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Marketing Diary – Marlon Sanders

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Marketing Diary – Marlon Sanders Download. My name is Matt Adler. I work for Marlon Sanders. And when I started my 90-day turnaround, I could sing a song b…

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If You Could Spend 90 Days With Marlon,ListeningWatching, and Absorbing Everything He Does For 8 Hours A Day, Then Detailed All The Secrets In A Diary, What Value Would You Place On It?

Remember, that’s 720 total hours of non-stop, behind-the-scenes, in-depth, real-world, day-to-day online marketing training you can use in your own business — right now!

  1. What It Is: A day-by-day, “fly on the wall” diary that reveals EXACTLY what Marlon taught me, how, and why – as he did it.
  2. The Uniqueness: You will see me grow in understanding right before your eyes. And what’s more is you will learn along with me. You will be learning from the student instead of the teacher. I asked the questions. I went through the learning curve… so YOU don’t have to.
  3. The Proof: My first 2 solo projects brought in $15,049.40 in just 3 months. Plus Marlon’s been making a great living selling products online for years. And inside is EXACTLY what he taught me… the exact systems and techniques he’s used to generate millions of dollars in sales over the years.
  4. The Benefit To You: It’s written in step-by-step, sequential order. So you get all the right chunks in the right order. You learn what I learn, when I learn it… All in only 10 minutes (or less) a day. And you even take weekends off!
  5. The Guarantee: Try it… love it or leave it. If you don’t have a huge boost in confidence, in understanding, and in your practical, nitty gritty know-how – you will get a full refund PLUS we will pay a $10 penalty.

From: Matt Adler

Date: Monday, April 27

Dear Friend,

My name is Matt Adler. I work for Marlon Sanders. And when I started my 90-day turnaround, I could sing a song but I couldn’t recognize a hot headline or USP if it hit me in the face like a brick.

I turned 20 last September. I used to be a full time guitar, bass, drums, and bassoon teacher (yes I play bassoon!). I taught privately for a few years.

But after a while I needed a more reliable income. When a kid didn’t show up for their lesson, I wouldn’t get paid. Not too smart putting my financial security in the hands of wacky teenagers, huh?

So then I signed on as an assistant to a marketing consultant named Carl. He left a few months later and just about that time I learned that Marlon Sanders needed work, so I came on board.

I don’t mean to give you my life story, but I need to lay the groundwork for what happens next — and how it will help YOU.

Marlon needed me to be an asset to his company, rather than a financial burden. So I needed to learn how to market, online and offline. I needed to learn sales. I needed to learn copywriting.

Basically, I needed to learn a lot! Cause I had no experience prior to working with him.

So Marlon Set Me On A 90-Day

Internet Marketing Crash Course!

What happened next would change my life!

Marlon said that for 90 days he would train me (then 19 years old) in all the different facets of business and marketing. And train me he did!

Copywriting… lead generation… selling… even the psychology behind it all.

Marlon left no stone left unturned. Every day he would dazzle me with his very own marketing insights and philosophies. I also tore through more home study courses than you can shake a stick at.

I studied everything. From the classics by John Caples, Claude Hopkins, Robert Collier and Vic Schwab to the crazily successful “gurus” of today’s internet marketing scene.

I watched countless DVD’s (one course alone had over 10 one-hour DVD’s!), listened to dozens of audio CD’s, sifted through loads of CD-ROM tutorials, Camtasias, swipe files, workbooks, paperbacks, hardbacks, and manuals.

After thousands upon thousands of dollars’ worth of incredible marketing info, my brain was officially fried!

It was funny. I had attended one 4-day marketing seminar in my life, and at the time I thought I was King Daddy marketing guru.

I thought the world was my oyster!

But after these 90 days were up, I realized I didn’t know very much at all.

I think that was the single most helpful thing throughout those three months – my ego was kept in check!

I learned… that there’s always MORE to learn! Whether you’re a novice or advanced, you’re never through learning. I’d even venture to say that the most successful people are the ones that learn the most, and keep learning. They’re the ones who are constantly buying new info-products and reading everything they can. They stumble across a path and then run with it.

