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Pinterest Traffic Avalanche 2019 – Alex Nerney and Lauren McManus

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Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $33.00.


Pinterest Traffic Avalanche 2019 – Alex Nerney and Lauren McManus Download. We’re constantly updating our course as the Pinterest algorithm changes, so you…

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Pinterest Traffic Avalanche

Finally, A Solution for Beginner Bloggers to Drive 10,000 – 100,000+ FREE Monthly Visitors to Your Blog – on Autopilot!

*Updated for 2019!*

We’re constantly updating our course as the Pinterest algorithm changes, so your lifetime access includes the most up-to-date information and strategies!

Do any of the following statements resonate with you?

Have you just started your blog or website and are feeling a little lost looking for the best way to get people to actually visit it?

Maybe you have already spent HOURS running in the “turtle race” that is Google SEO traffic, only to not be ranking for any posts and have hardly anyone visit your blog.

You know bloggers talk about Pinterest traffic a LOT, but you have no idea how to go about using it to get people to visit your blog…

And maybe you feel like nobody knows your blog exists…YET…

What if we told you that you could…

Generate THOUSANDS of new unique views for FREE.

Spend LESS time on trying to drive traffic to your blog and more time on what you love – creating blog posts and monetizing your blog.

Bring hundreds of raving fans to your blog every day for FREE.

Become a leading expert in your niche in just 3 short months.

It’s no joke, y’all… Check out what our fellow bloggers are saying…

Meet Maria and Alyssa, the Spinach for Breakfast girls!

“Thanks so much Lauren! I’ve been binge watching the course since yesterday, and I’m almost all the way through (two Ninja courses left)!

This course is unbelievable! It’s so easy to follow. You guys did an amazing job!

I can’t believe how much we were not doing on our Pinterest account. It’s embarrassing haha. I am so happy I naively reached out to you!”

-Maria, Spinach for Breakfast


Pinterest users are NOT your average website visitors…

Pinterest users are an amazing demographic of people:

  • They spend more money than ANY social media per day (yes, even Facebook)
  • They are FULL of kind and wonderful people who leave comments and share your blog (they truly are AWESOME).
  • The majority of users make over 50k per year, and 10% of users make over 125k per year.!
  • They are 47 million plus STRONG and grew by 24% in 2016.
  • They are SHOPPERS and are there looking for things to BUY.
  • The majority of Pinterest users have a college degree and higher education.

Learn the exact secrets, methods, and insider tips that took our health and wellness blog from unknown to a Pinterest Powerhouse, which eventually led to us being able to quit our jobs and work online full-time!

Meet Suzie Burgess from the UK!

Suzie went from 0 views to 20,000 views per month her very first month of using Pinterest Traffic Avalanche! “You may think you know it all from watching different YouTube videos and free information online, but this course goes into a completely new level… Genius.”

Here’s exactly what happened when we implemented these Pinterest Avalanche techniques into our business…

As you can see, in the first 2 months of running our blog (October and November), we had virtually no traffic. Once we began implementing our Pinterest Avalanche strategies in December, things changed almost overnight…

In July, we had a weight loss pin go MEGA VIRAL and generate us 990,000+ views in ONE month! It was INSANE, and that was when we realized the TRUE untapped potential of Pinterest for our blogs.

As you can see, it’s not linear growth. This is due to the nature of Pinterest and the “virality” of content. But if you pin the best content have the right strategies in place, you WILL continue to grow.

P.S. This is ALL Pinterest traffic. No ad spend, no Facebook, and no Google traffic.

Before we move onto our Pinterest account and stats, let me tell you a little about us…

You see, we didn’t start out in this niche. We don’t just blog about blogging or coach about coaching… We’re SO over that.

No, we actualy started out in the health and fitness niche. Our main squeeze is called Avocadu, and these are the stats that you are about to see!

Here is our main Pinterest account…

We now have over 100,000 followers!

