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Emotions and Energy Medicine Audio Package from IGEEM 2012 – Donna Eden

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Part of Our 2012 International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine Audio Collection

Our GOLD packages includes Audio Downloads and a PDF transcript.

Enjoy listening to these thought provoking and informative presentations from the International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine. 8 audio (MP3) and 8 document (pdf) files will be available for download after purchase:

  • Camelot and Beyond: An Integration of Spirituality, Psychology, and Eden Energy Medicine – Dr. Regina Bogle
  • Anxiety & the Adrenals: Energy Medicine Solutions for Unraveling Fear and Worry – Dr. Sara Allen
  • Clearing and Manifesting Energies™ – Dr. Melanie Smith
  • Dancing with Fire and Water for Trauma Release – Sarah Owen
  • The Energy of E-Motion: Releasing the Ties That Bind – Ellen Selover and Denise Furgason
  • Stop Fear Before it Gets Started – Kim Wedman
  • Wounds into Gold: What the Chakras Can Show Us About How We Relate & How We Create – Debra Hurt Burchard
  • Bonus: Only Love: Practical and Profound Transformation through the Radiant Heart Center – Dr. Robin Bradley

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Class Descriptions

Camelot and Beyond: An Integration of Spirituality, Psychology, and Eden Energy Medicine – Dr. Regina Bogle

Course Description:

Class Feedback “Dr. Bogle’s presentation was thorough and very interesting. Her unique take on the subject matter was fascinating.” “Another excellent presentation. It was a pleasure listening to Regina and I was very impressed by her engaging teaching style.”

Amidst the complexities, contradictions, and demands of daily life, the soul sparks yearnings in the personality for deeper connection, completion, and meaning. Myths and fairy tales carry the imagery for this process and portray the struggles we experience to integrate the soul’s wisdom through its relatively blind vehicle of expression, our ego or personality, here on earth. Many have written about how human consciousness needs and is now ready for a new mythic paradigm. The work of Donna Eden incorporates Energy Medicine in this transformational dynamic through her teachings about Triple Warmer and its needed evolution in relationship to Spleen as Meridian and Radiant Circuit.

This workshop will further develop that consciousness and integrate these evolutionary themes through: 1) an overview of Kabbalah as a way of providing a common language and framework for understanding the spiritual path; 2) a discussion of the development and energetic dynamics of Triple Warmer and Spleen in the context of ego and soul; and 3) the telling of the tale of Camelot with special attention to Guinevere, Arthur, Lancelot, Mordred, and the Round Table as metaphor for energy systems and their potential for transformation.

Through the use of Eden Energy Medicine techniques and meditative exercises, participants will have an opportunity to develop a soulful sequel to the Camelot story. Through this process the goal will be to deepen self-awareness, to promote personal integration of Spleen/TW dynamics, to expand one’s understanding of healing, and to potentially use this framework, and even develop it further, for one’s personal growth and that of one’s clients.

Get Emotions and Energy Medicine Audio Package from IGEEM 2012 – Donna Eden, Only Price $37

Presenter Bio:

Dr. Regina has a passion for healing. She is a Reiki Level III Practitioner, Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner, and a graduate of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program. For several years she taught clinical supervision classes for the Masters of Pastoral Counseling program at Moravian Theological Seminary and more recently she has been independently teaching classes to interested students on such subjects as Eden Energy Medicine, mythology, complementary healing methods, and spirituality. Additionally, she continues to facilitate monthly drum circles for women using fairy tales and myths to promote a deepening sense of soul in our seemingly ego-driven world.

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Anxiety & the Adrenals: Energy Medicine Solutions for Unraveling Fear and Worry – Dr. Sara Allen

Course Description:

Class Feedback “Fabulous. I have already used this with wonderful results.” “This might have been the best class of the whole IGEEM. Sara is knowledgeable, funny, and genuine. The techniques were great.”

Fear and anxiety are intimately intertwined into our way of life. Many of us feel it is necessary to worry in order to live. Some believe that fear keeps us safe and there are those who feel that worry is a form of love. Anxiety has become an acceptable consequence of living in a modern society.

