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With 39USD, The Email Copywriting Compendium Course – Daniel Throssell

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Original price was: $101.00.Current price is: $23.00.


With 39USD, The Email Copywriting Compendium Course – Daniel Throssell Download. Either manner, it doesn’t certainly matter, due to the fact you in all lik…

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“Hey, you there!” … yes, you. The copywriter studying this web page. With the ‘Eugene Schwartz Is My Homeboy’ espresso mug. Hi.

Come on, now, come a touch closer. Don’t be shy. Yes, that’s the manner.

Say now, friend, have you ever ever heard the legend of …

Daniel Throssell’s Email Copywriting Compendium?!? … No?

You haven’t?

Well, you’re in for a treat … due to the fact fortunate for you, that’s precisely what this web page is all about!

Here is the deal (and the deal is real): My call is Daniel Throssell.

Many famous copywriters name me “The Copywriter withinside the Hathaway Shirt”.

… okay, so I simply made that up.

Nobody calls me that.

Either manner, it doesn’t certainly matter, due to the fact you in all likelihood wouldn’t be studying this web page in case you didn’t have at least some inkling of who I am.

The most important factor is this:

I’ve created what I agree with is one in all the quickest, maximum superior & maximum affordable e mail copywriting publications withinside the world, called … “The Email Copywriting Compendium” Let me explain.

I say it’s one in all the quickest publications you could take … due to the fact you could end the entirety in as little as half-hour.

I say affordable … due to the fact the Compendium expenses a measly $101. That shouldn’t wreck the bank.

And I say superior, due to the fact maximum of the records inner isn’t contained in ANY copywriting route you could discover everywhere else …

… even for 10x the charge I’m charging.

And the purpose for that is:

The superior copywriting secrets and techniques I am ‘giving away’ inner my Email Copywriting Compendium will display you …

My completely NEW & extraordinary FUN manner to write down income emails SO GOOD … human beings actually ship you FAN MAIL together with their money! I’m now no longer kidding, either.

If you’re on my e mail listing, you’ve visible this already.

But if now no longer, permit me display you.

Here are only a handful of the sort of replies I get to my income emails, from paying customers: But my new, a laugh manner of writing income emails doesn’t simply get fan mail …

It makes income. LOTS of income. Okay, in order that emoji could be very disgusting and bro-marketer-ish and I’m sorry

But, it’s true:

Using my new, a laugh manner of writing income emails …

I’ve controlled to out-promote or out-sell a TON of much ‘larger’ names withinside the copywriting world …

Despite having (at least, on the time) a miles smaller e mail listing than ALL of them!

Such is the electricity of my new, a laugh manner of writing income emails.

See how some of the names under you recognise …

In December 2020 I used my strategies to outsell John McIntyre, Roy Furr & Derek Johanson (only Ian Stanley beat me, and that took a listing TEN TIMES the scale of mine) … … then in February 2021, I used my strategies once more to out-sell Chris Orzechowski, Troy Ericson, Shiv Shetti, Chase Dimond & others … As you could see … my new, a laugh method to income emails maintains taking ‘scalps’ from giants withinside the copywriting world, ALL with larger e mail lists than mine! Now please don’t get me wrong … I’m being kinda tongue-in-cheek there.

I’m non-public pals with lots of those copywriters, and in lots of instances I became additionally attempting lots harder.

But you could’t deny … my strategies for writing emails obviously work.

And the best information is:

In my Email Copywriting Compendium … I come up with my ENTIRE philosophy on this ‘new, a laugh manner’ I write each one of my personal income emails. Yep. In the Email Copywriting Compendium …

I will display you a way to ‘faucet into’ a movement of unlimited e mail thoughts …

How to show the ones thoughts into killer, story-primarily based totally income emails that human beings actually get hooked on studying …

And a way to do all this practically ‘on demand’ for your self or your clients!

Simply spending half-hour studying the Email Copywriting Compendium once might be sufficient to permanently ‘upgrade’ your e mail copywriting abilties for life …

What’s more:

When you discover my new, fun way of writing emails inside the Compendium … you’ll finally be able to STOP worrying about annoying copywriting problems like:

  • Running out of email ideas
  • Spending hours writing every email
  • Wondering what to write about, or how to write it
  • Stressing about subject lines being “80% of your ad spend” because David Ogilvy said so (much respect to the man, but he died in 1999 at age 88, I doubt he ever even read an email)
  • Not knowing what the ‘hook’ of your email should be
  • Balancing “talking about yourself” with “talking about your reader”
  • People getting mad at you for “selling” to them
  • Having to “write like you’d write to a friend”

Balancing ‘sales’ emails with ‘value’ emails

Basically, once you read the Compendium

You’ll be able to forget most of what everyone else said you were ‘supposed’ to do when you write sales emails … and you’ll have a lot more fun, too!

