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The Enneagram for Awakening – Russ Hudson

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Discover an integrated, holistic perspective that helps you understand your personality, subconscious drives and the unique qualities of your soul.

Deepen your application of the Enneagram in your life or healing practice as you explore the relationship between the types, subtypes and centers to liberate yourself and others from life-long negative patterns.

Do your so-called “lower” subconscious drives tend to derail your growth?

Do you wish you could transcend your basic human instincts so you can be the loving, generous, and self-actualized person you’ve always aspired to be?

These are common experiences for many spiritual seekers and students of the Enneagram, and the genesis of The Enneagram for Awakening, a new in-depth program with master teacher Russ Hudson.

This 7-module training unifies the best of the Enneagram with depth psychology and a nuanced understanding of spiritual and psychological development.

The Enneagram for Awakening focuses on the 9 Enneagram types in relationship to the three primary instincts — self-preservation, social and sexual — and the three centers — body, heart, and head — to give you a more multidimensional understanding of yourself or your clients.

In many ways, the 3 instinctual drives, or subtypes, are more fundamental than Enneagram type and therefore a powerful entry point for inner work and transformation.

In lieu of the “cookie-cutter” approach typical of many Enneagram teachings, you’ll gain an evolutionary perspective of the system that can expand your sense of identity, give you deeper compassion for each drive and type, and bring you a profound sense of wholeness.

Too often, people think that all they need to do is identify their personality type accurately, and then read a description of that type. This flat, static view of the Enneagram is far too constricting. It puts you in a box rather than liberating you.

Seen in a more holistic way, the Enneagram is dynamic and ever-evolving — a multidimensional tool that reveals more and more of what makes you uniquely YOU.

The Enneagram is not a stereotype of your identity, but a “soul map,” a compassionate and creative guide for delving into your shadow and unconscious patterns that can open new pathways for transformation.

As you deepen your practical understanding of the Enneagram, you learn to navigate your relationships with greater skill. Really knowing your own type, subtype and the role your instincts play in your evolution, you’ll better understand the other types ’ motives, fears and defenses.

The Enneagram is Your Portal to a More Evolved Self

You are undoubtedly committed to living a conscious and caring life — and yet every day you may encounter situations and people that can trigger self-sabotaging reactions.

Even if you’ve been on a spiritual path for decades, you may be humbled by your reactions — rooted in subconscious drives — and would like to work more successfully with these “lower” aspects.

These reactions may be affecting your health, your sense of self, yourrelationships and your ability to bring your gifts to life.

All of us have habituated ways of being that block full self-expression and joy.

And yet, these subconscious patterns are linked to the specific coping mechanisms of the different Enneagram types, as well as the three instinctual drives and centers.

Even if you can eloquently recite deeper spiritual truths, when these very human patterns are triggered, you may forget the bigger picture of who you really are and the unique and beautiful gifts you have to share with the world.

Take Your Self-Inquiry and Spiritual Growth to the Next Level

So, how can you find clarity and free yourself from the compulsive fears, desires and motivations that trigger patterns and undesirable reactions?

Where can you turn for the insights and practices you need to foster healthy relationships, reconnect with your true Selfand fulfill your highest potential?

The Enneagram for Awakening program can take your self-inquiry to the next level — with a transformative system of spiritual psychology that can help make sense of the wondrous complexity of being YOU — and especially your instincts effects on your beliefs, motivations and behavior.

You’ll discover how to utilize the Enneagram to improve your relationships and identify your unique gifts so you can make your best contributions to our world.

More important, you will understand your true nature in new ways. No matter how much experience you already have with the Enneagram, or how many years you’ve been on a journey of self-discovery — you will learn to bring yourself to the power of the present moment.

More About the Enneagram

A powerful tool for personal and collective transformation, the 9-pointed Enneagram symbol represents nine distinct strategies for relating to yourself, others and the world. Each of these Enneagram types has a different pattern of thinking, feeling and acting that arises from a deeper inner motivation and worldview.

These types or styles are not who you are, but show you the patterns that tend to dominate your experience.

The Enneagram illuminates nine ways we leave presence, nine ways we forget who we really are, nine unconscious patterns that can lead us away from all we truly care about — and also nine direct pathways to awakening back to your essential nature.

When you understand it in depth, the Enneagram reveals the inherent strengths or gifts that each type wants to bring to the world.

Each of these nine gifts is truly needed for human beings to evolve, and to create a world in which we can all thrive — personally, relationally and collectively.

The Enneagram helps us see new ways to combine our diverse talents and particular forms of genius. The wisdom of this system is that it helps promote personal well-being andbuild organizations, structures and institutions that serve the greater good.

The Enneagram has not only stood the test of time; it is a field of innovation and creativity, constantly inspiring new processes and practices for consciousness in spirituality, business, education, health care, cultivating relationships, psychology, coaching, parenting, sexuality, and healing our bodies.

If you’re fairly new to this powerful system, The Enneagram for Awakening will guide you to understand and apply the Enneagram in a sophisticated way. If you are already well-versed in it, you’ll receive many new insights and practices to enhance your growth.

