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Katusa Resource Opportunities – Marin Katusa Download. An unusual secret of the markets that can turn a small amount of money into $10,000s… over and over …

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The True Story of How I Turned My Teacher’s Salary into More Than $15 Million

An unusual secret of the markets that can turn a small amount of money into $10,000s… over and over again, with gains like 1,450%… 2,440%… and 4,160%

Hi, my name is Marin Katusa.

I live over 2,400 miles from Wall Street…

And I don’t have an MBA…

But back in 2003, I discovered an incredible opportunity in the markets… in a small, unique group of stocks.

I was a calculus teacher back then. I didn’t have much money to invest.

But I was so sure of this opportunity, I took out a $180,000 loan on my house… and invested it all.

It paid off. Big time…

Over the next two years, this little sector of the market skyrocketed over 500%. One of my positions climbed from 25 cents to over $6 per share—a 2,300% gain…

It was a big, real money bet that made me my first million dollars.

At first, you might just think I just got lucky. But the amazing thing is, I’ve done this over and over again in my life, for the last 15 years… on some of the best little-known “venture” opportunities in North America.

And right now, I’d like to share my secret with you… so you can take advantage of these opportunities, starting as soon as tomorrow morning.

Like how I made my second million on another tiny group of stocks, after they soared between 600% and 1,000%…

Or how I made a 1,400% gain—including a double in two months—on the same type of venture stocks just a few years later.

This isn’t investing as you’d normally think of it… like buying big, safe blue-chips, or investing for income.

In fact, what I’m doing with my money isn’t for everyone… and there’s a chance it may not be for you.

But I love this kind of investing—and it’s definitely something I’m good at—buying small, little-known companies BEFORE they get discovered… making early investors a small fortune.

For example…

I invested in a small, brand-new venture in a market that was so bad at the time, people told me I was crazy…

But this little company went on to make 1,050% gains in 30 months…

Or in 2008, in the depths of the financial crisis…

I was offered the chance to buy into another one of these new ventures for just 56 cents a share…

And when the company was later taken over by a Brazilian billionaire, I cashed out for a 1,250% gain… and used the profits to renovate my vacation home in Europe.

In short, investing this way—over and over again—has allowed me, a former calculus teacher, to become a multi-millionaire… with a life today that I never could have dreamed of.

These incredible opportunities are typically off-limits to regular investors…

Because they are so small, and so little-known and so unusual, the average investor would never hear about them… until the big gains have already been made.

And unless you know the right people, you’ll never hear about the best of these ventures—until it’s way too late.

Frankly, I don’t think that’s fair.

That’s why, over the past fifteen years, I’ve developed my own unique way of making money in the investment world. You won’t find my approach in any textbook… or on any websites.

When I tell people my secret approach to investing in these types of enterprises, they usually don’t believe me.

But for me personally, it’s created dozens of opportunities in my life.

For example, I’ve sat on the board of a public company… arranged over $1 billion in financings for various new venture companies… traveled over a million air miles to visit companies in more than 100 countries… been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and Bloomberg as well as on CNBC… and even written a New York Times bestselling book.

Along the way – I’ve been approached thousands of times by hedge funds… Wall Street bankers… entrepreneurs… politicians… you name it.

They all want to know the same thing:

How has a guy like me with no MBA… no formal investing education… and no office on Wall Street managed to make millions of dollars in some of the best opportunities of the past fifteen years?

Well, that’s why I’m going to show you exactly what I’m doing, and why it could make you $1,000s a month—or much more…

In short, what you’re about to see is one of the biggest financial secrets in the world.

It requires no meetings on Wall Street… no phone calls… no e-mails.

All you need is a computer and an internet connection. It doesn’t matter what your age or education is – or how much money you have. You can use this secret from your kitchen table in about 15 minutes a week, starting as soon as tomorrow morning.

Let me give you the full story…

More Important than Apple, Amazon, and Bitcoin

First off, it’s important that you know the difference between conventional investing and what I call “venture” investing.

These days, popular high-tech companies like Facebook, Apple, and Amazon get most of the attention…

But our society is built on a “low-tech” foundation of steel, coal, concrete, copper, lumber, and aluminum…

Our cars, trucks, and airplanes consume millions of barrels of oil every day…

And of course, the oldest form of money—and still far superior to high-tech cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin—is gold.

Our world’s constant demand for raw materials ensures that natural resourceswill always offer some of the biggest and most lucrative investment opportunities in the markets…

And that’s why I focus exclusively on “ventures” in the world of commodities and natural resources.