When I began to read and learn, it began to click.

The more I learned, the more excited I got. And the more excited I got, the more I wanted to learn. I even found myself studying on my own, way into the night because I was so wound up!

So let’s recap and put it all together — I had access to resources that I never would have otherwise had access to. I was also trained by renowned internet marketer Marlon Sanders personally. For 90 solid days I was in training.

But How Does This Affect YOU?

Here’s the kicker – Marlon was willing to train me and have me out of “production” mode for 3 solid months because he had a plan.

He had me keep a diary. He had me log away everything that I learned in a dated journal. From day one I kept track of all that I learned. And for 90 days after that I did the same.

Once those 90 days were up, I went back INTO production mode. I created two products 100% on my own that wound up selling over $15,000 in just three months.

That may not be as impressive as $500,000 a month, but it’s super exciting for me. I’m 20 years old and just now getting my feet wet, yet I have already found success. And I have only seen just a glimpse of what I can do with what I learned while creating the Diary.

Imagine how I’ll be doing in a year… Or five! At that time I’ll be 25… My life will only have just begun!

Financial FREEDOM is what excites me the most. Not having a 7 figure balance in the bank.

I want to be able to spend time with my friends and family, no matter what time it is. I want to be able to play with my future children without having to worry about going to work.

I want to travel. I want to be able to pursue my dream of becoming a renowned musician.

I want to truly LIVE my life. And the prospect of being able to do that nearly brings tears to my eyes… Nearly!

Income DisclaimerI’m not saying in any way that you will be able to make $15,000 in 90 days. It’s not indicitave of average performance. I don’t know you. How could I possibly make that claim?

But I digress. Back to the Diary…

At the beginning of all this I was a newbie. I was a HARDCORE newbie! I had zero experience in marketing beyond a dinky little roller coaster web site I created when I was 11.

So as a newbie, I had newbie questions. When I was confused about something, I asked for clarification. And all of that clarity went into the Diary. That way you would hopefully not have to go through the same learning curve I did.

Where do you start? I mean – how do you get your business up and running? That was the number one question in my mind. If no one knows me, if I don’t have a customer list – how can I start one from scratch?

There’s so much different stuff out there telling you to do this or that. And most of them conflict one another! So where do you begin?

I cover this in the Diary. I remove the smoke and mirrors and tell you plainly. That’s the approach I tried to take throughout the whole thing. “Just tell it like it is.” That’s what I would have wanted.

Part 2 of the Diary is incredibly helpful to me. It was Marlon’s idea. He had me compile all the different concepts that I discussed in the Diary section and put them in order by topic.

It’s great! I have used it personally on many occasions. Say you need some advice on sticking some urgency into your sales letter. Just look up the corresponding topic. Easy as pie!

Just check out some of the incredible tidbits that you will discover:

