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7 Figure Marketing Copy – Sean Vosler

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7 Figure Marketing Copy – Sean Vosler Download. Writing Copy That ACTUALLY SELLS Doesn’t Have To Be A Pain. Let Me Make It As Easy As “FILL IN THE BLANK” F…

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Unlock The 7-Figure Marketing Copy Guide at a Discount Today

Writing Copy That ACTUALLY SELLS Doesn’t Have To Be A Pain. Let Me Make It As Easy As “FILL IN THE BLANK” For You!

Unlock These Tried, Tested & PROVEN Copywriting Methods:

  •  10+ easy to follow copy methods that you can use right away to boost conversions.
  •  Writer’s block killers, includes 3 simple exercises to push you through.
  •  Dozens of templates and copy case studies for you to reference while you’re writing.
  •  Over 250 pages of advanced marketing frameworks & strategies.
  •  and much more! (see the list below)

The Single Most Valuable Entrepreneurial Skill by Sean Vosler

She’s looking at you.

From across the way…

… you can see you have her attention.

Who is she?

What does she want?

What captured her attention?

If you can answer that last question… 

You can sell anything to anyone. 

Curious? Good. 

The answer can make you millions has made myself and my clients millions in sales…

A Quick Note From The Author

On this page you’re going to unlock what many consider to be the key to converting any business idea into reality. I’m also going to share with you a powerful method that will cut your learning time in half and help drive you closer to your entrepreneurial goals. 

Sound like a good deal? Awesome. Let’s get started then…

Learning this skill solves many of the toughest business problems entreprenuers face on a daily basis…

So, What Is The Single Most Valuable Entrepreneurial Skill?

The first sale is crucial vote of confidence your audience gives with their bank account. If you’re facing this obstacle chances are you’re most likely lacking in one particular skill…

… It’s the skill that drives almost every dollar made online and off. 

… It’s the skill that can transform a run-of-the-mill business into a wealth generating machine.

… It’s also the skill that many veteran entreprenurs confess is the toughest to master.

I never blame anyone for struggling with it. 

It’s not a skill that is taught in school or prioritized in college. 

Confession time…

and this is a confession you won’t often hear from an online entreprenuer.

Even though this skill directly generates the most revenue in my businessin reality, I’m not a “professional” at it. I developped this skill out of necessity, not out of desire. 

And one of my biggest regrets is not learning its foundations sooner.

Most people think it’s skills like…

  • ?Networking
  • ?Advertising
  • ?Social Media
  •  Money management
  •  Branding
  •  Leadership

… are the most important entrepreneurial skills.

While these are very important skills in their own way, they’re relatively easy to outsource or develop.

So what is this always in demand “profit skill”? The one skill almost all successful business owners will admit is in large part responsible for their success?

If you haven’t already guessed it, that skill is copywriting

Specifically, sales copywriting…


Copywriting is the act of writing text for the purpose of advertising or other forms of marketing. The product, called copy, is written content that aims to increase brand awareness and ultimately persuade a person or group to take a particular action. But copywriting is soooo much more than the academic definition.

“The ability to write ads and letters that sell is by far the most wonderful money-making skill you could ever acquire. If you master this skill, you should never again have to worry about money.”

– Gary Halbert

Top Copywriter & All Around Crazy Successful Businessman (before it was cool)

I’ll add to that…

Copywriting is the most profitable skill I’ve ever learned. Every serious entrepreneur must understand it’s principles if they want to reach their most audacious goals.

Yet, copywriting seems to be the one business skill that’s riddled with… well, riddles.

Keep reading this article and I’ll teach you how to solve the copywriting riddle, and take the headache out of writing marketing copy for good. 

I’ll also hand you a copywriting method I’ve developed that’s saved me countless hours, one that will help you create ‘addictive’ content centered around selling your product or service.

One quick clarification before I share this method…

I’m not a copywriter. 

And you don’t have to be one either…

You read that right, copywriting is a skill I use; but it doesn’t make me a copywriter. I guess you could say I run a marketing agency, but I usually tell folks who ask that I’m an investor. Not in the “wallstreet investor” kinda way, I mean I’ve adopted their MINDSET around making business decisions. 

You see, what I invest in are the skills that make myself and my clients the most return on the time I spend learning them.

… I’ve learned how to build highly complex marketing funnels that have generated well over $40,000,000 in profits.

… I’ve learned how to create and edit high-quality videos. (I even have my own studio)

… I’ve learned how to design and structure great sales pages (graphics, and the tech – yes I built the page you’re on now.