For example, earlier I told you about how I took out a loan on my house while I was a professor…

Well, the small group of stocks that turned my $180,000 loan into $1 million were in tungsten—a metal used in everything from light bulbs, golf clubs, and ice skates… to cars, planes, and even cell phones.

I also told you how I made gains of 600% to 1,400% on another tiny group of stocks… in uranium, which of course is used for nuclear power, as well as in colored glass and yacht keels.

In fact, since I started my investment career more than 15 years ago, I’ve seen huge returns in just about every natural resource sector there is…

Including 1,450% in gold…

1,050% in copper…

2,440% in lithium…

Even 4,160% in vanadium, a metal used in jet engines, dental implants, and electric batteries.

Bottom line: Venture investing—done the right way—can make you exponentially more money than conventional investing.

The only way stocks like Apple, Amazon, and Facebook could even come close to making you those kinds of gains is if you got in 10 or 15 years ago…

If you own big blue-chip income stocks, good luck making 2%-3% a year…

And with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, sure, they’ve gone up hundreds of percent in one day—but they’ve also plummeted 50% overnight.

I don’t know about you… but would you rather own a volatile cryptocurrency that can be hacked and stolen… and is still unproven to the general public…

Or a real, tangible asset that the world cannot live without—and that has the potential to make you 2 times… 3 times… even 5 or 10 times your money?

But here’s the problem…

Without the right approach, most people will never make money on new natural resource ventures – including you.

And that’s for one reason…

In short, for most people—there’s simply no way of knowing which of these small companies will take off and be successful.

And that’s why I’ve uncovered a huge secret I’ll share with you here today…

A secret that can help you make the exact same kinds of gains I’ve made, on a percentage basis…

1,053% in 12 months on Northern Dynasty

On the morning of January 24, 2016…

I stood before a packed investment conference.

I urged people to buy shares in a tiny venture company… one that controlled the world’s largest undeveloped gold and copper deposit in Alaska.

At the time, this tiny venture company was virtually unknown… trading for around 34 cents per share.

Just 12 months later, that same company—Northern Dynasty—became the biggest story in mining, and a huge media phenomenon…

Its shares skyrocketed to $3.92… for a 1,053% gain.

Northern Dynasty became a sensational story because it owns the world’s biggest undeveloped gold deposit…

And also because many believed Donald Trump would support its development in the name of American prosperity.

Every $10,000 invested into Northern Dynasty when I recommended the stock grew to as much as $115,290, in under a year.

No, it wasn’t random luck. Far from it…

You see, most people know that commodity markets run in cycles.

For example, when there’s a limited supply of oil, the price tends to go up… and you can make a lot of money on the “upswing”—like when oil shot up to over $100 a barrel a few years ago.

More recently, the world has been awash in oil. It crashed to under $40 a barrel… and has basically stayed around that level for the last couple of years.

In other words, you can lose a lot of money when the cycle swings back down…

But I’ve been consistently successful in finding the biggest potential gains in this market—no matter what the natural resource markets are doing—

because finding the best investment ideas in this space requires something much more than knowing commodity cycles…

In fact, it’s all thanks to the secret I’m going to show you.

It’s how I made 718% on Pitchstone Exploration, a tiny uranium company…

1,050% on Copper Mountain…

1,250% on Ventana Gold…

And 1,852% on Uranium Energy Corp… among many, many other big winners…

The Secret to Making 1,000%+ Gains

How do I find these investments?

It starts with my relationships and contacts.

You see, in this kind of investing, who you know is just as important as what you know.

You can’t just sit behind a computer and uncover the biggest natural resource investments…

Because the kinds of venture companies I buy and sell typically don’t have conventional earnings that most investors want to see.

In fact, some of the companies I buy don’t make any profit at all.

They simply find and develop billion-dollar assets… like oil fields and gold mines.

This is why “cookie cutter” approaches used by thousands of mutual funds and newsletter writers DON’T WORK in natural resources.

My secret is simple:

You have to know the players involved…

And you have to do a lot of legwork… including “boots on the ground.”

For example, I spend long hours in my office in downtown Vancouver, the heart of global resource finance, poring over data…

I hear hundreds of “deal pitches” every year…

I network constantly with some of the world’s most influential CEOs and financiers…

And in the last decade, I’ve flown over one million miles to visit hundreds of resource projects in person.

It’s a lot of work… but absolutely necessary for putting together the kind of track record I have.

