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Why zivaONLINE

From Career and Relationships to Home Life and Health — zivaONLINE is THE Most Powerful Tool to Unlock Your Full Potential and Uplevel Your Life

zivaONLINE is for high performers. Period.

What’s a high performer? Someone who wants to improve themselves and the world around them every damn day. The trouble is, many of us high performers can’t access our full potential because of the stress of deadlines, bills, passive-aggressive mother-in-laws, fill in the blank.

If this sounds familiar, what you’re missing are 3 simple but powerful mental techniques that will completely change your relationship with stress and the demands of your everyday life…so you can perform at the top of your game.

In 2 short weeks, you’ll graduate with a mastery of and a transformative daily practice that you can do on your own for life (no apps, drop-ins or incense required).The point of The Ziva Technique is not to relax or feel calm during each session.

It’s to actually remove stress from your brain and body at the cellular level.With less stress weighing you down, you’ll be amazed how much more energy you have, how much sharper your brain becomes and how much more easily you can handle the demands of your daily life.

Let’s Face It:

Stress Makes You Stupid, Sad and Sick

Doctors are calling stress the Black Plague of our century — and we don’t think that’s hyperbole.

Harvard researchers estimate that 80% of doctor’s visits are related to stress. Getting stressed is not bad for you, but staying stressed is toxic.

Meditation — especially within the trifecta of The Ziva Technique — is the single most powerful stress relieving tool available.

By reducing the stress in your body at the cellular level, The Ziva Technique will give you

>> Deeper, more efficient sleep

>> More energy

>> Improved immune function

>> Less depression and anxiety

>> Better focus, attention and memory

>> And even better sex (yes, really)

Sound too good to be true?

Instead of asking “How can The Ziva Technique do ALL these things?” let’s ask, “How does stress mess so many things up?”


45% of women in the US take anti-anxiety or antidepressants JAMA Internal Medicine found that meditation helps heal depression and anxiety about as effectively as antidepressants. It floods the brain with dopamine & serotonin


Meditation is proven to actually reverse your body age (how old the body acts and feels) Meditation reduces blood pressure, has been known to improve eyesight, stop and reverse graying hair AND counteract the effects of stress on skin appearance and elasticity

Better Sex

Too much cortisol prevents female orgasm. Too much adrenaline prevents male erection Plus, what woman has ever said. ‘I had the hottest sex last night with this guy who looked WAY older than his age and was totally distracted the whole time”9


When the body is in ‘fight or flight” mode, mental capacity decreases Meditation reduces stress and allows you to perform at the top of your game Plus. Aetna’s CEO told The New York Times that employees who meditated gained over an hour of productivity each week


Meditation can help relieve the intensity, frequency and duration of migraines Migraines tend to be 3 hrs shorter for meditators and happen 14 times Less frequently


In a recent study of meditation for people with ADHD. 78% of participants reported a reduction in total ADHD symptoms, with 30% reporting at least a 30% symptom reduction For adults, significant reductions in depressive and anxiety symptoms were reported


50% of adults suffer from insomnia a few nights a week Meditation gives you a custom designed time to get rid of stress in the body, so you can use your sleep as a time for sleep We have a 90% success rate with insomnia at Ziva.


Meditation makes the body less acidic, which can increase your fertility. If you are not looking to get pregnant, then please take care We are having zivaBABIES popping up all over the place.

How You’ll Get Better at Life with The Ziva Technique

In addition to the countless physical benefits of The Ziva Technique, this practice will fundamentally change the way you approach challenges and demands in your daily life.

Better Leadership

According to Harvard Business Review magazine, meditation can put you in the right mindset for delivering an important critical presentation, running a demanding contentious meeting, or making high-stakes strategic decisions.

Creative problem-solving

Studies and brain scans have shown that meditators have a thicker corpus callosum than non-meditators. It’s the thing that connects the right and left hemispheres of your brain and the thicker it is, the better they communicate. So when you need creative troubleshooting, you want all hands on deck — especially your right brain, which is in charge of creativity, imagination, intuition and insight. Stroke of genius, anyone?

Negotiation skills

Studies show that meditators have high emotional intelligence, making them better equipped to pick up on intangible subtleties and successfully navigate difficult conversations. This super power helps you understand (and utilize) what’s important for the other party in a negotiation.