… I’ve learned how to set up incredibly intricate auto webinar systems, with dynamic follow up email and advertising sequences. .. With one webinar having over 1M Views, you’ve probably seen it… 

But I’ll say it again…

NONE OF THESE SKILLS, and I really mean NONE OF THEM, can shake a stick at compare with the staggeringly results my copywriting skills have brought to myself and clients. For many of my clients, I’m the most profitable “division” of their company since I’m able to leverage their audiences with simple copywriting strategies & tactics that brings them amazing return on their ‘investment’.

Truth is… You can be a great funnel developer, video producer, freelancer, graphic designer, “e-commerce-marketer”, or agency owner…

But, if you can’t persuade people to actually buy your stuff (or your client’s stuff)… well… you’re screwed.

Most product failures I’ve seen over the years had less to do about the product, and more to do with their ability to communicate it’s value to their audience.

Communication is almost always the missing piece.

So, what is the key to solving the copywriting riddle?

If you dread copywriting as much as most do you must learn how to leverage copywriting methods to help you craft it QUICKLY and EFFECTIVELY.

I’m not just talking about “fill in the blank” templates, though they can be useful, I’m referring to methods of deconstructing marketing that’s already working and apply the strategy to your own marketing assets… along with taking strategies used for hundreds of years and systematize them into your business.

In short…

If you learn how to leverage copywriting methods, you won’t always have to rely on “guessing” if your marketing will work.

Here’s an easy copywriting method you can use to dramatically increase the attention your writing receives…

Copywriting Method ONE


Learn How to Quickly Craft Engaging Copy by Harnessing the Structure of Trending Content in 5 Easy Steps

Instead of attempting to write a catchy headline from scratch, let me show you how to deconstruct one and use it’s structure to craft a new one.

I like to call this method “The Imitation Game”, and you can use it to create anything from headlines, to sales pages, to marketing emails… that’s the beauty of these types of methods. Since they’re principles they can be utilized in multiple ways.

Here’s how to use this method to

create highly engaging copy that captures attention…


 First step… Take out a piece of paper and at the top write a brief description of what you want your reader to learn/understand and what action you want them to take. Starting with the end in mind will always help you keep your focus on what’s most important. 

EXAMPLE: For this sales page I want to teach my reader the value of developing reusable methods & principles around complex copywriting methods. By the end of reading I want them to a.) know how to create their own methods, and b.) purchase my course on copywriting method development.


 Next we want to visit popular “trending content” websites like digg.com, reddit.com, medium.com, buzzfeed.com, cracked.com, news.google.com. 

These sites invest a lot of money hiring writers who know how to “get the click”, and we can use the structure of their headlines as a guide for our content.


 After we’ve selected a headline that captures our attention, we want to analyze and break it down into it’s core structure. The structure is “how it’s said” rather than what’s being said. 

In this example the headline “The Man Who Perfected the Laugh Track” caught my attention, specifically the term ‘perfected‘ perked my interest. It has a strong implication that this is the “final best way” to do something, and I should learn what that is!


 Now that we have the structurewe can apply it to our subject matter. Let’s say you’re marketing an info-product for real-estate agents, specifically about the benefits of “short selling”.

The ‘noun’ becomes our target audience, our ‘topic’ reflects our product we’ll be introducing to that audience.


 Now we can expand upon the topic, spicing up the benefits within our headline. It’s important here to think about our reader, what’s in it for them (benefit) if they continue on reading our material?

More Examples…

 Here are a few more examples of headlines pulled from trending topic sites and applied to our topic…

Practical Application…

 How to Profitably Apply This Method to Our Marketing

In this method we focused mainly on “how to generate an engaging headline”, but what can we do with this headline? It may seem obvious, but let’s take a closer look. First, let’s look at our headline as a thesis…

The·sis – /?TH?sis/ a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved.

Our headline/thesis is the point we’re going to be discussing in the rest of our copy. The structure of what follows the headline is really going to depend on our medium. A blog post is going to be structured differently than an email, and a sales page is going to differ from an advertisementHowever there are going to be elements that are shared between all of them. Let’s take a look at how we can build on our thesis with the goal of maximizing our persuasiveness.

Structure of most persuasive content…

INTRODUCTION TO THE IDEA – Build upon your headline/thesis, focus on where the outcome (often called the promise land) will take the reader. Answer the “I know you’re probably thinking…” questions your reader may have. Build credibility with facts, figures, and quotes from reputable sources.

Keep it interesting… Keep an archive of articles, screenshots of chapter introductions, collections of quotes, things that capture your attention. If you’re not sure if your introduction is interesting enough, post a part of it to your social media channel of choice. Did it generate much engagement? If not, you may want to revamp. You can look at ways to make it more shocking, something your reader didn’t expect; be more revealing, share something that most people would keep to themselves; be controversial, shake the pot a bit and call out a popular perspective as wrong.

