Ryan Stewman

Today we’d like to introduce you to Ryan Stewman.

Ryan, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
After a tough childhood, I learned how to work hard and that doing the work was the only tool I had to get myself out of challenging situations. My journey to where I am currently was not smooth and I took a few wrong turns, but each time, when I got back up on my feet, I learned how much I was capable of. It didn’t matter the sales jobs I took, I inevitably became one of the top salesmen wherever I was. After learning how much I could accomplish on my own, I wanted to push the limit and learn how to run a successful business.

I followed and mentored under world-famous coaches, often using the last of my money to afford the classes that I knew would save my life and business. From that experience, I experimented with learning the ropes of social media and I recorded live videos (before that was even a thing) as well as launched a successful social media management company. When I started Hardcore Closer, my business began to thrive, and I kept adding new products and services to it. I created other businesses as well and eventually, took Hardcore Closer to the multi-million-dollar business it is today.

This year, answering the urge I’ve always had to teach and coach, and because I am a survivor of so much: prison, divorce, abuse, drugs, etc., I have turned my passion into magnifying the life and business coaching I provide. I want people to know they can overcome any obstacle in their lives and that they will be better for it. Last year, I married the love of my life and we added another baby to our family that now includes three boys. Everything I have wished for I am living.

I am a podcaster, bestselling author, contributor to major media publications, and I get to help people improve their lives every day. There is nothing more rewarding to me.

Has it been a smooth road?
I had to overcome two stints in federal prison, three divorces, drug abuse, child abuse, adoption and the rise and fall of several different careers. I have had to reinvent myself numerous times and have lost everything I have earned and worked for, only to rise again.

So, as you know, we’re impressed with Hardcore Closer – tell our readers more, for example what you’re most proud of as a company and what sets you apart from others.
In January of 2012, I registered HardcoreCloser.com and started teaching loan officers how to use social media to gain business from real estate agents. In the first year, I did over 150k in gross sales. Year 2 we did over 300k in gross sales. As of 2016, which is year 4, we’ve closed over 2 million in gross sales. Now I teach people from all sales fields across all industries, how to sell online.

Hardcore Closer is an online learning resource for salespeople. We sell e-learning products in the advertising, marketing, funnel, sales and social media arenas, as well as do personal coaching and live events. My Break Free Academy program is our flagship program. It has everything you need in order to start marketing your business online and crushing your competitors.

Two companies that I am proud of as well are Clyxo and Funnel Closers. Clyxo is a social media search engine and Funnel Closers sells funnels to businesses. My Facebook Group Sales Talk With Sales Pros now numbers over 71K members and is one of the largest sales groups on Facebook. The Hardcore Closer page is nearing 180K.

I’m a 4x bestselling author and contribute to Forbes, Entrepreneur, Addicted2Success, The Good Men Project, Lighter Side of Real Estate and Huffington Post, among other publications.

Let’s touch on your thoughts about our city – what do you like the most and least?
We have great restaurants here and lots of places where we can take the kids to run off some energy. It’s very family-oriented and there are some really beautiful areas that are well-maintained where my family and I can go to relax.

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