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The Vocal Impulse Advanced Practicum – Chloë Goodchild

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The Vocal Impulse Advanced Practicum – Chloë Goodchild Download. International singer and voice pioneer Chloë Goodchild shows us that an easily accessible …

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Transform difficult emotions, release blocked energy, and heal old narratives to liberate your authentic Self — through the healing sounds of your own voice.

Discover 7 musical modes (not taught by Chloë before!) that reveal the tones of your true emotions— and your soul.

Your soul is here for its own joy

The great Sufi poet Rumi wrote those words to convey that your natural state is happiness…

Yet how do you liberate this lightness of Being within you?

International singer and voice pioneer Chloë Goodchild shows us that an easily accessible and powerful approach to unveiling your joyful “soul self” — and your innate knowing of who you really are — is available through your own authentic voice.

She’s taught thousands across the globe that sounding our own voice activates an ancient medicine and a spiritual practice that can help us awaken the inner music of our soul — our healing wisdom that dwells beneath the surface waiting to be liberated.

In The Vocal Impulse Advanced Practicum, you’ll rediscover that this healing sound is the ground of your being — and your birthright.

Inspired by seven distinct musical modes and through nonjudgmental listening, you’ll learn to master proven musical meditative practices that can help you evolve your emotional moods into deeper states of positive feelings.

Discover 7 Musical Modes to Transform Difficult Emotions 

The seven musical modes are each named after an ancient Greek tribal community and made up of a specific constellation of seven musical intervals. When sounded or sung, the modes enable you to hear and feel a unique vibration as an emotional tone that can reveal your true feelings — your soul wisdom.

In this way, a musical mode is akin to an emotional mood or state of being, such as happy or sad, light or dark.

When you sound the notes of the musical modes, with or without words, you open to a more vulnerable — and freeing — form of communication, as reactive thoughts and obsessive thinking disappear, opening you to the present moment and the language of your soul.

Your original reactive or negative emotion shifts into a more consciously expressed musical melody — either happy or sad — that can touch and heal your heart and soul through its expression and recognition.

You’re empowered to be heard from a deeper place within yourself, while also acknowledging and liberating the emotional state that got you there.

You also open up to your inner resources for healing, forgiveness, acceptance, appreciation, and understanding, as you awaken new ways to express yourself more freely, consciously, and compassionately through sound.

(Those who have studied with Chloë before will be interested to know that the musical modes are also made up of the musical scale she calls the Seven Sounds of Love, which expresses seven tonal energies located from the root to the crown of your body.)

You don’t have to have had any “musical” experience in the traditional “trained” sense, to understand or experience the musical modes. You just have to allow the sound of your emotions to lead you into a specific musical mode, or state of being, and the medicine of the sound to “sing you.”

During this comprehensive 14-week training, you’ll:

  • Experience the connection between an emotional mood and a musical mode
  • Start to use your voice to gain self-awareness through “sound awareness,” uncovering hidden or suppressed emotions and expressing them through sound
  • Discover your body as a “musical instrument,” as you learn to voice the 7 Sounds of Love
  • Learn to hear and to improvise with the 7 musical modes (Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian & Locrian) as transformative vibrational maps of the soul
  • Access open-heartedness as you navigate and express melodies of the Ionian mode
  • Master the art of simultaneously listening, observing, and engaging with an emotion as it arises, expressing and evolving its sound, without fear
  • Experience how the Dorian mode helps you to lighten up, and embrace uncertainty, confusion, and overwhelm
  • Discover how the Aeolian mode can shift depression into longing for a deeper union
  • Meditate on how the shadow and light emotions within you actually balance — or generate friction — in your life, to discern an essential action to be taken
  • Awaken and explore your heart-song resounding in the Lydian mode, as you let go of attachment to old stories
  • Learn how the Phrygian musical intervals can help you to transmute unresolved anger, shame, and blame into an intense, unstoppable creative energy & passion
  • Explore jazz and blues songs to hear how the Mixolydian mode melts your heart into an irresistible love song and sublime joy
  • Discover which mode is your vocal medicine
  • Explore and build a repertoire of your favorite songs and poems, and discover the modes they express
  • And much more…

Your Vocal Impulse Is To Heal & Transform

Your vocal impulse is an expression of your innate impulse to heal and transform — personally and collectively…

In this 14-week vocal journey, you’ll learn to use the seven musical modes and their subtle musical intervals to awaken feelings inside that empower you to express yourself with greater energy and passion, subtlety and sensuality, clarity and compassion.

As you learn to explore and transform your emotions in this way, you discover how sounding your “moods into modes” also leads you into the healthier, happier realms of equilibrium, harmonic resonance, and stillness within.

