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Create A Profitable Online Store Deluxe Package 2017 – Steve Chou

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Real People, Real Shops, Real Results


“After taking the Create A Profitable Online Store course, I was able to launch my own online baby decor store in weeks instead of months….

The ramp up time it saves is invaluable and it helped avoid 90% of mistakes that I would have made on my own.”


Sean started his online store selling leather working supplies and managed to make over 100K in a little over a year and a half.

“It’s invaluable to have a mentor who has been there before and willing to share his knowledge with you.”

Student Success Stories And Does The Class Really Work?

Instead of making you read through an endlessly long sales page, I’m going to cut straight to the chase.

With any online course, the main questions you must ask yourself are…

  • Does the class really work and can I really succeed?
  • Are there other successful students in the course?
  • What percentage of your students are successful?

But instead of showing you screen shots of income reports (that can easily be faked) or empty testimonials, I’m going to take you on a tour of real live 6 and 7 figure stores that my students are currently running.

In this video, I open up my student online store portfolio of shops that are generating 6 and 7 figures online.

As you will see, these are real branded businesses that my students have created and not fly by night get rich quick schemes.

Follow A Proven Step By Step Process To Starting A Successful Online Store And Becoming Your Own Boss

Chances are, you found this website because you’re tired. You’re tired of working at your day job. You’re tired of having to drag yourself out of bed every day to spend 8 hours at a place you don’t even like. You’re tired of having to answer to someone else.

After all, it’s about time you called the shots and became your own boss.It’s about time you set your own schedule. It’s about time you took charge of your life. Bottom line, wouldn’t you rather be spending more time with your kids or your friends and family?

Most people think that starting your own business is too risky. If you read the paper or watch the news on television, you’ve probably heard by now that 90% of small businesses fail during their first year of business. And if you pay attention to this statistic, you’re making a huge mistake.

Why? It’s because most of the people who fail don’t know what they’re doing. Most people who fail jump right in without doing the research. Most people who fail have no clue how to market their business.

Honestly, anyone can put up an online store website, but the difference between success and failure is your ability to drive targeted customers to your website and your ability to complete the sale.

Dispelling The Myths About Business Ownership

In the next few minutes, I’m going to let my existing students in the class do most of the talking.

I know many of you are probably skeptical about your ability to start a successful online business.

But as you read the student stories below, keep in mind that these students signed up for my class without knowing anything about website design and had absolutely no experience running a store whatsoever.

Now they all run online businesses that they are proud to call their own!

So please, try to forget everything that you’ve read in forums, what your family and friends have told you, and especially what the media has conditioned you to believe… If you are willing to put in the work, then you too can run a successful online business with the proper guidance and education.

And bottom line, what most people really need is someone to hold their hand through the process and strong support from a community of like minded entrepreneurs. So if you’re ready, my students and I will now squash all of the myths about starting your own business.

Myth #1: Starting A Business Is Too Risky

Most people think that starting their own business has to be an expensive and risky endeavor. While it is true that many successful entrepreneurs self-fund their startups by racking up massive debt on their credit cards, it definitely does not have to be that way.

In fact, my wife and I launched our first online store while both working full time jobs. And with just $629.90 initially invested into the business…

We managed to earn $102,113 in profit within the span of a year from our niche online store

Thanks to the Internet, starting your own online business is as inexpensive and risk free as ever. One of the most amazing aspects of running an online business rather than a traditional brick and mortar store is that you can reach hundreds of millions of potential customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

By setting up a computer to manage your storefront for you, you can create a business that can be run for as little as $4.95 a month while freeing up your time to do things that you actually enjoy.

The best part about opening a store online is that your business will continue to grow as word of mouth travels about your store and you become further entrenched in the search engines. Every year since the launch of our online store, our business has increased in the double and triple digits.

Myth #2: Putting Up A Good Looking Website Is Too Hard

Most people who are new to the web are afraid of the technical aspects of launching a website. In fact before I started my online store, I used to think that starting a website was too difficult as well. Then one day, a close friend of mine showed me his website where he was selling photos online. I was so thoroughly impressed with his online store that I asked him who he used to design his website.

