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Snapvertising 2019 – Purple Knowledge Group

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Snapvertising 2019 – Purple Knowledge Group Download. Learn Why This Super Affiliate Is “Pulling Back The Curtain” On His Snapchat Ad Buying Secrets And Sh…

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Learn Why This Super Affiliate Is “Pulling Back The Curtain” On His Snapchat Ad Buying Secrets And Showing You Exactly How To Market Effectively on Snapchat!

“I will let you look over my shoulder and reveal why Snapchat is the best platform to be on right now… even if you hate tech and have never ran one single ad your entire life!”

“Read every word on this page, and I’ll show you how I went from a sad corporate office worker… to enjoying the stability of running ads on a virgin platform.”

Dear Fellow/Future Marketer

If you want to learn how to easily run ads on Snapchat… whether it’s lead gen, e-com, or agency offers… and achieve ridiculous high ROAS without the instability of big ad platforms, then this page will show you how.

Because this is the “marketers’ dream” you’ve been searching for, but only if you take action today.

Now, before I get to the “why” this opportunity won’t last forever, I need to tell you a story: These last 2 years have been scary, thrilling, and life-changing.

I had my first child.

My wife and I quit our jobs and we sold everything to travel the country in an RV.

Then 10 days into our trip, I got this red message of death:


All my ad accounts had been shut down.


I was lost. Frustrated. Worried. But the worst was…

“I felt like a failed provider for my family.”

I had some success, but I couldn’t seem to get things scaling at a consistent, predictable level.

So, out of frustration, and felt like i had nothing to lose… I started learning and testing every nook and cranny within Snapchat’s ad platform.

I mean, I’m already learning how to be a dad and drive a 35ft big rig… what the heck? Why not try to conquer Snapchat ads, too?

Long story short I found a “goldmine” and finally was able to consistently provide for my family.

I remember the feelings of security and complete relaxation…

I was finally running multiple successful campaigns on a platform hardly anyone was talking about…

I felt like i could be a better dad, a more “present” husband… and for the first time ever…

I felt like a highly successful performance marketer.

Running ads on Snapchat allowed me the freedom and stability I’ve been looking for…

And that’s what I’m going to share with you today, if you take immediate action.

Because the truth is… your window of opportunity on Snapchat… is closing.

This once in a lifetime chance to run wild on a new traffic source before all the lemmings find out doesn’t fall in your lap twice

However, if you wait too long, then you won’t be seeing stats like this:

Now, pay very close attention.

Running Snapchat ads can be easy, but there are some well-known hurdles that stop many affiliate marketers from attempting more than a few test runs.

For me, once I “cracked” Snapchat with an offer no one thought would work… it became the easiest way for me to generate consistent cash flow without daily monitoring and without worrying if my ads would be disapproved.

You see, there are a ton of frightened marketers right now because many of the mainstream ad platforms put an end to the affiliate business model.

Meanwhile, you can be one of the first to run ads on Snapchat while there’s little competition.

That’s because Snapchat is the…

Untapped Internet Marketing “Oasis”

Get Snapvertising 2019 – Purple Knowledge Group, Only Price $167

10 Reasons Why You Should Start Running Ads On Snapchat Right Now!

  1. Limited Competition… For Now! “So why would you tell me about this, Matt?” Because there’s pleeeeeeenty of room for growth (but it won’t last long).
  2. Cheaper ad prices. Lowest CPMs since the early wild days of the big ad platforms.
  3. Knowledgeable and supportive reps that want to see you succeed.
  4. Super simple platform that’s easy to navigate. You don’t need to be a data scientist to successfully run ads on Snapchat.
  5. You don’t need a creative team to put together ads. If you have 50 bucks, photoshop, and a fun brain, then you’ll do very very well on Snapchat.
  6. Snapchat is the perfect “low barrier entry model” that makes it easier to run than Facebook.
  7. Powerful ROAS potential. Your ad dollars go WAY further than with the big guys. Imagine spending 50 bucks and getting $800 back…
  8. You don’t need a 3rd party tracker.
  9. Never experience the frustration of ad platforms that don’t care about you.
  10. You get to learn step-by-step from me! Snapvertising is the only working course that shows you how to launch ad campaigns on Snapchat without confusion and without a big budget.