Entrepreneurial skills

According to INC magazine, meditation improves cognition, energy, and emotional stability so that entrepreneurs can maintain flow state and operate consistently at peak performance.

Look and feel younger

In a study by the UCLA Brain Mapping Center, meditation was found to help minimize some of the normal cognitive decline that comes with aging. Meditation can also reverse your body age (based on stress, happiness, blood pressure, etc.) by up to eight years, making meditators not only feel younger but actually look younger as well.

Live Longer

Nobel Prize-winning scientist Elizabeth Blackburn’s research suggests that meditation actually strengthens your telomeres (which keep your DNA from unraveling), leading to a healthier body and a longer lifespan.

Quality of relationships

Several studies suggest that meditation can enhance your emotional intelligence, enhancing levels of closeness and acceptance in romantic relationships and promote better understanding between professional partners. Plus, the quality of your sex life will skyrocket.

Not to Mention…

The Ziva Technique Actually Changes Your Brain

In zivaONLINE, you’ll learn 3 tools to increase your neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to change itself) and improve neurogenesis (the brain’s ability to generate new cells).

  • Mindfulness

    Mindfulness helps deal with stress in the present moment. During mindfulness exercises, you’re directing your focus, which, on a brain scan, lights up a small part of the brain (the Prefrontal cortex). Over time this improves your clarity and focus.

  • Meditation

    Meditation gives the body deep, healing rest to get rid of stress from the past. The technique you’ll learn in zivaONLINE is nearly effortless, and on a brain scan lights up the whole brain, but not as brightly as mindfulness. Over time, meditation strengthens the corpus callosum, which improves how the two hemispheres of the brain communicate and increases creativity.

  • Manifesting

    The manifesting tools you’ll learn in zivaONLINE helps you clarify, create and achieve your goals for the future. During manifesting, you’ll activate the creative center of the brain, also known as the right brain. It’s why Olympic athletes are known to use manifesting tools to visualize their goals before a race or game.

Sounds great, right? It is.

But, be warned: zivaONLINE may not be for you if…

  • You are looking for a quick fix. Adopting The Ziva Technique is a complete lifestyle change. When you integrate this practice into your everyday life, you’ll experience shifts big and small from the very first day and for years to come.
  • You aspire to be a monk. If you’re looking to live in a cave, wear a robe and meditate all day long, it’s time to look elsewhere. The Ziva Technique is extremely powerful and efficient so you can devote only 2% of your day to making the other 98% more amazing.
  • You want a guru, mala beads or incense. zivaONLINE is mental training in 3 scientifically proven techniquesused by CEOs, professional athletes, Oscar and Grammy winners, and high performers the world over. The Ziva Technique will move you into an innate mindset for success and fulfillment.

Why You’re Not Already Meditating

Allow Us to Bust These Common Meditation Myths…

1. You can’t clear your mind

Surprise! YOU DON’T HAVE TO. In fact you’ll find it’s quite the opposite. Thoughts can be an important and enjoyable part of the zivaONLINE experience.

2.You don’t want to sit in lotus position

Again — you don’t have to. Nor do you have to use “fancy fingers.” You’ll simply find a comfy spot on the couch, a park bench, anywhere you can think a thought is a good place to practice.

3.You don’t want to have to do it for an hour at a time

Nope, zivaONLINE teaches 15-minutes twice a day.

4.You don’t want to chant in a strange language

Uh, no. No chanting in any language at Ziva.

5.You think meditation is Buddhist, Hindu or religious

Wrong. We’ve had rabbis and priests take zivaONLINE — and love it. Think of The Ziva Technique as a hardware upgrade for your brain and body — something that makes everything run more smoothly and efficiently. From there, you can run any software (diet, religion, philosophy) you want.

6.You’re worried it’s “weird”

What’s so weird about sitting and thinking? Besides, US congressmen, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, NFL teams, Olympic athletes and the US Marine Corps are doing it…how weird can it be?

7.You can’t sit still

Again, not a requirement of The Ziva Technique. All you need to do is sit comfortably, and fidget if you need to.

8.You get “too anxious” to meditate

That’s also normal. zivaONLINE will give you mindfulness techniques to calm you down before meditating.