You’ll discover how it can help you unmask and break through anxiety, anger, depression, grief, alienation, and overwhelm… far more quickly and effectively than merely talking about these feelings.

The latest research in neuromusicology shows that the emotional shift is physical as well, with studies monitoring that the brain “lights up” when subjects sound and sing.

And you needn’t be a singer or musician — or even be able to carry a tune — to practice this amazing form of musical homeopathy.

These homeopathic musical notes can help you uncover your true feelings, unveiling one to reveal and heal another. Beneath depression, for example, there’s often a deep longing.

Sounding out anger can reveal blocked creative energy that’s needed to take action and be of service. And isolation, once expressed, awakens our courage to connect in dynamic new ways with ourself and others.

The healing is in the doing. The sheer act of sounding relaxes your body-mind, and releases and helps transform negative emotions and the original “fear of separateness” beneath it all.

Be Guided by a World-Renowned Teacher of Sound Healing

Today, the transformative power of sound is recognized in the fields of psychology, medicine, new science, yoga, the arts, and education. Fascinating research is also happening within the relatively new discipline of neuromusicology, which is devoted to the measurement of real-time processes in the human brain while perceiving and creating sound.

In this comprehensive 14-week practicumyou’ll explore sound and voice as “initiation” and “vocation” — in service toward creating a new language of consciousness, one through which your most authentic voice can be heard and the raw honesty of your truest feelings can be discovered, expressed, and explored.

With Chloë’s expert and compassionate guidance, you’ll learn to use your voice to illuminate your soul’s wisdom and the most sacred dimensions of your being, all the while, spontaneously deepening your connection to Source.

Chloë’s pioneering Naked Voice method helps people engage with their vocal impulse as both a spiritual practice and an art form, and encourages us to expand our “perceptual field” through our voice and sound awareness.

A world-renowned recording artist, Chloë is also a mystic who was trained in India to approach the voice as a vehicle for liberation and full expression. Her music expresses and illuminates how the voice and body serve together as an interconnected instrument for expressing the essence of your being.

The Vocal Impulse Advanced Practicum will include 10 weeks of guided teachings led by Chloë that are coupled with breakout sessions for working with other participants, plus four weeks allotted solely as special practice weeks, when you’ll have the opportunity to meet with other participants to experience the musical modes in triads.

These special practice weeks will allow you to deepen your experience of the material while also gaining valuable insights as you compassionately witness others’ progress, and, in turn, are compassionately witnessed yourself.

This is not singing to impress, but singing to express. It is sound healing at the deepest level, emanating from the soul and nourishing every cell of your body, while also expanding your consciousness, your capacity to love, to be loved, and to live your life fully.

Greater Connection Through Live Streaming Video

So you can better connect with Chloë and her teachings, all of her sessions will be live streamed on video. This video connection will be easy to use and will enhance the impact of Chloë’s teaching. Or, you can easily connect via audio only, either through the internet or on your phone.

What You’ll Discover in These 14 Weeks

Course sessions are on Mondays at 10:00am Pacific.

In this 7-week transformational intensive, Chloë will guide you through befriending and shifting difficult emotions, releasing blocked energy, and healing old narratives to liberate your authentic Self — through the healing sounds of your own voice.

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, and experiential practices with Chloë. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to learn to sound seven musical modes that can reveal your emotional moods and help you to embody, express, and transform them for a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

Each module will be accompanied by at least one song, poem, melody line, or chant that communicates a specific sound, color, and mood highlighting the specific musical mode being explored.

If you have not experienced Chloë’s work before, you’re welcome to sign up for this intensive training and we will bundle in her introductory course Your Vocal Impulse for you — which you can do before, or in parallel with, this more advanced program. This extra training is described below and is included in your registration.

Note: If you have not experienced Chloë’s vocal impulse teachings before, you’re welcome in this advanced training but we ask you to complete the foundational Your Vocal Impulse 7-module program on your own as a prerequisite, which will be included in your registration and can be completed before or in tandem with this advanced intensive.

Module 1: Discover 7 Musical Modes as Sound Medicine for Transforming Your Emotions (July 1)

In this first week together, you’ll discover what a musical mode actually is, and how the energy field of your body is like a musical instrument made up of trillions of vibrating cells that bounce about to the ever-changing rhythms of your heartbeat and in concert with your emotional moods.

You’ll learn how your body-field is actually a musician-ship, and a “house of song” with the support of the Seven Sounds of Love, specific tonal energies or “musical chakras” that interconnect, align, and “tune-in” your instinctual body with your intuitive heart, mind, and soul. These tonal energies form a rising and falling sonic line of energy between the root and the crown of your body.

