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Niche Celebrity Formula Gold – Perey Marshall

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Niche Celebrity Formula Gold – Perey Marshall Download. If you earn your bread by winning over skeptical customers in a hyperspeed, competitive marketplace…

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“Are you sick of begging for Joint Ventures, slugging it out for clients, getting your head bashed in, and struggling on the outer fringes of success? Then there isONE massive advantage that shifts all the power from the other guy’s corner to yours.”

Dear Online Marketing Professional:

If you earn your bread by winning over skeptical customers in a hyperspeed, competitive marketplace, then these 10 things are definitely on your HATE LIST:

1. You hate it when you need to close a sale – because you can’t walk away from stinky business deals. Time-vampire customers suck your brains out and devour your soul like fried chicken.

2. You hate competing on price. Shaving pennies with bargain hunters with no regard quality, sucks. Being the lowest bidder. Last week you took an order at some ridiculous cut-throat price. You said to yourself, “I’m going to pay for this.” Actually all you did was push your cash flow woes into next month – knowing it’ll be worse then than it is now. You pray some ‘bluebird’ sale comes through later to patch up your cash flow.

3. You hate it when having a superior product effectively works against you. People get overwhelmed by the choices and they’re not sure who to believe. They pick the guy that tells them some happy-happy-joy-joy story. Unfortunately, the guy they picked wasn’t you.

4. You hate it when people choose some big dumb company over you just because “nobody ever got fired for buying IBM.” You work your ass off for your customers and the Big Dumb Company’s service is mediocre and their products stink. They get the business anyway. Ain’t it great?

5. Prospects assume you can’t deliver the goods… a competitor you know is inferior, they think is superior. The customer goes with your rival. You helplessly watch the sale evaporate. Six months later the customer calls you & tells you their project is an unmitigated disaster. The customer is livid, but it’s too late to re-start the project and pick YOU.

6. You hate it when a hot prospective customer Googles your company and finds some moaner on a discussion forum (you bent over backwards to solve her problem but she slammed you anyway) – and you lose business. They know nothing about the hundreds, even thousands of satisfied customers you serve.

7. You hate sending emails that go into black holes; making phone calls that get blocked by gatekeepers, mailing big fancy packages to potential JV partners and getting silence; doing JV’s with pond-scum promoters who couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag; product launch attempts that go nowhere for lack of cooperation; begging for links from other websites, getting the scraps.

8. You hate that when your Google traffic stops, your business stops. You wish you had some kind of air cover, some kind of “Good Karma” that would rain customers on you even when you’re not paying through the nose for clicks.

9. You hate angling for slots as a conference speaker and standing in line for thin rations of your customers’ time. You hate making repeat phone calls to prospects to “follow up”; you hate feeling needy.

10. You hate it when people automatically believe your competition instead of you – because they’ve got more magazine articles, more links, more testimonials, more visibility, more STREET CRED.

I learned this stuff the hard way. My first few years in sales were a long, hard road.

First sales job: I was a manufacturer’s rep and I was selling this Very Cool network technology that I thought everybody ought to get their hands on. It was exponentially better than “the conventional way of doing things” and I was just sure customers were going to snatch this out of my hot little hands.

They weren’t buying… but they were at least listening. (OK, I gotta qualify that. Some of them were listening between bites of free pizza after I’d bought for them, after I’d pounded through gatekeepers and begged for appointments just to get in front of them. Sure they were listening… with skepticism.)

I pounded the pavement for months, educating every company I could find about the marvelous benefits of this hot new technology. I crisscrossed the Chicago area in my beige Ford Taurus seeking anyone who would listen to me.

I sponsored lunch & learns, Dog & Pony Shows, demonstrations…. catered lunches, gave impassioned presentations… I pumped myself up in the mirror every day. “You’re good enough, you’re smart enough, and people like you.”

I reassured myself, “Dude, one of these days all these deals are gonna start popping and yer gonna get yerself some mighty fine commission checks.”

At one point I started to notice that every time I went to see a customer, I would see a little book on his desk. My competition had written a booklet and they were offering it for free in all the trade magazines etc.