Now, at this point, you’re probably wondering what all of this means for you. Normally, I wouldn’t put out a “training” because it’s not my thing.

I’m a one man affiliate show and I like my daily routine.

But once word got out about how much I was making, the demand became too much… so I caved.

If anyone was going to put together a course based on proof, stats, and real tactics you can implement for immediate success, then it had to be me.

That’s why I put together Snapvertising.

It’s my step-by-step guide to successfully running ads on Snapchat that can generate a lot of money without all of the frustrations you deal with on other platforms.

However, let me be very honest with you…

This course is not cheap.

If you want “cheap” or “free” there are plenty of other “fluff courses” out there.

What I’m giving you costs money and a good amount, too.

That’s because I’m giving away my Snapchat ad secrets. All of them.

Which means I’m risking more competition on Snapchat.

So I thought I’d hike the price really high so if someone was that serious, then they’d be a good competitor on the platform.

Now if that’s you, then here’s a little taste of what you’ll get when you order Snapvertising from me today…

11 Chapters Covering EVERYTHING You Need To Know To Make Snapchat Ads Profitable.

Here Are The 4 Main Areas And Topics Covered:

Module 1: Account Set Up & Basics

  • Why Snapchat is the best platform right now for online marketers, especially if you’re looking for a platform with more vertical opportunities.
  • Learn how to identify your “honey hole” target market that most people who try Snapchat miss…
  • How to set up billing on Snapchat like a pro and make it run on auto-pilot.
  • How to get creative uploaded and approved quickly… and once your creatives are approved, it becomes even easier!
  • Where to find high-quality free services to create winning ads.
  • How to make one “fire creative template” to be used over and over again with consistent, powerful results (this alone has helped generated thousands upon thousands of dollars for my clients).
  • How to negotiate an affiliate marketing deal that is so stupid lucrative… it’ll make you want you to “jump ship” on all other platforms.
  • How to create a high-converting “Split Screen” Snap ad in less than 15 minutes…

I want to break away from this last bullet point real quick and make a good point.

The key to getting consistent cash flow on a daily basis on Snapchat is to be testing new creatives every single day.

I remember how long it took to get creatives approved on other platforms.

I would have to set aside an entire day to get get all of my campaigns up and running.

Now, it takes me less time to create, upload, and approve my creatives than it takes to make and eat breakfast.

That means I test more.

Which means I find my winners faster.

Module 2: Creative

  •  What niches work like gangbusters on Snapchat (basically there are massive groups LOOKING for the kinds of ads I’m making… and there’s a lot of money to go around).
  •  Learn the nitty gritty details about your offer page and how to make it convert using simple and ethical “persuasive copywriting techniques.”
  •  The secret to creating a winning advertorial page that people can’t help themselves but to read and take action (this is so simple, it’s shocking people overthink this all the time…)
  •  The easy-to-follow 4 keys to producing a winning Snapchat ad every single time, even if you’ve never touched Snapchat your entire life.
  •  My personal creatives that have allowed me to bring in upwards of $10,000 a day on Snapchat.
  •  How to upload winning creatives to Snapchat, including the perfect headline…
  •  How to avoid the biggest mistakes on Snapchat that newbie marketers make all the time.
  •  How to lower your ad costs on Snapchat with a simple technique that is easy to do even if “budgeting” and tech annoy you (I’ll show you each step of the way and show you how simple it is).
  • Why you should be testing constantly… and how my method of testing creates the perfect “snowball effect.”