  • The three essential elements of every business and why yours will fail unless you know them.
  • Your market’s too broad! Learn two highly-effective and under-utilized ways to segment your marketplace leaving only die-hard, passion-filled, and enthusiastic prospects for you to sell to.
  • Learn how to write a compelling follow-up letter that practically makes returning your product for a refund no longer an option.
  • Learn the crazy $30 bullet technique that practically guarantees sensational bullets every time.
  • Two simple ways to profit from customers who don’t want to buy from you.
  • What one strategy can you implement today that will cause up to 50% of your buying customers to give you more money at the point-of-sale at no cost to you?
  • Ten ways you can grab your prospects by the coat tail, give it a yank, and practically force them to raise their hand in interest for your product or service.
  • A breakthrough, one-of-a-kind back-end system that can take your measly front-end profits and multiply them regularly by creating repeat business! (No one else has ever taught this system – any time, anywhere. Ever.)
  • What commonly used technique could get you in hot water with the FTC? Make sure you NEVER do this in your copy! (Stay away or you could find yourself in an 8×8 cell with a new girlfriend named “Bubba”!)
  • What is the one mistake that most newbie entrepreneurs make that ultimately costs them their freedom and forces them to return to their day jobs?
  • Discover how to eliminate all risk from the minds of your customers so they’ll happily fork over their money to you without a second glance.
  • Read how to create such value for your product (using the “ten times” value rule) that anyone in the right mind would be CRAZY not to buy it.
  • Key ways you can tweak your pay-per-click campaign and send loads of buyers with an itchy “order” finger straight to your website… literally overnight.
  • Toss your traditional business plan out the window in favor of this one-of-a-kind new way to strategize your business! (No one else knows about it because it’s Marlon’s concept and it has never ever been taught. This is cutting edge stuff!)
  • Beware! Traditional ways of sending direct mail do not work when mailing people who have never bought before! Find out what to do to make sure your envelope always gets opened and your sales letter always gets read.
  • It’s always good to be a penny-pincher, right? Wrong! If you scrimp in these certain areas, it could spell disaster for your business.
  • The truth about income streams: the full story on how the majority of successful internet business owners rake in their dough – NOT by having one, killer product but a bunch of small income-producing websites that all add up to one freakin’ HUGE wad of cash.
  • You’re a newbie and no one knows you, so why should they believe that your product can help them? — I’ll show you a “can’t miss” way to up the credibility factor in your sales letters and remove all doubt from your customers.
  • Is this you? — “Dog gone it! There are so many gosh darn pieces of software that I need to know how to use in order to run my business! What do I do?” — If so, then we can help.
  • Ever wondered what it would be like to live the internet lifestyle? Spend a day in the life of Marlon Sanders!
  • Should you focus all of your energy on one, lead product? Or should you roll out one after another? Discover the secret of the vast majority of internet marketing entrepreneurs.
  • Revealed! – How to conduct a conference call where everyone is vigorously taking notes and thinking that they’re learning a lot, but in the end all that they want to do is open their wallets, pull out their credit cards, and give you their money!
  • What one part of your website nearly always guarantees a hard look from your readers and how can you utilize this space to generate maximum readership and profits?
  • 4 steps to owning your own automated, credit-card-processing, order-taking website — with extremely low startup costs.
  • Would you rather be working hard to make someone ELSE rich through their affiliate program? Or would you rather have your own, high-priced product that other people are chomping at the bit to sell for YOU? Inside I’ll show you a simple, 2-step method for creating your own info-product.
  • How to create a yellow-page ad that practically guarantees that people will call YOU before they call anyone else.
  • What killer internet application can be used to stream fresh, updated content into your SEO websites to keep you at the top of the search engines?
  • What are the 5 fundamental elements of every successful marketing campaign and how do they apply to your business?
  • Stick any of these 12 “hook words” into your headline and watch it attract buyers like crazy!
  • When placing an ad for a new employee, what 6 magic words can you slip in to instantly filter out the tire-kickers and leave you with only the best employees?
  • Learn the “no-brainer” (yet often disregarded) concept that allows you to take any process within your business and make it run smoother and more productive. (Or better yet, what does organizing the garage have to do with business?)
  • What is the number one mistake that most rookie copywriters make when writing their sales letters that costs them mucho mazooma in the bank?
  • 5 ways to craft extreme levels of urgency into your sales message and create an instant surge of excited, ready-to-buy customers every time.
  • Making your product cheaper does not guarantee more sales. Learn how to find the optimal price point for your product.
  • Why should every business (including yours) be pushing some sort of info product?
  • Learn the timeless advertising breakthroughs of direct response legends John Caples, Victor O. Schwab, Eugene M. Schwartz, and Robert Collier. They pioneered so many of the fundamental techniques that we all use today, and yet so many of their other, brilliant concepts have been lost in time.

… and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I tried to cover all the bases. Some of this, some of that – and then I show you how to link it all together into one workable business model.

