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Influencer School – BossBabe

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Influencer School – BossBabe

Influencer School - BossBabe

You’re craving REAL freedom.

You’re sick of scrolling and watching everyone else become successful.

You know you’re meant for more, but honestly? The idea of doing it is confusing, overwhelming and uncomfortable.

You’ve spent SO much time on the follower rollercoaster (follow, unfollow, up, down) that you’re nauseous and the idea of creating YET another Instagram post that gets no engagement is heart wrenching.

Can you relate?

What if I told you there was a better way?

A secret roadmap that the World’s top influencers, creators and online entrepreneurs have been using for years, and I’m opening it up for you to follow…

Building a personal brand, creating engaging content, amassing an influential following and making money online doesn’t need to be so confusing or overwhelming.

Just like becoming a nurse or a lawyer… there’s a tried and true roadmap that you follow to the destination. Sure, it takes betting on yourself, hard work and focus… but you know that if you set your mind to it, you can make it happen. Am I right?

Inside Influencer School, we take you through a 3-part journey so that at the end of it, you’re clear on exactly what your brand is, how to create content with ease, how to build a following of your ideal clients and ultimately monetize your audience successfully.

You’re going to learn from experts who’ve been there and done it, many times over, with results that are replicable.

You’ve already tried SO many things…

  • Spending forever writing and rewriting the perfect Instagram caption…
  • Taking/editing 793 pictures/videos that never seem ‘perfect enough’ to post…
  • Trying to get consistent on stories but feel like you’re talking to no-one…
  • Scrolling TikTok trying to understand as a millennial how to actually do it…
  • Trying to do all of the things but never seeming to see any of the results.

Or… maybe you actually have seen some success, but you’re at a place where everything’s plateaued and you really don’t know what to do about it.

If things haven’t been working out for you so far…

it’s because you’re making 1 (or more) of these social media mistakes:

#1 You’re working without a roadmap.

You’ve been throwing things at the wall, but nothing has stuck. You’ve listened to countless podcasts, watched so many YouTube videos and applied a tonne of strategies but it feels like nothing is working for you. You are looking for a clear, easy to follow roadmap that can show you the way

#2You’re stuck in the procrastination loop.

You start + stop, start + stop, start + stop… you just can’t seem to stay consistent. You know that it’s key to your success, but something is holding you back. You’re ready for mentorship, support and accountability to help you get back on track and actually stay there, for good this time.

#3 You’ve lacked real consistency.

Because you couldn’t see the success that lay around the corner for you, you let the feeling of deflation, embarrassment and failure get to you and ended up giving up way too soon. You’ve seen the people that stuck with it continue to win, while beating yourself up about letting yourself down

#4 You gave up too early. (and you know it)

You’re nervous and feel worried about what people will think, you’re even questioning if you have anything worth sharing! But deep down, you know that you do and you know that if you can just get to the other side of the nerves and fear of being seen, you can add so much value to the world

#5 Fear of judgement is keeping you stuck.

You’re spending more time scrolling and wishing you had success, than actually creating content & watching your presence grow. It can be so easy to get stuck in the comparison trap when you’re consuming at a high level, but the idea of creation has you feeling overwhelmed.

#6 You’re consuming rather than creating

Lights, cameras… in-action and paralysis. Sound familiar? The good news is you don’t need to know how to produce content at a high level to do well on social media, but stick with us and we’ll teach you all the insider secrets that even the most technologically challenged can grasp.

#7 You’re letting the tech go to your head.

Right? You just haven’t committed to doing whatever it takes and going all in. Something’s always holding you back, it feels like you have one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake. You’re ready to ease up on those breaks and just go for it once and for all. You just need to know how.

#8 You’re just not going all in, and you know it.

Right? You just haven’t committed to doing whatever it takes and going all in. Something’s always holding you back, it feels like you have one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake. You’re ready to ease up on those breaks and just go for it once and for all. You just need to know how.