When he told me that he did it all by himself, I was astounded because he did not know anything about web design. The truth is that all of the software is already written for you and it is completely free and easy to install. You can literally launch a full blown and fully functional shopping cart website with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Even if you are completely tech averse, there are many fully hosted solutions available now where all you have to do is sign up and they pretty much do everything for you. Several ecommerce solutions offer a drag and dropinterface where you can create your store with just your mouse. It’s not expensive either. Fully hosted ecommerce solutions start at just $25 a month.

For the course, I’ve already taken the time to perform thorough evaluations of all of the popular shopping carts out there, and I will provide you with the proper guidance on what ecommerce platform to choose depending on your specific needs.

Myth #3: Finding Products To Sell At A Profit Is Next To Impossible

It’s true. Finding products to sell by using the search engines and the Internet is difficult to do. Why? It’s because the Internet is full of scammers and middlemen who pretend to be wholesalers and are just waiting to rip you off.

In fact, looking online for products to sell using the search engines is probably the worst way to find wholesale vendors for your online store.

The truth is that most legit wholesalers don’t advertise online and rarely advertise at all. They don’t advertise because they don’t want every little mom and pop store contacting them to ask to sell their products. Instead, most wholesalers only want to deal with legit, honest businesses that can sell in sufficient volumes.

I will teach you how to find legit wholesalers for your store and how to distinguish the true distributors from the scammers so you can buy your goods at rock bottom prices. For those of you who do not want to store your own goods, I will also teach you how to run a dropshipped online store without having to carry any inventory whatsoever!

Myth #4: You Need To Hit A Home Run With Your Business

When most people think about starting a company, they immediately think about the Googles, the Facebooks and the Amazons of the world. The reality is that you don’t need to set your sights on the next big thing. You don’t have to aim for the fences or create the next multi-billion dollar company.

In fact, the Create A Profitable Online Store course advocates the complete opposite mindset. This course is all about teaching you how to create an online business that suits your lifestyle so you can spend more time with your friends and family and focus on doing the things that you love.

If your end goal is to earn enough money so you can quit your day job and be your own boss, you only have to go for a base hit. Your business doesn’t have to be the next big thing and aiming small doesn’t preclude you from making a lot of money either.

Myth #5: You Don’t Have Enough Time To Start A Business

I’ve got two kids, work a full time job, run a blog, run an online store and run a course on how to create an online store. But you know what? I’m not superman. In fact I’m quite lazy. The key is to break your tasks down into small pieces that can be accomplished in 20-30 minutes.

Opening an online store is all about doing a little bit each day and setting your sights on your long term goals. If you were to start an online store today, I would say that you should be willing to devote at least 5 hours a weekif you are serious about starting your own business.

Joining the course will make sure you stay motivated. As soon as you sign up, you will instantly become a member of an exclusive group of like minded entrepreneurs. Through the discussion forums, you can bounce your ideas off of other store owners and share your thoughts and experiences in a highly supportive environment.

Myth #6: Marketing An Online Store Requires A Large Budget

You absolutely do NOT need a large marketing budget at all. The big media conglomerates don’t control advertising anymore. In fact, there are many effective methods of marketing and advertising that are absolutely free.

In my course, I will walk you through many different ways to market your online business for no money at all. In addition, I will teach you how to achieve a high search ranking for your website in your targeted niche.

The beauty of running a store online is that you can easily track the effectiveness of all of your marketing campaigns. I will teach you how to set up a Google Analytics account to measure all aspects of your website so that you can easily fine tune and improve your conversion rate.

Finally, I will turn you into a pay per click marketing expert by teaching you the most effective way to use Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, Google Shopping, Bing and Pinterest for your online store.