With every notion of worry and fear that charges through the emotional body, there is a corresponding biochemical reaction in the physical body affecting the adrenal system. Being in a state of perpetual anxiety will trigger a continual firing of the adrenal system. Over time, the habit of worry and fear triggers the adrenals and this linking becomes deeply embedded in the parts of the brain that govern the body’s addictions. Essentially, the body becomes addicted to its own inner stress pharmacy. The matter of anxiety is no longer “just a problem of perceptions” – there is a very real, very powerful physical compulsion at work perpetuating the state of anxiety.

The ability to break free from the habit of fear and worry becomes an overwhelming task – because the body has become addicted to the adrenal response triggered by constant fear and worry, a deeply embedded case of generalized anxiety becomes the normal state of being. Fear and worry become literally addictive and self-perpetuating.

Despite the complexity, the protocol for treatment is actually very linear – very step-by-step — and very teachable. The protocol, for unraveling fear and anxiety that are locked in the adrenal habit response, will be illustrated and demonstrated in the classroom, including the energy medicine techniques used to track this biochemical response and learning how to intervene with energy protocols.

Presenter Bio:

Dr. Sara Allen, PhD is a doctorate level holistic health practitioner. Her specialty is a particular self-brand of energy medicine, best described as a combination of ancient Chinese and East Indian modalities that are systemized via energy kinesiology. She is deeply skilled (over 15,000 hours of clinical experience) in Eden Energy Medicine (EEM), Pranic Healing, Touch for Health, EFT, Reiki, Advanced Psych-K, Animal Energy Medicine, and German New Medicine. Dr. Sara is a certified LET, PET, TET, YET instructor with Gordon Training International and Faculty Member of the EEM Certification Program.

As a result of her intense hands-on experience, Dr. Sara’s classes and handouts are extraordinarily practitioner friendly and results oriented. Her ability to translate her hands-on skills and practices into “classroom speak” is what makes a Dr. Sara course experience so rich and layered.

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Clearing and Manifesting Energies™ – Dr. Melanie Smith

Course Description:

Class Feedback “Outstanding presentation of well organized and understandable material. Both engaging and practical. One of the very best presentations of the entire conference.” “A well-paced, timely, important presentation that leaves me with a protocol that I know will help myself and clients.”

Clearing and Manifesting Energies™ is the Secret to The Secret. By combining the Laws of Attraction with Energy Medicine techniques it is an excellent tool to use for life transitions (i.e. changes in job, relationships, career, relocation, physical illness, finances, loss of a loved one, or daily life stressors). Trapped negative energy can block us from bringing positive things to our lives. In this workshop you will learn how to clear out the blocks, bring in the joy, and set your intention on what you desire to manifest. This technique can be shared with a large group, can be used one-on-one with a client, or for your own personal growth. It is easy to do and does not require any previous experience with energy medicine.

With this technique, you will learn:

  • How to get in touch and manifest the things you truly desire
  • How to tap into unlimited abundance
  • How to safely release old negative energies and counter productive thought patterns
  • How bringing in new energies improves your emotional and physical health
  • To remember the joy in your life and to seal it into your energetic matrix

Presenter Bio:

Melanie Smith is an Acupuncture Physician, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Massage Therapist, Feng Shui Consultant, Author and Teacher. Melanie is co-owner of Well Within Natural Medicine, Inc. located in St. Petersburg, Florida where she integrates a variety of energetic, emotional, and therapeutic bodywork techniques. Melanie is also on the faculty for the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program, an Authorized Energy Medicine for Women class instructor, an Advanced Practitioner offering Grid Work and facilitator of the Florida Regional Eden Energy Medicine Foundations Program. She teaches Energy Medicine workshops and travels the country speaking and teaching on The Power of Energy Medicine. Melanie is the author of the Energy Medicine for Healthy Living™ series of Color Laminated Charts and DVD’s, and co-author of the eBook: Energy Medicine: Your Personal Health and Wellness System for Today.

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Dancing with Fire and Water for Trauma Release – Sarah Owen

Course Description:

Class Feedback “Wonderful, amazing, an invaluable tool for using to work with subtle energies with a protocol that enables access to fine nuances of energy that otherwise would be undetected and unbalanced. Very very beneficial.” “Excellent program. Sarah is another clear and organized teacher. Great trauma protocol.”