A Master Guide for Harnessing the Power of the Enneagram

Russ Hudson represents one of the largest and most respected schools for Enneagram studies and application in the world. He has taught this work for decades at the highest echelons — with his close mentor, the legendary Don Riso — and trained thousands of people worldwide.

Russ offers a uniquely in-depth spiritual approach to the Enneagram that views the work in a holistic, multi-dimensional context.

He’ll share his latest insights on the relationship between type, instinct and centers and practical applications can further your personal growth and deep transformationsin ALL areas of your life.

Whether you are a therapist, coach, healer, health care professional, teacher, artist, spiritual director, politician, or parent, you’ll emerge with a greaterconnection to your divine essence and your unique gifts as well as higher levels of acceptance, love and compassion for yourself and others.

Among the many benefits, you will discover:

  • How to use your understanding of your type, instincts and centers as a path of liberation.
  • A deeper appreciation for the unique benefits and challenges of other types.
  • Practices that allow you to apply and embody wisdom at head, heart and body levels.
  • How to address and heal shadow issues without shame.
  • Why the vertical dimension of the Enneagram is so important — particularly in view of the 9 Levels of Development.
  • The full range of the wisdom path of each type, from pathology 
    to liberation.
  • Tips for engaging effectively with other types, especially helpful on the job or in your family.
  • How you unconsciously prioritize the 3 instincts creating imbalance in your life.
  • How self-preservation is the fundamental drive behind all of the instincts and how others are variations and further expressions of it.
  • The role of the sexual instinct in attraction, charisma and magnetism.
  • Appreciation for the social instinct, ultimately a call to transcend selfishness and step into service.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

In this 7-module transformational course, Russ will guide you through moving beyond the Enneagram as a personality system into seeing how all the elements of your psyche can work together in a coherent whole.

Each contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to learn about the internal lines of the Enneagram on a deep level and to develop particular strategies and programs to create more balance in your life and for your clients.

Module 1: Dynamic Dimensions of the Enneagram for Deep Inner Work

If we want to experience the maximum potential of the Enneagram, we need to go beyond the basic understanding of type and temperament and explore its extraordinary dynamism. The Enneagram is not a description of our identity, but an innovative matrix for delving with compassion into our shadows and unconscious patterns.

Throughout the course you’ll gain more awareness of the depth orientation of the Enneagram and its power to guide profound inner work. In this first module, we will look at the 9 types and the arrangement of the three centers of head, body and heart.

You will discover:

  • How the dynamic Enneagram guides inner work and cultivates presence
  • Your type is an invitation to experience deeper dimensions of yourself, not a box or static description
  • How the 9 types show up in everyone, and why this is good news for you and others
  • How the Enneagram helps you and others address shadow issues without shame
  • the Enneagram work with the Body, Heart and Mind Centers, that helps us cultivate three-centered presence
  • specific imbalances of contact with a center and how it obstructs our growth

Module 2: The Levels of Development as a Guide to Vertical Transformation

In this module, we explore the pioneering work of Don Richard Riso, and his development of 9 Levels of Development within each type.

The Levels show fluctuations of our awareness and stages of progress as we move from identification with egoic material to more liberated states of consciousness. The Levels cover the range in each type from deep pathology and neurosis through normal ego functioning to profound states of realization.

You will discover:

  • The origins of the Levels of Development, which make the Enneagram more explicitly a tool for growth.
  • How to recognize the full range of each type, from pathology to liberation.
  • How to spot imbalances and prejudices in your view of the types (as we tend to recognize healthier traits in some types while seeing others as more troublesome.)
  • Keys for recognizing when you’re getting stuck and overly identified with type-related issues.
  • The healthier aspects of all 9 types.

Module 3: An Overview of the Three Instinctual Drives (or Subtypes) as the Keys to Authentic Balance & Actualization

In this module, you’ll start to recognize in yourself and others the three instinctual drives and how they manifest in beliefs and behaviors.

In a sense, almost all coaching is about balancing our instinctual drives more skillfully. The instincts are also more important than type in determining the success of failure of our personal relationships They help us zero in on the “non-negotiables” that we may not initially recognize as our deepest needs in relationships, including our biological needs.

You’ll discover:

  • How each instinct is a beautiful expression of nature’s intelligence, as well as fuel for your spiritual development.
  • The different aspects of the Belly Center, which are keys to living fully.
  • How each instinct gives clues about our primary needs in relationships.
  • The ways Enneagram type mixes with and sometimes distorts our instinctual drives.
  • How each of us unconsciously prioritizes the instincts, creating imbalances in our lives.
  • Practices for neglected instincts.
  • How balancing the instincts “quickens” spiritual breakthroughs.
  • The “zones” of each instinct and when there are 3 instincts operating in us.

Module 4: Understanding & Working with the Self Preservation Instinct

In this module, we focus on the Self Preservation Instinct — an enormous driver in our day-to-day behaviors. You will discover different ways this instinct shows up in modern life, and develop tools to recognize the ways it manifests to your benefit or detriment in your work, habits, and relationships.

