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Strategy Factory QandA Parts 1 and 2 Recording – Kevin Davey

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Original price was: $2,950.00.Current price is: $228.00.


Strategy Factory QandA Parts 1 and 2 Recording – Kevin Davey Download. This is not your typical trading course: This is a complete workshop on proper algor…

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  • Have you ever developed a terrific looking strategy, only to lose money trading it live?
  • Do you know if your trading systems really has an “edge?”
  • Do you keep testing – adding rules and filters – until your backtest looks awesome?
  • Do you struggle to find new trading ideas?

If you said “yes” to one or more of the questions above, my “Strategy Factory” workshop may be just what you need. During this one-day online class, followed by 4 months of one-on-one e-mail support, you’ll have the know-how to start up and operate your own “Strategy Factory” – a repeatable process to successfully develop multiple algorithmic trading strategies and automated trading strategies.

This is not your typical trading course: This is a complete workshop on proper algorithmic strategy development, taught by award winning full time trader and best selling author Kevin Davey (that’s me!). PLUS, you’ll also receive fully disclosed code for 3 automated trading strategies – nearly identical strategies to three that I actually trade.

From recent Strategy Factory Class attendees…

“I wanted to let you know that since implementing your Strategy Factory process August 2015, I have real gains of 217%. I have 50 walkforward passing strategies, with around 20 operating normally and being non-correlated. That is pretty awesome to me! I just want to thank you again for your course and access to your experience. I would likely be out of the game if I didn’t implement your process.” – Eric B., Colorado, US (July 2016)

“I was a decorated derivatives broker and a former Wall St trader. I rose quickly over the years at the firms I worked. As a Wall St trader, I closely watched and studied every trader I met. As a broker, I observed the strategies and PnL’s of well over 35,000 traders and their accounts. Yet in all this time, I never observed a trader as consistently successful as Kevin Davey. Kevin’s secret sauce is his process. I never saw a trader who had a process as thorough and well-developed as Kevin Strategy Factory Process. Therefore it should be no mystery why I never observed trading success that was as consistent and reproducible as Kevin Davey’s. This stuff can be learned, but it is seldom taught. Kevin’s Strategy Factory Workshop and its support are pure Gold.” – Ali F., Nebraska, US

“I have been trying various coaches, newsletters and the like and it is really refreshing to find someone with a process that makes sense and has some “meat on the bone” so to speak. Thanks again “ – Gary C, Florida, US – January 2016 attendee

“Absolutely fascinating day! Really, really good stuff. Sincere thanks, Kevin for an idea-enriching workshop!! “– Luc V, Brussels, Belgium – January 2016 attendee

“Awesome, Kevin! Thank you SO much for putting this together and inviting us to join the journey! “ – Al B, Michigan, US – January 2016 attendee

“The workshop itself was well structured and packed with real trading methodologies born from Kevin’s trading experience. Kevin is one of those rare breeds in this industry — both extremely knowledgeable as well as down-to-earth pragmatic and honest. The candor with which he speaks during the workshop is a breath of fresh air. I am extremely happy with both the value and quality of his workshop and support! “ – Dave F., New York, US – March 2015 attendee

“This has revolutionized the way I develop strategies and given me the structure to follow through on my ideas.” – Jim W., New Hampshire, US

“Kevin and the Strategy Factory can help you make the leap from trading as a hobby to trading as a profession.” – Bryan, Omaha NE, US

“I really sense that you care about your students succeeding, its very refreshing, I just want you to know I appreciate that and realize how rare it is in this business.” – Jeff R, Vietnam

“Kevin’s seminar was very thorough. I’m much more optimistic about my ability to trade algorithmic strategies. I now have the concepts and tools to make algorithmic trading possible.” – Jonathan M Indiana, US

“Kevin’s support is excellent. The email replies were usually within an hour. That is great service. The support after the seminar is invaluable. Great job Kevin!” – Nov 2014 attendee

“Great seminar!, I walked away with a clear understanding of robust system development. Wish I had known this information 8 years ago when first started trading systems.” – Keith O. California, US

Join traders from across the world who have benefited from the Strategy Factory Workshop!

My “Strategy Factory” Can Help You Avoid This!

I compare creating trading strategies to manufacturing a product in a factory. In any kind of factory, raw material comes in one door, various machines and people transform the material inside the facility, and the finished product goes out the exit door. The same idea applies to trading strategies. Trading ideas come in one door, you (and your trading tools and software) evaluate the idea, improve it, assemble it, polish it, etc. in the factory, and then a finished strategy exits the factory, ready to trade.

