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Money Magnet Transformational Abundance-Art of Manifesting GB – Jenny Ngo

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Money Magnet Transformational Abundance-Art of Manifesting GB – Jenny Ngo Download. Deep inside, you know there is so much more to your life and what you c…

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The GPS roadmap and success formula to quickly birth your Abundant, “Money Magnet” Self.

  • Have you been working hard on your personal development, spiritual growth, and doing your inner work, yet nothing seems to help increase your abundance or change your money situation?
  • Are you sick and tired of struggling financially?
  • Are you wondering why your abundance flow is blocked?
  • Do you sometimes find yourself asking “Is there any help for me?”

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, then this is for YOU!!! Because…

Deep inside, you know there is so much more to your life and what you can offer to the world, but you haven’t been able to manifest it at the rate you would like.

Discover a powerful way to align your energies to attract more abundance in your life, so you can live your purpose.

My clients have manifested these incredible Money Miracles!

  •  Salary doubled from $50,000 after worked with Jenny!
  •  $12,000 today…biggest gain ever made in one day!
  •  A new Mercedes!!! Life improved 200% on all levels!
  •  Over $100,000 profit!
  •  Over $12,000 savings, lost 45 lbs, 2 PRICELESS miracles!
  •  35-40% Increase in Income!
  •  $500 a month school Scholarship
  •  100% Increase in number of clients in 10 days
  •  Wow! Over of $14,000 unexpected money and winnings
  •  I’m now a “Money Magnet”. Won $500 prize. Have many ideal clients

Ask yourself this…

What is your current financial situation?

  • Money is inconsistent or living paycheck to paycheck
  • Blocks to receiving and creating abundance
  • Thoughts of being sabotaged by others or not supported by the Divine/God
  • Difficulty in charging or getting paid for your services for what you are worth
  • Repeating patterns of struggles and poverty in your ancestry
  • Need more prosperity so you can live your purpose

What is your emotional state or well-being?

  • Stressed out, frustrated or anxious with your financial situation
  • Sabotaging habits of over-spending, over-giving and under-receiving
  • Having some shame, guilt or traumas related to your childhood, sexuality, or re your financial situations
  • Yearning to connect to your inner guidance and make a difference with the work you do
  • Lack of confidence and faith on your abilities to earn money consistently
  • Experiencing sleeping difficulties or chronic pain especially neck, shoulders and lower back
  • Unable to take effective actions, and stepping into your purpose and financial success

I have been there myself many times over. Even though I had a Masters Degree in Nursing, earning a middle class income, I was still living paycheck-to-paycheck. After many failed business ventures in an attempt to bring in supplemental income to pay off debt, I ended up quickly racking up much more debt, and then had to file for bankruptcy. 

My financial situation ultimately turned around when I worked through my “gunk” limitations and aligned my energies to become a “Money Magnet”. Since, I have doubled my highest salary ever and making over 6 figure income. I’m living my purpose and prosper doing what I love as a transformational healer and coach–making the real impact.

NOW, imagine this to be your current reality!

Your desired financial and abundance reality!

  • Debt free or less in debt, more savings & income growth
  • Healing your relationship with money including poverty and lack and scarcity consciousness
  • Birth your abundant, “Money Magnet” self and experience what’s possible for you and your family
  • Resetting your income set-point, breakdown your inner and outer glass ceilings to how much money you can earn
  • Healing and forgiveness of shame, guilt or other traumatic experiences like debts and bankruptcy
  • Creating lasting financial wealth and freedom so you can live your true purpose

Your desired emotional state or well-being!

  • Enjoying and living your life to the fullest, not just “existing”
  • Feeling confident, loved, and supported by the Divine/God
  • Healing your past hurts, traumas, and losing your triggered buttons so you can move forward
  • More energy, focus and on purpose
  • Healing your money stories, limiting core beliefs and thought patterns that keep you in the cycle of struggles
  • Having better health, loving relationships, and pain free or less days in pain
  • Having more inspirations and developing skills to enhance your personal and/or business abundance

WHY is this abundance and money package so different and powerful than ever before available?

So thorough and comprehensive, and addresses ALL areas of ABUNDANCE healing, from clearing and healing of:

  • Interferences such as negative entities, energetic cords, heart-walls and frozen emotions with 100% success at quantum speed for your Highest Good that may be preventing you from success, healing, and connection to the Divine/God
  • Ancestral and karmic healing
  • Inner child and traumas healing
  • Inner feminine and masculine energies
  • Sexual energies and sexual transmutation for creativity & expression
  • Higher Self Emergence, connecting and strengthening your gifts and abilities
  • Spiritual support team, connecting and strengthening with your God team and Money Advisors
  • Raising your vibrations and aligning you to your Abundance blueprint while healing what’s in the way like low levels of self-worth, self-love, self-esteem, etc.
  • Powerful healing tools like MP3s, MP4s, 90 days Abundance Bubble and more for support to birth your magnificent, “Money Magnet” self

Are you willing to let go of “gunk”- judgments, beliefs, and/or traumas that are holding you back, and reclaim the life that the Divine/God Source intended for you?

