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Legacy Course – Lewis Howes

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Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $110.00.


Legacy Course – Lewis Howes has the same quality as the author’s salapage. This is absolutely mind boggling that people spend the majority of their life doing something they don’t enjoy.

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Legacy is my multi-million dollar system for creating a profitable, mindful business and living the life of your dreams.

Today is THE DAY you make a decision that can change your life forever

Are you truly happy or fulfilled with your current work or career situation?

Are you satisfied with the level of freedom, income, flexibility, joy, and passion you currently have in your career?

Well, the truth is, I already know the answer to that question for most people.

For the last decade Gallup Research has been examining worker satisfaction and engagement around the world. In 2013 Gallup published a study that reported 87% of workers worldwide are NOT engaged at work.

This is absolutely mind boggling that people spend the majority of their life doing something they don’t enjoy.

87% of workers worldwide are NOT engaged at work. That’s almost 9 out of 10 people!

Oh, and don’t worry, I’m not forgetting about the struggling entrepreneurs. I’ve been there myself. It can take years and years to finally BREAK through and taste real SUSTAINABLE success.

You’ve likely read various blogs, listened to podcasts, and watched youtube videos, while hoping you’ll eventually come across some magical advice that not only sounds legit, but speaks to you on a deeper level, and ignites your greatness.

Creating a change in your business can be challenging, especially if you’re not guaranteed results.

Sometimes it feels like jumping, but not knowing if you can actually fly.

And no one wants to run into a dead end financially, when they’ve taken the leap to follow their passion.

So I want to ask you this:

  • Do you ever feel worried or stressed out in your business?
  • Are your expenses piling up leaving you wondering how you will pay them?
  • Are you working many hours with little return and progress in your life?
  • Do you feel like you’ve lost that excitement because you are not seeing the results you know you are capable of?

You CAN change your situation.

Imagine having a business you’re proud of.

The latest finding from a 5-year ongoing study by MBO Partners uncovered a ton of incredible truths about “independent work” that most people know nothing about.

For most of us, the most challenging part of the change is the constant chatter in our head that questions our abilities…

That we’re not good enough, that we don’t know enough.

And trust me, I was a master in this department. Here’s the thing . . .

That’s all totally normal, we all go through that.

But the best part about life is that everything is a choice.

We’re all captains of our own fate.

We choose which direction to set sail on a daily basis. You CAN change your situation.

Now let’s look at the facts-Almost half the people surveyed

45% reported that they make more money working on their own now than they ever would in a traditional job.

80% of people reported that they were happier working on their own
59% reported that working on their own was better for their health
43% of people working independently feel safer and more secure

And the rest?

They just say it’s neither more secure or less secure, it’s a LIFESTYLE.

You see, once you transition into becoming a lifestyle entrepreneur, you realize that there is no failure in this game, there’s only giving up.

We aren’t out there getting funding from VC firms in Silicon Valley.

We’re building a business around our passion and doing work that lights us up.

If you follow the right path, success is inevitable.

And don’t even get me started on how much easier it’s getting.

With today’s technology, the amount of information, tools and resources, anyone with determination and focus can begin to see results for themselves.

I’m not saying it’s an easy walk in the park, but it’s never been easier.

I want you to imagine what it would be like to look back on today one year from now.

Imagine what it would be like to have a business you’re proud of.

A business that feeds your lifestyle, your pockets, and your soul.

Imagine waking up in the morning to an email report with your sales for the previous night, and find that you are making more money now than you ever were before with that struggling business or current job.

Imagine being an inspiring leader that people look up to and want to learn from.

Imagine celebrating life on a daily basis with your family, friends, loved ones, colleagues, and all the people you care about, and having the ability to pick up the bill at dinner that night.

How good does that feel?

Imagine having REAL security, knowing that you’ve built the skills and knowledge to create a business from scratch all over again if you had to.

No one can ever take that away from you.

Picture and imagine yourself surrounded by like-minded people all living on the same wavelength, understanding how to live abundantly, adventurously, and joyously.

Once you’ve tasted this life, wouldn’t you want others to get the same opportunity and taste it for themselves?

Wouldn’t you want to see people live their passion and create the life they’ve always dreamed of?

I know I would.

And that’s exactly why I’ve been working with top level entrepreneurs doing 1:1 coaching for the past 8 years. It’s why I’ve developed multiple courses training people how to build up different aspects of their online business, and it’s why I’ve decided to finally share with you today, my program that is the exact step-by-step formula I stand by with my businesses, for how to start and grow a successful online empire.

It’s called Legacy!

Take A Look Inside Legacy: Here’s What You’ll Learn

All course materials, including downloadable videos, action guides and more are in your secure online membership area.