Get Strategy Factory Q&A Parts 1 and 2 Recording – Kevin Davey, Only Price $295

Creating strategies is NOT easy work, but doing it yourself – designing and developing strategies the right way – is MUCH, MUCH better than buying strategies from unscrupulous vendors, or subscribing to signals. Why?

  • No strategy lasts forever. Don’t believe me? Just ask stock market “buy and hold” advocates about that strategy. It worked great, until 2008-9 when the market gave back 25+ years of gains.
  • No matter what strategy you use to trade, your best bet is to assume it will stop working, and plan accordingly. Having new strategies waiting to be traded is the best way to survive the trading game.
  • Another reason to have multiple strategies is diversification. Diversification is key. If you trade one strategy, you are at mercy of that strategy. If it starts doing poorly, as all strategies do, you are in trouble.
  • If you add one or more uncorrelated strategies to your portfolio, your equity curve will get smoother, and drawdowns typically will decrease. Having a strategy factory allows you to develop, implement and trade multiple, uncorrelated strategies.
  • Finally, as your account grows, you’ll want to trade more strategies. With larger accounts, you might run into trade size issues. Having more trading strategies, developed with a Strategy Factory, will allow you to add new strategies, diversify your portfolio and keep your size manageable as your equity grows.

From other recent Strategy Factory Workshop attendees…

“Kevin Davey is a consummate trading professional. I recommend The Strategy Factory Workshop to those who are seriously interested in improving their trading proficiency without reservation.” – Keith U, New York, US

“Kevin is very approachable and the email support he provides for 4 months following the class is arguably the most valuable part because you will have a lot of questions as you get down to the nuts and bolts of developing your own strategies.” – Sep 2014 attendee

“This is a great companion presentation that is fitting with the book. One of the most informative, telling it how it is, what’s needed and down to earth presentations I’ve attended and worth every dollar!” – Bruce Auckland, New Zealand

“Overall, the workshop is very well organized and presented given the volume of material covered.” – December 2014 Attendee

Check Out This Independent Review of My Workshop!

There is an excellent 3rd party website out there called “Trading Schools.org.” They have given my workshop the highest rating possible. Check out their review by clicking on the summary at left.

How Does the Strategy Factory Workshop Work?

First, a week before the all day workshop, you’ll have a 15 minute online meeting with me, one on one. I want to understand your experience, your likes and dislikes, and your learning style to help me present the right info to you during the class. Remember, there are never more than 5-8 new students in each workshop, so you’ll end up feeling like I am talking to you, and you alone!

During the class, over the course of more than 7 hours, you’ll learn:

  • How To Find Trading Ideas
  • How To Properly Test a Strategy
  • How To Evaluate – 10+ Ways to Evaluate a Trading System
  • How To Build a Strategy
  • Why Goals and Objectives Are CRITICAL to Your Success
  • How To Test the Wrong Way
  • Why You Need a Strategy Factory
  • How to Select a Trading Software Package
  • How To Recognize Testing Pitfalls
  • How To Avoid 9 Terrible Mistakes I’ve Made in Trading
  • Why You Won’t Get Burned Again By Snake Oil Vendors
  • How To Separate Trading Fiction From Trading Fact
  • Who to Believe in Trading, and Who Not to Believe – And Why
  • How to Look at an Equity Chart And Tell if it is Fake
  • How To Test – 4 Ways of Testing a Strategy
  • Why Monte Carlo Testing Can Rescue Your Trading
  • How Incubation Helps Make You a Professional Trader

Here is what the workshop day will look like:

  • Session 1: Overview of Process, Discuss the Foundation of the Strategy Factory
  • Session 2: Discuss Details of the Strategy Factory
  • Lunch Break
  • Session 3: In-Depth Strategy Factory Walk Through, Develop Strategy #1
  • Session 4: Developing Strategy #2, Reveal Strategy #3, Wrap Up

The Workshop Is Fully Recorded, Plus You Can Attend More Than Once!

This is a live online event, but don’t worry if you have to step away and miss some of the workshop. Each workshop is recorded, so you can review the material over and over. Plus, as long as space is available, you can attend later workshops for a “refresher,” to ensure you absorb all the information – at no additional charge!

My goal is to get you developing good trading strategies!

“The Proof Is In The Pudding”

The true test of this course is “can successful trading strategies be produced with the Strategy Factory process?” The answer is shown below – in the performance of 5 strategies I developed with the same techniques I teach in the class – combined into the “KJ Diversified” portfolio. Below is the real money, third party verified performance from Striker.com. As you can see, successful strategies can be built with the Strategy Factory – just let me show you how!