That’s exactly what I did with Northern Dynasty, which went up 1,053% in just 11 months

I knew the key players personally…

I visited the mine in person…

And I spent long hours studying the geology… talking to my many contacts in the mining industry…

Vetting the whole opportunity top-to-bottom so I could stand in front of a packed investment conference and confidently recommend it.

Anyone who heard my advice that day could have made a small fortune…

And that’s the kind of work you MUST do to be successful with venture investing.

For example, one good friend of mine is the founder and Chairman of a very successful global mining company…

He made over $200,000 on one of my recommendations that was a 1,000%+ winner.

Another friend is a well-known author and speaker (I can’t mention his name, but you would almost certainly recognize him)…

He made $600,000—more than six times his money—on a single venture deal I shared with him…

So I can tell you from personal experience:

Unless you’re a real “insider” in the natural resource business—and know the key people personally—it’s unlikely you’ll ever hear about these kinds of small venture stocks… until it’s far too late.

That’s why I’ve taken some extreme steps in my career…

718% on Pitchstone Exploration

In 2004, I met a geologist named Ted Trueman. The introduction came through his niece’s husband, who was part of an angel venture investing group I was a member of in Vancouver.

After just a few hours of talking with Ted, I could tell he was the real deal.

Ted is one of the most respected uranium geologists in the world. He had formed a new company that had some promising uranium projects.

I wrote the first research on Ted’s company, Pitchstone Exploration.

At the time, the stock was trading for 55 cents per share. Within three years, it soared to $4.50 per share—a 718% win…

4,160% Gains in Prophecy Resources

The Prophecy Resources headquarters were located on the 20th floor of a bank building in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (talk about off the beaten path!).

But thanks to my contacts in the industry, I got the full details about its assets and future earning power… something that few people outside of the company knew about.

I relayed this opportunity to my clients who saw 4,160% gains.

That type of gain turns every $10,000 invested into more than $400,000…

2,440% Gains in Lithium One

I had a big score with Lithium One because of my relationships…

Lithium is a vital metal used in things like batteries and ceramics. Now that battery-intensive products like electric cars are all the rage, investors are clamoring for lithium stocks.

This small company started out as the brainchild of mining entrepreneur Paul Matysek, as well as some of the top investment bankers in the business.

We all met one afternoon at Paul’s house. They asked me to compile data on every lithium projects in the world.

(They were blown away by the level of detail I showed them later… especially since I wasn’t a company insider.)

In fact, they were so impressed with my research on the sector that they offered to make me president of the company.

I politely declined… instead, I became a large shareholder.

My clients ended up seeing 2,440% gains on that one…

940% Gains in GNG Resources

I met the GNG Resources management team on a site tour…

In Canada’s Yukon Territory—where the average winter temperature is -22 degrees below zero.

We were supposed to fly to visit a project, but our plane was frozen…

So I had to help de-ice the plane and push it onto the airstrip so we could make the site tour.

After that unusual experience, the company president started reading my research… because he saw firsthand the lengths I would go to investigate a story.

Thanks to that connection, I later helped finance his next company—and made over 900% on that deal…

In short—I work incredibly hard to nurture and build this network of contacts, because it’s how I hear about the best ideas.

Maybe you’re still thinking that extraordinary results like these are the product of connections alone… and a little bit of luck.

But knowing the right people is only the first part of my successful three-part approach to the venture market…

Massive Analytical Firepower

My lifelong interest in math lead me to become a teacher, and eventually, into the world of natural resource investing.

That’s why, over the past fifteen years, I have developed a one-of-a-kind analytical computer engine that gives me an unfair advantage over other people in this business.

I started working on it while I was a calculus teacher…

It’s the culmination of years of studying math, balance sheets, and asset values.

My team and I spent over $100,000 to build an engine that can analyze and compare hundreds of investment variables. It can calculate any metric or value I need, including many variables that I created myself.

For example…

If I wanted to find a gold company in Canada that has more than 2 million ounces of gold… a market cap of less than $1 billion… more than $10 million in cash… and less than $200 million in debt… my program will pull up every publicly traded company that fits those criteria in seconds.

Hedge fund managers, investment bankers, and securities analysts would kill to have this analytical tool.

It would save them hundreds—even thousands—of hours of research.

This analytical engine doesn’t make actual investment decisions for me, though.

There’s still a huge human element to what I do…

But it helps me “filter the noise” and find big potential winners in the resource sector that few other folks can find. Basically, it does the work of a dozen analysts.

