Structured Touch™ Massage: 14 DVD Super Course – Massagecourse
Original price was: $299.00.$33.00Current price is: $33.00.
Structured Touch™ Massage: 14 DVD Super Course – Massagecourse Download. When your back hurts or when your neck gets stiff and sore, your first instinct is…
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Massage is a Great Way to Love Someone
Learn deep release techniques to relax and heal any body and give your loved ones a lifetime of health benefits. It’s all included in this acclaimed massage course taught by a top massage instructor.
Imagine having a proven system where you and your loved ones
can receive a lifetime of health benefits.
Never worry about disease, pain, or stress again!
It’s only natural!
When your back hurts or when your neck gets stiff and sore, your first instinct is to rub it. It’s only natural! With Structured Touch Massage-, we’ll take that natural instinct, train it and refine it to bring lasting relief at a much deeper level.
The goal of Structured Touch Massage- is a complete release of tension and total pain relief. Even chronic pain, pain you may have had for years, responds to Structured Touch Massage- because with these techniques you’ll be releasing tension at its source! The tension that causes 80-90% of the ailments that doctors see everyday!
Even if you’ve never done massage before, we will show you how to use these deep release techniques in the Structured Touch Massage- Course and get results that will amaze and help your family and friends – year after year after year!
14 DVDs make it easy to learn!
- Relieve headaches fast – even migraines!
- Dramatic, quick relief for back and neck pain, even pinched nerves!
- Relief from sports injuries, tight, painful stressed muscles.
- Improve resistance to disease – you may never get a cold again!
- Reduce depression and anxiety, sleep better.
- Express love, caring, and connection.
- Look and feel younger and healthier.
- Help remove spider veins and varicose veins.
- Speed up weight loss.
- Save $$$$ of dollars! Lessen those doctor visits!
- After just a few hours of instruction you will be able to relax your loved one-s stiff neck and tight shoulders using the same techniques as a professional, and you’ll be doing it in your home without an expensive trip to the doctor.
- Our Structured Touch Massage- learning program is so simple and easy to use – go as fast or as slow as you wish, learning new techniques as you work your way through each step. We show you how in our video demonstration, and we tell you why. For example…
- The reason you get tight, sore muscles is because they are dehydrated. All you need to learn are the proper strokes to restore essential fluids to sore muscles, and pain disappears as the muscles become soft and pliable again. It’s that simple, but you have to know the correct techniques.
- We-ve designed the Structured Touch Massage- Course so anyone can learn. You’ll receive 14 lessons of approximately a half hour each on individual DVDs. We-ve gone to the extra expense to put each lesson on its own DVD to make it easier for you to find the lesson you want to see. With each lesson you will get instruction and one or two specific techniques so you will be able to get good results right away.
Proven technique helps thousands!
Structured Touch Massage- is what is known as a cross fiber technique. Originally cross fiber techniques were developed in northern Canada where they were found to produce very specific results without strain or pain for either the massage practitioner or the person receiving massage.
Working with clients from housewives and construction workers to celebrities and star athletes, massage professional Will Green refined the system of cross fiber massage into the current technique he calls Structured Touch Massage- — his -Million Dollar Massage.- Why does he call it that? Because he has literally made millions of dollars by using these very simple and easy to use techniques, tips, and secrets that you can have in your home, right now!
Will Green will be your instructor throughout the entire Structured Touch Massage- course. With over 30,000 plus hours of professional hands-on massage experience, Will Green leads you through each of the very clear and easy to learn lessons on these 14 DVDs. You’ll get the same or even superior education you would have to pay anywhere between $6,000 and $9,000 at the top massage school!
Will Green is also the founder and president of the International Massage Association with over 75,000 members and growing every day. The IMA is an educational and logistical resource for professional massage therapists – and now you can benefit from this vast storehouse of knowledge through his Structure Touch Massage Course.
7 Ways Structured Touch Massage-
Can Improve the Health and Vitality
of You and Your Family
1. Relieves headaches – even migraines!
Headaches are, without a doubt, the biggest health problem in the United States today. The vast majority of over-the-counter medications sold are for headache and pain relief. And every one of them has side effects! The real problem is that none of these medications are any good at keeping a headache from coming back another day or in a few hours, because none of them treat the source of the pain. After just a few hours of instruction, the Structured Touch Massage- Course will show you how to release the tension that causes headaches. Even migraines. Here’s why…
- Most headaches are caused by tension and doctors call them -tension headaches.- You probably already knew that. What you probably don’t know is that the root cause of a tension headache can be found in the muscles of the upper back, neck and shoulders. You will only get long lasting relief from headaches when you treat the cause and not the symptoms.
You will find that most headaches caused by stress will not return after just two or three treatments! This is because Structured Touch Massage- relaxes and lengthens the neck, gets the shoulders to loosen and open up allowing the upper spine and neck to rest comfortably on the torso. When this happens, spinal fluids can circulate freely, the nerves are released from the pressure they have been suffering under, and as a result the pain is greatly relieved or gone altogether.
Don’t worry, all of this is clearly explained and demonstrated for you in the Structured Touch Massage- Course. We promise you that we’ve made it easy for you to learn!
Watch the free mini lesson below!
2. Relief from lower back pain
Back pain is perhaps the second most common health problem in the United States. Over 75 million people suffer from low back pain. Most likely, if you are over the age of 30 you has experienced back pain in one form or another.
You will learn a specific treatment for lower back pain in the Structured Touch Massage- Course. These techniques are based on the physiological fact that most back pain begins in the hip is affected by the groups of abdominal muscles that are responsible for holding the tension between your pelvis and lower back. These abdominal muscles are the key to back pain relief and we will show you how to relax and strengthen them.