Added Bonus Benefit:

I have created a FREE optional addition to the Strategy Factory, utilizing the combined effort of the Factory students. Basically, you can benefit from all other students who produce winning strategies. I call it the “Strategy Factory Club.” This free program is pretty simple:

  • Develop an algorithmic trading strategy, using the Strategy Factory process and principles
  • Have your trading strategy pass an evaluation phase (live simulated trading)
  • Share your trading system with other students
  • In return, you get verified strategies from other students

This Club is a great way to increase your number of strategies very quickly! Just watch this 2 minute video…

Two Students’ Experiences In The “Club”

Student 1:

“The Strategy Factory Club has been one of the unexpected best parts of the Strategy Factory Workshop. The Workshop gave me the tools to be able to develop my own strategies. However, the Club is what keeps me actively practicing what I learned in the Workshop. On top of that the Club provides a method for developing diversity amongst my systems that I would not be able to do as quickly on my own. For the first 2 months of the Club, I provided 2 strategies and as part of the outcome, I now have 7 strategies all of which have been vetted through the criteria of the Strategy Factory Workshop and are ready to trade immediately. Pretty amazing.” – Chris O.

Student 2:

It can even be better than what Student #1 experienced. Student #2 had 3 strategies pass the Club evaluation, and now has 15 strategies overall – all because of the Strategy Factory Club!

This Could Be You!

Here are just some of the hypothetical strategies former students have created, using the principles I teach in the Strategy Factory workshop. Many of these come from students who never before produced a properly designed trading system, until they learned how from me!

What Do Previous Attendees Say?

When I present the Strategy Factory workshop, I always try to get feedback from participants. I want the full day to be as jam packed as possible with information, and I want all students to walk away knowing their hard earned money was well spent. A quality event is always my goal!

Since I started the Strategy Factory Workshop, every single class, except for one, has been sold out in advance! Participants had anywhere from 2 – 40 years of trading experience, and afterwards most took a short survey. Here is what they said:

So, hopefully that gives you an idea of what you are getting with the Strategy factory webinar. Quality education, from a champion trader, at a terrific value!

Your Webinar (and Ongoing Support) Teacher

In this dog-eat-dog trading business, I think it is important for you to know who is “behind the curtain” of any trading vendor you deal with. Does the vendor even trade? Has the vendor ever traded? What is the vendor’s reputation in trading forums, and on the internet? How much can you trust and believe who you are dealing with?

Well, here are some important facts about me:

  • 1) I’ve been trading for over 25 years, not always successfully. But, I’ve learned from my mistakes. You can learn from my mistakes, too – and for a lot less than it cost me!
  • 2) I am a full time trader, but not a full time vendor. This is a really important point! If you are dealing with a vendor who makes most of his money from selling trading information, instead of from trading profits, that to me is a HUGE red flag. Hint: most vendors don’t even trade!
  • 3) I finished in 1st or 2nd place three consecutive years in the world’s premier trading contest. It is a grueling 12 month competition against some of the best traders on the planet. Most importantly, it was REAL MONEY being traded, not some simulated account.
  • 4) I am the author of the critically acclaimed trading book “Building Winning Algorithmic Trading Systems” published by Wiley Finance. My book also won Traderplanet.com’s “2014 Book of The Year” STAR award >> voted as a best trading book.
  • 5) Over the years, I’ve been asked to present at many online and in-person events. I usually decline, since first and foremost I am a TRADER. That is a critical point. Most vendors “sell the dream,” but I “live the dream.”
  • 6) On a volunteer basis, I run the “Battle of the Bots” contest on a major trading forum. I help others become better algorithmic traders.
  • 7) You can find me dispensing advice in a few select trading forums (primarily two – BigMikeTrading.com and Tradestation.com client support forum). My nickname is “kevinkdog” on both. You can easily check out the quality of my advice at either place. Look through my posts – am I dispensing sound advice, or am I just slinging bullsh**? I think you’ll find it easy to discern.
  • 8) For the 4 months of follow up e-mails, only I will be answering your questions and helping you along. I do not pass you off to some inferior trader or wannabe trader, like so many vendors do. I will be with you the whole time!

Finally, please google my name (” Kevin Davey trader” for example), google KJ Trading Systems, and do your own due diligence before you sign up. You’ll find I am not a sleazy snake oil, rainbow selling trading vendor. In fact, I KNOW I am the exact opposite, because I tell the truth (I like to sleep well, with a clean conscience). Since my reputation is something I hold dear, most sleazy trading vendors hate me!

