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Traffic And Leads Training Academy Live – Jeff Johnson

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If you are interested in building a bigger more-responsive list in the shortest time possible (and with the least amount of traffic), then this is going to be the most exciting message you will ever read.

Almost every successful business or person I’ve met who markets online… and I’ve met thousands of them… almost every single last one of them started with just one name on their email list, including me.

All it takes is just one name and you are in business… and you don’t need that many more to find success…

I was able to quickly make my first Million Dollars online with only about 1,300 people on my list.

And I did my first of several Million Dollar plus Product Launches with only about 3,000 people on my list.

I was able to do those things because I built a small but highly-responsive and extremely profitable list using the very same techniques that I recently shared at a live 2 day training event I hosted for my Traffic And Leads Training Academy™ members (the very same members that paid up to $2,997.00 for their seat).

For two solid days I delivered nothing but 100% pure Traffic-Getting and List-Building strategies and techniques that are designed to produce almost immediate (and super-profitable) results in your business.

These are by far the best, most structured, most content-packed live training presentations I have ever given, period.

The core list building, marketing and traffic-getting principles I cover in these presentations were carefully chosen because they are timeless classics… strategies and techniques that are evergreen in nature… the ones that people have been using for decades, and will continue to use for decades to come.

So, you don’t have to worry about something suddenly changing tomorrow that will make these training sessions obsolete because these presentations were designed from the ground up to provide the foundational traffic-getting, list building and online marketing knowledge that you will continue to profit from for years to come.

And the entire event was caught on tape, so now…

You can learn all of my best list-building and traffic-getting secrets from the comfort of your home.

Here’s just a very small preview of the list-building secrets you will discover as you watch your new content-packed training videos…

Training Session #1

Title: Building A Better Lead Magnet

Description: What a lead magnet is, and why you should be using one to grow your list, 11 rules for designing the “perfect” lead magnet, and 10 types of proven lead magnets that you should be using to collect more leads and grow your list, faster.

Video Length: 1 hour and 52 minutes
MP3 Length: 1 hour and 52 minutes
PDF Training Guide: 76 pages

  • How to design a better, more powerful lead magnet that helps you build a bigger more profitable list, faster.
  • The fastest and easiest way to design a lead magnet that AUTOMATICALLY attracts significantly more highly-qualified leads so you can double the size of your list in half the time.
  • 11 rules for creating the “perfect” lead magnet that converts even the coldest of leads into red-hot buyers.
  • Absolutely free simple-to-use software that turns your lead magnet into a Social Media Traffic-Magnet that brings you massive amounts of free traffic.
  • The quick and easy way to increase the perceived value and desirability of a “freebie offer” AND grab free search engine traffic from Google at the very same time.
  • What is my “Circle of Traffic” strategy, and how you can use it to turn your content into one huge traffic-getting and list-building machine that runs on autopilot.
  • Which type of landing page converts best (I’ve split-tested thousands of pages and my results always say the very same thing).
  • How to get a 36% opt-in rate with cold PPC traffic WITHOUT using a traditional opt-in page.
  • Where you should put your most highly-focused list-building offer on your blog if you want to easily convert twice as many visitors into subscribers.
  • A simple yet powerful way to overcome the most common objections to buying your products and services long before your prospect even thinks of them.
  • When you should call your lead magnet a “free report” and when you should call it a “white paper” (and why it matters).
  • If you are giving away a physical product to generate leads, then use this proven two-step process to shorten your sales cycle and bring in quick-cash for your business.
  • 10 types of proven lead magnets and how to use them to build a bigger list as quickly as possible.
  • What the REAL purpose of a lead magnet is for (here’s a hint: lead magnets are NOT for collecting leads).
  • One simple little tweak to your ads that can easily quadruple your conversion rates AND cut your advertising expenses by 79% at the very same time.
  • And Much, Much More! 

Training Session #2

Title: The Lead Magnet Multiplier Method

Description: How to easily turn one lead magnet into multiple lead magnets… andincrease your opt-in rate conversions by up to 500% at the very same time.

Video Length: 21 minutes
MP3 Length: 21 minutes
PDF Training Guide: 31 pages

  • The quickest and easiest way to use email segmentation to increase conversions WITHOUT having to actually set up more than one mailing list… even if you are giving away ten different lead magnets.
  • A simple little tweak to our Facebook Ad that allowed us to cut our ad costs by 80%, overnight.
  • Instantly multiply the effectiveness of your lead magnet and the conversions of your opt-in page at the very same time by applying this one simple yet extremely powerful concept to your offer.
  • The three and only three things to do when you PPC ads aren’t converting but your click through rates are high, and your cost per click are low… and which one we used that helped triple our conversions, overnight.
  • Which software program helps you set up your very own Lead Magnet Multiplier “network” in 20 minutes or less.
  • How to properly design your lead magnet from scratch so it’s 100% “Lead Magnet Multiplier” ready from the very first second you release it. 

Training Session #3

Title: 16 Proven Ways To Find New Affiliatesand JV Partners

Description: 16 proven ways to find new Affiliates and JV Partners to promote your products and build your list for free!

