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TFT Foundation Series – Tim Larkin

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TFT Foundation Series – Tim Larkin Download. When you’re too close to draw your gun and the attack happens too quickly to get out your knife or any tactica…

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New Scientific Studies From Russia Show How 6 Hours Sitting in a Chair Could Save Your Life from a Violent Criminal Attack

When you’re too close to draw your gun and the attack happens too quickly to get out your knife or any tactical weapon… you need training to fill the gap.

Now you can turn the criminals “rule book” to your advantage even without spending a minute on a mat practicing these “lethal force” moves.

From: Tim Larkin

Las Vegas, Nevada

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Dear Friend,

In a matter of a few hours, YOU can turn the tables on a bad guy who wants to take you out.

You can be equipped to end any random act of violence on your terms.

In a mere six hours, you can WATCH your way to self-protection skills you can always count on.

Skills that could be life-saving… for you, or your family.

Because you’re about to see irrefutable proof that you could fast forward through years of training…

…and have the ability you need to survive a vicious attack in a matter of hours.

Yes, I know that’s a HUGE claim.

One I don’t take lightly.

But it’s true, and you’ll see proof.

No matter your size, speed, athletic ability or physical limitations, you’re about to discover the secret.

Here’s an example from the real world…

Let me tell you about Bob and Carl.

Every morning, Carl would pick up his pal Bob on his way to work.

Bob’s a little slow in the morning, so Carl always had time to read or watch TV while waiting on him.

One day, Carl noticed Bob had a set of new self-defense videos… and they intrigued him.

So one morning, he popped in a recording and watched.

Over the next few days, Carl would catch 10 or 20 minutes of the videos while waiting for Bob to get ready.

And in a few weeks, Carl had watched the entire series.

He never practiced any of the moves… he just watched, intently.

Little did he know the impact these recordings would have on his life.

See, almost a year after finishing the series, Bob and Carl hopped on a subway in New York City on a computer assignment.

And within minutes, they were attacked by a small group of street thugs.

Here’s what Carl wrote me:

“I still don’t know who started it but in an instant all hell broke loose.

It was pretty ugly but fortunately didn’t last long.

While we had our share of cuts and bruises fortunately nothing serious.

But the reason I’m writing you is the fact I still can’t believe that from the moment things went bad I realized I was using the same moves I’d seen demonstrated on your videos even though I’d never practiced them once.

I just watched the videos, that was it.

And when we were attacked, I didn’t even think about what I was doing, I just did it.

Anyway, thought you would like to know because your videos don’t mention this.

Thanks guys. Those videos helped save us from a real bad situation.”

—Carl P., Brooklyn, NY

What was the video series that saved Bob and Carl’s bacon?

The Target Focus Training Foundation series.

Now I know what you’re thinking… maybe this was a one off occurrence.

But it’s not.

The principles behind this phenomenon are undeniable.

In fact, I’ll share the science behind how it works in a moment.

But first, let me share another story…

This one, from Jessie, who just showed his girlfriend something he learned from the series.

“I want to extend my heartfelt thank you for imparting your knowledge to me. A week ago, my girlfriend was at a bar with a couple of friends having a good time, and a predator chose her for a victim. He followed her to the bathroom and pushed her out of a nearby exit, pinning her right arm behind her back.

She was terrified, but what came immediately to her mind was a light-hearted conversation she and I had a few days prior.

She jokingly told me that if something happened she’d “punch them in the forehead.” I laughed, but showed her that she should never use her fist and instead use her forearm, and aim for the neck and throat.

All she remembered during the attack was me showing her how to use her forearm. She swung with her left arm–without looking–and thank God she connected perfectly right on the side of his neck.

She ran back to the door and glanced behind her at the predator, and saw him lying on the pavement unconscious!

She made it back home safely that night and told me the story, but the next morning she remembered nothing at all…the man had slipped something in her drink.

Just knowing that she could do SOMETHING empowered her to act, and I am so grateful that she did.

She is a mother of three, and thanks to you all at TFT she will continue to be here for her children. Thank you.”

— Jesse Teale, Wisconsin

Another rarity?


Just a few days ago, I received this email from a man in Israel who had viewed this powerful material:

“I was walking one evening in the old city of Jerusalem with a friend when we were attacked by 2 Arabs wielding knives, the first instinct that I had was, Freeze.