Their handy little book was going out everywhere. It was saturating the industry. My competition was cherry-picking the best customers and wowing them with great demonstrations and credibility.

One by one, all those “awesome deals” I was about to reel in started falling apart.

Again and again customers would wanly smile and shake my hand. “Perry, we decided to go with BRAND X instead. But thanks for all the information and advice. It helped us a lot, really it did.”

You’re welcome, sir. Glad to have provided the wonderful education and free doughnuts.

I would drive home and tell my long-suffering wife I’d lost another sale.

My competitors completely ate my lunch. Ain’t it fun, living out “Death Of A Salesman” every day? I did not get one single technology sale, even though I broke the ice and did a year of costly missionary work.

It was a hard, hard lesson in something that I would someday become an expert in:

Building Credibility.

One of the most powerful spells your competitors can ever hold against you is to seem like they’re “everywhere.” Nobody can go anywhere in your industry without hearing their name repeatedly… bumping into their information… getting their perspective instead of yours.

If you’re on the negative side of that equation, you do the hard, back-breaking missionary work and SOMEBODY ELSE swoops in at the last minute and steals the sale.

If you’re on the positive side of that equation, other people do the hard, back-breaking missionary work and YOU swoop in at the last minute and steal the sale.

(Which way do you want it?)

If your business in any way relies on your knowledge, expertise or credibility, then there is ONE advantage that instantly makes you superior to all your competitors. This advantage moves your products off the shelf, lands you the hottest gigs, pays you the highest fees, and even generates links to your website every single day. It stimulates a cycle of success that spikes your income.

What is that ONE advantage?

That one special advantage I’m talking about is:

Niche Expert Status.

If you want financial success, the fastest way to get there is to become just a little bit famous.

I’m not talking about being “Tom Cruise” or “Jennifer Aniston” or “Lady Gaga” famous. If you’re out to become that famous… I’m not the guy who can show you how to do that.

You don’t have to be anywhere near that famous. I mean being a “famous person that nobody’s heard of.” Niche ‘n Famous. You becoming a celebrity in your own teeny tiny corner of the world… the corner that gives you money.

I’m heart-attack serious. When you’re the most celebrated person in your niche, you’re almost automatically the highest paid and most sought-after. You get first right of refusal on the best deals. You get invited to almost every seminar, headline event and luxury suite “insider’s cocktail party” for free.

You don’t chase customers. Customers chase you.

You’re not the lowest bidder. You’re the highest bidder.

Customers trust you instead of trusting everybody else.

Once I mastered this, my days of doing dog & pony shows and lunch & learns and back-breaking missionary work were OVER. My competitors were doing that now, not me. My life as a sales person completely turned around.

Seriously, in 24 months I….

  • Became famous in a tiny micro-industry – well known in a niche within a niche within a niche
  • Customers came to me on their own initiative, trusting me, liking me, asking for advice on critical buying decisions and listening to the answer I gave them
  • Customers automatically rated my advice higher than my competitors
  • Articles in 14 different magazines & online pubs
  • Other companies in the business sought to ride my coat tails, seeking access to my customers
  • First-name basis with the key industry leaders, writers and trade organizations
  • Monthly back-page column in an industry magazine
  • Lunch & dinner invites at every trade show
  • Interviewed industry leaders for a client’s quarterly newsletter
  • Started a trade association
  • Signed a book deal
  • The same day I quit my job I had 2 offers of job interviews by 5pm – and I hadn’t even told anyone I was gone yet!
  • Left my job and started Perry S. Marshall & Associates – replaced my income in 19 days
  • Landed a client who paid me a total of $250,000 in consulting fees

Two thirds of this happened while I was still “working for The Man.” I was ‘just a sales manager’ at my job. I wasn’t a VP or VIP or president or CEO or anything like that. Just a guy who had to sell for a living and meet monthly quotas.

The Man benefited from all this too, trust me. We used low cost advertising, publicity and savvy PR strategies to grow that business 20X in four years. All that publicity sure didn’t hurt him when it was time for him to sell his company for $18 million.