What Happens After The Workshop?

After the workshop, I won’t turn you loose to flounder. You’ll have 4 months of e-mail help. You simply e-mail me whatever questions you may have, and I’ll respond – typically the same day. Also, you can and I will have a 15 minute one-on-one call in the weeks after the workshop. Finally, if you wish, I’ll help you connect with other attendees. Talking to someone on the same path as you can also help you greatly.

What About Algo Trading Strategies – Do I Get Anything I Can Immediately Trade From This Workshop?

Some attendees say this is the best part of the workshop (I disagree – I think the 4 months of one-on-one support is the best part – but who am I to argue?). Not only do you learn how to create your own strategies, but I give you 3 complete strategies that you can trade as soon as you desire! You get the complete code (plain English and Tradestation format) to all 3 of these strategies – for your own personal use, to use (or modify) as you wish.

Hypothetical Results Shown Below:

During the workshop, I’ll walk you through strategy development on stock index futures ( ES and TF) that I created in 2014. Using these strategies, we will walk the complete strategy development process. That way, you’ll see both what the strategy is, and more importantly how it was developed.The code for all strategies will be given to you, and you can freely use them for your own personal use.

From other recent Strategy Factory Webinar attendees…

“Working with Kevin for a short time now already helped me to gain a lot more confidence in my own testing skills and I am looking forward to raise them to a professional level by using the provided process and 4 month support. I had some interesting mindshifts about the power of diversification and comparison to position sizing and the process of testing in total so far and I am sure more will follow. I don’t remember a chance to work with an award winning fulltime trader as a mentor and I am happy to be part of it. And who knows… maybe Kevin is the next Richard Dennis and we are his first new turtles ;)” – Gino T., Munich, Germany

“Kevin’s book was an eye-opener. For every one who feels the same the webinar is a must. – It gave me inspiration to see how he took a inconspicuous trading idea and made a top performing system out of it. It motivated me to do the same and I am looking forward to get his support and make the most out of The Strategy Factory.” – Nov 2014 attendee

“This was terrific and a lot of information in one sitting. At times I felt like I was trying absorb too much, but what is helpful is 4 months of support after; it is truly terrific and allows you to ask questions that you may have not been able to formulate during the webinar. Thaks for keeping the class size small.” – December 2014 Attendee

“A broad and complete spectrum of trading concepts were presented in a concise, orderly manner for both new and experienced traders alike. I personally walked away with new perspective on position sizing, diversification, and maintaining real time system performance that I intend to implement in my own trading.” – October 2014 Attendee

“I would love to offer a suggestion, but the day was FILLED with good content that was appropriate to everyone, well organized, indexed and well presented. – December 2014 Attendee

What Exactly Do I Get For Attending?

  • 15 minute Skype call before the workshop (or use this for an additional call after the workshop)
  • 1 Day Live Class
  • Full video recording of the workshop (or of a previous workshop)
  • 15 minute one-on-one Skype call in the weeks after the workshop
  • 4 months follow-up e-mail support
  • Ability to “sit in” on future workshops, and listen again, at no additional cost
  • 10 Bonus Videos – Over 6 Hours of Extra Instruction on Incubation, Rollovers, Account Sizing, Entries I Use In Real Trading, Monte Carlo Testing, Walkforward Analysis and More!
  • Monte Carlo Simulator Spreadsheet (version 3.0, available nowhere else) 
  • All course handouts in PDF format (300 pages of material)
  • Code for Strategy #1 (ES) – system developed during webinar (plain English and Tradestation format)
  • Code for Strategy #2 (TF) – system developed during webinar (plain English and Tradestation format)
  • Daily Tracking Worksheet Spreadsheet 
  • Development Tracking Spreadsheet 
  • Equity Curve Builder Spreadsheet 
  • Monthly Summary Spreadsheet 
  • Code for Strategy #3 – bonus system (plain English and Tradestation format)
  • Invitation to join others students in the Strategy Factory Forum – a private help forum for students
  • Ability to participate in the “Strategy Factory Club” — use it to quickly grow the number of strategies you can trade
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Specification: Strategy Factory QandA Parts 1 and 2 Recording – Kevin Davey




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Strategy Factory QandA Parts 1 and 2 Recording – Kevin Davey
Strategy Factory QandA Parts 1 and 2 Recording – Kevin Davey

Original price was: $2,950.00.Current price is: $228.00.

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