Myth #7: Getting To The Top Of The Search Engine Rankings Is Too Hard

When it comes to search engine optimization, most newbie webmasters are at loss when it comes to increasing their search engine exposure and getting backlinks for their site. In fact, there is a common misconception that large ecommerce companies have an unfair advantage when it comes to search because they have powerful websites with a huge staff of SEO gurus.

Myth #8: You Can Figure Everything Out On Your Own By Surfing The Web

While there’s a ton of information freely available on the Internet, trying to digest all of the different strategies, opinions and the ‘latest and greatest’ ways to start a profitable online business only leads to information overload.

The “Create A Profitable Online Store” course only teaches you what you need to know and leaves out the fluff. It’s simple, intuitive, easy to follow and just what you need to launch your store without making any silly mistakes.

More importantly, how many so-called experts out there actually run their own online store and practice what they preach? Why would you want to follow someone who doesn’t already walk the talk and have a highly successful online store to prove it?

Once you sign up for the course, I will be available to answer your questions should you ever get stuck. In addition, you can share your experiences with other students in the class through our online forums.

Myth #9: It’s Too Hard To Sell Without Relying On Ebay Or Etsy

While it’s very easy to get started selling your goods in marketplaces like Ebay or Etsy, it’s very difficult to make a decent profit. Not only do Ebay and Etsy take a good chunk out of your profits but it’s also difficult to make your storefront stand out among thousands of other shopowners. In addition, these services can and will raise prices and change their policies at a moment’s notice.

So instead of putting yourself at the mercy of the Ebay’s and Etsy’s of the world, you should be asking yourself why you are building up a shop that is controlled by someone else. Do you want to be in control of your own destiny? The only way to do this is start your own web property. So stop relying on the Etsys and the Ebays of the world. These sites are good for getting your feet wet but will prevent you from ever growing.

And most importantly, you don’t need these sites to sell your goods online!

Myth #10: You Are Too Young Or Too Old To Start A Business

After running my course for quite a while now, I’m continually surprised by how students of all ages are able to pick up and understand the material so quickly. A handful of my students are well over the age of 60 years old. And at the other end of the spectrum, I have students that are as young as 14 years old.

It just goes to show that if you have the desire to learn, then it doesn’t matter how old you are. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know anything about web design. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never started a business before. Most of the students that join my class don’t have any experience at all and it’s amazing to discover what you can accomplish if you put your mind to it.

Myth #11: You Have To Be A Computer Whiz To Manage A Website And Server

If you are completely new to creating websites, managing an online store might seem like a daunting task. And most people have this misconception that you either have to figure things out all by yourself or pay someone a hefty sum of money to help you out.

This is completely false. When it comes to creating an ecommerce store, there are many solutions out there that encompass all different skill levels. As part of the course, I will help you discover which solution you are most comfortable with depending on the level of exposure you want to the technical aspects of running a store.

If you want to learn more about how to run a server and how websites work, then great! If you just want to get your store up and running and focus on selling, then that’s fine as well.

For those of you who don’t want to deal with the tech, there are full blown ecommerce solutions available that pretty much handle everything for you for as little as $25/month.

The “Create A Profitable Online Store Course” will walk you through the entire process of how to open a profitable online store.

Because the course covers every aspect of how to run a profitable online store, it is designed to cater to both brand new entrepreneurs and existing online store owners alike.

