the sowing of the fields in preparation for springtime’s planting…

In this module, you’ll:

  • Create your own wind
  • Make prayer flags to protect your seedlings — your goals
  • Locate your center point, so you can always navigate from wherever you’re planted
  • Use wind power to put symbols into words
  • Explore how the words you use either empower you or hold you back
  • Take part in an experiential practice to deconstruct your own word journey — and reveal what stories you’ve been telling yourself, perhaps without even realizing it
  • Discover the meaning of Wobble and Stable — and how these practices help you navigate your life

Module 7: Winnowing Your Seeds for 2020 (February 5)

This week, you’ll winnow your seeds for the new year and further refine exactly what you’re planting.

Renee will guide you and your fellow participants in a winnowing exercise to explore how the winds come by and take everything that’s not essential… leaving behind only the strongest seeds.

You’ll discover how, although we’re all suffering from mass disconnection…

… your work in this course has equipped you to feel more connected, experience awe and wonder in your life — and have a powerful working compass for the year ahead.

You’ll be able to navigate any storm.

In this closing module, you’ll:

  • Emerge from the cave bearing strong seeds — Renee will show you how
  • Participate in a group journey and incantation to plant the seeds of presence in the wind
  • Discover the many myths of the Wind Gods and Goddesses — and the truths you need to know
  • Explore why, as humans, we suffer from ongoing destruction
  • Use strength and strategy to conquer every enemy that stands in the way of your goals and visions for your life
  • Finalize the action steps you’ll take toward your goal — and the tools you’ll use to foster your dynamics of creativity

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Renee Baribeau

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored by and learn with Hay House author, wind whistler, and soul coach Renee Baribeau — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a live streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to create a new map for your life… guided by the wind’s transformative energies. Course sessions are on Wednesdays at 5:00pm Pacific.

Seven 60-Minute Integration Sessions

This course will feature optional LIVE integration sessions with Renee’s assistant to deepen your understanding of the material between class sessions and ensure that your questions are answered. Integration sessions are on Thursdays at 4:00pm Pacific.

Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the video will be available for you to download or stream in high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience.

Seven Video Recordings of Integration Sessions

After each integration session, the video will be available for you to download or stream in high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience.

Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available for you to download in high-quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Weekly Discussion and Integration Session With Renee’s Assistants

With live class attendance, there will be optional integration session directly following each class. One of Renee’s assistants will join you to deepen your understanding of the material you’ll be discovering in class.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

The Become a Wind Alchemist Bonus Collection

  • Shamanic Journey With Wind & Raven
    Audio Recording From Evelyn C. Rysdyk
  • IAM Winter Solstice Symposium
    Exclusive Video Recording of the 2019 Event With Renee Baribeau
  • Staying Centered in Times of Change: Holding & Sharing Your Light With the World
    Video Dialogue With Sandra Ingerman and HeatherAsh Amara
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How to Become a Wind Alchemist – Renee Baribeau
How to Become a Wind Alchemist – Renee Baribeau

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $61.00.

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