The Truth: There are lots of Pinterest and other traffic “experts” out there who don’t know what the bunk they talkin’ about…

They know only how to get you basic results and some even brag about getting 5,000 views per month…

They certainly can’t help you reach 10,000 – 100,000 views per month (they’ve never done it).

They don’t truly know the real secrets behind Power Pinners and the real virality power of Pinterest.

Take a second to imagine the potential of that much traffic to your blog…

Imagine the amounts of comments, shares, and engagement you would have on each post.

Imagine waking up every morning to droves of new subscribers signing up for your list and hungry for your next product.

Imagine explosive growth and the ability to quit your full-time job and go live life on YOUR TERMS.

Meet Amy, the Wherever Writer!

“I bought your course Feb. 5 and devoured it in 2 days. I am obsessed with learning about Pinterest and all things digital marketing.

I really mean it when I say your course is one of my favorite (if not THE favorite) courses!

I’ve completed 4 online courses about various marketing/social media-related topics, and yours was the only one that showed me real results after I put in the work.

My Pinterest traffic doubled in 4 weeks and continues to grow.

I bought Pinterest Traffic Avalanche on February 5 and was getting an average of 50 clicks from Pinterest per day. By March 5, I hit a record number of clicks in one day EVER at 132!

And it’s been climbing ever since, as you can see from this screenshot from my Pinterest analytics dashboard:”

-Amy, The Wherever Writer


Pat had his traffic skyrocket from 1,000 views to 3,000 views in 24 hours when he had his first pin go viral using the strategies in Pinterest Traffic Avalanche:

“OMG Pinterest is literally CRAZY! One of my pins is going viral. Went from 0 to 3,000 views in a matter of a couple of weeks.

It is now skyrocketed from 1000 to 3000 in the past 24 hours. AHHH! I am so excited! MY first experience with this viral stuff.

I’m not even doing that much with Pinterest so I am excited to work more with it! Thank you so much Lauren and Alex! You both are awesome!

— Pat, new blogger to Pinterest


Pinterest Traffic Avalanche

A Solution for Beginner Bloggers to Drive 10,000 – 100,000+ FREE Monthly Visitors to Your Blog – on Autopilot!

8 Modules with Over 25 Training Videos

+ a BONUS module on our Ninja Pinterest Secrets!

With It, You Will Learn How to…


Set up your profile for success, including using search engine optimization (SEO) to boost your visibility in Pinterest search. Learn how to organize your boards, your pins, create beautiful board covers, and so much more!


The thought of keeping up with constant posting on social media is a drag, right? Who has time for that? Scheduling out your content allows you to get continuous traffic while you’re sleeping, traveling, etc!


This is THE name of the game on Pinterest! The best and most beautiful content wins at the end of the day. Learn how to create show-stopping pins that represent your brand and have the best chance of getting viral traffic!


Driving any amount of traffic can be tough when you’re just starting out with no followers. The beautiful thing about Pinterest is that you don’t have to have tons of initial followers to start driving traffic to your blog. The ability to collaborate on group boards solves this problem!


Learn awesome tools and metrics to track your progress and growth so you always know what’s working and what’s not! This will help you continue to improve your strategies and increase your blog traffic with Pinterest!


It’s hard enough getting people to visit your blog, let alone getting them to also sign up for your email list. Learn the strategies that we used to grow our email list like CRAZY by directly pinning our opt-ins on Pinterest!

And soooo much more!