Working with the elements of fire and water is particularly important in releasing the energies – and habits – of stored trauma from the bodymind system. Fire element contains the guardian meridians, triple warmer, our survival sentry and enforcer of habits and circulation-sex (aka heart protector), whose stress response is panic. Water Element is home to bladder meridian, the balancing force for triple warmer, controller of the nervous system and home to the shock point. Pressing into the shock point connects with bladder at the lowest spot in the body that any meridian reaches, inside the heels. Kidney meridian tempers circulation-sex. Its stress response is fear. In addition, the kidneys provide a foundation for the adrenals.

This presentation will look at the relationship between the water and fire elements– in particular triple warmer with bladder and circulation-sex with kidney in releasing stress and trauma from the body and energy system. It will demonstrate a protocol using these relationships, some elements of energy psychology and the shock point to release stored energies without the necessity of bringing the associated issues to conscious awareness. Most, if not all, of this class involves testing irregular energies in alarm points, using the pulse test, tapping and holding points, the neurovasculars, working with triple warmer in its various ways and client participation and intent.

Presenter Bio:

Sarah Owen holds a masters degree in Counseling Psychology and has practiced for over 25 years. During that time she has had a special interest in healing the effects of trauma – particularly through the energy system and is proficient in several highly effective modalities. Sarah is a founding faculty member of the EEM Certification Program. She has taught in 7 of its 8 classes and has taught Year 1 (the Foundations Program) in 3 states over the past 4 years. She is passionate about the practice and development of this work!

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The Energy of E-Motion: Releasing the Ties That Bind – Ellen Selover and Denise Furgason

Course Description:

Class Feedback “I thought Ellen and Denise did a great job. I really enjoyed the ties to Edgar Cayce’s work and Brain Gym. The information was concise and very well presented.”

We are spiritual beings having an earthly experience. As such, we innately desire to vibrate to the higher emotional octaves of Hope, Compassion, and Joy. But we are often immersed in the activity of daily life, held captive by our emotions, and ignorant of our spiritual magnificence. We may not even be consciously aware of our emotions – much less our ability to transform them!

This program focuses on the impact of emotions on our health and well being. We will discuss the effects on body, mind, and spirit of each emotional quality as described in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Donna Eden’s Five Rhythms, and the Edgar Cayce Readings. Participants will learn that emotions drive (and are driven by) hormones that act as “calls to action” for the body. These must be utilized, metabolized, or raised to a higher octave in order to maintain well being. We will teach energy testing to identify how emotions impact our energy systems, how these can “tie” us to other people and events, and provide simple techniques to balance these effects. When our energy bodies are in tune and with our emotions of survival at peace, we can truly experience and express the hope, compassion and joy that are our spiritual heritage.

Presenter Bio:

Workshop presenters, Ellen Selover and Denise Furgason, are certified Eden Energy Medicine practitioners, authorized Energy Medicine for Women instructors, and Eden Teaching Assistants. In addition, Denise holds a 3rd degree black belt in Shotokan Karate, and Ellen is a nationally certified hypnotherapist. Both are former ARE staff members of more than 20 years and lifelong students of the Edgar Cayce readings. Each has trained in various healing modalities through the Cayce-Reilly Massage School. Ellen and Denise have taught dozens of Eden Energy Workshops around the country and, in private sessions, gained hundreds of hours of clinical practice. Their mission is this: to assist others in personal healing and transformation. By combining the wisdom found in the Edgar Cayce Readings and the extraordinary “how to” methods of Donna Eden, participants learn to recognize themselves as multi-dimensional beings and to harmonize body, mind, spirit, and emotion.

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Stop Fear Before it Gets Started – Kim Wedman

Course Description:

Class Feedback “Kim was an excellent instructor and her material was relevant, clearly outlined and her class was engaging.” “Kim was great, lots of good insight and practical knowledge.”

Whether preparing for the stage, the playing field, a test, a business or social event, most everyone encounters some type of anxiety. In this experiential workshop, you will learn proven techniques and strategies that vanquish performance jitters and help you discover the confidence and calm to perform at your best in any situation. This is a practical, hands-on teaching and demonstration of the techniques of Eden Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology. Whether you are new to or very familiar with energy medicine, this workshop teaches you how to enjoy success at work and at home without the usual stress and worry.