UNIT I Financial Freedom Fundamentals

Establishing Your Entrepreneurial Mindset

  • To know how to grow your business, you need to know where it is you are going. So first, we’ll dive into what ou want to create in your life, and, using my goal setting methods, you will have a clear picture for the path ahead.
  • You’ll learn why people don’t reach their goals and what will be required from you in order to turn everything you want to achieve into a reality.
  • Next, you’ll create your “Legacy Creed,” which is a guiding document containing the principles and values of your business so that you never lose track of your mission

Your Profit Plan

  • Now we’re going to dive into the finances of your legacy. Yes, already. There’s a reason that money is tied to big dreams. You have to have money to finance your legacy. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
  • So we’ll take a look at your current finances and then figure out what needs to shift to align to your long term goals. Then we’ll define your specific profit strategy and go over all the best options to see which one fits.
  • You’ll learn how to test the market for your idea, refine it based on feedback, and you’ll use my “Pricing Calculator” of how to price your product to meet your goals.

The $2,000 Weekend Challenge

  • Are you ready to stretch yourself? This lesson is designed to move you outside your comfort zone to get RESULTS. Yes, you’ll be putting your product out to market for one weekend and make some money.
  • Of course it won’t be perfect and mistakes should be expected, but that’s 100% encouraged. Releasing your “minimum viable product” to your audience will give you the feedback necessary to bring your product to a larger audience. And you will get paid to create the product because you are able to get paid prior to creating your product.

UNIT II Creating Your Irresistible Offer

Knowing Your Ideal Customer/Avatar

  • Doing a deep dive into understanding your audience is one of the most valuable exercises you can do in your business. Now that you’ve run your initial test launch of your product and have feedback on your idea, we’re going to figure out who your ideal client is. Knowing your customer allows you to craft content that speaks directly to them


  • In this lesson we’ll get into the nitty gritty details of outlining your product based on the feedback you’ve received and the ideal client you’ve identified. Once you’ve outlined the whole thing, we’ll go back and refine your summary of the product so that it demonstrates the incredible value you have created. And yes, you’ll get feedback again (from your Legacy peers) about your product.

Pricing Your Offer

  • What should you charge for your offer? Before making this decision, you will want to understand the various pricing strategies available to you and the psychology behind them. We’ll cover several methods around pricing and you’ll finish the lesson by deciding how you want to package your product so that there is not only incredible value to your customer, but a healthy profit for you to keep growing your business.

Creating Your Launch Plan

  • It’s time to start building your launch plan for your product now that you’ve outlined it, priced it, and packaged it. There are three main methods to launch your product and you will pick the one that works best for you. Here you will gain clarity on how to set up your launch, deliver your product effectively, and make the biggest impact with your product in a short window of time.

UNIT III The Power of Personal Branding & Design

Design A Million Dollar Brand

  • Your brand not only has to align with who you are at the core, but also must connect with your audience. This is a fun, personalized, impactful, and creative module. We’ll cover what a personal brand is, how to design yours from an authentic place, and the keys to building a long term strategy to develop your brand as you grow. You’ll also learn what inspired my brand, and how to use other brands you adore to shape your own.

Master Your Story

  • Facts tell and stories sell. In a time when there is so much competition, stories allow people to connect and relate with you so that you can build a true loyal following. Your brand can only say so much without you knowing how to share your personal story. Now we’re going to get into the details of how to master telling your story for a variety of audiences so that people GET who you are. This includes your bio, your about page, and your copywriting style.

Become An Influential Authority

  • You have your brand. You have your story. Now to use these to build authority online. We’ll start by exploring the elements that create influence. You’ll learn the three ways to build your authority quickly (even if you have zero press or testimonials). Also, you will understand the long-term strategy for authority building. And get ready for another challenge as I’ll help you implement these three paths to authority.

The Power of Website Design

  • Next, you’ll create your “Legacy Creed,” which is a guiding document containing the principles and values of your business so that you never lose track of your mission.
    Whether you’ve already got a great website or you’ve never looked at the backend of a WordPress page, it’s important for you to understand the basics of quality website design and the elements that should be incorporated into your site. In this lesson I’m walking you through what it’s important to do yourself and what you should outsource. We’ll also go over how to communicate what you want to the designers you hire and the best resources to use when starting out.

Presentation/Speaking Skills

  • One of the most important skills to develop as an entrepreneur, no matter your industry, is presentation and speaking skills. Even if this is your worst nightmare, I’ll walk you through how to deliver captivating public speeches, network at events, build authentic relationships, and host live online events. I’ve also got a special guest interview that will teach you how to warm up your audience to your offer if you are speaking from stage.

Attract the Attention of the Press

  • The final lesson in this unit builds on everything we’ve talked about regarding personal branding. I’ll explain how to be seen and heard by major media outlets so that they give you the A-list exposure no matter where you’re at currently. The end goal of this lesson is to show you how to stand out from your competition by attracting mainstream press and how to leverage it for your credibility and brand.

Unit IV Generate Traffic and Build a Massive Following

Scaling Your Following With Content Marketing

  • You’ve probably heard that content is king when it comes to building a following online. This isn’t the whole story, but it’s still really important. So in this lesson we’re going over how to write fascinating content that gets seen and remembered – especially strategy around headlines. I’ll go over the basics of SEO and getting featured on bigger platforms. Learn how to get traffic from multiple sources and get people excited about the content you’re going to share next.