Put simply, almost all lower back pain is caused by sitting for long periods of time which compresses the spine and causes stress in these abdominal muscle groups. The next time you bend over or pick up something in just the wrong way – POW! Your back-s -out- and you are in pain. The Structured Touch Massage- Course will show you how to release the stress in the abdominal muscles in order to reduce the compression on the spine that is causing that lower back pain and it will prevent it from coming back again.
Watch the free mini lesson below!
3. Brings relief to sports enthusiast or performance artist-s injuries
If you have a young athlete or performance artist in your household, then you know the heartbreak of a sprain or injury. In one moment hopes for a whole season, or at worst an entire career, are lost. When you practice Structured Touch Massage- in your home, those that play sports or perfom will suffer fewer injuries – and if they do get injured, they will recover faster!
What most people don-t realize is that these kinds of mishaps occur when the body is already out of balance. If there is stress or tension in a critical muscle group or connective tissues, all it takes is a momentary strain to cause injury. Through Structured Touch Massage- you will learn how to bring balance and strength to those in your household who workout, play sports or perform. Help them be their best!
4. Relief from tight, painful muscle tension due to stress
56% of our body is composed of white blood cells, or lymph cells. Lymph not only serves as a carrier of white blood cells, it is also a lubricant for joints, muscles and connective tissues in your body. Without this lubricant these areas would become stuck together and compressed.
When your muscles feel stiff this is due to an absence of the lubrication provided by lymphatic fluids. By restoring the circulation of lymph your muscles are able to absorb more oxygen and the pain goes away. Fibers and connective tissues once again become lubricated, giving you youthful flexibility and strength.
To completely relieve tension and knots in muscle fibers, it is necessary to massage all three layers of muscle. In the Structured Touch Massage- Course you will learn how to do this, painlessly and with a specific positive result.
Structured Touch Massage- is firm, focused and very effective at relieving stress and pain while the same time not causing pain to the person giving the massage or the person receiving the massage.
5. Improves resistance to disease
Since your lymph system is responsible for moving disease fighting white blood cells from your circulatory system to your entire body, it only makes sense that as you improve the circulation of lymph you also improve your resistance to disease.
Structured Touch Massage- works to carefully release any areas where lymph is blocked thereby improving lymphatic circulation and increasing resistance to disease. The entire body benefits with better tone overall, more energy, and a natural resistance to disease such as the common cold or flu.
6. You will look and feel younger
Structured Touch Massage- bathes your body tissues in lymph bringing oxygen and vital nutrients to the cells and carrying away toxins as it restores youth and vitality. Whenever you improve circulation, you enable the body to rejuvenate tired cells whether they are in your muscles, bones, vital organs, and even your skin. Every cell in your body benefits when you improve circulation and release stress.
For that reason, Structured Touch Massage- techniques serve to dramatically slow down the aging process and help to create a more youthful, healthy body. Not only will the risk of degenerative disease become diminished, your improved youthfulness and vitality will show up in your smile. Many people begin to notice fewer wrinkles after just a few sessions of Structured Touch Massage- .
Structured Touch Massage- also works to improve flexibility and stamina. You will find you have better posture, standing or sitting. Your appearance will become more youthful as you move with grace and dignity.
Your exercise programs will benefit too. With improved circulation and less stress in your muscles and connective tissues, any exercise program will be so much more beneficial and certainly more enjoyable when you regularly practice Structured Touch Massage- as a complement to your exercise regime.
7. Helps you lose weight
Structured Touch Massage- increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to your body and as a result your metabolic rate increases. When your metabolism is higher, more of the energy in the food you eat goes towards building muscles and vital structures in the body, and less goes to fat.
With fewer aches and pains you will find that you can exercise longer and, more importantly, without pain or discomfort. More exercise is another way to increase your metabolism and as a result you will find that you lose weight even more easily.
Structured Touch Massage-i> will make you more aware of your body and you will find that your body is working for you and not against you. As you improve the mind-body connection, it will become easier to release stress and restore youthful vitality, and as an added benefit you will have an even greater desire to lose weight and create the body you-ve always wanted
We’ve included everything you need
to learn Structured Touch- Massage!
- Structured Touch Course Manual
14 DVD Super Course + Bonus DVD
- Introduction
- Basic Back Strokes to Begin Every Massage
- Back, Neck, Shoulders, Hips
- Legs: Hamstings & Achilles Tendon
- Feet
- Legs: Knee Discomfort and Shin Splints
- Legs: Adductor Muscles
- Arms
- Stomach, Lymph
- Neck, Face
- Review of Course Materials
- Correcting Problems
- The M.A.T.
This portable 5-piece inflatable massage support system allows for face down positioning without twisting the neck.Also includes a pelvic tilt feature that reduces stress in the lower back just by lying on it. Amazingly comfortable! Comes with a foot pump to inflate and deflate the M.A.T. as desired
Save $$$$$ with massage.
It is estimated that stress-related disorders make up between 80-90% of the ailments that bring people to family-practice physicians. If you could relieve the stress of those you love and keep your family from doctor visits and the drugs prescribed, think of the money you’ll save. Think of the health of your family! Bring health care back into your own hands!
The Structured Touch Massage course is the equivalent or even superior to what you would find taught in massage schools charging anywhere between $6,000-$9,000. Get the same knowledge brought to your own home where you can follow along as many times as you need for only $299.00 plus shipping. If you’ve ever thought of bringing in extra money with massage, you’ll be miles ahead in your education.
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Specification: Structured Touch™ Massage: 14 DVD Super Course – Massagecourse
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Original price was: $299.00.$33.00Current price is: $33.00.
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