New Shopowners Will Learn…

  • How To Find The Right Niche – Look over my shoulder as I show you exactly how I brainstorm products to sell and perform keyword research for potential niches. Learn all of the tools and metrics I use to evaluate a niche for profitability. By the time you decide to pull the trigger, you will be confident that your business idea will be a good one.
  • How To Source Products To Sell – Learn how to import goods from overseas at low prices, where to find dropshippers and how to avoid the scammers and middlemen. I will provide you with the exact scripts that I use to contact vendors for the first time.
  • How To Set Up Your Online Store Website – Choose the right shopping cart to fit your requirements. It doesn’t matter if you are on an extremely tight budget or if you are technically challenged. The step by step video tutorials will hold your hand throughout the entire process. As a web developer and programmer, I’ll also be there to help answer your technical questions and point you in the right direction.
  • How To Sell On Amazon – Learn how to leverage one of the largest ecommerce marketplaces in the world. Even though you are creating your own branded website, you should also take advantage of pre-existing sales channels to maximize your profits. I will teach you how to make sales on Amazon as you build up your own online brand.
  • How To Rank In The Search Engines – Discover how and where to obtain quality backlinks to your store. I will also show you how to optimize the pages on your site for maximum search visibility.
  • How To Complete The Sale – Learn the exact techniques that I use to convince a customer to buy once they have landed on your website. I will show you how to use the advanced features of Google Analytics to find hot spots in your sales funnel and improve your conversion rate.
  • How To Use Pay Per Click Services – Learn how to market your store and make sales right away with PPC services like Adwords and the comparison shopping engines. Without proper instruction, it’s very easy to burn money with these services.
  • How To Generate Traffic To Your Store – Learn how to use social media, email marketing and other marketing tactics to obtain free traffic to your online store.
  • How To Make Your Business Legal – Learn how to get through all of the paperwork and red tape required to run your business legally. The course will also go over how to save money on your taxes by teaching you what business expenses you can and can not deduct on your tax return.

For Existing Shopowners…

Currently, I have many students in the class who started their own online shops prior to signing up.

If your store is having problems with getting traffic, marketing, ranking in the search engines or converting customers, this course will help you improve your sales.

Many existing shopowners come in with the misconception that some of the early stage lessons in the course may not apply if you already have a store and this is partly true. After all, if you already have your niche and vendors for your shop, why would you need to learn more about it?

But in reality, a lot of the aspects of running a profitable online store are intertwined. For example, if you have chosen to target extremely competitive keywords, your search engine rankings will tend to be very poor even if you are a link building master.

If you are sourcing your products from middlemen, your profits will tend to be lower. If you’ve picked a niche that is crowded, you will need to do some extra work in order to convert customers at a high percentage.

For students with existing shops, I schedule a full video website critique to point out the areas of improvement for their existing site after they’ve had a chance to review the course materials. All reviews are recorded, include custom feedback about their shops and are available to be reviewed at any time.

For Entrepreneurs Outside Of The United States…

Currently, I have students in the class from all over the world including Canada, England, South America, Asia, Australia and even Saudi Arabia!

The beauty of the Internet is that the concepts of selling online are not affected by geographical boundaries. And outside of the module on “Making Your Business Legal”, all of the material will apply to everyone no matter where you live.

As long as you have a connection to the Internet, you can start an online store!

Why You Should Sign Up For The Course

When it comes to launching any business for the very first time, you’re going to encounter many roadblocks along the way. The Create A Profitable Online Store course will save you time and heartache by preventing you from making silly mistakes and set you on your path to profitability as fast as possible. By the end of the course, you will

  • Make the right decisions by knowing how to properly research your niche to reduce your chances of failure
  • Save on startup costs by knowing how to set up an online store for FREE
  • Increase your profits by knowing the right way to source your products and pay the lowest price possible for your goods
  • Increase your revenues by knowing how to drive large amounts of targeted traffic to your website without spending a lot of money
  • Save time and money by knowing how to design a high converting online store website without hiring a programmer

Because the course is written in a straightforward manner with absolutely no fluff, you will be able to get up to speed quickly and painlessly even if you are a beginner. Even if you already run an online store, this course will help you take your business to the next level by providing you with new ideas on how to increase the reach of your store and new ways to increase revenue.