#9 You’re convinced you don’t have ‘it’.

You’ve tried all the strategies, you’ve put the work in, but feel confused and defeated because you’ve also seen no change in your results. You’ve convinced yourself this must be true, but part of you knows it can’t be, because you see people with less talent than you succeeding.



And it doesn’t look like we’ll be going backwards.

It’s time to adapt, pivot and most importantly… create your own security.

In a time when everyone’s figuring out their “new normal” – there’s a place for you to skip normal and create something extraordinary.

It’s become clear in the last couple of years that we need to stop relying on employers for security, paid ads for revenue or stable economies for stable businesses.

It’s time to take control back and own your future.

The people who built audiences and communities have been the strongest in the online business world during the most turbulent times.

Instead of worrying about rising advertising costs, they were able to show up and serve as experts in the areas that they’re passionate about.

Not only making money and feeling secure during an incredibly unstable time, but making a real impact on the world and supporting people through a time when they need it most.


  • The Creator Economy is already a $100 billion-dollar industry.
  • It’s projected to grow to over $100 trillion dollars in the next few years.
  • There are 3.7 billion users on social media today.
  • BUT less than 2% of social media accounts are Influencers (so no, it’s not oversaturated).
  • AND it only takes 1000 raving fans to make six figures from social media alone.

Building an audience and community is a bulletproof wealth and impact strategy.

It allows you to show up in the world, actually making a difference, and not having to worry about where your next paycheck is going to come from.

Having thousands of followers on social media isn’t reserved for celebrities or TV personalities, it’s available to women, just like you who are looking to create their own version of success.

Let this be a time you look back on with gratitude for the turning point it brought about for you.


Influencer School is the proven growth and monetization system for influencers, brands and entrepreneurs, where you’ll learn to create engaging, viral content, attract your ideal audience and generate revenue organically through the power of social media.


Influencer School is a 12 week guided coaching and certification program, put together by a handful of experts with a wealth of experience across content creation, production, audience growth, online business and monetization. Learn from professors who have actually been there, done it & taught others how to do it too…


Inside Influencer School, you’ll gain access to the curriculum listed below, so you can graduate with honors (and the results) you enrolled for.

Mindset of an Influencer 101

You know what they say, if you master your mind, you master your life. To do this, there are 3 Stages of Mindset Mastery we teach to bridge the gap between where you want to be and where you are right now. Most creators and social media users get stuck on lofty goals — securing the swipe-up feature or getting verified. While goals are part of the 3 stages, they miss out on the other two and set themselves up for failure before even publishing their first post. Let’s make sure you’re ready to achieve and maintain massive success by buckling into the Mindset of an Influencer. You’ll also get a crash course in The Creator Economy, so that you know exactly how to plug into it and generate the wealth you deserve.

Lecture Hall Highlights:

Overcome the #1 block for growth and monetization
Learn the 3 Stages of Mindset Mastery and the missing piece to achieving your biggest goals
Study the 100 Billion dollar creator economy and find the white space

Personal Branding 101

The key to a personal brand is that at it’s core, it’s a source of joy and inspiration to both you as the creator and the followers that subscribe to your account. In this lesson, we’re going to help you find the overlap in your passion, skills, and effortless excellence to align with the demand of your dream niche (and don’t worry, we’ll help you figure that out too).

Lecture Hall Highlights:

How to do competitive research to stand out from what’s already been done
Find your dream niche and position yourself at the top of it
Identify the 5 types of influencers on Instagram to determine your type

Business Fundamentals

If you still think being an influencer is someone who just sits around waiting for brand deals to drop in their lap – think again. In this lesson we’re breaking down the Cashflow Quadrant, so that no matter what career path you take, you know exactly how to get ahead financially. But more than understanding personal and business finances, we’re digging into the strategy behind making money as an influencer and how to optimize your tax returns. We dive into organic traffic and just how powerful it is to be able to generate attention online and leverage that attention to change your life and the lives of your followers.

