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Music Marketing Manifesto 4.0 – John Oszajca

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Music Marketing Manifesto 4.0 – John Oszajca Download. The reason most independent music careers are dead before the album is even released is because the …

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Hi, John Oszajca here. I’m a musician and the founder of Music Marketing Manifesto.

And I’m going to let you in on a heart breaking reality… All of the “exposure” in the world is not going to help your music career one bit. Why?

It’s not because your music isn’t any good…

It’s not because streaming services like Spotify have caused people to stop buying music.

And it’s not because you need to have a major label, land a placement in a hit movie, or have a huge budget in order to sell albums…

The reason most independent music careers are dead before the album is even released is because the average musician doesn’t have a system in place which is designed to actually SELL music.

Live performances, social media, radio, and press are all well and good. But they are “exposure” based, and they leave all of the burden on the consumer and do nothing to actually close the sale.

Fortunately the process of taking cold traffic and converting it into BUYERS is not some big mystery. In fact, the “science of selling” has been very well established for over 100 years. However, these strategies have been largely unknown and unutilized in the music industry since its inception.

That is of course until now.


Music Marketing Manifesto 4.0 is a brand new course that I’ve put together. It represents the culmination of more than 8 years of hard work and experience and I’m really proud to share it with you guys.

So first let’s talk about how Music Marketing Manifesto 4.0 can actually help you…

Here’s the deal.

Most musicians are struggling; they’re not selling any albums because what they are doing is essentially copying what the major labels are doing.

It’s understandable. That’s all most musicians have to go by. We go out, we play shows, we maybe hire a publicist, we try to get on the radio, we set up our social media accounts, we add our music to the streaming platforms and do all that stuff that we as musicians have traditionally done…

…and then we release our record and we hope that a fan is a going to tell another friend, who is going to tell another friend and that suddenly, we are somehow going to be rich and famous.

I’m here to tell you that doesn’t work.

The problem with that scenario is that it puts all of the burden on the consumer. You’re not actually “selling” at all. That’s not a business model. That’s just sort of chaos and hope.

…and “hope” is not a strategy.

However, what I’ve been cultivating for the last 8 years is a systematic approach to ACTUALLY selling music on a consistent basis, regardless of whether or not you tour, receive radio play, or land yourself on a popular playlist on one of the streaming platforms.

In other words, you build an online funnel that utilizes a specific combination of optimized landing pages, pre-written and pre-scheduled emails, and highly targeted online ads. This funnel automates the process of driving traffic, growing your fan base, building an authentic relationship with these new fans, and ultimately getting them off the fence and converting them into music buyers.

The beauty of a system like this is that it gives us scalability and predictability, and as such, it’s a REAL business model. It’s a system that offers the potential of a concrete ROI.

In other words, we can spend X amount of dollars driving traffic into our funnel and make a predictable amount of money out there other.

And when you’ve done that, you become the master of your own fate.

You are in control of your own music career. You don’t need a record label. You don’t need a manager. You don’t need agents. You don’t need to get luck and land a movie placement or get added to a popular playlist. You don’t need any of these things, or people, that traditionally hold us back as artists.

And honestly, that is why I’ve been so inspired by this method of marketing music, and it’s why it has been so much fun to share it with other musicians over the last 8 years.

Now, as I’ve just mentioned. I have been doing this for a while now. Music Marketing Manifesto has been released in several incarnations. There was the original eBook that was put out. Then version 2.0 was released in 2010 as a multi-media course, and in 2013 version 3.0 was released.

But as the years have passed my own knowledge and experience have evolved dramatically, and so have many nuances of the strategy.

  • This strategy has helped artists like Billy Burke Set the all-time single-day sales record at CD Baby and land on Billboard’s Heatseeker Chart…
  • It’s helped artists like Janiva Magness climb to #5 on Billboard’s Blues Chart and get nominated for a GRAMMY…
  • It’s helped artists like the Empty Pockets sell 9000 albums and dominate 9 different Billboard charts SIMULTANEOUSLY…
  • And this strategy has helped countless other artists grow their fan base and see significant increases in album sales.

And so I felt it was time that I release a new version of MMM to reflect those 8 years of experiences, countless wins for independent artists, and the many changes that we’ve seen in the online marketing space, and the music industry in general.

…and that’s what Music Marketing Manifesto 4.0 is.