If you’re a newbie and need guidance, look no further. I was in the same boat you are. I went through the same stuff. But I’ve essentially shortened the learning curve for you. Because I had the guidance of someone who’s been doing it for years – Marlon Sanders.

In fact, I personally want to thank him right here right now for what he’s done for me. I had no college and no experience at all, but he saw something in me and hired me on the spot. Then he shared the most valuable information imaginable with me. And I am incredibly grateful.

But anyway, I tried to cover all the bases. Lead generation, sales letters, PPC’s, direct mail, online/offline marketing, ethics, organizational stuff, software tips and tricks, affiliate programs, PR, proof, urgency, guarantees, articles, getting traffic… I tried to make the Diary as well-rounded as I possibly could.

And again, I give you the newbie business model that I personally would follow to get my business up and running. This is the missing link. This is what makes all the other stuff work. This one page is worth the price of the Diary a hundred times over.

“So How Much Ya’ll Gonna Ding Me For?

Marlon’s consulting fee is $1,000 per hour for his clients. He’s put literally thousands of dollars worth of his time into training me.

But of course, that’s comparing apples to oranges and I want to make the Marketing Diary as affordable as I can, so I’ve decided to offer a SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE of only $57, but only for a limited time.

Of course if you’re a member of our Milcers club, you’re going to get even more savings because I’m applying your June discount towards the Marketing Diary.

  • If you’re a Silver Milcer member, you pay only $47.00
  • If you’re an A-List Member, you pay only $47.00
  • If you’re a Gold Milcer member, you pay only $41.99

Jump on it while you can, because we reserve the right to up the price at any time. There are 317 pages of step by step, how-to info in the Diary. Marlon poured out to me exactly how he runs his business – from all his systems to his marketing insights.

If we feel that too many people are cheaply getting this information, we may raise the price. But of course I’m gonna HAVE to sweeten the deal…

If you order before midnight tonight, you will receive the following bonuses:

The patented “Matt Swipe File!” You get a swipe of pretty much everything I’ve ever written for Marlon – web sites, name squeeze pages, sales letters, direct mail postcards, and all sorts of different promos. You’ll even see the first sales letter I ever wrote! There are call-outs and explanations all over. I’ll show you the things I did well… And some of the things that were downright awful! Learn from MY mistakes – so YOU won’t make them.

The report “How I Got Tons Of TV, National Radio, And Newspaper Coverage By Taking 15 Minutes To Write And Submit 302 Words”

It’s true. Remember JingleSongs.com? I got on TV, national radio, and newspapers all over just by submitting a simple 300 word press release. Find out exactly how I did it in this bonus report.

The “You’re Gonna Love It”These three newsletters alone, (valued at $19.95 an issue), are technically worth MORE than the total cost of the Marketing Diary — so it’s like you’re getting the Diary and the other bonuses absolutely free!PLUS: Three jaw-dropping, eye-popping, mind-blowing digital issues of the “Milcers Newsletter”.

– $10 Penalty – Risk Free Proposition:

The Marketing Diary will be so beneficial to you if you take the first step. If you want well-rounded info on dozens of essential topics from one of the most credible sources anywhere – and then have it all pieced together with a workable business model – the Diary is just what the doctor ordered.

I stand 110% behind this product. I have used it several times myself when writing my sales letters. The “topic” section is very useful and practical. Plus the bonuses are just the icing on the cake.

We so firmly believe that you will think the Diary is the greatest thing since sliced bread that we are offering a 100% risk free proposition.

Try it. Then like it or leave it. If for any reason you don’t like the Diary, let us know within 90 days of your purchase and we will give 100% of your money back. No questions asked.

PLUS — if you show us that you gave an honest effort of trying the system in the Diary, we’ll pay you a $10 reward – sort of “reverse interest” – just for checking it out. That’s a $10 penalty for us and a $10 reward for you.

AND we’ll still be friends! Sound fair?

So what have you got to lose?

It’s easy to order The Marketing Diary!

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Marketing Diary – Marlon Sanders
Marketing Diary – Marlon Sanders

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