When you’re the widely-recognized niche celebrity, everybody wants to buy from you. Not only that, you’re surrounded by fans when you get there. In some businesses, yes, that can mean autographs, book signings and cell phone photos with you.

If you have the desire and inclination, you may even have the choice of becoming a bona fide rock star in your business. Every now and then someone will invite you to Spago’s in LA in a stretch limousine, complete with sixteen dollar martinis and caviar. Not every day – not necessarily even every year – but it can and does happen on occasion.

THE NICE PART IS: Most of the time, you get to be just a regular guy or gal. No paparazzi in your front yard. Nobody accosts you when you go to the grocery store or hair salon. Your neighbors have no clue! They just wonder why you seem to be hanging around the house all day in your sweats, drinking iced tea with your laptop on the patio.

It’s sweet. You can be an ordinary guy most days of the year and only be famous when you wanna be.

I’ve activated the Niche Celebrity Formula for myself not once but twice. The first time was my trial run. I became an expert in a teeny-tiny niche called “industrial networking.” Yep, the same industry I’d been a loser in 2 years earlier. My life as a sales person really did turn around in a most gratifying way.

I would never go back to doing things the old way. Ever.

Now I have to admit, the word ‘celebrity’ is a bit of an exaggeration. It’s not like anybody was dreaming of meeting me someday. Nevertheless even as an industrial equipment salesman, I would occasionally get tongue-in-cheek calls from my friends in the business who’d say, “Is this the world-famous Perry????” Because they’d seen me in yet another magazine. Always got a chuckle out of that.

Then… 2 years later, I did it again. Within a year became the most quoted authority on Google AdWords. You know that’s a far bigger deal than the industrial networking gig ever was.

Not only have I done this twice but I have helped dozens of people just like you do it in their own niches, as you can see running down the right side. All of these individuals command significantly higher fees than others in their industry, many in the $200 to $500/hour range; some more.

If you want a high six-figure to low seven-figure income… this sure ain’t a bad way to do it.

Niche Celebrity Angle #1: Business Consulting in A Niche Industry.

Create a Success Story.

Become a Success Story.

Give Birth to Success Stories.

Well over a decade ago, Jeff Paul and Dan Kennedy (“JP” and “DK”) pioneered a formula for building your own personal multi-million dollar information publishing micro-empire. It is known to direct marketing insiders as the “JPDK model.” It has not only given birth to hundreds of millionaire info-preneurs, it has transformed hundreds of industries.

If you’ve ever heard of people like Joe Polish (carpet cleaning genius), Craig Proctor (real estate coach and #1 ReMax agent) or Jeff Paul (now known for his TV infomercial but for years was a financial planning guru), all these guys earned millions using the JPDK model.

In turn, they taught literally over 100,000 businesses to discard stupid, Madison Avenue, shot-in-the-dark marketing and advertising in favor of results-accountable, measurable, rock solid customer acquisition. The JPDK now influences billions of dollars of commerce worldwide and has given birth to untold numbers of prevailing enterprises. Not just big professions like dentistry but small ones like home inspectors.

The JPDK model works like this:

1. You personally master direct marketing and results-accountable advertising2. Become a Marketing Maniac and apply it to your business3. Transform your business from failure to success with sizzling copy, hard-ass testing & irresistible offers4. Become an author, speaker and consultant on the techniques you used to change your business5. Sell your success story to other business owners in your industry6. Create hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands of success stories7. Enjoy your status as the rain-maker, game-changer and quasi-celebrity that your next door neighbor has never heard of

I’ll never forget one day at a seminar in Phoenix, I suddenly ‘got’ it: The path was: (1) make your current sales job a smash success, and (2) sell that success story to your colleagues after you’ve achieved it.

Note to self: “Live the success story you will someday tell.”

Suddenly the dramas, the stupidity spasms and the near fatal crashes in my job and biz… and the smart moves, the wins and the great ideas… the psychotic boss who wanted to slice my fingers off… all these things were no longer random elements on some senseless meandering path. They became the foundation of the consulting business I would someday own.

This entirely changed the way I saw my future. I began to alter my present reality because I started to view it from the standpoint of: “Someday when I’m telling this crazy story on a stage somewhere, this is going to be really funny.”