As you learn to navigate your mood swings into deeper feeling states through the sounding of the Seven Musical Modes, and the Seven Sounds of Love within them, you’ll start to experience your unique sound and singing voice as the true messenger and mouthpiece of the inner music inside you.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Experience the connection between an emotional mood and a musical mode
  • Start to use your voice to gain self-awareness through “sound awareness,” uncovering hidden or suppressed emotions and expressing them through sound
  • Discover your body as a “musical instrument,” as you learn to voice the 7 Sounds of Love
  • Take a tour of the 7 musical modes (Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, and Locrian)
  • Learn songs and a poem that can evoke happy or sad emotions inside you

Module 2: Opening to Innocence & Wonder Sounding the ‘Happy’ Ionian Mode (July 8)

The Ionian mode is the “happy” mode. As you work with it this week, you’ll discover a very open, magical scale, capable of igniting a deep sense of wonder, delight, and liberation from heavy feelings and emotions.

The “medicine” of this mode is naturally present in the visionary, the wise elder, and the child. It is free of tension. It invites us to be carefree and accepting of all, opens us to positive intentions, and inspires faith.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Experience an exercise in conscious breathing inspired by the Ionian mode
  • Access open-heartedness as you navigate and express melodies of the Ionian mode
  • Learn Chloë’s “Sound of Music” in the Ionian mode
  • Hear a poem to inspire a happy mood
  • Reflect on a memory where your Ionian spirit was strong
  • Practice the Ionian music scale with energy movements
  • Sing along with the Ionian Vibrational Map recording
  • Meditate on the positive acceptance of who you are

Practicum: Explore the ‘Happy’ Ionian Mode Through Song & Poetry(July 15)

Use your voice for healing and exploration as you sound, embody, and express the homeopathic notes of the musical modes in a triad with fellow course participants.

This week, you’re invited to share a song or poem you love in the Ionian mode with your triad. You’ll also have time to listen to and then sound the Ionian Vibrational Map practice together (with or without the accompanying recording).

These special practice weeks allow you to deepen your “sound healing” experience of the material through your voice, while also gaining valuable insights as you compassionately witness others’ progress, and in turn are compassionately witnessed yourself.

Module 3: Exploring Silence as a Stabilizer Which Deepens Your Connection to Sound (July 22)

Nonjudgmental listening and respect for silence are both essential requirements in strengthening your emotional and sound intelligence with the musical modes, as potent “sound keys” of your soul. At the root of this deep listening is an awareness, beneath duality, of your fundamental nature or consciousness.

This awareness can be strengthened by sounding the “unchanging note,” such as the sacred Aum sound. Sounding in this way enables you to become aware of the significant role that silence plays — notably when your sounding stops — creating a grounded presence within from where a musical relationship with your true voice can flourish.

This week, you’ll discover the alchemy that takes place when your mind, soul, and spirit collaborate to awaken the music of your deep Self. When your interior witnessing mind is fully attentive, and in alignment with your intuitive heart, the infinite song of your spirit can arise from silence and return to silence once more.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Focus and strengthen your witnessing mind
  • Meditate on an emotion arising and expressing how it sounds, while simultaneously listening to yourself without judgement
  • Embody the energy movements of the 7 Sounds of Love without sounding them
  • Chant the sacred Aum to access your inner sound more deeply
  • Strengthen self-inquiry with questions such as, “Who is singing or sounding?”
  • Reflect on the stillness within you, and its presence in your life
  • Listen to the quality of silence that your voice leaves behind

Module 4: Sounding the Homeopathic Notes of the Aeolian Mode to Transform Depression (July 29)

The Aeolian mode, known as the “minor” key, is the antidote of the Ionian “major” key. This musical mode makes us feel a longing for that which we cannot name. It is a homeopathic healing remedy for depression, covering a range of melancholic emotional moods. Once heard, it can be a healing sound medicine for depression, unrequited love, alienation, lamenting, and longing. It is often used in Irish and Jewish music. The third and sixth flat notes color the emotional music of the Aeolian.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Sound the Aeolian mode, focusing especially on the third and sixth notes ascending and descending
  • Learn an Aeolian song, chant, and poem
  • Explore how the Aeolian mode visits, influences, and affects your everyday life
  • Honor the lamenting emotional mood of your soul by spontaneously improvising in the Aeolian
  • Practice the Aeolian Vibrational Map recording
  • Improvise spontaneously and express your Aeolian moods focusing on the notes that touch you most
  • Write a homage or love song to your experience of depression, yearning, lamenting, or that which you most long for

Practicum: Evolve Your Musical Mind by Sounding the Aeolian Mode(August 5)

Use your voice for healing and exploration as you sound, embody, and express the homeopathic notes of the musical modes in a triad with fellow course participants.

This week, you’re invited to share and strengthen your nonjudgmental listening skills and vocal medicine experiences, as you explore and sound the healing power of the Aeolian mode. You’ll each have the opportunity — in your practice triad — to rotate the role of Observing Witness, Intuitive Mind, and Healing Voice to deepen your sound awareness connecting with your intuitive heart and musical soul.