Period that simple.

My friend however just jumped up curled up like a ball and stayed put, too shocked even to yell for help, which obviously made him a very easy “stabbing bag”.

Now after like 2 seconds which felt like an eternity, I did what TFT teaches… and I’m alive and thank G-D, managed to save my friends life! Thank you Tim!

Please do not use my name in above story, as I’m not completely finished with the legal system.”

— Anonymous

Look, every day, criminals are sizing you up, looking to make a score.

Maybe to fuel an addiction, or to get the money to cover rent, or maybe just for the sheer thrill of pummeling a fellow human being so they can feel better about their miserable lives.

I’ve spent thousands of hours dissecting the criminal mindset and know exactly what you’re up against.

And the result of this obsession has saved many lives.

Make no bones about it, if you’re over 45 a criminal assumes you’ve lost a step from when you were young and vital.

And no matter what your background was, a criminal doesn’t see you as capable of defeating him.

To a thug, all he sees is a wallet, a watch, a ring.

All things he can easily turn into cold, hard cash.

And just like a shark, he preys on the weak.

In his mind, you are weak, just because you’ve taken a few more laps around the sun.

So he’ll take whatever he wants.

Even if it’s your very life!

But today, I’ll show you how to fight back… and win.

And it’s far easier to achieve than you would ever believe.

After just a few hours of sitting on your couch, sipping lemonade, you could transform into a bad guy’s worst nightmare.

And deliver a butt whipping he never saw coming…

No matter your size, your strength, your mobility, your speed, your age… you can put an attacker in the hurt locker.

And you won’t need to sweat buckets, get mat burns or bruises from sparring partners.

Again, this isn’t pie in the sky.

It’s backed by scientific principles… as I’ll share shortly.

First, let me introduce myself.

My name is Tim Larkin.

I’m the creator & founder of Target Focus Training. (Also known as TFT.)

I started as a former Naval Special Warfare military intelligence officer, but little did I know I’d spend my life helping people save their lives… or the lives of those they love most.

For over 25 years I’ve been well-known in the self-defense & close-combat training world.

I’m the behind-the-scenes trainer called in when it’s “kill-or-be-killed” for elite operations such as:

  • U.S. Navy SEALs,
  • Army Special Forces
  • The Federal Bureau of Investigations
  • U.S. Marshals
  • U.S. Border Patrol
  • Homeland Security

Black Belt Magazine has featured me (and my training methods) many times over the years—including multiple covers—and, in 2011, they named me… Black Belt Magazine’s Self-Defense Instructor of the Year.

While at the same time… Inducting Me Into The Black Belt Hall Of Fame.

The same year the U.K. Home Secretary banned me from teaching my methods in England… and… even entering the country, period! 


Because liberal politicians would rather see citizens keep their heads in the sand in terms of defending themselves from violence.

And answering violence WITH violence shocks the living daylights out of them.

I’m author of The New York Times best-selling book, Survive The Unthinkable: A Total Guide To Women’s Self-Protection… and… co-author of another best-selling book, How To Survive The Most Critical 5 Seconds Of Your Life

In short, I’ve dedicated my life to helping people defend themselves in a world gone mad with violence.

But before that fateful day of 9/11, I only worked with government agencies.

You see, in the wake of the Twin Towers attack… and the world becoming an even more dangerous place, I decided to help ordinary people learn extraordinary skills to defend themselves.

Skills you can learn in a matter of hours.


Using Scientifically Proven Accelerated Learning Technologies

If you think the stories I shared above seemed unbelievable, I get it.

After all, you don’t hear stories of people saving their lives by watching a set of recordings every day.

Yet the same science behind this principle has been used by elite athletes for years to achieve amazing performances.

What is their secret?

The science of newly discovered mirror neurons.

Without delving too deep into the science, let me explain how they work.

A simple example you may be familiar with is looking at a baby and sticking out your tongue… and the baby, mimics you… sticking out a tiny tongue at you.

Essentially, the baby’s mirror neurons mimic your action.

You could call it imitation learning.

And famed neuroscientist V.S. Ramachandran has described “Mirror Neurons and imitation learning as the driving force behind ‘the great leap forward’ in human evolution.”

Sure, you’ve used mirror neurons as a baby to imitate others.

You’ve also used them to learn how to speak.

Robert Provine, Research Professor/Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland calls their role in human development “the most important unreported story of the last decade.”