But wait … what exactly *is* the Email Copywriting Compendium?”

… oh, right.

Yeah, that is probably a question I should answer on this sales page

To be precise, the Email Copywriting Compendium is not like any other copywriting ‘course’ you’ve taken.

The entire course is delivered inside one chunky pdf which you can print out and read over coffee.

There are no ‘video modules’. There are no ‘exercises’. There are no ‘worksheets’. There is no ‘Facebook community’.

Heck, there isn’t even really a defined order to go through it.

Instead, what you’ll find in the Compendium is a collection of 101 highly effective ‘rules’ for writing emails.

I actually originally wrote it with the following question in mind:

“If I could send ONE letter to my past self, condensing everything I know NOW about email copywriting … and it had to bring me as close as possible to my current skill level, as quickly as possible … what would I say?”

The answer was … the Email Copywriting Compendium.

Hence, the ‘quick-access’ format of 101 ‘rules’.

There’s no complex fluff … no pointless stories … no ‘intro’ videos … or anything.

Every single rule is written to ‘get in … deliver the lesson … and get out’.

You don’t have to follow it in order. You can start wherever you like. You can read them a few at a time, or all at once. It’s extremely easy to read.

Here’s a selection of the 101 rules you will find inside the Compendium:

  • The most important word in copywriting (and it’s not “you”, or “free”, or “entertainment”, or “consistency”, or anything trite — I promise it actually will enlighten you) (Rule #1)
  • A list I made — for my own personal use — of the 10 elements of must-read email lists (Rule #2)
  • One question to ask before EVERY email you send (Rule #3)
  • The ideal email length — and yes, I give a word count (Rule #9)
  • The THREE hurdles to getting your email read (getting it opened is just the first one — but I’ve never heard anyone teach the other two!) AND how to overcome them (Rules #12, #13 and #14)
  • Why telling your sales message in an email is a BAD idea in 2021 (Rule #15)
  • A specific numerical rule for how often to sell in your emails, and how hard to do it (Rules #17 and #18)
  • The 8 words Australia’s bestselling author taught me about writing emails people want to stay subscribed to for years (Rule #20)
  • Why “being your true self” is BAD advice for emails (Rule #22)
  • A creepy trick for psychologically abusing your readers into revering you — admittedly, I’m not sure if this will work for anyone other than me, but if you’re on my list you’ve definitely seen ME do this to you, and it’s why you are reading this sales page now … (Rule #24)
  • The most incredible technique in the history of storytelling — I use it almost every day (Rule #25)
  • Why it’s okay to make up “untrue” stories for your emails, and how to do it (Rule #26)
  • How to pull story ideas from your day-to-day life (hint: you’re looking in the wrong place!) (Rule #27)
  • Ever felt like your sales email ‘feels’ wrong … but can’t figure out why? I almost guarantee it’s because your email’s lead is missing one of the three things in Rule #28…
  • What to do if you’re writing for a client and can’t get personal stories out of them (Rule #29), and …

Why email stories should NOT be about “telling what happened”! (Rule #30)

Let’s take a Gary Halbert-style break here to riff on this one.

Rule #30 in my Compendium is called:

“The Sitcom Secret Behind Telling Great Stories In Emails”

And … it’s one of the most important rules in my email philosophy.

See, there is a CRITICAL element of email storytelling that you must have if you want to build a relationship long-term with your audience.

The devious thing is, even though you need this thing for email storytelling … it actually IS possible to just tell a good story without it. So most people don’t even realise they’re not doing it.

What’s more, I guarantee nobody has ever taught this to you before. Because it’s something I learned from my own observation, and not from any book or course. And it sure as heck isn’t obvious in any way.

Thankfully, though, it’s not actually that hard to learn or use.

And in Rule #30, I tell you everything you need to know about it.