For example, my analytical engine was crucial in helping me find Uranium Energy Corp, one of the big winners I mentioned earlier….

It was trading for 25 cents per share in November 2008.

After doing more research… visiting the mine site… and meeting management numerous times…

Within two months, the stock doubled. After that, it soared to $3.75 a share. That’s a 1,400% return…

The fact is, there are thousands of resource firms in the market.

For most folks, finding the potential big winners is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

My computer analysis X-rays the entire haystack and finds anything in there I want it to find… down to the precise decimal.

Getting all of the data I need to power my analytical engine is not cheap. I spend over $100,000 on it. But it’s well worth it…

Just ask another friend of mine, who is the CEO of a very successful oil company.

I convinced him to invest in Cuadrilla, a big winner my work uncovered. He made over 600% on his investment…

I also convinced a member of one of America’s richest, most successful oil families to invest in that deal. He made over 600% as well…

There’s one more secret that you must use to find huge winners like the ones I’ve been telling you about…

Over 1,000,000 Air Miles

How many investors do you know who wear a bulletproof vest to work?

Back in 2010, I traveled to Iraq to perform a series of site visits.

After all, the country is home to stupendous oil wealth.

At the time, there was still a lot of fighting going on in the country.

We had to hire guards armed with AK-47s to go with us.

They even had me wear a bulletproof vest in case we drew fire.

I didn’t take any fire in Iraq. But I did perform research that led to a group of folks making 322% gains.

Over the past 15 years, I’ve been all over the world—often to places that many people would never dare to go.

Besides Iraq, I’ve traveled to Kosovo, Kuwait, Russia, China, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Kenya, Ethiopia, and dozens of other countries.

In all, I’ve visited more than 100 countries in search of the best and biggest resource investment opportunities.

Some of these trips have me staying in luxury hotels and drinking champagne with VIPs…

But others are the opposite of first class.

For example, in 2007, I flew down to Mexico to investigate a potentially huge natural resource find—an underground cave from the 1800’s…

… where I was attacked by thousands of bats.

I spent the next five days in intensive care… but it was worth it.

The cave later turned out to be home to one of the world’s largest silver deposits…

I urged clients to buy the small venture firm developing it and they saw over 400% gains in 18 months.

Another time, I was snowed in for two days in the mountains in Mexico with no water. But the research I performed there led to a stock recommendation that made investors a more than 10-bagger gain.

Sharing My Top Ideas

Most people have no idea these venture investments in the natural resources world even exist…

And personally, I don’t think that’s fair.

I wasn’t born wealthy… and I can remember when I didn’t have much money in the bank.

That’s why in recent years, after making all the money I need, I’ve begun sharing my ideas and thoughts in a completely new way… with folks around the world who are sick of hearing about ordinary stocks, mutual funds and 401(k)s… and are ready for something new—and potentially life-changing.

I’ll show you how I made gains like…

1,250% on Ventana Gold

In 2008, at the depths of the global financial crisis…

A very smart banker named Sam Magid was looking to raise money for a tiny gold company called Ventana Gold.

I knew Sam. I liked him, and I knew he had a history of success. I also knew Ventana owned high quality-gold assets.

I took a large stake in his firm at the price of 56 cents per share.

I also received “warrants,” which are basically stock options that would allow me to profit even more if the stock started to climb.

Eventually, Ventana was taken over by a Brazilian billionaire. I cashed out of the position for a 1,250% gain.

Anyone who followed my lead on this one made a bundle as well…

1,050% on Copper Mountain

In 2006, I noticed one of the world’s best mining executives had formed a tiny copper mining company.

The executive’s name was Jim O’Rourke. He’s a living legend in the industry.

Because I knew Jim personally and his reputation well, I took a large stake in the company… and told my subscribers at the time about it.

I even went on a nationally televised interview and said the stock could rise by 10-fold.

At the time, the market for copper was so bad that people told me I was crazy…

But the copper market recovered… and the company, called Copper Mountain, soared 1,050% in 30 months after that interview.

Anyone who listened to me made a fortune…

1,852% on Uranium Energy Corp.

Another one of my big wins came via a friend of mine.

Amir is one of the smartest mining executives in the world. He isn’t well-known now, but I believe he’ll soon be recognized as one of the world’s greatest resource entrepreneurs soon.

In 2008, I analyzed his tiny uranium firm, Uranium Energy Corp. It owned world-class uranium assets… but was extremely undervalued.<

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