There is still much to be learned about how the mechanism works, but what we know so far shows intent turbocharges the activation of mirror neurons.

That means watching something with the intent of repeating it kicks your mirror neurons into action.

Here’s an example from a study done by Australian psychologist Alan Richardson using basketball players.

Richardson chose three groups of students at random.

None had ever practiced visualization.

The first group practiced free throws every day for twenty days.

The second made free throws on the first day and the twentieth day, as did the third group.

But members of the third group spent 20 minutes every day visualizing free throws. 

On the twentieth day Richardson measured the percentage of improvement in each group.

The group that practiced daily improved 24 percent.

The second group, unsurprisingly, did not improve at all.

The third group, who visualized shooting, did 23 percent better — almost as well as the first group!

Clearly, when the mind sees what you want your body to do, it “remembers.”

Let me share another example from the world of athletics.

In the 1980 Olympics the Soviet Union did the following scientific experiment to boost the skills of their athletes:

1- Group one did 100% of physical training.

2- Group two did 75% physical training and 25% mental training (visualization).

3- Group three did 50% physical and 50% mental training.

4- Group four did 75% mental and 25% physical training.

Result: The fourth group showed the greatest improvement in performance.

The Russian Olympic coaches concluded that mental training (creative visualizing) produced the following:

  • Increases personal motivation.
  • Boosts athletic confidence due to visualizing themselves winning events.
  • Improves attention span by eliminating distrations.

So what does all of this mirror neuron science have to do with you?

It means by watching sequences YOU want to learn… WITH the intent of repeating the actions can give YOU results almost as good as practicing!

Of course when we’re talking a potential life-or-death situation, a bit of physical practice is smart.

In fact, I recommend it, because the stakes are high when it comes to your safety, or the safety of your family.

But the science clearly shows you don’t have to.

And the stories I shared earlier prove it.

So how can you use this information to insure you can protect yourself and others?

All you need is the right system, where you can view and mimic perfect form… and you’ll never be a victim.

And the truth is, you could be ready to walk away from a brutal street attack as soon as tomorrow.

Not only you, but the ones you love won’t become one of the thousands of victims of violent crimes that occur every day, like clockwork.

Look, you may think carrying a pistol means you don’t need to learn hand-to-hand fighting skills.

But you’re wrong in most cases because…

The Vast Majority of Violent Crime Starts From INCHES Away!

And from that close, you don’t have ANY time to draw your weapon.

That means you’re down to hand-to-hand combat… for your life.

What’s your life worth?

The life of your wife… or your daughter?

I’m sure the lives of your family are worth a lot.

Priceless, in fact.

That’s why I want to share life-saving information, essentially force feeding it to you while you’re sitting on the couch drinking iced tea.

Look, if a guy’s girlfriend saved her skin because of what she learned third-hand…

… this powerful system can work for you too.

But there’s something important you should know first…

Violent Criminals Have Their Own Rulebook

And if you don’t pull out a page from it… your chances of survival in a savage surprise attack are miniscule.

You need to up your odds by “flipping the switch” that allows you to do what needs to be done.

See, if violence happens, you need the skills to prevail.

And unlike traditional martial arts, my system doesn’t take years to master.

In fact, it’s not unusual for career martial artists…with one or more blackbelts…to come to me when they actually have a threat to learn how to protect themselves.

Look, my friend, Tony Robbins says “repetition is the mother of skill.”

And that’s so true with martial arts and combat sports… as well as about anything you want to master in life.

But TFT is much different.

That’s because TFT doesn’t rely on memorized techniques, which must be practiced.

Instead, it relies on targets.

That’s why you’ll get a catalogue of targets, so you can always recognize the best opportunity to inflict injury.

From any angle.

Any position.

Any circumstance a bad guy may put you in.

You may not be the first to move, but you can be the first to strike.

And you’ll be armed with principles that are drop dead simple.

That’s why I can tell you that you don’t need to practice the hours upon hours you would need to put into martial arts techniques.

In fact, you don’t have to practice at all to take advantage of this devastating system.

However, you’ll need a strong stomach.

You see, the criminal rule book has only one entry.

Win at any cost!

And that’s exactly the mindset you’ll need if you don’t want to be a victim.

You can’t play by one set of rules – while your attacker plays to win at any cost.

Force must be applied to force.