Well, first you’re going to get access to over 25 training videos, in which I walk you step-by-step through the entire campaign creation process. You get to actually watch over my shoulder as I build a complete funnel from the ground up and watch as I document the entire thing.

So it doesn’t matter if you have any technical skills at all. All you need to do is watch the videos and do what I do. If you can hit send an email or open a word document then I can’t imagine you having any problems going through each of the steps laid out for you in the videos.

You’re also going to get access the New and Improved Music Marketing Manifesto WordPress template.

This is something I’m really excited about. It has been completely modernized and updated and offers infinitely more customization options than the original WordPress theme. It cost me $700 to have this built, but it’s yours as a free bonus when you register for MMM 4.0.

Why is that important?

Because as I say… This entire system that you’re going to build will exist online.

To really get the most out of your funnel you will need to build a website that is optimized for direct to fan sales and has the necessary built in functionality. Now normally these things can be really difficult to put together. In the past I’ve given out templates that required you to know a bit of complicated html, or has limited customization options. Frankly, the whole process of setting these up gave a lot of people, a LOT of headaches.

Artists wanted something that was easy to set up and that they could customize easily to reflect the subtleties of their specific brand. I wanted to remedy that and provide a better, simpler, solution.

…and so I had the new and improved Music Marketing Manifesto WordPress template designed specifically for MMM 4.0 customers.

WordPress, if you’re not familiar with it, is just a content management system. Most hosting accounts have something called a WordPress “one click install”. It takes just that; “one click”. It’s very easy to set up and I show you how to do it in the course. Once it’s installed you just upload the MMM template and your site comes loaded with all the page templates and customization options you will need.

The MMM Template comes pre-loaded with squeeze pages, sales pages, blog templates, contact pages, download and order graphics and much much more. If you’re not familiar with those terms, not to worry, it will all be laid out for you in the course.

But basically, they are the pages that you need to implement this system; to capture leads, to sell music, and to communicate with your fans.

And they can all be created at the push of a button. And again, the course comes with complete step-by-step tutorials in which I show you how to do everything that you need to do to set this whole thing up. And if you already have a website, not to worry, you can either use this in conjunction with your existing site or use the templates I provide as a guide for augmenting your existing pages.

Another major component of this process is email marketing.

This entire process really all boils down to relationship building at the end of the day. This is about cultivating a tribe and communicating with your fans. We do that with a carefully constructed email sequence.

There are these things called autoresponders out there, and the beauty of an autoresponder is that it allows you to write a series of emails in advance, and send them out to your fans at predetermined intervals.

This allows us to build relationships with our fans, and ultimately drive sales, on autopilot.

Because it is all pre-written and scheduled, there is a scalability to the process that you could just never accomplish if you had to go out there, tour, and shake hands, one fan at a time. That’s not to mention the costs that go into something like touring as compared to simply sending out a few emails.

So… In MMM 4.0 I will teach you how to do this, give you a shotgun education on copywriting and I provide you with email templates that you can edit and use in your own campaigns in case you get stuck at any point in the process. These are the same emails that I use to successfully market my own music.

And with the handy “campaign code” that is unique to MMM 4.0, you have the option of simply clicking a button and importing these templates into your autoresponder, depending on which service you use.

In MMM I also show you how to completely set up and monetize your funnel. I show you how to take orders, deliver downloads, and integrate everything with your autoresponder so that the entire thing is automated.

But we don’t just stop with that first sale. It’s incredibly hard to make a living just selling one album at a time for $10 a pop. However, by introducing additional profit points into that funnel you can actually make a considerable amount of money off of a relatively small number of people. And that’s when that 1000 fan model that we’ve all heard so much about actually starts to work.


The entire course is housed in an interactive members area – that means you can go through the course online and ask questions below each lesson, and either myself or someone from my team will come through to answer those questions, and really be there to make sure that you get the help you need along the way.

And for those of you who are on the go, all of the videos are mobile friendly and can even be downloaded to be viewed offline.



In fact, college level or not, I think you’re going to be hard pressed to find someone else out there who has my particular skill set.

I’m not only a musician who knows what you guys are going through, who’s been there, who’s played the major label game, who’s pounded the pavement as an independent artist… but I’m also a really established and successful online marketer.

As you’ve probably heard me say before, I have been working online for almost a decade now and I’ve generated millions of dollars in sales across a number of online businesses – music related and otherwise.