Take a Peek Inside the Program…

Course Curriculum


  • BoardBooster Has Closed Down

Tools and Downloads

  • Private Support Group
  • Pinterest Beginner Checklist
  • Viral Pin Checklist
  • Follower Tracker Spreadsheet
  • Pin Schedule Planner
  • Resources: Our Favorites + Pinterest Favorites

Introduction to the Program

  • Welcome to Pinterest Traffic Avalanche! (1:32)
  • Your Focus Strategy (21:09)
  • Path to Becoming a Successful Blogger (4 Steps) (16:11)

Updates and Algorithm Changes

  • Pinterest Algorithm
  • Pinterest Communities
  • Video Pins: Native Videos on Pinterest

Frequently Asked Questions and Topics

  • What happens if my traffic starts to decline?
  • Group Boards vs. TW Tribes. Which is better?
  • Should I pin from my website or straight from Pinterest?
  • If I have two blogs, do I need two Pinterest accounts?
  • Comparing Yourself and Your Strategy to Others
  • Someone is stealing my pins and redirecting them. What should I do?
  • My account was suspended (or blocked)! What should I do?
  • Do I REALLY need Tailwind to succeed on Pinterest?

Laying the Foundation to Pinterest Success

  • Pinterest Demographics,Tips, and Guidance (5:20)
  • Successful “Guy-Focused” Brands on Pinterest (2:04)
  • Broad Brand Focus with Subtopics (7:08)
  • Beginning With the End in Mind (9:11)

Getting Started and Setting Up Your Account for Success

  • How to Create Your Pinterest Account
  • Converting Personal to Business & Account Cleanup
  • Claiming Your Website and Setting Up Rich Pins
  • Beginner Crash Course: How Pinterest Works (4:22)
  • Setting Your Account Up for Success: Beginner Checklist (6:25)
  • Designing Your Profile and Boards (6:05)

Pinterest Search Engine Optimization

  • Pinterest SEO 101 – What is SEO? (5:10)
  • Pinterest SEO 201 – Optimizing Your Profile and Pins (5:05)

Creating Your Own Pinterest Pins

  • Stock Photography
  • How to Create a Pin in Canva (6:31)
  • Pin Design for Maximum Virality (4:44)
  • Creative Tips from Pinterest

Pinning Strategies

  • Crafting Your Pinning Strategy
  • Pinning Recommendations

Creating Viral Content on Pinterest

  • Creating Curiosity to Increase Clicks to Your Website (7:40)
  • Creating Viral Topics and Headlines (6:12)

Good and Bad Practices on Pinterest

  • Bad Pinterest Practices
  • Pinterest Best Practices (TW Interview April 2018)
  • Other Good Pinterest Practices
  • Resharing Content

The Power of Group Boards

  • The Importance of Group Boards (6:27)
  • Finding and Joining Group Boards (25:40)
  • When to Leave Group Boards (6:29)
  • Group Boards Strategy
  • Group Board Spreadsheet (PTA Member Boards)

Automating Your Pinterest Traffic

  • Overview of Scheduling Pins (15:41)
  • How to Schedule Pins Using Tailwind (12:29)
  • How to Use the Excel Pin Schedule Planner (2:44)
  • How to Grow Your Traffic with Tailwind Without Spending Your Life On It (76:35)

Tailwind Tribes

  • What Are Tailwind Tribes?
  • How to Use Tailwind Tribes (10:14)
  • Best Strategy for Tailwind Tribes

Tailwind SmartLoop

  • Overview of SmartLoop (9:48)
  • SmartLoop Strategy

Analytics and Tracking Progress

  • Pin Stats
  • Pinterest Analytics (12:32)
  • Tools to Track Website Stats (6:23)
  • Tailwind Analytics (23:11)

Promoting Pins

  • The Basics of Promoted Pins (7:44)
  • How to Create a Promoted Pin (8:11)
  • Promoted Pin Campaigns

Other Pinning Tools

  • Social Sharing Icons on Your Blog
  • MiloTree

Pinterest Ninja Secrets [Bonus Lessons]

  • Ninja Secret #1 – Pain Before Gain (6:44)
  • Ninja Secret #2 – Shotgun Theory (6:20)
  • Ninja Secret #3 – Email Collection Secrets & Strategies (7:12)
  • Ninja Secret #4 – Stop Pinning This Content (10:42)

Other Traffic Platforms [Bonus Lessons]

  • Secrets to Growing an Instagram Account (11:52)
  • How to Get More Google Traffic to Your Blog with SEO (47:32)

BONUS – Six-Figure Blogger Content

  • The Strategy Behind a Six-Figure Blogging Business (9:52)
  • Light Monetization: Sponsored Posts and Ads (12:14)
  • Affiliate Marketing vs. Creating Your Own Products (13:37)

Become an Affiliate for Pinterest Traffic Avalanche!

