Neil Macpherson

Neil Macpherson here on behalf of myself and my partner Robert Dickson…

We’ll be the first ones to admit it wasn’t always this easy to land clients. In fact we’d both been at this for years when we finally stumbled upon a better way to get leads coming our way.u00a0

Both Robert and I started from scratch with nothing more than some basic knowledge and ambition just like you.
I started my client business from my grandmothers Kitchen table. Robert Started his from his parents basement.
Between the two of us we have a combined 20 years of experience landing and servicing clients.

We understand how “the game” works. Both of us built our client bases from scratch and these days we work together.
In the beginning we both experienced the same struggles that all marketers go through when trying to get a client business off the ground.
With no portfolio or resources to speak of you just have to do whatever you can to drum up business and that’s a tough way to go.
We’ve been down that road where you chase down clients, begging them to buy your services…it sucks.
Clients can smell the desperation miles away and you often end up charging less than what your worth, working more hours than you expected and frustrated as heck by the end of the day.

The whole reason we got into this “game” was to not have a “JOB” but when you do business the way most do, it ends up being nothing more than that.
That’s why both of knew there had to be a better way and eventually it “clicked” for us. We realized the key to this game was…

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Local Lead Drop V.2.0 + All Oto - Neil Macpherson

Local Lead Drop V.2.0 + All Oto – Neil Macpherson

Original price was: $261.00.Current price is: $36.00.
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