Here’s A Summary of What You’ll Get Access To On The Inside…

As soon as you sign up, you will automatically receive the comprehensive course materials in PDF format which are split up into 15 different modules each consisting of many lessons each. Each lesson details exactly what tasks you should carry out to move you closer to making an income with your online store. In addition to the course materials, the package also contains

  • Lifetime access to over 300 in-depth video tutorials(over 100 hours and counting…)
  • Lifetime access to weekly live office hours and online webinars
  • Lifetime access to our exclusive member forums
  • Lifetime access to interviews and webinars with industry experts
  • Spreadsheets to help you find your niche
  • Worksheets to apply what you’ve learned
  • Checklists to make sure you don’t miss any details prior to launch
  • Questionnaires to you help you choose a shopping cart

Receive Instant Access To A Comprehensive Library Of Step By Step Video Tutorials

All of the tasks and lessons in the course materials are reinforced with over 100 hours of recorded video. Each video lesson is presented as a screencast so you can basically look over my shoulder and follow exactly what I’m doing.

After running this course for many years now, I know that starting an online store can be a confusing process, especially if you are a first time entrepreneur.

That is why I’ve laid out each lesson in chronological order so you can make progress on your entrepreneurial journey in a logical fashion.

Every module is comprehensive and covers everything you need to know – from picking a profitable niche all the way through marketing and optimizing your store.

Also, you don’t have to worry about the course ever going stagnant. As the ecommerce industry changes, new videos are constantly added to keep you up to date with the latest ecommerce trends.

Access To Live Office Hours Where You Can Ask Questions In Real Time

Let’s face it. Every business is different and will have its own unique set of challenges. While the videos in the course do a great job of teaching you how to run a profitable online store, it’s impossible to cover every possible business scenario and there will always be certain aspects of your business that ONLY apply to you.

That is why it’s crucial to have access to a real live person to help you with your own unique set of challenges. As part of the course, you will be invited to our live office hours where you can ask your questions up front or live on the call.

Also during office hours, new lessons are presented on a regular basis to ensure that the course material never goes stale. As an example, the search engine optimization module has been updated many times to address the constantly changing nature of search engine algorithms.

Don’t worry if you cannot make the office hours live, they will all be recorded and available for later viewing. PLUS you’ll have instant access to all the previous recorded office hours as well.

Access To Our Private Members Forum

Finally, you’ll have immediate access to our private members forumwhere you can literally ask any question you wish on the subjects of eCommerce and online marketing.

Plus, you can see all the questions that other members have posted as well. We personally monitor the forums each day and provide answers to all questions.

All students have access to our private email address, so you can ask us any questions in private. Throughout the course, we will constantly be adapting the material based on your questions and offer extra lessons. After all, we want to tailor the course based on your specific circumstances.

Access To Live Webinars With Industry Experts

As part of the course, I’ve invited some of the most successful online entrepreneurs, world-class authors, CEOs, and marketing experts to give live lectures to the students in the class.

These are the people I turn to for help and they share their confidential street-tested strategies&nb

Since we have a lot of courses in stock, if you cannot find your favorite course, please let us know. To search for other courses and discounts available, let's have a conversation! What are you waiting for?

Here's an overview of the prominent keywords and a list of famous authors:

Business and Sales: Explore business strategies, sales skills, entrepreneurship, and brand-building from authors like Joe Wicks, Jillian Michaels, and Tony Horton.

Sports and Fitness: Enhance athleticism, improve health and fitness with guidance from experts like Shaun T, Kayla Itsines, and Yoga with Adriene.

Personal Development: Develop communication skills, time management, creative thinking, and enhance self-awareness from authors like Gretchen Rubin, Simon Sinek, and Marie Kondo.

Technology and Coding: Learn about artificial intelligence, data analytics, programming, and blockchain technology from thought leaders like Neil deGrasse Tyson, Amy Cuddy, and Malcolm Gladwell.

Lifestyle and Wellness: Discover courses on holistic health, yoga, and healthy living from authors like Elizabeth Gilbert, Bill Nye, and Tracy Anderson.

Art and Creativity: Explore the world of art, creativity, and painting with guidance from renowned artists like Bob Ross and others.

All the courses on WSOlib are led by top authors and experts in their respective fields. Rest assured that the knowledge and skills you acquire are reliable and highly applicable.

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Create A Profitable Online Store Deluxe Package 2017 – Steve Chou
Create A Profitable Online Store Deluxe Package 2017 – Steve Chou

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