I think there are few out there that have that combination of experiences. And I think you’re going to be hard pressed to find someone who is as equipped to teach Direct to Fan marketing to musicians, and with such a proven track record.

But of course I’m biased there so it’s ultimately up for you to decide whether or not I have what it takes to help you and you and your career.


Get Music Marketing Manifesto 4.0 – John Oszajca, Only Price $37


Now, as I’ve said, I have been in the online marketing world for some time, and I have spent tens of thousands of dollars on various courses along the way myself.

Based on what others are charging, there is no question that I could sell the material contained in Music Marketing Manifesto 4.0 for $2,000. That’s kind of the going rate for courses of this quality in the online marketing space.

But I’m definitely NOT going to do that. I wanted this to be something that is affordable to everyone…

…so if you register NOW you can get access to Music Marketing Manifesto 4.0 for just $197.

I think that is a spectacular price for everything you’re going to get in this course.


Like you guys, I’m a musician myself, and the last thing I want is an unhappy customer. I believe in this stuff and I back it up 100%.

I created this course because the information contained within it gave me a new lease on my music career, and ultimately, because I think it’s something that every musician should know. Just $197 will get you access to this program and the truth is, I think it’s worth thousands more.

To put things in perspective, let’s say you sell your CD for $15… You’ll only need to sell 10 CD’s to recoup your investment. If you can’t sell 10 CD’s as a result of applying the training in this course, than something is wrong and I have definitely not done my job.

That being said, if for any reason whatsoever you are unsatisfied with the material in this course I will give you 100% of your money back, no questions asked. Simply shoot me an email within 30 days of your purchase and you will receive a FULL refund. No questions asked. There is a “contact” tab in the footer of every page of my site.

Like you, I’m a musician myself, and the last thing I want is an unhappy customer. I believe in this stuff and I back it up 100%.



To order simply click on the link below and you will be taken to a secure order page. Music Marketing Manifesto 4.0 is offered within an interactive members area. The training material consists of over 25 videos, a custom MMM WordPress template, custom email templates, case studies, and an interactive members area where you can ask questions along the way and get direct assistance from me and my team. Once you have made your purchase, you will automatically be directed to the registration page. After creating your account you will receive instant access to everything.


Now before I go I just want to clarify one important thing…

Music Marketing Manifesto is not a magic bullet. It’s not a trick, a scam, a hack, or some button that you press and suddenly you’re rich and famous. That’s not what this is, and those kinds of offers are usually just a bunch of BS anyway.

What I’m ultimately offering is to let you in on a sound marketing strategy that I have been working on and refining for almost a decade now. It’s a proven system and it really works. But it also takes work.

Like anything, this takes developing a skill set and requires some time and effort on your part. But it is the ONLY path that I have found, which systematizes the art of selling music.

Because without a system you’re left hoping and praying that the show you did on Friday is going to cause a friend to tell another friend, who will then tell another friend, who’s eventually going to go to iTunes or Spotify and buy (or worse, just listen to) your music.

And said earlier “hope”, is not a strategy.

“Hope” is for the lottery. And as someone who has invested my entire life into music. I for one don’t have it in me to take that kind of a chance on my career.

Most of us are willing to do the work, we just don’t know what to do. And so we rely on others in the industry: Labels, managers, agents, lawyers, etc, to do it for us. But with the strategy that I lay out in Music Marketing Manifesto 4.0, you don’t have to do that. You don’t have to rely on anyone.

You just have to take action.

So that’s about it. There’s an order button a little further down on the page. That will get you access. If you do decide to jump on board, I really think you’re going to dig the program.

Before I go, I simply want to say that I have been playing music for over 25 years. I’ve been there and done that when it comes to just about every aspect of the music business. I know what it’s like to release an album only to see a few hundred sales trickle in. It’s no fun and it shouldn’t have to be that way.

…with the techniques outlined in Music Marketing Manifesto 4.0, it doesn’t have to.

If you read and apply the tactics in this course, I sincerely believe you will be on your way to building a sustainable and profitable music career, no matter who you are, how old you are, what kind of music you make, and no matter what you have experienced in the past.

While the music business can be daunting and at times appear to be filled with obstacles impossible to overcome, I’m here to tell you first hand that anyone CAN succeed. All you need to do is arm yourself with a little knowledge and take action.

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Music Marketing Manifesto 4.0 – John Oszajca
Music Marketing Manifesto 4.0 – John Oszajca

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