Video Length: 52 minutes
MP3 Length: 52 minutes
PDF Training Guide: 28 page

  • How to get Affiliates to send you their hottest prospects and biggest spending buyers for free.
  • The best way to attract new Affiliates when you are starting from complete scratch.
  • A unique referral systems that that grants you access to Super Affiliates that you’d never be able to get on your own.
  • How to tap into the marketing power of hundreds of thousands of Affiliateswithout spending a single penny.
  • The two essential things that you absolutely must do before anything else when it comes finding new affiliates and jv partners.
  • What the minimum EPC is for an Affiliate offer is, and why it matters.
  • How to set up an Affiliate Prospecting “Database” that helps you quickly locate the top Super Affiliates in any market.
  • The easiest way to get lazy Affiliates off their butts and building your list for you, for free.
  • A simple and cost effective way to attract the “major players” to your product launch without going broke.
  • How to leverage the Affiliate-Finding power of a JV Broker and the best places to find them.
  • My “quid pro quo” method for swapping Affiliate lists with the biggest names in your industry (even when your list is one tenth the size of theirs).
  • The single most critical element to building any successful Affiliate relationship, or JV partnership.
  • How to launch a new product without a list and without existing Affiliates in record time.
  • Three essential pieces of marketing software (two of them are free) that allow you to set up “Social Media Listening Post”, and how to use them to find out where the Super Affiliate secret hangouts are in your market.
  • How to work your Affiliates up into an absolute feeding-frenzy so they mindlessly mail your offers for free

Training Session #4

Title: 13 Proven Ways To Design A Better Opt-in Page

Description: 13 proven ways to design an opt-in page that converts more of your traffic into leads for your business.

Video Length: 1 hour and 17 minutes
MP3 Length: 1 hour and 17 minutes
PDF Training Guide: 63 pages

  • 13 proven ways to design an opt-in page that converts more of your traffic into ready-to-buy leads.
  • The two words that ALWAYS increase conversions, and the best place to use them on your opt-in page.
  • How adding something to your opt-in page that has absolutely nothing to do with your offer can actually increase your conversions by 14% or more.
  • The one button color to use that will almost always add more leads to your list.
  • What to split-test, and when to test it to achieve maximum results with the least amount traffic.
  • What a “Big Promise!” is, why you should always use one, and where the most effective place to use it on your opt-in page is.
  • What often neglected piece of real estate on your opt-in page can actually have a greater impact on your conversions than your headlines… here’s a hint: it’s usually tucked away at the bottom of your opt-in page where not everyone can see it… but they should.
  • Why you should be using simple little opt-in page designs like the ones I’ll be sharing with you as part of your training to consistently convert 61.19% .. or more… of your visitors into subscribers and leads for your business.
  • Do you know what the perfect “Action Button” looks like? Get this one right and you can easily increase your conversions by 50% or more… get this wrong and you conversions could plummet overnight.
  • What the “perfect” opt-in page look likes, and the fill-in-the-blank template you can use to create your own.
  • An old direct marketing “mail order” trick that is so basic yet so powerful that you’ll kick yourself for not using it on all of your opt-in pages before now… but you will once I show you how easy it is to set up.
  • How to design a more powerful action button that gets more clicks, converts more of your traffic into leads, and conditions your prospect to instinctively say yes to your offer like a Pavlovian dog in heat!
  • What the single most powerful type of “call to action” is for an opt-in page, and where to use it.
  • The simple type of opt-in page that always converts best (I’ve tested thousands of variations in my own business so I’ve already done the hard work for you).
  • Two secret ways to quickly identify the wants, needs and desires of your prospects… and how to use that information to multiply the effectiveness of your opt-in page by a 100% or more.
  • A free simple-to-use and extremely powerful software program that can easily double your opt-in page conversions in the least amount of time.
  • Plus so much more! 

Training Session #5

Title: Opt-in Page Split Testing

Description: What to test, and when to test it (how to get better results, faster!)

Video Length: 53 minutes
MP3 Length: 53 minutes
PDF Training Guide: 46 pages

  • Where 99% of your conversion increases will come from … and how to use this information to supercharge your conversionswith the least amount of traffic.
  • The 6 things on your opt-in page you should test first, especially if you don’t have a lot of traffic.
  • What to test, and when to test it so you get the biggest increases in conversions in the shortest amount of time possible.
  • How to use the concept of “message matching” to increase your landing page conversions by 378.75%!
  • The two things on your opt-in page that can have a greater impact on conversions then your headlines (and the test results to prove it).
  • How to write the killer headlines for your opt-in pages ( even if you normally suck at writing copy).
  • Benefit rich headlines vs. curiosity headlines… which converts better, and why.
  • Discover the quick and easy way to create the highest converting fill-in-the-blank headline templates to use over and over again.
  • Which opt-in page templates work best for any market, and how to find them within seconds.
  • The best background image to use for your landing page templates that almost guarantees higher conversions ever time you use it.
  • How to use my “dial in” technique to squeeze even higher conversions out of even your best performing opt-in pages.
  • What is the one color that will always increase your conversions, no matter what market you are in… no matter what other colors you are using on your website… I’m sure you’ve seen people talk about “the perfect color” before… trust me on this… they are dead wrong.
  • The three elements of a winning opt-in page that when tied together can easily triple your conversion rates (and how to easily tie them together).
  • When you should use a slit URL test instead of a multivariate test, and why.
  • How to quickly discover the perfect “hook” for your pre-headline, your headline and your “Call to Action”… all at the very same time.
  • The easiest way to shortcut your way to finding the highest-converting opt-in page for your market, no matter what your market is. 