I hope you can appreciate how much mental baggage I shed during that time. Remember, back then I’d spent 5-6 years getting absolutely nowhere as a salesman and entrepreneur. I’d drank multiple pitchers of pink koolaid and I was untangling myriads of lies. I was emotionally recovering from a choking string of failures. I was deep in debt. I severely doubted myself and was now just beginning to get traction at my new job.

But step by step, I untangled myself from those failures and changed the way I saw myself.

The Planet Perry Twist on JPDK

The JPDK model was originally formulated as a “vertical industry” model: People becoming business gurus in dentistry, chiropractic, real estate, carpet cleaning, etc. This looked like something I could do.

But my version became a “horizontal” model: Taking specific traffic techniques (in my case, Google) and applying them across all kinds of industries. Many people who achieve guru status in online business topics do it that way.

Either way, the JPDK formula is a solid foundation for a career as a micro-rock star. So a couple years ago I wrote a report called “Secrets of the JPDK model” where I explained, in detail, the inner workings and non-linear psychology of Dan and Jeff’s model.

I gleaned the information not only from my own 8 years experience as a marketing consultant, but from working with literally hundredsof people who have used some version of this model to build a business.

I cannot begin to count how many late night conversations and mastermind meetings and drinks after the seminar I’ve had, strategizing, dreaming and scheming about these techniques with prominent industry leaders.

DK himself, Dan Kennedy, liked my JPDK report so much, he asked permission to reprint it in his high-end Info Marketing Letter. Then he distributed my report at his “Seven Figure Academy,” a $4,000 seminar for entrepreneurs with high aspirations. Dan advised all 150 members of the audience to study it closely.

I made that report an integral component of this course. If you intend to achieve guru status in your industry, intimate knowledge of the JPDK model is mandatory. This report contains insights that you will simply find nowhere else.

I do consider these insights to be critical. There are certain “market factors” in different niches that profoundly affect your chances of success. I’ve seen some info businesses succeed massively, while others flop around and languish and fail. There’s a hidden psychology and litmus test that literally swings a 100X difference.

Success or failure. Ignore this at your extreme peril.

Niche Celebrity Angle #2: Appoint Yourself Expert in a Game You Already Play

–>You don’t have to be a “business guru” to use this at all!

The majority of the JPDK strategies – *especially* my Inner Psychology of Guru Marketing – apply to any expert on any topic. (Even Non-Profit Underwater Basketweaving.)

Most important is the non-linear inner psychology factor I’ve added to the formula.

It doesn’t matter if your expertise is in art, music, health, law, romance novels or jewelry making – there is a Hidden Market Factor that tremendously influences your ability to succeed or fail. There are some markets, some audiences that are literally 100X more likely to bond to a guru than others.

Wrong market = failure. Right market = success.

Nobody explains this the way I do. This report identifies that success factor in clear, unambiguous terms.

A Sale is Won or Lost Before You Attempt to Sell Anything.

Forget “level” playing fields. Personally I prefer to have a wholesale advantage over everyone else. I want the game to be as unfair as possible. I want my rivals and competitors to seem puny by comparison. Don’t you?

An UN-level playing field, an unfair advantage, is the easiest way to make the big bucks.

There are all kinds of books on negotiating, but the best position is to never have to negotiate in the first place. The best position is to be positioned as the premier person, the star attraction, the go-to-guy, the go-to-gal.

The best terms are your terms, not theirs.

Why not just decide to write your own ticket?

When you have even just a little bit of celebrity (no matter how tiny your market is) you have an automatic advantage every time you sit down at the negotiating table. Clients automatically respect you instead of being suspicious. They don’t shop you for price. They respect your advice instead of constantly questioning it.

This new level of respect is the healthiest, most edifying thing you can experience as a business person. Wouldn’t your day, your week, your year would be a whole lot better if you had a steady trickle of people sending you emails and blog comments and tweets saying “I absolutely love your stuff, it’s fantastic” and “You changed my life for the better and I just can’t thank you enough!” Wouldn’t that be infinitely better than a constant struggle to assert your adequacy?