Still not sure where to start? Here’s an “introduction cheat-code”: You can start your intro with “Even if…” to go right for the jugular objection

Headline leads to ~> Intro: “Even if you’ve found that XYZ hasn’t worked for you in the past, let me show you how a simple change in perspective can make all the difference. Addressing a common objection at the beginning can both entice the critic to keep reading, and reassure the believer that progress can be made… if they simply keep reading.


When I teach in workshops I usually start by helping the audience identify the single most common objection to their product or service. The one, that if not addressed, will lose the most people in your target audience. Your first step in writing anything should be to identify and crush this objection. Go for the jugular and you have a solid chance of winning over even the strongest critic.

Illusory superiority, the above-average effect, the superiority bias, the leniency error, and the primus interpares effect all are meant to define pretty much the same thing – most people think they are better (or unquestionably different) than the average people. “Yea maybe for them, but…” is the default response of our reader, even if it’s subconscious. With our “even if” introduction we’re taking the common objection away from our reader.

This insight into our readers will also will help us stop making assumptions about people’s need for our offer. If everyone thinks they’re special and unique their initial reaction to our arguments is “It might work for them, but it won’t work for me.” Understanding this will help us craft better openings to our arguments, building a better case for reading further.

A subtle goal we should keep in mind is that everything we write should, in some way, keep our reader engaged and moving down the page.

“What’s important is that you start addressing a person’s objections before they even have a chance to think them. Your prospect feels like you can read their mind – and that your product can actually solve their problems.” – Benyamin Elias – Dir. Content Marketing @ Active Campaign

Example: The exercise program that help even the most time crushed person lose weight!

Even if Introduction: Even if you don’t have hours to spend at the gym, this unique program can work for you, let me explain. (Keep building, here you can even start talking in terms of your own experience.) I used to get overwhelmed thinking about the time commitment I’d have to make if I really wanted to reach my fitness goals, I’m sure you can relate. Time is something we all could use more of, and with all the demands of daily life it can be easy to conclude that if something’s going to get cut, it’s exercise. But here’s the truth, you can accomplish so much more, in so much less time, if you simply take a few moment’s to learn the “80/20 rule of fitness.” Below you’ll find the routine even the most time crunched person can use to get noticeable results, fast! —

After our introduction it’s time to jump into the meat of our topic. 

If this is an email, we may choose to send them directly to our offer at this point with a call to action to “find out more”. If this is a sales page we can continue our content marketing piece by sharing the “outline” of our training, focusing more on the benefits of each steps than the techniques, eventually leading to our call to action to buy if they want to get the full system. As a content piece (blog post, ebook, white-paper) we still want to focus on the benefits, but our reader can benefit from a bit deeper dive into the tactical parts of our topic; eventually leading to a call to action to learn about our offer. We’ll dive further into the tactical content in Method 7 – Teach, Transform, Transact.

That ONE ‘Simple’ Method Has Helped Me Develop Hundreds of Profitable Copy Pieces FAST…

I’m sure it’s not a stretch to say that with just this one method you’d be able to walk away from this page and improve your own writing… or at the least help save you time in brainstorming profitable copy ideas.

That’s precisely why I’ve put not just one, but 12+ different time saving and profit maximizing methods together for you to use in your own marketing.

Using these methods have helped me transform my 6 figure per year agency into a 6 figure per month agency with clients regularly paying me $10k+ per month.

I’ve decided to put them all together in an easy to follow guide at an incredibly low price, let me give you a quick tour of what you’ll be getting today…

Ready to Unlock More Marketing Methods?

Here’s a quick peek inside my brand new guide…

Pick Up Your Copy of My Brand New Book & Course… The 7 Figure Marketing Copy Guide!

This is a “Living” Book With More Methods Added Monthly… With The Lifetime Pass You’ll Be Able to Unlock ALL The Future Methods At No Extra Cost

The Methods Included Today…

+ All Future Methods Added Monthly

Here’s a preview of the next installments coming in the next few months…

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Here's an overview of the prominent keywords and a list of famous authors:

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Lifestyle and Wellness: Discover courses on holistic health, yoga, and healthy living from authors like Elizabeth Gilbert, Bill Nye, and Tracy Anderson.

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All the courses on WSOlib are led by top authors and experts in their respective fields. Rest assured that the knowledge and skills you acquire are reliable and highly applicable.

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7 Figure Marketing Copy – Sean Vosler
7 Figure Marketing Copy – Sean Vosler

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