Instead of traditional lecture format, techniques will be demonstrated with volunteer participants for the first part of the class as the instructor weaves real-life stories of how these methods have been and can be best applied. The rest of the class will provide an opportunity to break into small groups to focus on a unique personal challenge — whether it is performing arts, sports, tests, or business/social interactions. Teaching Assistants will also offer more specific techniques to help you overcome your personal energy blocks.

The program concludes with the large group gathering to share individual feedback and testimony about the experience and receive additional direction on how to continue and enhance the practice and application of these techniques when you are back in your personal environment.

Presenter Bio:

Kim Wedman, EEMAP, BA, LMT, NCTMB, is an Innersource Eden Energy Advanced Practitioner and is a founding and current faculty member of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program. She has traveled, studied and taught with Donna Eden since 1992. Kim has been in private practice since 1980 and has worked with the body’s energies as a Yoga Instructor, EMT, Challenge Course Instructor, Massage Therapist, Hakomi Practitioner and certified Energy Medicine Practitioner, teacher, and trainer for 30 years.

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Wounds into Gold: What the Chakras Can Show Us About How We Relate & How We Create – Debra Hurt Burchard

Course Description:

Class Feedback “Deb is such an intelligent, wise, and compassionate presenter. Wonderful!”

Donna has often said that if she has only one session with a client, she would choose chakras. The chakras are a powerful and highly accessible energy system. They have many characteristics that allow us as practitioners to explore physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of our clients’ lives to increase their level of life satisfaction. This presentation will focus on one specific area of chakra characteristics: the masculine and feminine qualities of the chakras.

Presenter Bio:

Many sources divide the chakras into masculine and feminine chakras. In Debra’s experience with clients and students over the past 25 years, she has noticed a strong correlation in how the masculine chakras build on each other to facilitate life experiences concerned with “creating” and how the feminine chakras build on each other to facilitate life experiences concerned with “relating.” Noticing the patterns of imbalances that a client presents over time can be highly instructive and can give the practitioner an energy vocabulary for calming imbalances or building energy in either of these two crucial areas of life experience. Students will see multiple demonstrations of how to elicit this information and work with it in practical ways. They will also practice with each other: testing multiple people and applying corrections with one person.

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Bonus: Only Love: Practical and Profound Transformation through the Radiant Heart Center – Dr. Robin Bradley

Course Description:

Class Feedback “Heartfelt, important work presented by a very well qualified and compassionate presenter.”

Only Love is a model and method of simply and efficiently accessing the wisdom and integrative healing potential of the Radiant Heart Center. Developed through twenty years of psychotherapy practice, meditation practice, and cross-cultural energy medicine, Only Love honors and restores the natural healing relationship of body, mind, emotions and spirit. It has been successfully utilized in promoting the healing of loss, trauma, abuses, relationships, health crises and earth healing.

The Only Love model provides a framework for rapid understanding of how our loving, intelligent, creative life force organizes our experiences into energy/information grids, or patterns, of possible realities that guide our daily lives. These, often subconscious energy patterns contain habitual cognitive, emotional, and sensory information patterns that lead to both healthy and unhealthy life choices.

The Only Love method uses simple energy processes to engage the Radiant Heart Center in the review and integration of old patterns and the expansion of possibilities that allows the emergence of Love’s “gems”. The wisdom of innate love guides the powerful transformation of habits of anxiety/panic, depression/grief, disconnection, anger, and low self-worth to gems of Peace, Compassion, Oneness, Awe and Joy. Through Only Love, we expand our integrity, our love for life, and our most practical and profound resources for humanity and our planet.

Presenter Bio:

As a Licensed Psychologist, Robin Bradley integrates energy medicine as an essential component of “best practices” in her profession. Since 1989, she has applied heart wisdom practices to both severe psychological disorders and to superior functioning. She applies knowledge and skills from Eden Energy Medicine, is certified as a Healing the Light Body Practitioner with Alberto Villoldo, and has learned from many cultural energy-healing traditions. Robin’s 37-year meditative writing and intuitive healing practice has generated the core wisdom and skills for Only Love. She shares her life work through her private practice, county mental health, Women of Wisdom CA, Loving Life Retreats and EarthHEAL.

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Emotions and Energy Medicine Audio Package from IGEEM 2012 – Donna Eden
Emotions and Energy Medicine Audio Package from IGEEM 2012 – Donna Eden

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