Social Media Marketing

  • Social media has been a huge driver in my business. Here I will reveal the secrets I’ve used for social media success. I go into real detail on each platform and we’ll figure out which ones are best for you to use, strategies to maximize their reach for your brand, and how to attract the most followers while building out a content strategy that will keep them engaged. As a special bonus, you will learn paid traffic strategies using Facebook ads from my ad agency.

Amplified Affiliate Marketing

  • Ever wonder how to attract affiliate partners that are a perfect fit to promote your offer? You can build real, honest business relationships and turn them into a win-win for all. I’ll explain how it all works and how to make it long-lasting. I break down the numbers of what works when setting up affiliate agreements and how to protect yourself in these contracts (as well as show up responsibly to your affiliates).

Unit V Sales & Conversion Mastery

The Psychology of Selling

  • Sales are the lifeblood of your business. Many people have brilliant ideas and execute well, but don’t convert their offering into real sales and dollars. Whether you feel great about selling yourself or you are terrified, we’re going to walk through the ins and outs of sales. We’ll start with the psychology of sales, incentives and influence. Then we’ll be ready to talk about HOW to sell without being salesy (yes it’s possible).

Sales Funnel and Landing Pages

  • This lesson is where you learn how this online business works. We’ll work to develop your online marketing strategy and optimize how you acquire new leads and automatically lead them down a “funnel” to becoming a customer. We’ll go through the technical stuff like how to set up great sales funnels, landing pages, check out pages, and our recommendations for payment systems. We’ll talk about how to lead a potential customer from seeing your work all the way through to typing in their credit card number and becoming a loyal client.

List Building and Email Marketing

  • Now that you understand the tech side of sales funnels and turning leads into customers, let’s talk about the content and copywriting side of this. We’re diving into the best way to build your email list (with the right kind of people subscribing to it) and of course, I’m giving you another challenge! Also, you get to learn from one of the smartest guys in the world on this topic, creator of AppSumo, Noah Kagan.

Unit VI Ultimate Guide to Systems & Processes


  • No matter how much you know about what to do to build a legacy, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a solid way to do it. In this lesson we’re talking about one of the most important habits to develop – how to be productive on a day to day basis. We’re going over morning routines, scheduling your day, and getting organized in a sustainable way. You’ll have a healthy balance of work, recharge, and creativity.

Automation and Outsourcing

  • In business, it does not serve you to be a jack of all trades. You want to play to your strengths and delegate the rest. Delegation and outsourcing can seem intimidating if you have never done it before, but we’ll make you comfortable with it. You’ll learn how to manage a virtual assistant and how to choose what tasks to give away versus keep to yourself. When you have people and systems supporting your, you are able to focus on what you are best at.

Project Management

  • This is the gateway to you and your goals. You can dream big but without a solid way to manage and move along your plans, they won’t get far. We’re introducing you to our favorite project management tool as well as the best project management practices. We’ll also cover goal setting do’s and dont’s to set yourself up to win.

Team Building

  • Hiring can be one of your biggest investments. And investments can go south if you don’t know what you are doing. You can only get so far as a lone wolf. As your business grows, you’ll need to build up your team and create a work culture you enjoy. I’ll talk about hiring talent and setting good management principles in place. This lesson includes communication strategies, creating a great culture to work in, and the right way to give feedback – so important!

Legalities, Accounting, and Bookkeeping

  • If you’re just starting out, it’s very important to set up the legalities and finances the right way. This lesson is a high level overview of what you need to pay attention to as you set up your books and contracts, and what to pay a professional to handle. The sooner you let the professionals take over, the smoother your day-to-day operations will run. I’ll talk about start-up tools, resources, legal principles, contracts, accounting, trademark issues — everything you need to set up your business the right way.

Customer Service

  • One of the best ways to get new business is to go above and beyond for your current customers. We’ll discuss treating your customers the right way, which means they will come back again and again – AND they will refer you to all their friends. We’ll talk about how to create an awesome customer service experience, how to handle refunds and exchanges, and unique things you can do to create customer loyalty.
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Here's an overview of the prominent keywords and a list of famous authors:

Business and Sales: Explore business strategies, sales skills, entrepreneurship, and brand-building from authors like Joe Wicks, Jillian Michaels, and Tony Horton.

Sports and Fitness: Enhance athleticism, improve health and fitness with guidance from experts like Shaun T, Kayla Itsines, and Yoga with Adriene.

Personal Development: Develop communication skills, time management, creative thinking, and enhance self-awareness from authors like Gretchen Rubin, Simon Sinek, and Marie Kondo.

Technology and Coding: Learn about artificial intelligence, data analytics, programming, and blockchain technology from thought leaders like Neil deGrasse Tyson, Amy Cuddy, and Malcolm Gladwell.

Lifestyle and Wellness: Discover courses on holistic health, yoga, and healthy living from authors like Elizabeth Gilbert, Bill Nye, and Tracy Anderson.

Art and Creativity: Explore the world of art, creativity, and painting with guidance from renowned artists like Bob Ross and others.

All the courses on WSOlib are led by top authors and experts in their respective fields. Rest assured that the knowledge and skills you acquire are reliable and highly applicable.

Specification: Legacy Course – Lewis Howes




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Legacy Course – Lewis Howes
Legacy Course – Lewis Howes

Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $110.00.

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