Module 3: Media Buying

  • My highly-proven targeting strategies that will save you money, stress, and time… (I break down whether you should go broad or specific and knowing what “interests” you should test)
  • How to hyper target your audience for easy and powerful profit.
  • How to “funnel hack” Snapchat ads and how to find winning funnels… while also avoiding the “funnel duds” that “look” like winners but could ruin your campaigns if you follow their steps.
  • What to do between day 1 and day 7… including targeting, new snap campaigns, and unleashing your lookalike audiences.
  • The quick way to set up your Snapchat pixel, including tracking actions, placing pixel on website, and setting up pixel event codes.
  • Why the pixel extension is your friend and how it can help you hyper-target your audience and help you sell at each step of your snap funnel.
  • The 3 “need to know” rules for buying media on Snapchat that most new marketers to Snapchat disregard… and how it destroys their ad accounts in a heartbeat.
  • How to leverage lookalike audiences with one simple yet powerful way that can help skyrocket your ROAS.
  • How to discover your “campaign objective” that can ensure you achieve your budgeting and bidding goals every single time.
  • My personal 3 bidding methods that are easy to implement and so powerful… this is how I’m able to spend 20K a day with an 80% ROI. These methods include: The Sweet Spot, Low Hanging Fruit, and Shock and Reset.
  •  How to budget and scale at a high level (aka “What stats to care about… and what stats to ignore”)

Module 4: Compliance

  • How to stay compliant on Snapchat… and forever remain in their good graces for ad campaign longevity.
  • The 5 super fast ways to get your Snapchat ads approved without a single hiccup, every time.
  • The video examples to follow that will help keep your ad campaigns safe, secure, and continue to generate revenue.
  • How to get a Snapchat representative to personally work with you and your campaigns (this is the difference between a highly successful ad account, and a floundering ad account trying to find its legs…)
  • Why Snapchat reps want to work with you, see you succeed, and how to use their guidance to help keep your ads up and running for a very long time.

Get Snapvertising 2019 – Purple Knowledge Group, Only Price $167

“What’s My Investment Today?”

Normally, this type of training on any other platform that is saturated with other media buyers would cost upwards of $10,000.

And I could charge that amount for my complete Snapchat training, where I take you from scratch, even if you’ve never opened Snapchat once… to running successful ads in a matter of days, guaranteed!

Now let me ask you this:

What if I showed you exactly how to run Snapchat ads and you start to bring in upwards of $5,000 a day?

Now, I can’t guarantee that obviously, but I know if you follow each of my modules, then I promise you will start to see positive results that can equal a lot of green in your piggy bank.

Would you say $10,000 is a worthy investment?

Let me ask you the following question…

How much have you lost with disapproved ads?

How much revenue have you lost during “downtime” waiting for ads to be approved?

Are you tired of “breaking even” every month and not seeing real, sustainable profit?

Now, consider this:

Affiliate marketers such as yourself recently invested $12k to attend a mastermind where I taught for only 1 hour…

Think about that.

How much would you pay in 2010 when someone first “cracked the code” on Facebook?

$10,000… $20,000… $30,000?

Knowing how much affiliate marketers have made on Facebook, those numbers are nothing…

It’s a no-brainer.

Well, Snapchat is the new territory.

The open land for ads to roam free… and people are swiping like crazy and looking for products and services to buy.

They’re practically begging for highly engaging ads from affiliate marketers and media buyers.

Now’s your time.

And because you’re here, and because you read my story…

Your investment today isn’t going to be $10,000.

It’s not even going to be $8,000…

Or even $5,000…

You won’t pay $2,500.

I’m giving you everything that has made me successful on Snapchat for the one-time low payment of just $1,999.

Snapvertising: The Wild West of Profitable Ad Buying

11 step-by-step training chapters (totals over 4 hours of “hold your hand” content) on how to create, run, and profitably scale ads on Snapchat.

Module 1: Snapchat Basics and Set-up Ad Campaigns

Module 2: Snapchat Creatives A To Z

Module 3: Step-By-Step Media Buying On Snapchat

Module 4: How To Stay 100% Compliant On Snapchat

Here’s Everything You Get When You Claim The ONLY In-Depth, Fully Comprehensive, And Easy-To-Follow Snapchat Course!

11 Fun To Follow Chapters Where Matt Takes You From Opening Up Your First Snapchat Ad Account To Launching A Successful Campaign In A Profitable Vertical… Guaranteed!

Valued Over $10,000

Complete video and creative templates to model after and start running for powerful results (these are the same exact templates I’ve used with massive success).

Valued Over $5,000

Snapvertising is valued upwards of $15,000… but you’re getting it for a fraction of the cost (for now).

However, because you’re taking action today Snapvertising, you’ll also get your hands wrapped around the following bonuses!