Isn’t it time?

  • Time to shine your Light and live your life to the fullest
  • Time to step into your Magnificence, your best version of yourself
  • Time to birth your magnificent “Money Magnet” self

Imagine, yourself having more money now….

  • What would you be doing with your free time?
  • Where would you go?
  • Who would you allow yourself to become?

Here, I’m having fun fishing.

Kayaking and loving it.

Taking a family vacation, enjoying the beautiful sunset, the soothing ocean waves, and the sandy beach with my 2 kiddos, my husband, and family.

This is truly a comprehensive abundance and money package that will transform your life from the inside out!

Giving you a clear pathway to success, the GPS roadmap and success formula to become a Money Magnet just like those who are successful with high integrity.

Your job is to do your inner work, be willing to let go of your limitations, and come into alignment of what you desire.

While our God teams and I will provide you the healing and nurturing environment you need to birth your “Money Magnet” self.

When readiness meets alignment is when miracles occur!

Many of my clients have experienced small and big miracles already…

Are you ready?

NOW is the time!

Enjoy this beautiful sample video clip 2:22 minutes of the Higher Self Emergence. Experience more of your True Essence and IMAGINE what’s possible for you!

This Package Includes:

  • 7 MP3s + 1 Healing video-MP4
  • The Abundance Healing Journey – 4 Part Audio Series
  • Bonus #1: 90 Days Abundance Bubble for you & your immediate family members
  • Bonus #2: Abundance Living GPS Key Essentials
  • Bonus #3: Be in the vibrations of what you desire…it will come faster MP4
  • Bonus #4: Let go of your stories…so you can heal MP4
  • Bonus #5: Recorded Q & A Abundance Group call 
  • Private Facebook Community

ITEM 1: Abundance and Success: Transmuting Deep ­Rooted Core Beliefs, Limiting Thoughts Patterns, and Traumas That Affect Your Abundance and Success (Value $55)

8 minute MP3 – Music and Soundless with usage instruction

This MP3 helps you to work through the underlying reasons that prevent you from obtaining the financial abundance and success that you deserve. It also helps to transmute your limiting money paradigm, limiting deep-rooted core beliefs and thought patterns, and traumas that affect your abundance and success including ancestral/generational healing. In addition, it helps to align and release the dense energies in your energetic bodies that preventing you from having a higher perspective to your success and financial situations such as tendencies to live paycheck to paycheck, fears and worries, bankruptcy, and indebtedness.

ITEM 2: Focus & Performance MP3 (Value $35)

10 minute MP3 – Music and Soundless with usage instruction

This MP3 helps you to work through the underlying reasons for your inability to focus on performing the tasks at hand. It also helps you to release the trapped–dense energies that prevents you from focusing on your goals and performance. Also, releasing the negative energies that are preventing you from being able to focus on your tasks and that are causing you to struggle and suffer from “performance” anxiety, fear, nervousness, and/or symptoms of ADD/ADHD.

In addition, help you to focus 10-20% of your energies to what matters and get 80-90% results. Further, help you with time management and energy management so you can focus on what’s important. The more you are able to let go of the dense limiting energies, then the easier it is to focus and excel in what you do.

ITEM 3: Inner child & adolescent healing for Abundance (Value $55)

8 minute MP3 – Music and Soundless with usage instruction

Healing your “wounded” inner child and adolescent. Healing those aspects of your inner child & adolescent, that need to know and have the experience that you are safe, cared for, respected, appreciated, supported, loved, and forgiven. Further, aligning you to the Higher Perspective. Also, assist you in healing negative imprints and memories including past hurts that are no longer serving so you can free yourself from these bondages to tap into your abundant self.

ITEM 4: Healing and integrating your inner feminine

and masculine energies MP3 (Value $35)

8 minute MP3 – Music and Soundless with usage instruction

A healthy balanced inner feminine and masculine energies are essentials to one’s transformational abundance, success and to showing up and living life to the fullest. Our feminine aspect of us receives insights, ideas, intuition, and guidance and the masculine gives structure and support to implement and bring them into fruition. Furthermore, this MP3 works to heal the wounded inner feminine and masculine, and strengthen the healthy yin-yang balance of the natural feminine and masculine qualities.