Training Session #6

Title: 12 Simple Ways To Make More Money With Your Video Sales Letters

Description: Simple little VSL tweaks that have been proven to increase conversions… including several that work without recording a single second of new video footage!

Video Length: 1 hour and 20 minutes
MP3 Length: 1 hour and 20 minutes
PDF Training Guide: 59 pages

  • 12 simple ways to make more money with a video sales letter, even if you have never used one before.
  • How to double your VSL conversions without recording a single second of new video, and without editing a single second of existing video.
  • The single greatest way to “hook” your viewers and make sure they eagerly watch every single second of your video sales letter with anticipation and excitement.
  • When to use an NLP technique called a “pattern interrupt” in your VSL, and why you should be using it in the first place to increase your sales.
  • How to sell your prospects with a VSL without them actually knowing they are being sold.
  • How I was able to use the concept of “framing” to turn a losing VSL into a Million Dollar Plus winner. Here’s the best part: it only took me 50 seconds.
  • When, and why you should be using my “Cut The Fat” technique to increase your VSL conversions with the least amount of effort possible.
  • The quickest and easiest way to find out exactly where your Money Back Guarantee should appear in your VSL.
  • What the perfect “Add To Cart” Button looks like (I’ve split-tested hundreds of them for you and this one will always win).
  • How long before your deadline you should start using a countdown timer if you want it to increase your sales (get this wrong and a countdown timer can actually cost you money in lost sales).
  • How to easily figure out if (and for how long) you should hide your Add To Cart button to maximize your sales.
  • When to use a headline above your VSL, and what type of headline format to use (here’s a hint: different formats of headlines work best at different times during the selling process).
  • How to quickly and easily inject urgency and scarcity into your VSL withouthaving to record a single second of new video.
  • What type of ‘call to action” works best for a VSL, and where to use it.
  • The exact style of countdown timer that converts better than all the rest (this one will surprise you, I know it surprised me the first five or six times my test results declared it the winner).
  • Simple 3-step system that can double your sales overnight (and proof that it works). 

Training Session #7

Title: Gearing Up For An Affiliate Supported Product Launch

Description: The 12 must-follow rules for an affiliate supported prelaunch, plus what to do, and when to do it.

Video Length: 1 hour and 48 minutes
MP3 Length: 1 hour and 48 minutes
PDF Training Guide: 46 pages

  • Your pre-launch timeline… what to do, and when to do it.
  • How to get your Affiliates all fired-up and ready to mail the living crap out of your offer for free.
  • The single most powerful way to create pre-launch buzz for your new product or service.
  • The one thing you absolutely must do 90 days before you release your pre-launch content if you want your launch to be a huge success.
  • Why “new and shiny” products always outsell any other type of new product or service, and what you can do to make yours “new and shiny”.
  • How to reignite the passion and excitement your Affiliates feel about your product or service so they continue to send you their hottest leads and biggest-spending buyers for weeks, even months after your product launches.
  • The one thing that ALWAYS gets Affiliates excited about promoting your product or service (and no, it’s not money).
  • How to use my “launch first, product second” strategy to free up your time and reduce your stress levels during a product launch.
  • The exact number of times you should contact your Affiliates before your product launch starts in order to maximize their participation.
  • How to turn your pre-launch videos into Social Media Traffic-Magnets that automatically bring you an avalanche of free traffic from Facebook, Twitter, and other Social Media sites.
  • Why you absolutely need an Affiliate Blog for a successful product launch, and the exact content that you need to post on it.
  • The 4 essential pieces of software that you should use during your product launch to significantly increase the amount of social proof, user engagement, and free social media traffic and attention your product launch receives (and 3 of them are absolutely free). 

Training Session #8

Title: Incoming Links Overview

Description: High quality incoming links are still one of the single biggest ranking factors that Google looks at so I give a brief overview of why incoming links still matter, and I explain several fundamental concepts such as Link Juice, Link Love, Page Rank, Trust Rank, and Authority Sites.

Video Length: 22 minutes
MP3 Length: 23 minutes
PDF Training Guide: 24 pages

  • Discover the single most powerful way to increase your rankings in the search engines and grab massive amounts of free traffic from Google.
  • The secret to automatically building long lasting SEO benefits into all of your content so it continues to rank high in Google, and brings in free traffic for years after you publish it online.
  • … 
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Specification: Traffic And Leads Training Academy Live – Jeff Johnson




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Traffic And Leads Training Academy Live – Jeff Johnson
Traffic And Leads Training Academy Live – Jeff Johnson

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