Lecture Hall Highlights

The best paths to financial freedom for ANYONE (influencer or otherwise)
The 7 different avenues to making money as an influencer
Understanding online business and how to generate trust + attention online

Content Creation 101

The reality of social media is that it’s always going to be evolving. There will be new features, trends, formats, and even tech tools that surface in this rapidly growing creator economy, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed if you don’t have the fundamental knowledge of content creation. No matter what changes happen, new features surface or tools pop up for content creators, the 4 step Content Creation Process we teach, will continue to work for you.

Lecture Hall Highlights:

Learn how to structure your pre-production process to rank in results long-term
Nailing the art of scripting & shot lists to create dynamically engaging content
Why (and how) to create a distribution strategy to ensure your hard work gets noticed

Instagram 101

Let’s take the personal brand we mapped out in your Freshman Year and grow it using the power of Instagram. We’ll walk you through the business of using Instagram and how exactly to monetize your following starting, with account fundamentals like nailing your bio and narrowing your account.

Lecture Hall Highlights

Strategically craft your account name to get found by your dream followers
Select the right profile picture to humanize your brand and gain trust
Optimize your bio to super attract your audience to you and keep them coming back for more.

Instagram Feature Fundamentals

Grid posts, reels, IG videos, stories, highlights, and captions…oh my! So many features, so little time to leverage them all in a cohesive strategy that maintains consistency, while growing your brand. In this class, we’re going to help you clarify your content strategy and which features you should use to hit your goals.

Lecture Hall Highlights:

Get the scoop on the two most important accounts to follow to get an edge on your content strategy
Learn the best ways to stay ahead of feature changes so you can capitalize on them instead of falling into overwhelm

Instagram Growth Tactics

Want to know the difference between average business posters and highly paid influencers on the app? It’s understanding the fundamentals of intrigue marketing and how and when to use them in your social media strategy. In this lesson, we’re teaching you everything we know about consistency, virality, collaboration and connection to skyrocket your growth.

Lecture Hall Highlights

Narrow in on which growth tactic is best for your personal and professional goals
Learn to identify viral posts in your niche and create your own repeat viral content formula
How to connect with other creators for support & collaboration (+ how to differentiate between the two)

Photo & Video Fundamentals

Directing professional-level photo & video doesn’t actually have to be left to the professionals. In this module, we’ll show you the basics needed to shoot attention-grabbing, entertaining and highly engaging photo and video content that you can do yourself. From equipment recommendations to posing and finding the best light, we’re going to help you learn the content creation skills needed to stand out and show your best self. No more tech overwhelm.

Lecture Hall Highlights:

Learn how to direct and compose incredible photo & video content from both your phone and DSLR camera
Understand the basics of composition, lighting and posing to nail the shot and captivate your viewers
Learn our process for batching and editing, so you can work smarter not harder

Influencer Legal

Like any business, you want to make sure you’re knowledgable and well protected when it comes to the legal aspect of generating revenue online. From taxes to copyright to contracts and partnerships, we’re going to show you the non-negotiables of influencer legal so you can grow your brand with peace of mind.

Lecture Hall Highlights

How to pay yourself as a business owner
The one thing that will save you thousands in taxes
Understanding copyrights so you can post with confidence

Selling Products

When it comes to selling products, it can be easy to fall into the overwhelm of wondering what to focus on. In this lesson, we’re going to dive into how to sell products for your business and how to know when is the right time for it. There’s more to selling products than just announcing it’s available and waiting for sales to roll in which is why we’re digging deep into product ideation, creation, and sales strategies to support your long-term growth and brand success.

Lecture Hall Highlights:

Knowing what to sell and why
Crafting your offer and finding your influence for long-term sales
How to go from self-employed to business owner

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing doesn’t deserve the reputation it’s been given, which is why we’re showing you the right ways to approach affiliate marketing that, when done correctly, can be the most hands-off way to generate revenue. In this lesson, we’re covering everything from finding aligned products to affiliate for to how to market them.

