
Hi, I’m Kyle Sulerud, the founder of AdLeg.
Before I mastered YouTube Ads and Google Ads, I was the owner of a small junk removal company and I was trying to figure out how to generate more business through marketing. I threw together a Google Ads campaign (because “everyone was doing it”) and paid my bill every month without even questioning how much I was paying for how little business I was receiving.
Eventually, I started increasing campaign budgets and making changes based on Google’s recommendations—before I knew it, I ended up with a charge from Google on my credit card that was ten times more than normal! Sadly, my business revenue didn’t also multiply by ten.
Something was wrong.
Once I realized how much I DIDN’T know, I started to see the opportunities AdWords offered for the people who DID know.
I put in some serious time and continued to spend some serious money through trial and error—learning the platform and making it work for my business as best I could.
Then it happened…
Everything started to click! My efforts paid off, my campaign was finally profitable, and I was finally bringing new customers into my business consistently and predictably.
My experience learning Google Ads on my own helped me realize that there was a major gap in the marketplace.
Business owners either don’t have the experience or the time to run effective campaigns. On the other hand, most Google Ads managers have never owned a business themselves. They have never put their own money on the line and lost it and they haven’t experienced the real-life consequences of ineffective marketing.
I decided to fill this gap and started doing some freelance work helping businesses set up and optimize their Google Ads campaigns. I continued learning and growing as a marketer. I went through all the training programs I could find, hired business coaches, and even did some work with Facebook Ads and funnel-building.
After years of experience in the industry, I became a respected authority on Google Ads and even published my own training program and software to help other marketers—all while continuing to level-up my own game as much as possible.
One day, one of my mentors approached me. He had an offer that was crushing it with Facebook Ads and he wanted to run YouTube Ads. He’d worked with other YouTube Ads buyers, but he wasn’t able to get the results he knew were possible. He trusted me to run his ads even though I had no proven results on the platform—he wanted to see what I could do.
So I accepted the challenge: I used what I knew about Google Ads and Facebook Ads (and everything else I knew about marketing) and applied it to YouTube Ads.
I wish I could tell you that I hit a home run with his ad campaign right out of the gate…but no, the first results were a big disappointment. Things weren’t clicking.
To say that I felt stressed would be an understatement. I was on the verge of blowing a HUGE opportunity. It was frustrating and embarrassing.
The problem? I was trying to run YouTube Ads like Google Ads and Facebook Ads. But it was an epic fail because all ads do not work the same way.
I’ll be the first to admit that YouTube Ads had me stumped, but I thrive on challenges, so there was no way I’d give up. I stepped back and re-examined my skill sets and realized the foundation I needed to excel was already in place. My success with Google Ads and Facebook Ads backed by years of high-level marketing experience gave me a leg up and all I had to do was figure out how to fit all the puzzle pieces into YouTube Ads.
I consumed all the courses and all the information I could find about YouTube Ads, which was actually really frustrating because so much of the information contradicted itself. For a short while, I felt like I was no further ahead than before I started.
Still, it wasn’t easy.
Success happened when I finally put all of the pieces together. I combined what I learned about YouTube Ads with my Google Ads and Facebook Ads knowledge and finally cracked the code. I dissected the details to find what worked best SPECIFICALLY for YouTube. I was able to get incredible results for my client and I could breathe a sigh of relief.
But it didn’t stop there. I used what I learned to develop my own repeatable systems and strategies and started to get great results for other clients, too! I was able to take the lessons I learned from each account and use them to make the next campaigns even better. My clients were happy with the consistent, qualified leads ripe for conversion. With the ever-expanding experience, I update my processes continually to keep getting killer results for my clients.
I know this sounds cliché, but everything has fallen into place.
I’ve zoned in on which clients I could offer the most value to: course creators, online coaches, and influencers. I help scale their businesses much faster with YouTube Ads. YouTube is unique because when people use it, they are already looking for entertainment or information. They are looking to consume content and they’ve often set aside a block of time to spend on the platform. When you advertise on YouTube, you are advertising to a very captive audience.
So, if you run webinars, YouTube Ads are a game-changer. Your target audience is primed and ready to see videos; they’re hot to learn more by watching your webinar. Plus, YouTube is one of the largest sources of online traffic. My team and I get our clients’ ads in front of the right audience at the right time—without wasting money on the wrong audience.
YouTube is an under-tapped platform. The competition is low, and your audience’s attention on the platform is HIGH. Each day you’re not advertising on YouTube can cost you thousands of dollars in potential revenue.
AdLeg is looking for course creators, online coaches, influencers, info-marketers, and lead generation companies that have a proven offer that converts. If that’s you, let’s see if your offer is a good fit for our Done-For-You YouTube Ads management service.

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YouTube Ads For High Ticket Funnels - AdLeg

YouTube Ads For High Ticket Funnels – AdLeg

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YouTube Ads For High Ticket Funnels - AdLeg

YouTube Ads For High Ticket Funnels – AdLeg

Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $437.00.
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