Look, the vast majority of street thugs have ZERO training.

So once you know more than they do, and you adopt a survival mindset to match violence against violence, you’re in the driver’s seat.

It doesn’t matter how big or small you are.

It doesn’t matter what kind of physical shape you’re in.

And it doesn’t matter if you have a few physical limitations brought on by age.

But as I mentioned, you’ll need a strong stomach.

In fact, a “former” Marine, (he says “once a Marine, always a Marine), wrote me this:

“As I first started with your training, I noticed feeling almost physically ill at the savagery of it. The thought of potentially killing someone was disturbing. But the more I was exposed to your system, I realized if it’s me or them… it’s definitely going to be them. Thanks for the wakeup call to help me do what I need to do if the situation arises; I owe that to my family.”

—Mike Morgan, Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho

Actually, Mike had a normal reaction.

See, good people don’t see violence as the answer in their everyday lives.

But when violence knocks on your door, the only answer is matching, even exceeding that violence.

If you freeze, cower or try to negotiate with a thug, you may end up in a body bag with a trail of mourning friends and family members.

That’s why you NEED to make peace with yourself and realize answering violence with violence is perfectly acceptable in a life-or-death struggle.

After all, your family would want you to do whatever you need to do to survive. 

And now you can, quickly and efficiently.


Let me introduce you to…

Target Focus TrainingThe Foundation Series 2016“Unarmed Self-Defense For Extreme Situations”

Welcome to the newest evolution of what has been called, “the most devastatingly-powerful, scientifically-proven self-defense system in the world today”.

Along with my Master Instructors, we’ll show you simply, with plain English and crystal clear instruction how to quickly stop any attacker dead in his tracks by inflicting crippling pain from injury to easily-damaged body parts…

… body parts that can’t be strengthened and are equally vulnerable, even on the biggest of brutes.

You’ll learn to do this by using simple, intuitive movements you can instantaneously and automatically recall and do… even if… you’re non-athletic, small or out-of-shape.

Here is what’s including in the package:

For the first time we’ve uniquely broken this product into 2 distinct parts.

Part 1 is the actual “Live Class” video. Consisting of 6 DVDs, you’re right there on the mats to watch the detailed training interaction of instructors with the class.

You’ll learn TFT’s proprietary approach to “Target Assembly” and “Free Practice,” hear live Q&A, see what works & doesn’t, watch instructor correction of participants, and much more. 

Other times, you’re a fly-on-the-wall, listening to “…explanations that would befit a trauma specialist…”as Mark Cheng, Columnist and Contributing Editor for Black Belt Magazine and Director/Sifu for the Chung Hua Institute in Los Angeles noted after attending a live TFT class.

Here’s a description of each “Live Class” DVD and some, just some of the tips, tricks, secrets and fight-ending TFT methods you’ll discover:

Live Class, Disc #1: The Mechanical Facts Of Violence Introduction by Tim Larkin, TFT Creator and Founder

  • Why athletic ability, size, speed and strength is not a necessity to win in a violent encounter. You’ll learn how to use space and body weight to tip the playing field with bad guys in YOUR favor. 
  • How TFT differs dramatically, (and is actually safer to train), than other systems that employ a “last man standing” training philosophy! (In fact, safety is a by-product of TFT.)
  • Who the most wildly-effective people are at using the tool of violence! (They’re not highly-trained martial artists, wrestlers, or boxers. In fact, most have no training at all.)
  • The secret to breaking down the human body and making it non-functional almost instantly, ending the encounter on YOUR terms. (This is important because, most violent encounters only last 5 seconds.)
  • How TFT mimics beginning firearms training… or… why it’s slow, steady and silent! (People understand this with firearms, because the consequences are dire. But they tend to throw it out the window and blast full-speed ahead when training without a weapon. That’s wrong, and you are going to learn why.)

Live Class, Disc #1: The Mechanical Facts Of Violence Chris Ranck-Buhr, Master Instructor

    • The little-known secret to breaking the human body with your bare hands! 
    • Why we don’t train you to talk yourself out of situations or run away. (Not that you shouldn’t ever do these things, but there’s a specific reason and easy explanation for why we don’t bother to train you to do either one.)  
    • Why it’s actually harder to teach TFT to adults—especially American adults—than children. (This “quirk” holds the master-key to you getting maximum results.)
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