Here are more of the mind-bending copywriting insights you’ll find inside the Compendium

  • How to balance telling ‘me-focused’ stories with ‘you, you, you’ writing about the reader — I have a solution for this that I have NEVER seen taught anywhere else (Rule #31)
  • If you write emails for a client, I’ll give you a model for mentally “picturing” the EXACT topics to write about, and what to say (Rule #32)
  • Why you should write your emails backwards — literally! (Rule #33)
  • Why “write like you’re writing to a friend” is NOT the best advice for emails — and what (not who!) I actually imagine writing for instead of a “friend” (Rule #34)
  • Why you should NEVER use questions in a sales email — like “Do you struggle with nagging belly fat?” — and what you should do instead (this rule will change your ENTIRE copywriting paradigm) (Rule #35)
  • Ever read other (even famous) copywriters’ emails and felt like the stories they used for “StOrYseLLinG” were … well … kinda boring? I’ll show you why you felt that way — and how to pick stories that ACTUALLY sell (Rule #36)
  • 4 ways to never run out of email ideas again — this alone could make the entire purchase worth it for you, if you need to write a lot of emails for clients (Rules #37-#40)
  • My favourite way to use stories you find during your market research in your emails (Rule #41)
  • The single most persuasive email tactic in the world (hint: it is a ‘genre’ more than a ‘tactic’) (Rule #43)
  • Why you must NEVER write an email while sad! (Rule #47)
  • The single best way to whip up a frenzy of attention and engagement in your emails. (This technique is “free” in a monetary sense, but be warned that it WILL cost you some of your best subscribers — you’ll have to decide if it’s worth using) (Rule #48)
  • Why you should ignore David Ogilvy’s advice for subject lines (Rule #55)
  • My unique “question-setup” approach to writing subject lines — and why it’s better than the typical “curiosity gap” theory most people teach (Rules #56 and #57)
  • Whether you should use long vs. short subject lines (Rule #58)
  • Two “quick-fix” ways to urgently punch up a bad subject line if you’re under the pump (Rule #59)
  • A sneaky (and quick) way to use somebody else’s mailing list to test your subject line’s open rates … BEFORE you send your email! (I discovered how to do this one day almost by accident, and I’ve used it constantly ever since — if you do this the way I teach you, I’m pretty sure that legally you don’t even need to ask “permission”) (Rule #61)
  • When to use someone’s name in a subject line — and when not to (Rule #62)
  • Why technically “good” subject lines can make even your best subscribers angry — and how to avoid this (Rule #64)
  • Why studying emails from certain top email copywriters is risky at best, and downright stupid at worst (Rule #67)
  • The ideal length of a welcome series, and no, it is not zero or one (Rule #69)
  • Why you should never ASK people to whitelist your emails, but TRICK them into doing it instead (and how to do it) (Rule #70)
  • How to stop people getting angry when you sell to them (Rule #71) … and, building on this …

A very “politically incorrect” strategy for making even your most hostile enemies accept your ideologies without blinking! (Rule #72)

Let’s break again to dig into this one a little more.

The name of Rule #72 is actually:

“_____ Is A Great Disguise For Hard Sales Tactics”

I can’t tell you the words from the start of the sentence as it would give away the rule. (Sorry, sales page and all.)

But, this is one of the most POWERFUL techniques I have ever discovered for selling full-throttle to my email list … in fact, much harder than almost anyone else I have ever seen … and yet having them LOVE me for it.

In other words, using this technique can almost completely insulate you against looking “salesy” in your emails, no matter how hard you actually sell.

But … this technique is actually much MORE than just a sales technique.

In fact, it’s incredibly powerful as a general persuasion technique … and it’s even being deployed in full force on both sides of the culture wars we face in the West today. It’s used both by the proponents of “woke” culture, AND by some who call it out.

Either way, whether you choose to use it for more nefarious purposes or not, you can certainly use it in your sales emails.

And it’ll change people from getting mad at your constant selling … to loving you for it.