Lecture Hall Highlights

How to find the best low-ticket to promote for affiliate revenue
Affiliating other creators high-ticket products
How to align your affiliate sales strategy to your social media strategy

Brand Deal Mastery

If you’re not quite ready to begin building your own products or are wanting to add an additional revenue stream to your business, brand deals can elevate your business revenue potential. Brands are constantly looking for influencers to promote their products and services and influencer marketing is quickly becoming a top priority for companies selling online. If you’re able to show that your audience trusts you and matches the target market for the brand, you can start getting paid by brands no matter what your audience size is.

Lecture Hall Highlights:

How to craft a media kit and perfect your pitch to land the deal
How to calculate your earning potential with brand deals
How to create content that keeps brands coming back to work with you

Jamie made $25,000 in 24 hours by implementing what she learned in Influencer School!

“When I launched in Jan 2022 a Spiritual Well-Being Retreat, I sold out 90% of the retreat making $25.000 in 24 hours!!!!

This is because I strategically implemented the theories I learned from Influencer School and attended all the calls with no excuses. I had a small audience of 2,600 followers! I know that there is so much potential still yet to be done but I followed the tools I got from the program, listened to the bossbabe podcast, and became a member of the Societe in Sept. 2021. Every day I implemented the steps I learned that day from 1 of the 3 PROGRAMS and became obsessed with learning how to build my empire.”



You’re prepared to put in the work to scale your brand or business to the next level… you just need to be told exactly what to do because right now you’re doing all the right things, and getting all the wrong results.

You’ve been waiting for the day to wake up to IG notifications (as well as Stripe and PayPal notifications) to confirm that your follower count and bank balance have grown in your sleep like we do, and trust that with our help, you will be very soon.

You want to find your niche and zone of genius, then be able to position yourself as an expert, an authority and a thought leader, but just don’t know where to start and want to learn from someone who’s built the know, like, trust factor for themselves and thousands of others.

​ You’re ready to start leveraging your time more so you can really scale what you’ve started, but know you need someone to tell you where to direct your energy, to help you come up with a not-to-do list.

​ You’re ready to learn how to grow your audience organically with paying clients (no bots or ad spend required). You’re fed up with wasting money (as well as time and energy) trying to reach your ideal client avatar online and still can’t seem to find the people you want to solve the problems of.

Since we have a lot of courses in stock, if you cannot find your favorite course, please let us know. To search for other courses and discounts available, let's have a conversation! What are you waiting for?

Here's an overview of the prominent keywords and a list of famous authors:

Business and Sales: Explore business strategies, sales skills, entrepreneurship, and brand-building from authors like Joe Wicks, Jillian Michaels, and Tony Horton.

Sports and Fitness: Enhance athleticism, improve health and fitness with guidance from experts like Shaun T, Kayla Itsines, and Yoga with Adriene.

Personal Development: Develop communication skills, time management, creative thinking, and enhance self-awareness from authors like Gretchen Rubin, Simon Sinek, and Marie Kondo.

Technology and Coding: Learn about artificial intelligence, data analytics, programming, and blockchain technology from thought leaders like Neil deGrasse Tyson, Amy Cuddy, and Malcolm Gladwell.

Lifestyle and Wellness: Discover courses on holistic health, yoga, and healthy living from authors like Elizabeth Gilbert, Bill Nye, and Tracy Anderson.

Art and Creativity: Explore the world of art, creativity, and painting with guidance from renowned artists like Bob Ross and others.

All the courses on WSOlib are led by top authors and experts in their respective fields. Rest assured that the knowledge and skills you acquire are reliable and highly applicable.

Specification: Influencer School – BossBabe




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Influencer School – BossBabe
Influencer School – BossBabe

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