9.You tried before and hated it

There are many types of meditation out there — and The Ziva Technique is unique. The apps, downloads and drop-in studios you may have come in contact with are all typically types of mindfulness. In zivaONLINE, you’ll learn a powerful trifecta of mental techniques, and meditation is one. Our mission at Ziva is to make meditation attractive, accessible and easy to adopt. Give it a try and see what you think (we have a 30-day money back guarantee).

10.It’s too hard to commit to a daily practice

No, what’s hard is going through life knowing you’re capable of more, but not being able to access your full potential. What’s hard is constantly being stressed, getting sick, feeling overwhelmed and unhappy. Ask yourself, is learning and adopting this new skill harder than going through life as stressed/angry/sad/frustrated as you do now?

11.You just don’t have the time

This is our favorite meditation myth to bust. Think of all those minutes you waste every day on Instagram or watching Netflix… If you want to spend the time with The Ziva Technique, you will find the time. Plus, more importantly, The Ziva Technique saves you time by making you more productive. Gandhi is quoted as saying “I have so much to accomplish today that I must meditate for two hours instead of one.”

What’s Included in zivaONLINE

The zivaONLINE course is 15 days.

You’ll have access to everything that’s included for 6 months.

(At the end of 6 months, you’ll have the option to extend your membership.)

The Course

For the 15 days of zivaONLINE, you’ll get an email (before you even wake up!) leading you to the day’s training video inside your private member area for easy navigation. During the course, you’ll learn how to practice The 3 M’s: Mindfulness, Meditation and Manifesting, plus the science and philosophy behind each. Once you learn The Ziva Technique, you’ll be a self-sufficient meditator with the ability to use these powerful tools on your own FOR LIFE; no apps, finger cymbals or drop-ins required!

Coaching (New!)

Once you finish the 15 days of the zivaONLINE course, you’ll have access to LIVE, monthly coaching calls with Emily. You’ll be able to ask your questions, share your successes, and connect with other Ziva meditators. And if you ever miss a call, you’ll get quick access to the recording plus an archive of all past calls.


As a zivaONLINE student, you’ll get exclusive access to our private online community for six months (unless you decide to extend later on). Our well-trained zivaTEAM (all veteran meditators), thousands of Ziva graduates and Emily are there to answer your questions and support you on your journey in real-time. Plus, we’ll share videos, tips and even host livestreams to help you get the most out of your journey.

Continuing Education

Timed perfectly to your Ziva Meditation journey, you’ll get impactful content sent straight to your inbox for 6 months after you graduate. Emily has taught more than 10,000 students and can anticipate your challenges before they come up. So we’ve curated videos, articles, and additional techniques to enhance your Ziva practice, including…

  • How to fit your new practice into your daily life
  • How to Use Your Desires as Nature’s GPS
  • Additional mindfulness and breathing techniques such as Balancing Breath
  • How to handle unstressing (the physical and emotional detox that can happen when you begin your practice)
  • Bonus guided visualizations


  •  NEW! Get a copy of Emily’s debut book, Stress Less, Accomplish More: Meditation for Extraordinary Performance. The book will be published Feb 19, 2019 and will be mailed to you then.
  •  Get your biggest questions answered by Emily in 4 pre-recorded Q&A sessions during the course.
  • Four FREE downloadable guided meditations for travel, sleep, stress release & performance.
  • Our favorite TED talks, additional audio downloads, and even more bonus content.
  • Top notch customer service from the experienced meditators on our team.
  • An unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. We’re so confident in zivaONLINE, we’re letting you make sure it’s a perfect fit for you without any risk.

What to Expect Inside zivaONLINE

The course is 15 days long and each day’s instruction is based on what your body and mind will be experiencing as you move through the 3 M’s.

Each video is up to 25 minutes long and you can watch them each day (and take breaks if you need) whenever works for you. But we’ll provide guidance on what’s optimal.

Mindfulness: The Appetizer (Days 1-3)

Mindfulness is very effective at handling your stress in the present moment. It is a left brain, directed focus mental technique. In Days 1-3, you’ll learn two powerful mindfulness tools that will act as a runway from your 100 mph life into the deep, healing rest you’ll experience in the meditation of Part 2.