My customized “Snapchat Profitability Calculator” that cuts down the time it takes to calculate all vital ROIs. (It’s the ultimate “plug ‘n play” where you literally drop in the numbers and it spits out answers in less than a second.)

Valued Over $1,200


My “Split Screen Killer” Ad Template. Make high converting creatives in minutes even if you have no experience.

Valued Over $1,000


My secret sauce “Native Snap” Ad template. This custom file allows you to drop in a video or image to make creatives guaranteed to get swipes.

Valued Over $1,000


4 done for you landing pages and advertorials. These high converting pages are in 4 of the hottest verticals. CBD, Health, Financial and Beauty

Valued Over $1,000

Everything you see here is valued over $18,200.

And to think I’m spending up to that on a daily basis with a crazy ROI.

You get everything listed above, plus my bonuses… and you get it instantly… for only one payment of $1,999

Want To Know If Snapvertising Really Works? Read These Real Messages Below…

  • “It’s not every day someone opens up their ad account and shows you a live campaign remove. Not only that, but every little Snapchat detail was covered… from creatives, to media buying strategy, to landing pages… so we could understand everything and re-create it on our own.

    Matt opened up the discussion and answered every single question, without holding back. If you want to know something, he will straight up tell you. No secrets. Easy money on Snapchat won’t last forever, but in the meantime there is more than enough for everyone, and Matt is the one of the few pulling it off and teaching others how to do the same. Thanks Matt!”

    Etan K., Super Affiliate Marketer

  • “I was pretty skeptical before I bought the course. Truth be told, I almost waited for free information to trickle out. I’m so glad I got Snapvertising. I’ve been able to immediately implement the step-by-step videos into my own campaigns. Even better, I’ve had zero account bans and can finally run my business smooth and stable.” Carlos V. – New Snapchat Super Affiliate

    Carlos V., Super Affiliate Marketer

If You Wait, Then The “Fun Days” On Snapchat Will Be Over… And You Will Regret Not Getting In When The Platform Was At Its Most Fertile…

Let me make myself crystal clear…

The chance to rake in profits on the daily on Snapchat Ads work will not be around for much longer.

With every passing hour, someone else is buying my course, consuming my secret content, and launching their campaigns all within one single day.

If you wait, then I promise you’ll only see more ad frustration and “so so” results that make you wonder if you should hang up the ol’ affiliate hat.

I felt that way, too.

Until I stumbled upon the “gold mine” on Snapchat.

Some others know about this gold mine, but they don’t know how to “leverage it” effectively… and they end up wasting their time and money.

How much time and money have you lost with mediocre campaigns? How much more money will you lose if you don’t take my copy and paste Snapchat formula, with over 4 hours of detailed guides and bonuses?

So what’s it going to be? Keep in mind: new platforms like this don’t pop up every day.

You deserve to be on a platform that loves your money and loves running your offers.

Do this now. Get Snapvertising now before it’s overrun with affiliate marketers.

See you in the training.


Matt Smith (aka “Snapchat Matt”)

The 4 Biggest Misconceptions That Stop People From Running Ads On Snapchat

  • Misconception One: “Only teens are on Snapchat!”.

    No, that’s not true. I’m running financial offers in the United States, and all these offers require that people have credit cards. I’ve spent up to $17,000 in a day and I’ve never targeted anyone under 25 years of age.

  • Misconception Two: “Snapchat Only Works For People With Creative Teams… Or Are Picasso.”

    Incorrect. I just did a high level mastermind and set up 5 ads for 5 separate affiliate marketers in under 30 minutes… and got them running. I’m not a creative genius. I just know what works.

  • Misconception Three: “You need a lot of money to test on Snapchat.”

    Wrong again. For example: A CPM is 1,000 eyeballs, or what it costs for a thousand people to see my ad. On Snapchat, per thousand people it’s only $3.00. On big ad platforms it can cost for the same exact targeting $20.00 to $40.00! So basically Snapchat is about 10% the cost of these other ad platforms.

  • Misconception four: “It’s Hard To Learn A New Platform.”

    Nope. It took me $700 and 10 days to make Snapchat profitable. ‘Nuff said.

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Specification: Snapvertising 2019 – Purple Knowledge Group




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Snapvertising 2019 – Purple Knowledge Group

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