Loida Velasquez

Today we’d like to introduce you to Loida Velasquez.

Loida, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
Prior to transitioning into real estate in 2015, I worked for about eight years in the marketing and advertising industry. The last three years I was in that field, my job entailed traveling 100% all over the country and as much as I enjoyed that, I started to become interested in real estate. I have always had an entrepreneurial mindset and I knew that this career would allow me to grow in all aspects of life while being able to help people with their real estate dreams.

I am part of Team BC and my entire first year of real estate, all I did was door knocking. I knew coming into the field that this was something that was not going to be easy nor glamorous, but I knew it was necessary for me to do to grow my skills as a real estate agent. At the end of that first year, I transitioned my prospecting efforts to cold calling which is something I still do today. Around that time in 2015, I also decided to start a YouTube channel to share my journey and everything I was learning. Fast forward to now, I have established myself as being one of the top real estate agents on social media, and I have also have a growing YouTube channel of over 53K subscribers where I post weekly videos for real estate agents. Currently, I am one of the very few women on YouTube posting sales-related content for agents, and because of my consistency over the past five years, it has brought many opportunities to speak at conferences and training events including sharing the stage with Tracy Tutor from Million Dollar Listing LA.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
It definitely has not been a smooth road. Being a real estate agent is all commissioned based which means I don’t get paid unless I close a deal. As a new real estate agent, there were many times that I broke down and second-guessed whether this was for me being that I was putting in so much work, but was seeing nothing in return. This is a business where we start seeing results after months of consistency and eventually when the deals started happening, it made me realize that I made the right choice by sticking through it!

Please tell us about Team BC Real Estate.
Team BC is a real estate team created by team leader Bryan Casella. We specialize in Residential Real Estate and New Development in the Greater Los Angeles and Orange County areas. We also service the inland empire and do some Commercial transactions as well.

I am proud of the exceptional service that we offer all of our clients and how we go above and beyond to ensure that their real estate goals are met. We are very honest in the way that we work and treat every client as if they were our family.

What sets us apart is our Results and what we do to get things done. We are great at thinking outside the box and overcome situations that an inexperienced agent might not know what to do. We do things differently (While having a GREAT time) and we get people much better results than the average agent out there.

If you had to go back in time and start over, would you have done anything differently?
If I had to start over, one of the things I would focus on would be reading more books specially on mindset and communication to better myself. I believe it is extremely important to have a positive and focused mind because this industry can be like an emotional rollercoaster.

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Real Estate Agent 2023 – Loida Velasquez

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Real Estate Agent 2023 - Loida Velasquez

Real Estate Agent 2023 – Loida Velasquez

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