Here are even MORE of the incredible copywriting secrets you will find inside the Compendium, should you choose to buy it …

  • Why you should NOT segment out buyers from getting emails for things they’ve already bought! (Rule #73)
  • How to sell luxury goods … wine … and even ART using emails (Rules #74, #75 and #76)
  • Should you assume people have read your previous emails? (Rule #77)
  • How often to email your list (Rule #78)
  • The maximum time it should take you to write an email — if it takes you longer, here’s what to do (and no, it’s not “use a timer”) (Rule #79)
  • Why you should almost never use bullets in a sales email (Rule #85)
  • How to write a better ‘cart abandonment’ sequence (Rule #86)
  • The ideal length of an email sale — yes, I give an exact number of days (Rule #87)
  • Why you should deliberately NOT send your best sales pitches during an email sale (Rule #89)
  • Two emails (which you’re probably including in every sales funnel you write) that are a terrible idea (Rules #94 and #97)
  • How long before the cart closes to send your final email reminder about a sale (Rule #98)
  • A simple 14-word mantra so powerful, you can potentially overwrite a lifetime’s worth of “inner conditioning” against writing sales emails … by saying it just ONCE! Relax though, it’s not nearly as woo-woo as it sounds. (You’ll find it in the last line of Rule #100)

But earlier than you purchase, there are THREE important downsides you have to apprehend:


1. This is NOT a “paint-via way of means of-numbers” direction that indicates you the way to do everything (or anything) step-via way of means of-step.

By that I mean:

The Compendium does now no longer include any “swipes”, “templates”, “formulas”, or “step-via way of means of-step instructions” for writing emails.

This is a fixed of tried-and-examined guidelines that — in case you comply with them — will let you write arguably the maximum entertaining, engaging, and worthwhile emails in your (or your client’s) enterprise or niche.

But it’s now no longer going to take you via way of means of the hand and say “first write those words, then write those words”.

It’s additionally now no longer a “beginner” direction on copywriting. Don’t get me wrong, novices SHOULD recognise this stuff. But it doesn’t waste any time on copywriting basics (“communicate approximately your reader’s wishes greater than your self” etc.) which you could locate on lots of proper web sites for free.

So in case you aren’t already on some copywriting e mail lists, or as a minimum sort of acquainted with the overall concept of ways income emails work, it won’t be for you yet.

(Note: in case you are on *my* e mail list, and frequently study my emails, you could brush aside this closing line — because the Compendium is so intently aligned with the manner I do emails, they’ll provide you with an excellent ‘case study’ with the intention to illustrate all of the ideas in ‘real-time’.)

2. The Compendium comes as a pdf file, brought completely thru my ‘Persuasive Page’ Learnistic mobile/iPad app, and you’ll want a phone to get right of entry to it (aleven though you could ship it in your laptop from there).

After you order, you may be directed to put in the Learnistic app (in case you don’t have it already) for your phone or iPad.

Setup is extraordinarily easy — beneathneath a minute in maximum cases — although you’ll want a telecellsmartphone handy to obtain a code thru SMS.

(In very uncommon cases — Nigeria is the simplest one I recognise of for now — customers will want to apply an app like FreeTone to get a US variety to enroll in the app.)

If you need to print the pdf, you could then proportion it out of your telecellsmartphone/iPad in your laptop. But you’ll NOT get an instantaneous hyperlink to a pdf down load to your laptop.

If this bothers you, please do now no longer purchase the Email Copywriting Compendium.

Either manner, please don’t trouble emailing me telling me approximately why I “won’t be creating a sale from you” for this rule. To be frank, I already don’t make income from 99.99% of the world’s population. Join the line.

Besides, I actually have my motives for handing over it this manner, much like you possibly have your motives for … well … now no longer the use of a phone in 2021.

3. There aren’t anyt any change-of-thoughts refunds in this product.

So please ensure you’ve got got study and apprehend this income letter — particularly the preceding points.

If you’ve got got any doubts whatsoever, I propose you don’t purchase now, and comply with along side my emails till you’ve visible for your self that I recognise what I’m speakme approximately with regards to e mail copywriting.

Otherwise, you could grasp your replica of the Email Copywriting Compendium the use of the button below.

As referred to at the top of this income letter (yes, it’s so well-priced I didn’t want to do the “charge anchoring” thing), the Compendium is just $101.

Since we have a lot of courses in stock, if you cannot find your favorite course, please let us know. To search for other courses and discounts available, let's have a conversation! What are you waiting for?

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All the courses on WSOlib are led by top authors and experts in their respective fields. Rest assured that the knowledge and skills you acquire are reliable and highly applicable.

Specification: With 39USD, The Email Copywriting Compendium Course – Daniel Throssell




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Original price was: $101.00.Current price is: $23.00.


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With 39USD, The Email Copywriting Compendium Course – Daniel Throssell
With 39USD, The Email Copywriting Compendium Course – Daniel Throssell

Original price was: $101.00.Current price is: $23.00.

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