Highlights include:

  • What the Ziva Technique is & how The 3 M’s benefit your brain and body
  • Best practices for posture
  • Why you don’t need a quiet location to practice
  • Pro Tips to get the most out of your zivaONLINE training
  • How to recognize the mental and physical detox of the “unstressing” process
  • What mindfulness is and how it affects your brain
  • How to measure and celebrate your successes
  • The 4th State of Consciousness (different than waking, sleeping, dreaming)
  • The difference between mindfulness and meditation
  • How meditation gives you rest 5x deeper than sleep
  • Why your senses are heightened during meditation
  • The roles of your right brain and left brain

Meditation: The Main Course (Days 4-12)

What if you were to recharge your brain as often as you recharge your phone? In this section of zivaONLINE, you’ll learn a deeply healing meditation technique and how to apply it to your busy, modern life. Over the course of Days 4-12, you will gradually build your meditation time and learn to manage the emotional and physical detox that many new meditators experience. The practice will give your body deep healing rest, removing stress from your body at the cellular level, and open you up to benefits including deeper sleep, increased productivity, strengthened immune function and boundless energy.

Highlights include:

  • A protocol for how to select your mantra from a curated Ziva list
  • Learn how to use your mantra
  • Why thoughts are not the enemy
  • Understanding the importance of the physical and emotional unstressing
  • How to know if you are falling asleep or meditating
  • The 5 most common things that happen during meditation
  • Guided meditations at increasing lengths to lead you to self-sufficiency
  • Why you may become a cheaper date (your tolerance to alcohol and coffee may change)
  • How to have personal integrity and commit to your daily practice
  • The concept of creation, maintenance and destruction
  • Why becoming self-sufficient is key to maintaining a lifelong practice

Manifesting: The Dessert (Days 13-15)

In the last section of zivaONLINE, you’ll discover how to consciously create a life you love. You’ll learn a powerful manifesting technique to include in your meditation practice to get clear on your goals and turn your wildest dreams into your everyday reality.

Highlights include:

  • Getting clear on what you want so nature can deliver your dreams to you
  • How to picture your dreams as if they are happening now
  • Manifestation precedes desire, meaning your desires are already on the way to you
  • The 3 steps to manifesting
  • Why detachment means trusting the universe
  • How Meditation + Manifestating are much more powerful together than either one alone.
  • Learn to celebrate your success and how to gauge your progress
  • Why you are stronger than your resistance

Bonus Downloadables: The Cherry on Top

The Neuroscience of Stress audio

Hear Emily talk through how stress affects the brain and body (and how meditation gets rid of stress from your past at the cellular level). Learn why it’s not bad for you to get stressed, but it is terrible for you to stay stressed.

zivaSLEEPS audio guided visualization

Helps you fall asleep faster and gives you deeper more restful sleep.

zivaRELEASE audio guided visualization

Helps you through the UNstressing process. Sometimes stress has the same flavor on the way out as it did on the way in.

zivaPERFORMANCE audio guided visualization

Designed to help you before big events when you want to perform at the top of your game.

zivaTRAVELS audio guided visualization

Reduces jetlag. Use this for take off and landing so you arrive refreshed and ready to rock.

Pep Talk in Your Pocket audio 

Download this quick audio anytime you have an important event and want to show up as the most amazing version of you. This quick (but powerful) pep talk is perfect.

“The Chocolate Cake Story” audio 

This delicious analogy illustrates why you can absolve yourself of any responsibility to over-analyze your past and instead enjoy how meditation helps you heal old trauma and stress on a pre-verbal level.

Meditation Calendar PDF

A beautiful meditation calendar you can print out, fill in, and use to help you get to the chair twice a day, every day.

Included in zivaONLINE…

  •  The 15-day course to learn The Ziva Technique and a life-changing daily practice to take with you for life
  •  Live monthly coaching calls with Emily once you graduate
  •  Access to the private zivaONLINE community
  •  4 pre-recorded Q&A sessions
  •  4 FREE downloadable guided meditations for travel, sleep, stress release, performance
  •  Tons of Bonus Content including The Neuroscience of Stress and a Pep Talk in Your Pocket
  •  16 advanced video lectures
  •  Top notch customer service from the experienced meditators on our zivaTEAM
  •  30-day money back guarantee from the day you purchase. We’re so confident in zivaONLINE, we’re letting you make sure it’s a perfect fit for you without any risk
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All the courses on WSOlib are led by top authors and experts in their respective fields. Rest assured that the knowledge and skills you acquire are reliable and highly applicable.

Specification: ZivaOnline – Emily Fletcher




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