You’ll discover:

  • That Self Preservation is the fundamental driver behind all of the instincts.
  • How our sexual and social instincts are variations of the self-preservation instinct.
  • How we successfully or unsuccessfully manage our personal energy and resources, and how this influences development.
  • The crucial distinction between comfort and development and practices for enrolling the parts of ourselves that fear change.
  • The Zone of Health and Wellbeing (authentic self care).
  • The Zone of Practical Wisdom (finances, maintenance, etc).
  • The Zone of Domesticity (cultivating a home).
  • How to honor your Self Preservation instinct in your relationships.

Module 5: Understanding & Working with the Sexual (Attraction) Instinct

In this module, we will learn about the Sexual Instinct or Attraction Instinct. You’ll start to recognize your capacities and challenges around following your passions and creative impulses.

You’ll distinguish this vital energy from heart-based qualities such as intimacy and affection and begin to note the different ways this instinct shows up in your work, habits, and relationships — where this instinct is working well for you and where it’s subject to distortions.

You’ll discover:

  • How this energy is found in many human activities and goes far beyond just the sexual act — How it is part of the energy that gets us out of our ruts and routines.
  • How it is distinct from intimacy or love, but relevant is highly relevant in intimate relationships.
  • How it is truly a vital and necessary instinct and not a heart matter.
  • How it is central to excitement and creative impulses, how it brings passion and energy to our activities.
  • Why it is such an important topic due to its “shadowy” status in many societies. How do we talk about it honestly?
  • The Zone of Arousal, being energized, “turned on”, passion.
  • The Zone of Attracting and being attracted, Charisma and magnetism.
  • The Zone of Fusion and merging/ focusing energy and attention.
  • How the Sexual instinct plays out in our relationships.
  • What happens when we neglect this instinct?

Module 6: Understanding & Working with the Social (Affiliative) Instinct

In this module, we will learn about the Social Instinct — the basis for human relationship and connection. We will learn the different ways this instinct shows up in modern life, as our capacity for connection, communication, and cooperation, and develop tools for seeing the particular ways it manifests in our own work, habits, and relationships. We will come to recognize where this instinct is working well for us, and where it is subject to distortions. You will learn tools and practices for cultivating your Social Intelligence.

You’ll discover:

  • How the Social Instinct is not “socializing” but the basis of all human society.
  • How this instinct evolved originally as a need to protect others, and particularly in parenting.
  • How this instinct is fundamentally about our awareness of the other. Your survival is my survival.
  • How this instinct is the basis of altruism but can also be the basis of exclusion and hostility to other groups.
  • The Zone of reading others and interpreting feelings and body language.
  • The Zone of building and maintaining our connections. The Zone of participation and contribution; and how a life wither when we do not feel our contributions matter.
  • How the Social instinct plays out in our relationships and why we must honor it.

Module 7: The Directions: How the Inner Lines of the Enneagram Suggest Key Ingredients for Our Balanced Growth

The inner lines are a powerful beautiful reminder of the dynamism of the Enneagram and the ever-changing patterns of the human psyche. They help us stay away from more fixed and limited views of the types and provide some key pathways for our growth. You’ll learn the lines are auxiliary survival strategies for the types, and hold shadow material crucial for balanced development. You’ll also start to apply the Levels of Development in more stable and sustainable ways.

In this final module, you’ll discover:

  • How to recognize your use of these secondary strategies to adapt to and handle challenging situations.
  • How we can adopt one of these secondary strategies as our main coping mechanism and stay that way for months or even years.
  • How the directions and Levels of Development work togetherin very particular ways and circumstances.
  • How to use the inner lines to help us recognize core types.
  • How the shadow material in the types connected through the arrows can be transmuted into the qualities of being or essence needed for our ultimate balancing.
  • Practices for working with the higher side of these directions as “The Integration Point” and “The Missing Piece,” the very qualities that lead to sustainable liberation from our core ego wounds and difficulties.

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions with Russ Hudson

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with renowned Enneagram teacher Russ Hudson — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session helps you create the specific skills and abilities to uncover the deeper gifts of who you are.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you will then have the option to do related exercises, practice new tools and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Enneagram for Awakening 
Bonus Collection

  • The Origins of the Enneagram 
    Audio Teaching from Russ Hudson
  • 9 Types Meditation 
    Audio Meditation from Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb
  • Rational 7 Spiritual Approaches to the Enneagram: Similarities, Differentiations & Equivalencies
    Audio Dialogue with Russ Hudson and Mario Sikora

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Enneagram for Awakening Virtual Intensive

We at The Shift Network feel deeply honored that Russ Hudson has chosen to partner with us on this exclusive, LIVE online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from a renowned Enneagram teacher known as a “depth” teacher of the Enneagram, going beyond simple personality categorizations to seeing it as a portal into your soul.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll also be able to benefit from Russ’ incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — at your own pace!

If you are serious about understanding yourself, your personality and even your soul, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones — and our world — to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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The Enneagram for Awakening – Russ Hudson
The Enneagram for Awakening – Russ Hudson

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