Everyone should experience that kind of encouragement and validation at least once in their life. And hey… even better if it’s every week or every day.

As long as you don’t let it go to your head, or somehow trick yourself into thinking you’re “bulletproof,” a dash of celebrity might be the best thing that ever happened to you. What would it be like if people treated you as though every day was your birthday?

What would it be like for you to be praised in public – by writers in magazines, by bloggers, in Twitter messages and blog comments and discussion boards? What would that do for your confidence?

There’s enough people trying to tear each other down. How about a culture of building people up?

Critical Success Ingredient

There’s a vital force in marketing that I call “compression.” It works like a diesel engine.

A diesel engine doesn’t have spark plugs; the compression of the cylinders creates pressure and temperature all by itself, that causes the fuel to ignite. Diesel engines are notoriously hard to start, and in super cold climates like Alaska, you don’t dare turn it off in the winter. You literally let the truck run for six months.

But the good news is, with a tiny trickle of fuel, that engine purrs like a kitten all winter long. And when you mash down on the accelerator, a 500 horsepower engine roars to life.

The key force in that Diesel Engine is: THE COMPRESSION CYCLE.

When the air+fuel mixture compresses in that cylinder, it explodes, driving the cylinder forward and firing the next cylinder one eighth of a rotation later.

The marketplace equivalent of diesel engine compression is: DEMAND.

As long as demand exceeds supply (which is easy, since the supply is inherently limited) you can achieve enormous levels ofcompression with very small inputs. You enter a self-reinforcing cycle that, just like a diesel engine idling at 3am in Alaska, can be summoned to perform at will.

Demand for your time. Demand for your services. Demand for your expertise. Demand for YOU.

I can help you start that diesel engine. There’s no better asset than having that engine produce money for you, 24/7/365.

Your Life is better with a Gatekeeper

What if the #1 job of your personal assistant was to shield you from time wasters, only allowing the most prime opportunities to consume your attention?

Well let me give you a hint: The #1 job of your personal assistant should already be to shield you from time wasters, no matter how trivial. Take some free advice from this sales letter: She should be protecting you from $10 per hour work so you can do $100 per hour work instead. That’s the first secret of creating compression.

And so long as you do not violate that compression cycle, you never have to beg for anything. The world eats out of your hand. You catch that wave and it’s a wild ride – a ride that can last for years. In some market that wave can last as long as you want it to, literally for decades.

The prerequisite for this is getting the compression in the first place. In the Niche Celebrity Formula, I show you how to get that engine started – even in your spare time.

Case in point: When I was working for The Man in the Dilbert Cube, I was the national sales manager. I had sales quotas to meet every month and most of this work had to be done between 7am and 8am, before the phones started ringing.

No problem. An hour a day every day is plenty. A small price to pay for Marketplace Compression, for Unfair Advantages, for Playing Fields slanted sharply in your favor. You no longer need to negotiate fees. You’re positioned as The Niche Celebrity instead of Just Another Guy Asking Customers For Money.

Never Beg for Anything. Ever.

There’s another non-obvious benefit: It’s a LOT easier to get links to your website (and Tweets and Facebook Posts and blog comments on your articles and everything else) when you’re considered an authority. It often happens automatically, rather than you having to…. beg. And even with big sites and big authorities, there’s still no begging, just trading favors.

Google gives preference to Authority Sites. What better way to be considered an authority site than to actually be an authority? People will come up to you and say “Hi, aren’t you _____?”

That happened to me personally for the first time at a wedding last year. A guy had driven from Tennessee to Chicago to see his friends get married. He came up to me and said, “Hey, aren’t you Perry Marshall?”

My wife smiled and said, “Well I guess it had to happen sooner or later.”

He asked a few questions, we talked business for awhile, and then we went on with Erin and Alex’s fabulous celebration.

Laura bragged to her friends about her quasi-famous husband. You’ll like having your spouse brag about you, too.

The Power of Raving Fans

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Niche Celebrity Formula Gold – Perey Marshall
Niche Celebrity Formula Gold – Perey Marshall

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