  • How to Make Money Selling This Course (6:05)
  • Creating Review Articles and Videos (7:09)
  • Examples of Review Articles and Videos (9:50)
  • Additional Places for Affiliate Links (3:22)
  • How to Get Your Affiliate Links
  • Other Affiliate Matters and Instructions
  • Pinterest Avalanche Affiliate Images

Who is Pinterest Traffic Avalanche Designed For?

This course is perfect if…

  • You currently have a blog or have just started a blog and want to grow it FAST and the smart way.
  • You’ve been blogging but are new to Pinterest or are not getting the results you want.
  • You’re not afraid of rolling up your sleeves and putting in some “work” to get good at Pinterest. This is not some overnight traffic explosion scheme to get low quality visitors. This is about how to build a growing and engaging audience for your brand and requires effort.
  • You’re sick of things moving slowly and really want to crank things up a notch.

This course isn’t going to be a good fit if…

  • You want the “secrets” to blogging but don’t intend to put in any actual work. If you don’t want to put any time or money into your blog, this is not for you.
  • You have not started a blog yet.
  • You are just blogging for fun and have no intention of making any profit with your blog.
  • You have an eCommerce website with no blog attached.
  • You consider yourself an advanced user of Pinterest, are jaded, and/or have “heard it all before”.

There are two real ways to grow your blog right now…

Slow Growth / Ad Growth

– Spend $1,000+ every month with Facebook Ad traffic

– Constantly updating new ads as ads become stale after just a few short weeks

– Get slow as a turtle Google SEO Traffic

– Spend hours guest posting on other blogs in hopes of sending a few people to your own blog

– Frustration and stress over trying to solve overly complex data-driven platforms

Pinterest Traffic Avalanche

– Organic, completely free traffic to your blog

– Pins stay “viral” over time and are continually searched for on the platform (aka consistent traffic)

– Fast growth potential if willing to put in the work

– Fun and exciting, where the focus is on making beautiful pins that people love to share

– Enjoyable and entertaining

Since we have a lot of courses in stock, if you cannot find your favorite course, please let us know. To search for other courses and discounts available, let's have a conversation! What are you waiting for?

Here's an overview of the prominent keywords and a list of famous authors:

Business and Sales: Explore business strategies, sales skills, entrepreneurship, and brand-building from authors like Joe Wicks, Jillian Michaels, and Tony Horton.

Sports and Fitness: Enhance athleticism, improve health and fitness with guidance from experts like Shaun T, Kayla Itsines, and Yoga with Adriene.

Personal Development: Develop communication skills, time management, creative thinking, and enhance self-awareness from authors like Gretchen Rubin, Simon Sinek, and Marie Kondo.

Technology and Coding: Learn about artificial intelligence, data analytics, programming, and blockchain technology from thought leaders like Neil deGrasse Tyson, Amy Cuddy, and Malcolm Gladwell.

Lifestyle and Wellness: Discover courses on holistic health, yoga, and healthy living from authors like Elizabeth Gilbert, Bill Nye, and Tracy Anderson.

Art and Creativity: Explore the world of art, creativity, and painting with guidance from renowned artists like Bob Ross and others.

All the courses on WSOlib are led by top authors and experts in their respective fields. Rest assured that the knowledge and skills you acquire are reliable and highly applicable.

Specification: Pinterest Traffic Avalanche 2019 – Alex Nerney and Lauren McManus


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Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $33.00.


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Pinterest Traffic Avalanche 2019 – Alex Nerney and Lauren McManus
Pinterest Traffic Avalanche 2019 – Alex Nerney and Lauren McManus

Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $33.00.

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