ITEM 5: Sexual healing & transmutation-

Unleashing your abundance (Value $35)

8 minute MP3 – Music and Soundless with usage instruction

Did you know, that sexual energy is manifesting energy as well? Healing our sexual energy is a must for a healthy abundant life. Sexuality and intimacy at its highest expression and utilization, can lift your vibrations and consciousness, and can further connect you to your spiritual self. This MP3 will help:

  •  Heal discordant energies around your sexuality: deep rooted limiting beliefs and thoughts patterns, hurt, guilt, shame, traumas, dysfunctions, energetic cords from partners, and other negative energies
  •  Realign, heal and restore the 2nd chakra, for being able to enjoy life more
  •  Be more charismatic, by possessing a healthy and safe sexy vibration
  • Sexual energy transmutation, for more creativity and expression

ITEM 6: Higher Self Emergence (Value $99)

11 minute MP3 – Music and Soundless with usage instruction

Strengthening and increasing your connection to your Higher Self, Guidance/God Team, and your Spiritual Money Advisors. Further merging those aspects of your Soul/Higher Self that have already lived through and have mastered life, to bring forth the perfect healing activations/downloads, pearls of wisdom, knowledge, skills, talents, clarity, and guidance to assist you in living your life right now with more ease and Grace. Allowing you to remember who you really are; your luminous nature and the Divine spark in each of us. Video has high vibrational healing holograms and healing music, Novaphonic Q’ Sound frequencies to further entrain and upgrade your energies to the highest vibrations possible.

ITEM 7: Money Magnet MP3 (Value $99)

8 minute MP3 – Music and Soundless with usage instruction

Come into alignment of your abundance blueprint of your highest potential, Money Magnet by the following 5 parts:

  •  Releasing the “gunk”, negative beliefs, limitations, traumas, karmic entanglements, ancestral healing, etc
  •  Re-calibrating, re-programming, re-aligning to your abundance blueprint
  •  Opening up your receiving channels
  • Strengthening and magnetizing your abundance connection to Source
  • Embodying the energies of a natural Money Manifestor

Item 8: The Abundance Healing Journey – 4 Part Audio Series (Value $2000)

  • There are so much loving support and guidance as Jenny takes you through your abundance healing journey with many rounds of clearing and healing transmissions to further anchor in the healing and chopping away your “gunk” limitations so you can be all you can be, your magnificent “Money Magnet” self.
  • The healing energies in this 4-Part Abundance series are powerful, and have been amplified by the energies of the collective group in these audios. You will receive the perfect clearing and healing for your Highest Good.
  • Energies will be embedded into the powerful MP3 called “Transformational Abundance” and amplified by the group collective energies from the pre-recorded group healing calls.

#1 Abundance Call: Entanglement energies

  • Work through your healing list so that you can be at the vibration of what you desire
  • Work through and heal your fears that keep you in your bondage or prevent you from moving forward
  • Clearing and Healing of negative entity attachments, implants, black magic/voodoo, energetic cords, heart-walls, frozen emotions, and other lower vibrational energies that are not for your highest good and those that living in your immediate household
  • Heal victimhood and dis-empowerment energies
  • Work through acceptance and forgiveness healing of self and others
  • Safety, working through the energies of why you don’t feel safe
  • Karmic and ancestral healing for your abundance

#2 Abundance Call: Alignment and empowerment

  • Lack and scarcity abundance consciousness
  • Self-worth, Self-love, Connection to your Guidance
  • Healing of fears and/or traumas around lack of money, homelessness, debts, bankruptcy, etc
  • Procrastination energies so you can focus on what’s really important
  • Find out what makes you happy and the real reason or “driving force” why desire money and/or do what you are doing in your business/career
  • Living life vs Existing
  • Inner child and sexual healing
  • Jealousy/Envy and unhealthy competition
  • Bring in your Spiritual “Money Advisors” to help you in your life
  • Work through your healing list and/or money stories list

#3 Abundance Call: Higher Self Emergence

  • Opening up the receive channels to allow in abundance & help and support
  • Strengthening and enhancing your Spiritual support, God team and Money Advisors as needed to help you in your personal and business abundance
  • Connecting you to aspects of your Higher Self to bring forth the wisdom/knowledge/experiences to help you in your life
  • Integrating feminine and masculine energies
  • Express creativity and authenticity
  • True confidence and charisma; Fear of stepping out or being seen
  • Work through your healing list and/or aspects of yourself/life that you are still not okay or at peace with

#4 Abundance Call: Transformational Abundance

  • Your ability to manifest and be your magnificent, Money Magnet self
  • Healing your blockages and fears of success, fears of failure, fears of change, and fears of insecurity
  • Value your talents and skills, to be compensated accordingly
  • Breakdown your inner and outer “glass” ceiling and reset your financial set point
  • Work through your healing list and/or raising the ceiling to how much abundance/money you can earn reflecting your true worth
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Specification: Money Magnet Transformational Abundance-Art of Manifesting GB – Jenny Ngo


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Money Magnet Transformational Abundance-Art of Manifesting GB – Jenny Ngo
Money Magnet Transformational Abundance-Art of Manifesting GB – Jenny Ngo

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