These special practice weeks allow you to deepen your experience of the material while also gaining valuable insights as you compassionately witness others’ progress, and, in turn, are compassionately witnessed yourself.

Module 5: Discovering the Balancing Effects of the Dorian Mode for Opening to Uncertainty & Overwhelm (August 12)

The music of the Dorian mode dances between sad and happy musical notes, playing with these apparently opposing emotions of our nature. The sad nature of Dorian is emphasized by the third minor note, while the upper half of the Dorian scale has a happy nature and points us towards new horizons of possibility and a wider field of perception.

Sounding the Dorian mode allows you to explore ways, within one ascending and descending scale, to discover just how uncertain you are about a situation. It enables you to witness, balance, and embrace the lower mood with the higher happier musical mood. You can even begin to feel how “happy” and “sad” can actually complement, rather than oppose, each other.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Notice how your experience and expression of the Dorian mode changes on the ascending scale to the descending scale
  • Find out what it is about these musical intervals that enable you to lighten up, embrace, and integrate the lows and highs of your nature
  • Meditate on how the shadow and light emotions within you actually balance — or generate friction — in your life, and what new action is calling to be taken
  • Learn the positive music medicine of a Dorian dance song
  • Learn a Dorian folk song or chant
  • Notice which notes really move you within the scale and improvise a simple tune using just those musical notes
  • Meditate on how uncertainty visits you in your life

Module 6: Experiencing the Phrygian Mode as the Great Transformer of Anger & Despair (August 19)

The Phrygian mode has an Arabic or Spanish feel in color. When you invoke the notes, you can visualize a flamenco tango or some other impassioned situation of unstoppable fury and wanting. It is a great healer for the transformation of anger, lustful passion, the “dark night of the soul,” the depths of despair, and feelings of separation, and absence.

The notes of the Phrygian musical scale are all “flattened,” and when they resound together they generate a musical experience of fiery intensity and sensual pleasure fueled by the pressure towards a potentially devastating or self-annihilating outcome.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn how the Phrygian musical intervals can help you to transmute unresolved emotions into intense, unstoppable creative energy
  • Familiarize yourself with this mode’s ascending and descending notes
  • Illuminate the fire of your creative passion by improvising within the scale
  • Ignite your fiery intention with a Phrygian song, chant, and prayer
  • Participate in sounding of the Phrygian Vibration Map recording

Practicum: Strengthen the Vocal Medicine of Your Soul With the Phrygian Mode (August 26)

Use your voice for healing and exploration as you sound, embody, and express the homeopathic notes of Phrygian mode and more in a triad with fellow course participants.

This week, you’re invited to weave your nonjudging presence with your self-observing mind as you vocalize, experience, and strengthen the musical medicine of your soul as it arises through your sounding of the Phrygian mode. You will also have the opportunity to listen to, and learn from, each participant’s unique vocal medicine.

These special practice weeks allow you to deepen your experience of the material while also gaining valuable insights as you compassionately witness others’ progress, and, in turn, are compassionately witnessed yourself.

Module 7: Transforming Fear Into Courage With the Irresistible, Open-Hearted, Compassionate Voice Medicine of the Lydian Mode(September 9)

The Lydian mode enables us to enter into the effortless grace of a new and heartfelt openness available in the musical landscape of the Lydian Soul. In contrast to the Phrygian mode, it is open and free of any tension — even more so than the Ionian mode.

The Lydian mode is identical to the Ionian mode in every respect except for its sharp fourth musical note, which opens out ever further, and is, thus, a real antidote to the dark realms of Phrygian. This emphasis on the sharpened fourth note was called the “devil in music” by the Christian church for a period of time — felt to be so joyous and happy that it was abolished by the church as being too “dangerous” to sing. Such is the potency of this vocal sound!

In this module, you’ll learn practices to:

  • Discover what it feels like to shift from the dark absence of the Phrygian mode into the light-hearted presence and all-inclusiveness of Lydian mode
  • Discover the “heretical” musical note that was known as the “devil in music” because of how it pries your heart open irrevocably
  • Learn an uplifting anthem in Lydian
  • Explore ways to improvise and hear yourself in this new dimension of vocal experience, as you let go of attachment to old stories
  • Create a poem or song that emphasizes the transformative fourth musical interval in Lydian
  • Participate in the Lydian Vibrational Map recording

Module 8: Awakening the Energies of Inner Peace & Sublime Joy Through the Healing Sounds of the Mixolydian Mode

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The Vocal Impulse Advanced Practicum – Chloë Goodchild
The Vocal Impulse Advanced Practicum – Chloë Goodchild

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